
Latest News

July 9, 2022

I never want to hear another word about how Donald Trump was a dictator who ignored the Constitutional limits of power and destroyed the “norms” of our institutions. Trump was repeatedly blocked from exercising powers he clearly held by activist judges, and every time, he followed the law and appealed to a higher court, which usually upheld his right to do what he was doing.

President Biden, on the other hand, Mr. “Return to Normalcy,” has repeatedly shown utter contempt for the limits of his powers, the separation of powers, and the rulings of the Supreme Court. If a ruling doesn’t go his way, he ignores it, tries to find ways around it, and in certain extreme cases, calls for destroying the SCOTUS by eliminating the Senate filibuster so he can pack the Court with leftwing activists, all while suggesting the Judges are illegitimate and doing nothing to protect them from illegal threats and protests at their homes. He’s been a wrecking ball aimed at our institutions and the Constitutional separation of powers. And now, he’s doing it again.

Apparently, the SCOTUS ruling that abortion is an intimate personal matter not mentioned in the Constitution and is therefore rightly the concern of elected state legislators means nothing to Biden. He plans to issue an executive order today, making it easier for women (sorry: “birthing people,” or in this case, “non-birthing people”) to get abortions in states that limit them.

Check out that link for the details, and while you’re there, take note of how many misleadingly positive euphemisms for “abortion” the White House manages to cram into this one statement. For instance, “reproductive health care services," “medical help,” “reproductive rights,” “access to the medication they need” (i.e., abortifacient drugs), and “the freedom to travel to seek the care they need" (crossing state lines to get an abortion, which they would be able to do anyway because all Americans have the right to cross state borders freely.)

This is a point I just keep hammering on: if liberals honestly believe that abortion is good and moral, why do they steadfastly refuse to say clearly what it is that they’re talking about?

Related: Sen. Elizabeth Warren has gone so far off the deep end that she’s not only defending the killing of babies in the womb (that’s what abortion is – see, our side has no problem telling you honestly what we’re talking about), she’s declared outright war on pro-life pregnancy centers and wants to shut them all down.

These centers offer a wide range of needed care to millions of struggling mothers and families, but Warren doesn’t care about all the good they’re done and are doing for so many people. She hates them with an insane, blind rage for the simple reason that they don’t offer abortion. That’s not a defensible political position, and it’s certainly not an expression of concern for women or their health care needs. It’s a mental illness.

Paula Bolyard at PJ Media has more, including an accounting of all the vital services these centers offer, from free ultrasounds to prenatal counseling to diapers, formula and even baby furniture. Warren wants to shut all that down just because they refuse to kill babies in the womb. That’s not “pro-choice,” because she recognizes only one choice. That’s “pro-death.” It’s sick and monstrous.

Some other important points from this article: Stacey Abrams has made shutting down pro-life pregnancy centers part of her platform for Governor of Georgia, so take note, Georgia voters. Also, the donations and volunteers that make these centers possible prove what a huge lie the leftists are telling when they claim conservatives and Christians don’t care about the mothers or about babies after they’re born.

And while I’m at it, let me blow up yet another leftist lie, that babies that aren’t aborted will grow up unwanted and unloved. At any given time in the US, there are between 1 and 2 million couples on waiting lists to adopt a baby. Even if there were a morally defensible justification for abortion, that fact alone would disintegrate it.

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  • Bruce Roselle

    07/11/2022 09:53 PM

    Those of us who are committed to the Pro Life side of the discussion should change the narrative to more accurately reflect the opposing view as Pro Death. The baby never gets a choice in the abortion decision and often the father's or mother's choice is canceled by the other parent. The true opposite of Pro Life is Pro Death, and we need to speak the truth about it.