
Latest News

October 23, 2024

With the presidential campaign in the home stretch, the differences between the candidates are becoming even more glaring, with the main one being authenticity. Trump is able to relate to everyone naturally, whether he’s talking to steelworkers, football fans or McDonald’s employees. Kamala Harris has to have everything scripted in advance, and even then, it can become a disaster (but not as big a disaster as when she ad-libs, like responding to a call of “Jesus is Lord” by saying, “You’re at the wrong rally.”)

The two also seem to have switched campaign themes. It’s Trump who’s exuding “joy” as he revels in fun photo-ops with regular Americans, while Harris has turned to angrily attacking Trump in every speech. She’s getting so strident, some pundits have started comparing her to the late-stage campaigning of Hillary “Basket of Deplorables” Clinton. Rep. Dean Phillips, the one Democrat who dared to challenge Biden in the primaries and earned far more votes than Kamala (zero), also dinged her for focusing on slamming Trump instead of being “clear about what she believes.”

At this point, I’m not sure she even knows what she believes. Like, remember how she was against fracking before she was for fracking? Well, now she’s against it again. At least, she’s against more of it. She's attempting the rate flip-flop-flip. You try figuring her latest position out…

Meanwhile, Trump spent time Monday talking and joking with regular working guys at a Bronx barber shop. The most shocking news to come out of it was when the shop owner said that under Biden-Harris, his monthly energy bills have gone up from $1200 to $15,000! Trump told him that he will cut energy prices in half during his first year in office.

Harris had a townhall Monday with everyone’s favorite Republican, Liz Cheney. Instead of being an opportunity for voters to ask spontaneous questions, moderator Maria Shriver announced at the outset that all the questions had been “pre-determined.” Harris’ answers had also apparently been pre-written and rehearsed, which didn’t mean they were delivered convincingly.

Vulnerable Democrats in swing states are seeing how bad Harris’ campaign is and rushing to distance themselves from her. Even Obama’s 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina said on MSNBC that her campaign team looks “absolutely exhausted” because they have so many tough decisions to make and so little time “while everyone is telling them they’re a band of idiots, and they should do it their way.”

If it’s any consolation, I don’t think her campaign workers are idiots. That’s not where the problem lies. Or the idiocy. But make no mistake: This race isn't over. Ignore the polls and the pundits and keep turning out as if America's very existence depends on it, because it does.

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