
Latest News

March 7, 2023

The previously unreleased January 6 footage “does prove beyond doubt that Democrats in Congress, assisted by Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, lied about what happened that day.  They are liars.  That is conclusive.  And that fact should prevent them from ever being taken seriously again.”

That was Tucker Carlson on Monday evening, three weeks after his producers received complete access to the Capitol Hill surveillance video from January 6.  They’ve spent these weeks going through about 40,000 hours of this.  Unfortunately, as Tucker explained in his lead-in, they didn’t have access to facial recognition equipment, so questions about some identities were left unresolved.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: At last “the truth is out there” about January 6 Part II

According to Tucker, “virtually no one in Washington, Republican or Democrat, certainly not in the news media, wanted to see this tape released tonight.  (Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin called Tucker “pro-Putin.”  Seriously??)  That’s why it’s remained hidden for more than two years.”  There were howls that this would put lives at risk, “even though,” Tucker said, “these are the same people who support open borders and defunding the police.”  Touche.

The protesters who went to the Capitol that day “were angry,” Tucker said.  “They believed that the election they had just voted in had been unfairly conducted.  And they were right.  In retrospect, it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy.  Given the facts that have since emerged about that election, no honest person can deny it.  Yet the beneficiaries of that election continue to lie about what is now obvious.”  They continue to say that “Donald Trump led an insurrection against the duly-elected American government.”

Before we go on, I don’t want to hear from anyone about how “partisan” it was to let Tucker’s producers look through these videos.  The Democrats who first were given access to them were on a thoroughly partisan seek-and-destroy mission against President Trump and anyone supporting him that day, even in the most innocent, nonviolent ways.  Trying to prevent Trump from ever running for President again, the committee voted unanimously to refer him to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.  Anyone who didn’t have a problem with them doing that needs to go to the back of the room right now, sit down and, well, shut up.

No, it’s not my style to say something like that, but it really is what they need to do, while we learn what Paul Harvey used to call “the rest of the story.”  We’re looking for the truth here and are sick of phony narratives.   Now that these producers have seen the video, they conclude that the committee members lied about what is in it and hid the evidence from the public --- “as well as from January 6 criminal defendants and their lawyers.”

The producers weren’t interfered with by anyone in Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s office or by anyone at FOX NEWS, Tucker said.  They were given access to computers with advanced mapping software that helped them find what they were looking for more quickly.  But since they couldn’t identify faces, they assumed that those who weren’t arrested after exhibiting behavior that put others into handcuffs were likely “federal agents of some sort.”  Since they couldn’t be sure of this, they didn’t put images of those people on the air.  And before deciding to broadcast any of the video, they checked with the Capitol Police, who had only minor reservations, ultimately involving showing the location of a single interior door.  The producers acquiesced to their concern.

“There were many examples of behavior we saw in those tapes that didn’t seem to make sense,” he said.  “Taken as a whole, the video record does not support the claim that January 6 was an insurrection.  In fact, it demolishes that.  And that’s exactly why the Democratic Party and its allies in the media prevented you from seeing it.”

After showing some of the pictures we’ve all seen over and over of the riot going on outside the Capitol, Tucker showed some previously unseen video showing Capitol Hill officers actually escorting and opening locked doors for protesters --- even U.S. Navy veteran Jacob Chansley, 33, the so-called “QAnon shaman” with the horned helmet, who ended up being sentenced to four years in prison for his harmless, peaceful sojourn --- inside the building.  If Chansley, to cite just one example, was committing a crime, why wasn’t he arrested on the spot?  And why wasn’t this footage provided to his attorneys as exculpatory evidence?

“We counted at least nine officers who were within touching distance of unarmed Jacob Chansley,” Tucker said.  “Not one of them even tried to slow him down.  Video shows that for their trouble, Chansley said a prayer for them on the Senate floor: “Thank you Heavenly Father, for taking the inspiration needed to these police officers TO ALLOW US INTO THE BUILDING.”  (Emphasis ours.)

The video shows that “hundreds and hundreds” of people, “possibly thousands,” entered the building over a period of about two hours.  “A small percentage of them were hooligans,” Tucker said, and indeed they were.  We have never excused the aggression and vandalism that took place.   But “the overwhelming majority” were “peaceful, orderly and meek.”

“These were not insurrectionists.  They were sightseers.”  They took cheerful pictures and basked in the history.  “They were not there to destroy the Capitol; they obviously revere the Capitol.”  They had walked over from the rally to an area for which a federal permit to gather had been obtained by organizers.

If you’ve seen the documentary JANUARY 6 --- highly recommended --- you know the Capitol Hill police fired tear gas into the crowd, and some at the front got rowdy, breaking windows to enter the building.

Unfortunately, the video producers saw did not explain the fatal shooting of unarmed protester Ashley Babbitt inside the Capitol building.  From the publicly available evidence, though, “it seems clear that Babbitt was murdered by a Capitol Hill police officer called Michael Byrd...Beyond that, we can only speculate what happened,” as there were no security cameras in the area where she was killed.

You’ll want to watch the entire show, which breaks the video into pieces for analysis.  It shows the Democrats also lied about the death of police officer Brian Sicknick.  “Causing the deaths of five police officers” has been an oft-repeated lie, along with the mantra, “Trump incited a deadly insurrection.”  Democrats even tried to implicate their Republican colleagues, singling out Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk simply for giving a tour of the congressional office building (not the Capitol) to some constituents.  They used a deceptively edited video clip to falsely claim Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley had “fled” the Capitol.  The committee also withheld video that proves the mysterious Ray Epps, who remains unindicted after loudly encouraging others to enter the Capitol, lied about his whereabouts in sworn testimony.

Miranda Devine, who appeared on the show, has a must-read piece in the NEW YORK POST.  (There are links to other J6 coverage in the sidebar.)  Devine blames then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who really set this up by refusing repeated requests by the Capitol Police chief (and pre-approved by President Trump) for National Guard back-up to handle this huge rally.

Here’s Devine’s preview from Monday afternoon, revealing that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was losing his mind over the idea of this footage coming out.

NOT THE BEE has more details about the myth of Officer Sicknick’s death.

BECKER NEWS focuses on mystery man Ray Epps.

Here’s the full video that shows Sen. Hawley was just trying to catch up to some other people ahead of him in the hall. He was actually in the back of a group of Congress members who were being escorted out by Capitol Police.

Nick Arama at REDSTATE has a good summary.

So does Matt Vespa at TOWNHALL, who says we now understand why this footage was kept hidden for so long.   If there’s one thing we should know by now about the left, it’s their ability to craft fake stories and hide the truth for years.

Much more tomorrow.

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  • Jim Greer

    03/08/2023 11:02 AM

    In your article about the J6 videos that were finally made public, you stated that there was no actual security footage of the Ashley Babbitt shooting. However, as you are probably aware, there is private video from someone there who captured it and it does indeed show the tragic event very clearly. As a side note l thought it was rather interesting for the officer that shot her to classify himself as a hero for that. Sad!

  • Linda Y Hebert

    03/07/2023 08:14 PM

    Prayers and Petitions to our Lord God Almighty to "legally convene" a "massive, class action lawsuit," governor, every legally born citizen of the United States of America vs. George Soros et al and include every American politician (elected and non-elected) every bureaucratic non-elected officeholder (including judges, regardless of court assignment), and every media censor, who collaborated with Soros, the CCP and the "Communist White House of 2008,2012, 2020. All the gold and silver belong to God. May God Himself empty the bank accounts of all these wicked Satan worshippers, perverts and God haters and bless His chosen righteous ones to establish His New Kingdom on earth, where Jesus will Rule and Reign forever and ever! Glory to God for such a time as this! A foreshadowing of Babylon falling!