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October 9, 2024

Just as the Southeast is being deluged with wind and water this hurricane season, so news watchers like us are deluged with stories about the election and associated litigation.  Everything’s related, in that these two monster storms will inevitably affect the election and, thus, the survival of our country as we know it. 

But if it seemed as though North Carolinians wouldn’t be able to vote this time around, think again.  According to Scott Adams, who requested and received on “X” many reports of ordinary people --- as opposed to FEMA --- delivering supplies, putting in temporary roads, repairing bridges, etc., they’re getting it done.  Mostly by themselves, it appears, they’re digging themselves out.  “I think they’re gonna vote,” he said on his Tuesday podcast, “and I think they’re gonna vote HARD.  They’re gonna maybe break something, they’re gonna vote so hard.”  Watching the residents doing this, he said, is “deeply inspiring.”

“There’s something so beautifully American about it,” he observed, adding that this would be a great basis for a Trump ad campaign --- not to capitalize on a tragedy but just to show the mindset.

We’ve received numerous questions about how Hurricane Helene might affect people’s ability to vote in the hardest-hit areas.  Adams reported Tuesday that the North Carolina Board of Elections has announced it’s modified the voting locations for the 13 counties, “which means there will be some place to go.”  Within a week, the state of North Carolina has apparently changed their election laws to make it possible to vote under current circumstances --- we assume there’s a state law giving them emergency authority for doing so --- and the people there seem to be on the road to a remarkable recovery.  How much FEMA even had to do with this, we’ll know later.  Right now, it looks as though they’ve been little more than useless and may have even hampered efforts.  (We’ll have more to say about this once we find out for sure what happened.)

From looking cumulatively at recent election stories, Adams has the impression that we’re being set up for lots of cheating.  He quoted Elon Musk in an interview with Tucker Carlson saying, “The reason no voter ID is required in our elections [depending on the state] that it is obviously for massive fraud.” And it’s impossible to argue with him --- what else could it be?  This is about as obvious as it gets, but to bring it up is verboten, as that “destroys confidence in the system.”  Karine Jean-Pierre would call it “misinformation,” when the biggest source for actual misinformation might just be Karine Jean-Pierre.

As Adams remarked, “We’re all sitting here [watching it] in slow motion, like we don’t know they’re doing it.”  Of course they’re doing it.  “We’re kind of sleepwalking,” he said, while they do it.

One idea that would be very cool (Adams attributed it to Kid Rock):  don’t accept electors from any state that doesn’t require voter ID, because “we automatically assume that that’s rigged.”  If the state offers some other reason why they do it, Adams says, “it’s not real.” (Note: Kamala Harris’ home state of California just banned local districts from requiring voter ID, branding it racist and oppressive, yet you need to show ID to get into a Kamala Harris rally.)

The overseas voting, as you know, does not require ID, even though it’s big enough to change the outcome of elections.  In one prior election in Fulton County, Georgia --- one of “the” most important counties in any of the swing states --- 93 percent of the overseas votes went for Democrats.  That alone just screams fraud, as it would not normally happen.  Scott would say this is enough to confirm fraud, perhaps not enough for a court of law, but enough for us to know.

Whichever side wins in November, the other side will say the result isn’t credible.  And, of course, it’s only wrong to question the outcome if you’re on the right; the left gets away with this every time it loses.  Exhibit A:  Hillary Clinton.

So Scott wonders, “Why are we just walking like zombies into this big, open pit?  We don’t have an election that could possibly give us, even under any circumstance...a credible result.  It can give us a result, eventually, but there’s no way in the world we’re gonna believe it’s true, or at least whoever loses won’t believe it.”

Electronic voting machines aren’t cheaper than a hand-counted paper system, or faster or more audit-able.  Only one valid argument has been made for their use, and that is to help people with disabilities cast their votes.  Still, that’s not a reason for everyone else to be using machines!  Perhaps just have one machine that can help disabled voters, and add that count to the total.  Sheesh.

It’s not possible to REALLY audit a mail-in ballot system, because ballots (in envelopes) can be discarded in all sorts of ways before they ever get to the counting location.  Same for ballots in drop-boxes.  Everyone can understand this; to deny it is to be in...well, denial.  And once a ballot is separated from its envelope, there’s no way to verify whose it is.

It’s also confirmed that bundles of blank ballots, typically 100 per bundle, have been mailed to locations such as Walmarts, convenience stores, and vacant or newly-occupied homes.  (Sorry if we’re re-treading examples that have already been discussed here in the newsletter, but we’re getting close to election day and some people might not know.)

In sum, we really aren’t set up to get a credible election result.  Scott laughingly asks if we’re “just going to have the election anyway?”  Yes, Scott, we are, and it will be certified on January 6, because we found out the hard way in the 2020 election that the Constitution essentially provides no alternative.  With all the safeguards they wisely put into that document, our Founding Fathers apparently never imagined we would have this many holes in our election system (the inter-net??)  and this much opportunity for fraud and abuse, so they didn’t build in any flexibility.




In the meantime, the lawsuits continue.  As reported in THE GATEWAY PUNDIT by Jim Hoft, who is keeping up with these, the RNC has sued Fulton County, GA, for hiring 15 GOP poll workers out of a total of 804.  No, that is not a typo.  Gosh, could they not find at least a FEW more Republicans to serve at the polls this year?

The suit claims their top election official, Nadine Williams, “intentionally excluded” Republicans qualified to be GOP poll workers from the hiring process.  Williams was supposed to ensure “balanced representation” under Georgia state law.  Now all we need is for the counting to be stopped in the middle of the night after votes have been cast, as if THAT would ever happen.

Here’s Hoft’s update on the group Stop Bogus Ballots, whose purpose it is to identify fraud in the voter rolls so it can be purged.

Moving to Dallas County, Hoft also reports that as recently as September 18, the voting machines there “failed a critical test.”  What now?  Well, the machines were noted as having passed anyway and are being used in the election, that’s what.  Reporter Grant Stinchfield noticed a marked lack of any sense of urgency in fixing whatever problem caused “serious tabulation errors.”  According to the Dallas RNC chairman, Col. Allen West, “the administrator did not note any problems on the statement,” as should have been done.  Another mistake:  the tabulation of total votes cast was somehow zeroed-out, which is not supposed to happen.

For more details of what might be part of a plot to help Democrats “steal Texas,” see the first 7 minutes of this video...

The security of voting machines has been an issue in Georgia, too.  The odd thing about this lawsuit:  the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, and his legal team didn’t even try to argue that the machines are actually secure.  Here’s an update...

Detroit, Michigan, looks from Hoft’s report to be every bit as crooked as one might expect.  This is another city that just isn’t hiring GOP poll workers, and although the RNC has sued, Hoft is pessimistic that this will change anything before the election.  They’ve allegedly even got Democrats posing as “Republicans.”

But score one for the RNC and the Michigan GOP, as the Michigan Supreme Court found that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson must at least follow state law requiring ballot number matching.

In response to a previous lawsuit by the GOP, Benson had already updated guidance for workers to require proof that signatures were verified prior to ballots being counted.  It’s another small victory, but inch by inch, we can see the process being reformed.  Still, it’s far from being honest. But under the new RNC leadership, a number of actions are being taken to fight back, and an army of attorneys is on stand-by to immediately challenge anything that smells of chicanery on election night.


FINAL NOTE:  After yesterday’s rant about Christians not voting, you should know that we point these things out to motivate you MORE to get to the polls. Do not let this discourage you from voting and think that it’s pointless. Understand: with this magnitude of cheating, your vote is more important than ever!  Everything is on the line this time. Fraud only works when there are small margins separating the candidates, so give Trump and the Republicans a win so big that it’s outside the margin of fraud.



RELATED READING:  This might be one reason why the Democrats are working so hard to game the system and make sure they can cheat strategically.  Internal polling is not looking good for them…

In fact, the Democrats are so desperate, look who they dug up to talk trash about Trump.  It’s none other than the discredited British ex-spy Christopher Steele.  The WASHINGTON POST Style Section (!) sent their features writer and a photographer to London to do a profile on him, to help him peddle his new book.  (Good grief; it’s called “UNREDACTED:  Russia, Trump, and the Fight for Democracy.”) I assume you can find it in book stores under “Fantasy Fiction.”

I am not kidding, but this sure is hilarious anyway.  You’ve got to read...


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