
Latest News

March 22, 2022

I don’t quote every childish thing that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweets to her enraptured fans because there are only 24 hours in a day, but this one was especially weird and noteworthy. A follower asked, "How do you respond when people accuse you of being a 'socialist'?" The answer to that, of course, is that she is a socialist. She calls herself a “Democratic socialist,” which is a distinction without a difference.

But for some reason, she decided to whisper conspiratorially into the camera, "Let me tell you a secret. Most people don't really know what capitalism is. Most people don't even know what socialism is. But most people are not capitalists, because they don't have capitalist money. They're not billionaires."

If she learned this in her Boston University economics class, she should demand a refund of her capitalist parents' tuition money. Capitalism isn’t the money billionaires have. It’s the economic system that allows people who start with nothing to become millionaires and billionaires.

She went on, "The label doesn't matter as much as talking about policies. That's easier to understand. Do you think people should die because they can't afford insulin? Do you think that fossil fuel CEOs should decide whether the planet gets set on fire? Me neither."

For the record, I know quite a few capitalists, and none of them think people should die for lack of insulin or that anyone should set the planet on fire. But after looking at her Twitter feed, you might want to set your phone on fire.

You can see why I don’t bother to talk about this subject much, but that one was crazy enough to make the news, and it’s a good lead in to this introduction to her Republican challenger, Tina Fortes.

She’s a small businesswoman who supports the police, border enforcement and school choice. She recently said, “AOC and her allies have killed New Yorkers with their bail reform and soft-on-crime policies, imprisoned us in our homes with lockdowns, ruined small businesses with shutdowns, violated our rights with mandates, and tortured children with masks for political science, not medical science. Enough is enough. New Yorkers have suffered because these liberals acted like dictators drunk on power. They must be stopped and it starts with firing AOC.”

She even had a better answer than AOC to the question of why people call AOC a socialist: “AOC is a communist sympathizer. She’s the darling of the Democratic Socialists of America – a Marxist organization that glorified Cuba’s Castro regime and Venezuela’s Maduro regime.”

You’ve also gotta love her campaign slogan: “Make AOC Bartend Again.”

Sadly, AOC “represents” a New York district that’s so blue that Nancy Pelosi was likely referring to it when she said that in some New York races, a glass of water with a (D) after its name could win. But who knows? Maybe this is the year when even in districts like that, a Republican could have a chance. Especially when the Democrat glass of water is half-empty and obviously cracked.

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