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December 8, 2022

For many years, Democrats have questioned the legitimacy of elections, but only when they lose. One of my writers remembers his Republican father, who died in the ‘90s, joking that “No Democrat ever lost a ‘fair’ election.” Remember Bush being “selected not elected,” and Trump being an “illegitimate President,” according to many top Dems, from Hillary Clinton to the incoming House Minority Leader? Yet somehow, only after the 2020 election, probably the most suspicious and unorthodox election ever, did anyone who raised suspicions get branded as an “election denier,” an insurrectionist and a threat to democracy itself.  

I’ve long stated that you don’t even have to make accusations about jiggered voting machines or stuffed ballot boxes to think the 2020 election was rigged because the people who did it openly bragged about it. Except they called it “safeguarding” the election, except they "safeguarded" Joe Biden by conspiring to prevent voters from hearing negative true information that polls show would have changed many votes. Recent revelations about collusion between the DNC and Twitter have confirmed that charge. That’s not election “safeguarding,” it’s election interference. And it’s a form of election rigging. You don’t have to blatantly shove all the balls into the pockets to rig a pool game; all you need to do is tilt the table a little.

TRENDING: Do you agree with President Biden's deal to swap Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout for WNBA star Brittney Griner?

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That brings us to Arizona, where the 2022 gubernatorial election stank like a truckload of week-old halibut, and everybody knows it. As Secretary of State, Democrat “Governor-elect” Katie Hobbs refused to recuse herself from running her own election, and massive Election Day “tech problems” in heavily-Republican districts created long lines and disenfranchised an unknown number of her opponent's voters in a race determined by only 17,000 votes. Election officials claim that almost everyone who wanted to vote was eventually able to, but they have no idea how many people gave up and had to leave without voting.

Is it possible that the suspicious activity has finally become so blatant that it’s impossible to gaslight it away by branding anyone who notices the stink as an “election denier?” It’s starting to look that way, and thank God for that. A Rasmussen survey found that even 69% of Democrats think Arizonans were denied their right to vote. The state certified the vote, but only after Hobbs threatened to arrest county officials who refused to comply. The current Governor and Attorney General made it clear that they only attended the certification process because they were obligated to, but their duress couldn’t have been more obvious if they’d held their noses throughout the entire thing.

The vote had to be certified before any formal objections could be filed, and Republican Kari Lake says she plans to file a lawsuit by Friday to overturn and redo the election. She said she will go all the way to the Supreme Court, and it’s going to get “ugly.” I’d say our elections got ugly a long time ago; I just want to see them get disinfected by sunshine.

By the way, for those who still insist that any claims of voter fraud are crazy conspiracy theories and a “Big Lie,” J.R. Dunn of the American Thinker put together a brief history of just some of the more recent examples of known “Democrat electoral malfeasance,” some of which were blocked and some successful.

Extra points to Dunn for pointing out something I’ve often noted: that the media have a habit of sticking the adjective “debunked” in front of every narrative that’s negative for Democrats, but “they never quite get around to details such as when, where, by whom, and on what grounds.”


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  • Rhonda Stiles

    12/09/2022 02:41 AM

    Go Kari Lake this okie stands behind you. Because this election as well as others were full of corruption. Let's Unite Americans and let's. Get back to our original Constitution

  • Billy Miller

    12/09/2022 12:48 AM

    I am glad that she is pursuing this all the way to the Supreme Court, yet seeing that it isn't so "supreme" anymore.

  • Patty Hager

    12/08/2022 10:18 PM

    What Biden did having this arrogant woman released from her prison cell in exchange for the Russian criminal is disgusting and every American should be up in arms over this. Contact the White House and leave a message for Biden. Sickening!

  • Don E Davis

    12/08/2022 08:30 PM

    See what happens when the 2020 election fraud is not fixed! The big red wave happened, but was smothered by the same election fraud methods used in the 2020 election. The CFR and Business Round table global elites have control over the voting lists and the voting machine algorithms to add enough votes to win. These people are Globalist first and Americans second. Enforce the constitution which designates the second Tuesday in November as voting day!!!!

  • William Kaluske

    12/08/2022 08:25 PM

    If we don’t get our elections controlled and therefore legitimate, it’s bye-bye AMERICA. How sad !

  • Bill Mitchell

    12/08/2022 06:39 PM

    I never ever would have realized that so many Americans no longer give two hoots in hell what becomes of their country anymore. Of all the glaring proof of the corruption and destruction that the radical Democrats have laid upon America the first two years of the Biden Administration has caused and the nightmare continues to worsen but yet millions of so called Americans have continued to turn their backs on their country and allow the Democrats and Joe Biden to continue attempting o bring America to her knees! Why? Tell me why you are condoning by way of the polls and elections all of what Joe Biden and the radical Democrats have done to rape, destruct and pillage our once great Nation? The country had a very good shot at taking the country back at mid-terms but, for some unknown reasons the people of this country allowed the worse nightmare that this country has ever been a witness too in the taring down and the taring apart of our beautiful country. People if this kind of dirty politics and governing is to go on as is or worse we will lose our country and may never get another chance to vote on anything as our freedoms are slowly slipping away. Once we have stood back and allowed these radicals to continue on with their rampage to destroy America we will never be able to go back to once was. America if the people love their country and their freedoms we had better quit feeding the monsters leading us down that road to oblivion, bad nightmares, and corrupt governing to a halt. These monsters that are doing all of the damages to America work for us not us for them. America appears to have forgotten that great ace in the hole. Wake up America!!! God Bless America!!

  • Alvin Baldwin

    12/08/2022 05:57 PM

    Why not appeal to the population of Nevada on public Social Networks asking them to write to BOTH CANDIDATES and just say “yes” if they voted and “no” if they didn’t because of the cheating. Have them include “d” or “r” to indicate what they would have voted, if that question would be fair to ask.
    It would be interesting to compare the candidates stories.

  • Donna Ward

    12/08/2022 05:24 PM

    I had no doubt that the 2020 election was rigged and I have no doubt that this 2022 was rigged. And I do not consider Arizona to be a blue state. I’m so upset by all this and they are getting away with it a second time.