
Latest News

November 16, 2024

The original idea of “The View” was to present a daily discussion of major topics by women with a variety of viewpoints. It’s morphed into a daily hivemind session where five leftists compete to see who can shout the craziest leftwing talking points to get the audience to clap like trained seals. But after last week’s election shocked them, ABC executives are finally starting to question whether it’s wise for their bottom line to air a show that spends an hour a day calling the majority of Americans stupid, sexist, racist, fascist Nazis.

So the New York Post reports that ABC is planning major changes to “The View,” such as adding some women with actual differing views, even – brace yourselves – a Trump-voting Republican!

If it’s the usual network set-up of one Republican being shouted down by four crazy liberals, we’re not sure who would take the gig. One suggestion we’d love to see was Roseanne Barr. She’d send the other four fleeing to their dressing rooms in tears. But if she didn’t take the gig, who would? Some commentators have suggested they find one of the many hard-working women who take on jobs that nobody else wants to do, from caring for the elderly to changing diapers. That would prepare them for being on “The View.”

RELATED: Whoopi Goldberg accused a New York bakery of refusing to take a cake order from her because the owner didn’t approve of her political views. The bakery got bombarded with calls over it.

We know liberals love to play the victim, but the baker said she turned down the order, as she explained, because her building is from 1930 and has an unreliable boiler so she can’t accept orders weeks in advance since she doesn’t know if the equipment will be working. She did supply 50 treats to “The View” that day, and she said she didn’t know or care about the politics of whoever picked them up.

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