
Latest News

October 23, 2024

One of the few revealing bits of information to come out of Kamala Harris’ interview with Bret Baier on Fox News was her praise for the “US Citizenship Act of 2021.” She painted that as a bipartisan immigration reform bill, but it actually included a mass amnesty for up to 22 million illegal aliens and a fast-track to citizenship for them. As John Binder at BREITBART reports, it also included an expansion of the “wildly unpopular” Diversity Visa Lottery that randomly hands out about 55,000 visas a year, some of which have gone to Islamic terrorists who killed Americans.

That bill would import even more people into the US at a time when the foreign-born population is already at a record 51.6 million.

Here’s just the latest shocking story of what happens when you open your borders to unvetted aliens. Tragically, I get more stories like this than I can run.

And even if Harris loses the election, brace yourself for the biggest mass assault on our border since they took office as thousands of illegal immigrants rush to get in before Trump takes over. Don’t believe me? 2,500 of them are already on the way. They must read the polls in Central America.

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