
Latest News

November 30, 2021

Why are liberal media outlets outrageously claiming that “a car” drove into the Waukesha Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring 62 more, when we all know that it was (“allegedly”) a leftist career criminal who was out on $1,000 bail after being charged with even more heinous crimes, including running over his girlfriend with that exact same “car”? Or is the car a recidivist, too?

Miranda Divine at the New York Post has a must-read article on why these media outlets are trying to downplay and memory-hole this atrocity, even as they push for life sentences for Trump supporters. It’s because, as she says, the stark truth of this massacre threatens the very core of their insanely misguided “criminal justice reforms” that are allowing career criminals to be turned back out into the streets to prey on the public again and again and again.

Milwaukee County D.A. John Chisholm fatuously claims to be investigating how the suspect got such a low bail amount, when that’s been his crusade for years. All that matters is racial equity of outcomes, not punishment commensurate with the crimes. And Chisholm can’t even claim that he was too stupid to see this coming. In an astounding 2007 interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, he said this:

“Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into [a] treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody? You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen.”

But he claimed that the guaranteed death of an innocent or two was worth it in the name of justice reform. He just didn’t foresee that one of them would go on a killing spree. It’s a lot easier to turn a blind eye and sweep it under the rug when the needless deaths are spaced out, one at a time. But now, the number of crime victims has reached critical mass. Let’s hope the patience of the public for tolerating their enablers in government has also reached critical mass.

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  • ronald E smith

    11/30/2021 09:50 PM


  • Rosalee Inman

    11/30/2021 06:44 PM

    Downplaying it because the crime was committed by a black man!!!!! Notice the word "black" is never ever used BUT if he was a white man the medias would be screaming constantly... "white supremist"......

  • Red Green

    11/30/2021 12:24 PM

    Wonder how this useful idiot would react if it had been a crowd of antifa or blm rioters, looters and murderers? This bought and paid for socialist hack should have been an "abortion".