
Latest News

March 17, 2021

The media love to trumpet “bombshell” stories. Well, here’s a real “bombshell” that blew up in the media’s faces.

Monday, the Washington Post retracted its “bombshell” story from January that during a phone call, President Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find the fraud” in the 2020 election, and he’d be a “national hero.” It was treated as evidence of Trump pressuring a state official to overturn the election results. It was even cited as grounds for his impeachment.

But on Monday, WaPo admitted that a full recording of the phone call had been found in the “Trash” folder of a Georgia official’s computer, and it proved that Trump never said those things.

As Matt Margolis of PJ Media notes at the link, WaPo’s slanderous slice of fake news wasn’t even the worst thing about this journalistic malfeasance. Not only did WaPo claim to have verified the story via an “anonymous source,” but NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS and USA Today all later claimed to have also verified the Trump quote via their own “anonymous sources.”

That’s the “quote” that Trump never said. And the “sources” were what the rest of us might call “phony hearsay in support of a lie.” (Incidentally, why didn't Raffensperger debunk this story?)

So when reporters from outlets such as CNN (which spent over two years relentlessly pushing the “Russian collusion” hoax) try to argue that conservative media outlets should be deplatformed because they distribute “misinformation,” ask them if their famous “anonymous sources” have verified that for them.

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  • Joyce Crosbie

    03/28/2021 06:02 PM

    Never did I ever think when I turned 90 last year I would find our great country in such dire straits! The news media has fallen lower than low with dishonesty, how do we truly find the truth anywhere? One begins to think most people who follow the local news paper or TV. etc believe
    what they read, see and hear!! How can a country move on? I'm so sad these days. The present
    administration is a total disgrace, the leader is unwell, his people are hateful, dishonest and over-run by the group who were incharge before President Trump as far as I am concerned!
    Nothing good will come to this great country for some years ahead, frightening and so sad.
    I love my country so much. Thank you Mr. Huckabee, I trust you and learn from your comments daily. God Bless this Country and God's Blessings for you Mike Huckabee. Joyce Crosbie

  • Joyce Crosbie

    03/28/2021 05:59 PM

    Never did I ever think when I turned 90 last year I would find our great country in such dire straits! The news media has fallen lower than low with dishonesty, how do we truly find the truth anywhere? One begins to think most people who follow the local news paper or TV. etc believe
    what they read, see and hear!! How can a country move on? I'm so sad these days. The present
    administration is a total disgrace, the leader is unwell, his people are hateful, dishonest and over-run by the group who were incharge before President Trump as far as I am concerned!
    Nothing good will come to this great country for some years ahead, frightening and so sad.
    I love my country so much. Thank you Mr. Huckabee, I trust you and learn from your comments daily. God Bless this Country and God's Blessings for you Mike Huckabee. Joyce Crosbie

  • Paul Theodore Reed

    03/19/2021 10:16 AM

    There are soooooooooooo many more that should be brought out. I have NO doubt that there are a lot that are totally made up with no factual basis. I realize these guys are in business of making money but when are they going to start caring more about our country. What are they going to do when we don't HAVE a country???

  • Elaine Horn

    03/19/2021 08:56 AM

    President Trump was persecuted from the time he announced he was running for president. But the Biden voters will soon see and will morn because of their stupid votes. Taxes, gas prices and health care will all skyrocket. Now they can bend down on their knees and thank the devil because they weren't any smarter than him.

  • Robert L. Martin

    03/18/2021 07:02 PM

    Just the news media trying to get Trump in trouble and now it seems that the media is in more hot water than Trump is. They deserve to apologize to Trump and set the record straight. But they won't do it.

  • Allison M. Evans

    03/18/2021 02:35 PM

    I say, Off with their HEADS!!!! I Pray every day TRUMP IS VINICATED and is reinstated as President , where he should have been. The American people KNOW we were cheated and are planning to fight back and make things right.

  • Suzanne M Utts

    03/18/2021 12:38 PM

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. He had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again. May ALL the false media outlets have such a great fall that they close shop forever.

  • Noel Holub

    03/18/2021 12:04 PM

    All these things coming to light, too late. Can this administration be totally impeached? We don't especially want Harris in there or Good God Pelosi!!