
Latest News

May 25, 2021

Related: Today marks 62 days since Vice President Kamala Harris was put in charge of cleaning up President Biden’s border disaster, and she has yet to hold a press conference or visit the border.

When pressed to explain, Biden press secretary Jen Psaki said that she doesn’t expect Harris to visit the southern border, “given her purview” as Border Czar.

Yes, that makes no sense whatsoever, at least to sane people who believe words mean things. But in the Bizarro Biden White House, border czars never visit the border, people with no experience at health or business are put in charge of health and business, and the climate change czar mostly flies around in private jets, lecturing the rest of us to cut our CO2 emissions. It all makes perfect sense if you simply think of the most obvious thing that a person with common sense would do, and then prepare for the exact opposite.

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  • John Galvin

    05/25/2021 11:03 PM

    She could have learned Spanish in that amount of time.... Dhe’s fone Absolutely nada....