
Latest News

July 26, 2021

When some Democrat legislators in Texas didn’t like some legislation that would have made it harder to conduct election fraud, they didn’t stand and fight back in public debate. They high-tailed it to an airport, boarded a chartered private jet and flew to Washington, DC with cases of beer on board. They were all smiles and looked more like naughty college students proud of their latest pub crawl than serious public officials. By fleeing the state, they kept the Texas legislature from having a quorum and therefore unable to conduct business. Beside their actions being as petulant as a 5 year old having a meltdown in the grocery store because his mother selected Special K instead of Fruit Loops, things got kind of messy for them when their arrogant stunt fell apart in oh, so many ways!

They seemed so proud of themselves and posted photos of their Excellent Adventure with their maskless faces smiling bigly, shortly after arriving in Washington, the “mother ship” for those who love government more than liberty. They were honored as heroes and were seen hob-knobbing with the Vice-President, Speaker Pelosi, and White House staff. But soon as many as 8 of them tested positive for Covid, throwing official Washington into panic and throwing the renegade Texas legislators into lockdown/quarantine where one boo-hooing legislator lamented that she actually had to do her own laundry while holed up in her hotel room.

For a state whose origin was Col. William Travis and his small band of citizen-soldiers defending the Alamo despite being outnumbered by 20:1 against the troops of Santa Ana, the sight of Texas Democrats fleeing their duties in a private jet and swilling beer like a scene from Animal House was just the sort of image political ad-makers dream of. These off-duty Democrats continued to receive their taxpayer funded paychecks and live in nice DC hotels, but the narrative was not about “courageous Democrats fighting against legislation” but that of cowardly carriers of Covid who created a super-spreader event in the nation’s Capital and had become a shining example of hypocrisy, hubris, and humor, being ridiculed from every angle except the far left, who is beyond shame of any kind at any time.

The ultimate irony? (And irony is something leftists seem incapable of seeing) Is that the big issue that caused them to run like a 3 year old’s nose during allergy season was a bill to secure the integrity of elections which included requiring photo ID to vote. Even on their charter flight, they had to show a photo ID to the charter company, showed one to check into their hotel, showed one to get into the Capitol and to the White House, and showed one to go to the clinic where they tested positive for Covid. So since Democrats have said that having to show photo ID is racist and a return to Jim Crow laws, I guess that these Democrats have reverted to racism and decided to comply with Jim Crow laws after all.

In politics, the worst situation is not losing—it’s being ridiculed. And these Texas Democrats have conducted a clinic in more than Covid transmission—they have schooled the political world how to carry out the most ill-planned disaster since General Custer. And they still haven’t answered the question, “who paid for the millions it has cost for them to have their little excursion into political history?” To quote the great philosopher Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as Stupid does.”

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  • Donna

    07/27/2021 05:11 PM

    Best thing I have read in weeks. Thank You Mike for the TRUTH. You have a way with words.

  • Deborah Levasseur

    07/27/2021 06:46 AM

    Texas Democrats need to be out of office,

  • Pam Baca

    07/27/2021 01:03 AM

    Hi! Just want to say thank you for your great articles! I love your style! I watch your show every week….one of the best on air these days! Love your humor and patriotism! Thank you, again…Pam. ??

  • Delores Hayley

    07/26/2021 12:15 PM

    Great article. The way many of us Texans feel about this "great escape".