
Latest News

June 30, 2021

So far this year alone, there are over 42,000 cases of serious crimes in New York City, including murder, rape, robbery, burglary, felony assault, grand larceny and grand larceny auto. Many of these remain unsolved, as do many of the thousands of backlogged cases from before 2021.

And yet, Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has squandered years of effort and public resources endlessly investigating former President Trump and his companies, without any evidence that he committed any crimes, other than beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 and not being a liberal Democrat. They even went all the way to the Supreme Court to get authorization to seize his tax records. And now, it appears that Vance’s Javert-like pursuit of his political nemesis is about to come to a stunning anti-climax.

Vance recently indicated that he was considering criminal charges against the Trump Organization, which got a LOT of headlines. So last week, Trump attorney Ronald Fischetti held a meeting with Vance’s team to find out what these alleged charges are. Do they involve the much-ballyhooed accusations made by Stormy Daniels or former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen?

No. Fischetti claims Vance’s team told him that the first indictments would not be against Trump, and they have no immediate plans to charge him. Instead, they plan to charge a small number of Trump company executives with failing to pay taxes on some perks and benefits, such as company cars. It’s such common small potatoes that tax attorneys told the New York Times that they couldn’t think of any company ever being charged over it.

Fischetti told Politico, “We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’ They said, ‘No.’ It’s crazy that that’s all they had…It’s like the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado About Nothing.’ This is so small that I can’t believe I’m going to have to try a case like this.”

It doesn’t surprise me that they got nothin’. They can abuse their office by harassing a citizen, but at the end of the day, they still have to come up with actual evidence of a crime (and by the way, you're supposed to have a solid reason to suspect a specific crime first; in America, investigations aren't supposed to be fishing trips.)

Vance’s team told Fischetti, “Our investigation is ongoing.” Which I’m sure it is: having wasted this much of the taxpayers’ money on a wild Trump hunt, they’re not giving up easily. Besides, they have to keep up the hopes of Trump haters and fans of politicized lawfare that if they hunt long enough, they’ll find something – anything! – to pin on Trump.

If those folks read my newsletter instead of the New York Times, they would have been better prepared for this. I’ve been saying for years that Trump must have massive tax returns filed by platoons of CPAs and tax attorneys and signed by a robo-pen. They have this fantasy of him staying up late on April 15th, sweating over his 1040 form and trying to hide criminal activity in it. The fact that the IRS examined those forms every year and never brought charges didn’t dissuade them from this delusion that his tax forms contain a smoking gun. Obviously, they know as little about how billionaires file their taxes as they do about the economy, policing, responsible public service, or just about anything you’d expect mature adults to grasp.

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