
Latest News

December 3, 2021


Good morning! Here are some stories from me that I think you will want to read. Topics include:

  • Fake News
  • Smollett trial
  • Christmas Tree
  • Prayer Tree
  • And Much More


27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

Hebrews 9:27-28 NKJV

 If you have a Bible verse you want to see in our newsletter, please email 



Liberal media outlets went ballistic over a claim allegedly in former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows' forthcoming book that President Trump had COVID when he debated Joe Biden and might have been spreading it to many people. Trump denied the claim and Meadows himself said the comment was taken out of context. He said Trump had a false positive test followed by two negative tests, and he did not have COVID.

Now, when are we going to develop a vaccine for Trump Derangement Syndrome?


I haven’t been covering the Jussie Smollett trial because this is neither TMZ nor Comedy Central, but it’s gone so hilariously off the rails that you might want to read this and catch up.

In a nutshell: Smollett’s lawyers claimed the plot was all cooked up by the two Nigerian brothers who really attacked him, apparently not knowing there was surveillance camera footage of them all doing a dry-run rehearsal of the “attack.” They’re now demanding a mistrial for ridiculous reasons, such as complaining that the judge shut down an irrelevant line of questioning (because it actually was irrelevant) and that the judge “lunged” at the defense attorney and “snarled” at her, which the judge adamantly denied. Although, frankly, who could blame him?


The head of a small business group that sued Major League Baseball for moving the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Colorado largely because of liberals like Stacey Abrams claiming that the state's election integrity reforms were racist had a brutal message for Abrams about her announcement that she’s running for Governor of Georgia again:

“I suggest she run for Mayor of Denver. She’s done much more to help the citizens there than anyone in Georgia.”


As long last, America finally has a sports organization with the guts to stand up to China. Did anyone guess that it would be the Women’s Tennis Association?

A big Huck’s Hero salute to WTA's chairman and CEO, Steve Simon, who made it clear that the WTA was willing to pull out of China and lose millions if they don’t get proof that missing player Peng Shuai is safe and that her accusation of being sexually assaulted by a CCP official is investigated. As for putting human rights above profits, Simon said, “This is bigger than the business.”

Could someone please have those words printed on T-shirts and sent to everyone in the NBA? Maybe add a little “swoosh” to them so they’ll actually pay attention.


Images of America's cities, landscapes and people.


If you haven’t put your Christmas tree up yet, you might want to get hopping. Thanks to the wildfires and record heat in Washington and Oregon, and a shortage of truck drivers, there’s a shortage of real trees from tree farms. And if you want an artificial tree, a lot of them are stuck on ships waiting to be unloaded. Even if you can find a tree, you might pay anywhere from 20% to 30% more for it than last year.

This could signal the start of a new tradition for many families: The Christmas Potted Ficus Plant. Or you could do what some folks do: pile up so many decorations, lights, tinsel and icicles that you can’t even tell whether there’s a tree under it at all.


Time for another spin of the Big Wheel of Random Outrage! And this time, the latest thing to be declared…racist….is……Farmers’ Markets! That’s right, according to some Duke University academics, farmers’ markets are bastions of white supremacy where “whiteness permeates the food system!” So change your behavior, attitudes and comments accordingly.

By the way, if you can’t find any nuts at your local farmers’ market, I suggest looking at Duke University.


Thank you for reading today's newsletter. 


Today's Christmas carol is recommended by many readers.


Mary did you know that your baby boy will some day walk on water?

Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?

Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?

This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.

[Verse 2]

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?

Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?

Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?

And when your kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God.

Oh Mary did you know

The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again.

The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb

[Verse 3]

Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?

Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations?

Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?

This sleeping child you're holding is the great I am

Written by:  Mark Lowry

If you have a favorite Christmas carol/hymn you want to see in our newsletter, please email


For past editions of my morning newsletter, please visit my website here.

For more of my news coverage, visit my website here.

We are stronger together.  Submit your prayer request for HEALTH & HEALING or IN MEMORIAM by visiting my website here.

Our hope is that our newsletter readers will consider these prayer requests each day.



"That my husband, children and grandchildren will have a closer spiritual relationship with Jesus."

"My sister Marilyn has just been diagnosed with cancer throughout her body. She needs a miracle in Jesus name!!!"

"Please pray for my brother, who has had Mesothelioma for several years, but been getting treatments with Ketruda (sp) and it has been prolonging his life, Praise be to God, but now he has a place in his groin that he had some device put in about 30 yrs ago that is leaking and causing him a lot of pain. All the doctors at Mayo in Jacksonville are afraid when they take the old one out it may damage the nerves in his leg. They’re not worried about Putting a new device in just about removing the old one. He is scheduled for surgery the last week in Dec. Please pray for the doctors that are to do the surgery. Please pray for God to ease the pain. Thanks for all your prayers. I pray for everyone mentioned on here. Got hears each and every prayer!!! HE is so good and great."

"Please pray for the salvation of all my beloved family. - Marie"

"Please for my college granddaughter, Sarah, she has been falsely accused of an attack on another person. This could ruin her future in a number of ways."

"My husband Josh who deals with chronic pain in his lower back and feet."


"In memory of my brothers Clive and Reuben. One dies of complications for amputation and the other from AIDS. Also remembering my neice who was in such dispair took her life three years ago. My prayer is for those they of us they have left behine and still miss them so much!"

"Aleysha (age 29) passed away 10 days ago unexpectedly leaving her husband Cole to raise their 3 little girls (Greenley age 6, Willow age 4 & Iris age 6 months) alone. Please pray for this family along with grandparents (Jackson Family) for the long road ahead of them & spiritual revival in this family."

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Comments 1-10 of 14

  • Renee Kendrick

    12/05/2021 10:48 PM

    Mary Did You Know is one of my favorite songs. "When you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God" are some of the most powerful words ever written in a song! No one sings that song better than Mark Lowry himself, even though David Phelps comes in at a very close second. But then again, David can sing anything!

  • Dusty

    12/05/2021 04:36 PM

    Sad today to see the passing of such a wonderful man who should have been President over this puppet we now have Bob Dole. So decent and caring and a great Senator. See this puppet come on and I have to change stations I cannot stand to see him. A friend who voted for him and was so pro and totally hated TRUMP said today she wished Biden would step down he is not competent. But she then said she wanted Harris and I just had to zip my lips over that one. Said there were no other Democrats she can want now. That republicans are bullies? Okay so we move on. One other friend in N Mex was for Biden and had not very good word for him now or the Congress as a whole. So many are leaving the ship. Just a little too late. We are are sinking. For sure we need TERM LIMITS and no more old farts. I am 79 . Like what TRUMP was doing before the Chinese Virus but NO not run again bring in DeSantis or Pompeo to start . WAY to stop the worst of the LIB press. They are not going away as I could see today on NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN can boot out Cuomo but still totally liberals as I saw when 2016 they could not let go of Hillary even as she and the DNC messed up Sen Bernie to lose? I use to watch CNN and MSNBC who is even worse now per this racist JOY she is one nasty woman. Poor ole Joe and his new love he has been brain washed. He so loved the panhandle of Fla. and Ala football and neither love him anymore? That they have on the worst for racial justice the Rev Sharpton who has never worked to bring the races together. So WHY MSNBC and the dumping how they did Chris Matthews who I watched for many years. WAKE UP AMERICA VOTErS . WHY are college trying to brain wash our kids young and not always know the way things are done. We get on TV now mostly one race being shown per who pushing this also and now a few business say to not hire whites? BLM come out to boycott now white businesses. This will destroy this country. Abrams ruined the MLB game for Atlanta per her attacks. This hurt mostly black business. STOP this hate . Not the way of Martin Luther KIng . Gov saw today tribute to Josephine Baker and she came out and said she was for the HUMAN RACE . That should say it all? Not what is being said or done per our crime, and Jan 6th and those still in prison what stinks here? The whole Russia scam set up per Hillary and a few idiot FBI where is the rest of the FBI not speaking out to show they are not what these Democrats want to make them to be or maybe they are and so is our Justice Dept TOO?

  • Hugh Spalding

    12/05/2021 10:27 AM

    I'm impressed by the depth of knowledge shown in the MH Newsletters. It's truly great to have a genuine Christian Conservative's take on current events in America and the World. I like the "Mary Did You Know" lyrics and link to the Carrie Underwood song. How beautiful! Another rendition of "Mary Did You Know" is by Pentatonix in acapella. This too is a beautiful rendition and very nice video. Thanks for all you do Mr. Huckabee!

  • Judy Radley

    12/05/2021 08:00 AM

    Also, mob-rule comes in many forms, like over-educated idiots, like students and staff, at Duke Uni. and other liberal-run universities and colleges. That is truly what a college education is now days. They only offer degrees in anti-American, anti-family rhetoric and ways to undermine the U.S. Constitution. Even 30 yrs. ago, it was seen as honorable and esteemed to have a college degree, now, not-so-much. A trade school degree or certificate, is more honorable now, it shows the graduates aren't afraid to work for a living in a career that is not just political rhetoric, but consists of hard work and how to use your brain and talents to actually build or make something worthwhile to enhance American entrepreneurial capitalism.

  • Judy Radley

    12/05/2021 07:12 AM

    Maybe going back to the days of the great depression, when families did for each other and their neighbors to help each other out, by just going to their neighbors' woodlot and find a pine tree to cut down for their Christmas tree, with permission of course, would alleviate many problems with buying things, especially from Chinese-run Amazon, or other non-American companies, would be the new tradition for Christmas tree hunting. Joseph and Mary didn't have a Christmas tree, they had each other and their son, Jesus, to celebrate with. But at least with Christmas trees lit up in many small towns and villages, is the way to save America now. Small towns and villages not afraid to proclaim religious holidays in public, and not allow mob-rule to control their communities.

  • Lynn Magoulis

    12/05/2021 05:57 AM

    I really enjoy your newsletter-it’s great! I love the scriptures verses at the beginning & everything about it. Thanks for always being a bright spot in my day!


    12/04/2021 04:29 PM

    FARMER'S MARKETS - RACISTS - in the 1980s I went to the Farmers Market in the San Joaquin Valley - CA .................very few spoke "English" ....... I don't judge "skin color" but I doubt that "white" was predominant

  • Floyd A Unger

    12/04/2021 04:15 PM

    Thank you

  • Paul Kern

    12/04/2021 04:06 PM

    I got the answer for TDS. Send the British in to burn down the Temple of Baal ( all DC government buildings) like they did in the War of 1812. Then salt the ground so nothing can grow back like the Romans did to Carthage.

  • Thomas Saneford

    12/04/2021 03:29 PM

    Governor, In reference to a Christmas tree, my family is a blended family, my wife and I each have 3 kids, all grown now. When they were young Christmas Day was a nightmare, we decided to let them all do Christmas morning with their respective other parent and we would do our Christmas on New Year’s Day. On the day after Christmas we would all load in the family wagon and go on a tree hunt. Most folks take down the tree the day after. We would find one on the curb for trash pickup and take home, all 6 kids would decorate it however they wanted and we called it the Angel tree with all the Santa under it, New Year’s Day we would all have Christmas again, those were the best ones because were all together. Thirty years later, memories still fresh in our minds.