
Latest News

October 4, 2024

At least one of the multiple disasters threatening America has been averted – or I should say, “delayed.” The longshoremen’s union agreed to a temporary new contract, which called off their strike after just three days, although it could be back on again in January, well after the election.

The conditional contract gives them a 62% raise, which is less than what they wanted. It’s not clear why the union leaders agreed to the delay. Maybe they saw how unsympathetic it appeared to the public to risk causing empty store shelves and skyrocketing prices while Americans in the Southeast are in desperate need due to the catastrophic hurricane (it didn’t help that one union leader boasted that they would “cripple” the US economy.) Or maybe they saw how it was sinking Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign. Ironically, they wouldn't need such a big raise if it weren't for all the inflation.

But at least that’s one disaster that’s been averted – for now. However, before you vote, remember that this will come back again in January. Who do you want in the White House then: Someone who is famous for managing complicated negotiations and looking out for both workers and consumers while brokering deals both sides can agree to, or Kamala Harris?

RELATED: I don’t know why Americans immediately fixate on this whenever there’s a threat of a supply shortage, but the fear of a prolonged strike set off panic buying of toilet paper.

FYI: Most toilet paper is made in the USA, Canada or Mexico and doesn’t even come here on cargo ships, so if there’s a shortage, it will be entirely due to groundless hoarding.

The only person I can think of who might buy imported French toilet paper is John Kerry. I’ll make him this offer: If there ever is a TP shortage, I will personally send him a supply of sturdy, American-made sandpaper.

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