
Latest News

October 21, 2024

It’s horrible to contemplate, but California voters might be on the brink of sending Adam Schiff, Congress’s biggest liar (an astonishing accomplishment), to the Senate. But maybe America will be spared from that fate by having him sent to prison instead.

At the request of Just The News, retired FBI supervisory special agent Jeff Danik investigated allegations that for the past 20 or so years, Schiff has claimed on both election and mortgage documents that his two homes in California and Maryland are BOTH his “primary residence,” depending on which was convenient at the time. Danik dug up election and real estate documents from 2009, 2011 and 2013 that suggest Schiff was doing this, so he could run for office in California while getting better mortgage terms in Maryland. Legally, Americans are allowed to declare only one home as their primary residence.

There are growing calls for investigations, and if these allegations are confirmed, Schiff could be facing major ethics violations and even criminal prosecution. It would be divinely ironic if the man who’s made so many false charges against Donald Trump was brought down by his own contempt for electoral rules and genuine real estate fraud. Of course, that would require Congress to investigate him and the DOJ to prosecute him, so…maybe after January.

I hope it would also mean that we’d never again see another self-righteous movie from Hollywood (Shiff’s home district) about how terrible it is for a Congress member to wave around a blank piece of paper and claim it’s evidence of Russian agents in the White House.

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