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October 17, 2024

It’s not a pleasant experience to watch someone in the final stages of terminal TDS.  It’s similar to the end-stage of rabies:  after creeping mental deterioration that might build for several years, the patient finally suffers from crippling disorientation, wild desperation, last-ditch aggression, perhaps in extreme cases even foaming at the mouth before total incapacitation and an utter, humiliating collapse.  That’s the stage “Special Counsel” Jack Smith is entering now.  (Note:  we always put quotes around “special counsel” when used to describe Smith, as he was never confirmed by the Senate as required.)

Smith claims in a new court filing that President Trump “willfully caused his supporters to obstruct and attempt to obstruct” the certification of the 2020 election.

And how did he do that?  Simply by summoning supporters to DC and holding a rally at all.

I am not kidding.  You see --- we’ll try to get inside Smith’s perverse mind and explain this so it can be understood by sane people --- by holding this rally, Trump gave “false hope” to his supporters that Mike Pence could stop the proceedings.  (Actually, if we understand correctly, Pence probably COULD have at least paused them, but he looked at his constitutional responsibilities as he understood them and thought the better of it.  Right or wrong, that was his decision to make, and he made it.)

As far as Jack Smith is concerned, Trump’s right to peacefully assemble didn’t matter. Telling his crowd to be peaceful and patriotic didn’t matter.  Even authorizing the National Guard ahead of time didn’t matter.  He just shouldn’t have held a rally in the first place.  For daring to do so, Trump is ultimately responsible for what the people in the crowd did and caused their misbehavior “willfully.” 

Smith’s new filing was in response to Trump’s attorneys filing a motion to dismiss Smith’s superseding indictment on statutory grounds.  That indictment is the one he redid after the Supreme Court ruled on presidential immunity.

The filing states it this way:  “Contrary to the defendant’s claim … that he bears no factual or legal responsibility for the ‘events on January 6,’ the superseding indictment plainly alleges that the defendant willfully caused his supporters to obstruct and attempt to obstruct the proceeding by summoning them to Washington, D.C., and then directing them to march to the Capitol to pressure the Vice President and legislators to reject the legitimate certificates and instead rely on the fraudulent electoral certificates,”

This prosecution is so nuts, it could only be imagined by a brain in the final throes of TDS.  Of course, Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over this case, appears to be as far along in her disease progression as Smith is.  She’s given Trump’s attorneys until November 7 --- two days AFTER the election --- to file a motion to dismiss based on a claim of presidential immunity.  Jack Smith will have until November 21 to respond to that immunity claim.


RELATED:  Speaking of election challenges, NEWSMAX is reporting that “several Democrats have suggested they could challenge certification of a victory for former President Trump in the upcoming presidential election.”

Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin is one of them.  When asked if he’d accept a Trump victory, he said he would if the election had been “free, fair and honest.”  But he “definitely” does not assume that a Trump win would BE free, fair and honest.  Trump is “doing whatever he can to try to interfere with the process,” Raskin said, “whether we’re talking about manipulating Electoral College counts in Nebraska or manipulating the vote count in Georgia or imposing other kinds of impediments.”

Not that this would make him an election denier or anything.  That label applies only to Republicans who question an outcome.  Other Democrats who are already speaking similarly are House Rules Committee Ranking Member Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, and Senior Chief Deputy Whip Jan Schakowsky of Illinois (who also voted to reject George W. Bush’s electors in 2005).

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York says he anticipates the certification process to go forward on January 6, 2025, “without drama or consequences.”  We shall see.


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Once and for all, is Jack Smith a legitimate special counsel?

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