
Latest News

January 7, 2024

Due to bad weather in both Iowa & Little Rock tomorrow, the plane we were to use to get there & back for the @realDonaldTrump

events is unable to go & we have to cancel. I hope IA caucus goers turn out next week and send a MAGA message by voting for @realDonaldTrump


See you in Iowa?

Sarah (the fine new Gov of Arkansas) & I are headed to Iowa Monday to campaign for Donald Trump ahead of caucuses. I hope you can make it to one of these events:

Team Trump Iowa Faith Event featuring Governor Sarah Sanders and Governor Mike Huckabee ( in Ottumwa, Iowa

Team Trump Iowa Faith Event featuring Governor Sarah Sanders and Governor Mike Huckabee in Des Moines, Iowa (

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  • holger latt

    01/08/2024 10:44 AM

    There are 3 things that keep me grounded. (1) regular church attendance-every Sunday. (2) Reading and studying my One Year Bible, (reading the entire bible in one year) (3) Regular prayer every morning That covers my family, friends, and Christiam Military fellowship prayer requests (prayer for our military around the world wherever they are stationed). General Washington set up military chaplains back in 1775. That is still our practice. today

  • David Shedlock

    01/06/2024 12:39 AM

    It is not too late to change your mind. Listen to the conscience that tells you to do the right thing.