
Latest News

September 2, 2021

President Biden’s professional apologists in the media are getting fewer in number as it becomes more difficult to defend the indefensible…not that some of them aren’t still giving it the ol’ college journalism degree try.

But this story is going to make it harder for even the most diehard Biden bootlickers at CNN and MSNBC to spin his Afghanistan catastrophe into an “extraordinary success.” We now know that Biden’s own White House staffers are horrified that he left Americans behind to the mercy of the Taliban.

Anonymous White House officials told Politico that the removal of all Americans was a hostage rescue under the guise of an evacuation, and they failed at that no-fail mission. One said, "I am absolutely appalled and literally horrified we left Americans there.”

There are also plenty of people in the military who feel the same way.

With a stunning new Rasmussen survey showing that a majority of Americans (52%) think Biden should resign (only 39% think he shouldn’t, with the rest unsure), it’s clear that our top “leader” is not only out of touch with most Americans but also with his own staff. And of course, with reality.

PS – That Rasmussen poll also found that even among Democrats, 32% say Biden should resign now, 40% say he should be impeached and 33% say Kamala Harris isn’t qualified to be President.

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  • debra harrower

    09/02/2021 12:18 PM

    Biden and Harris should both be court martialed and hung for treason