
February 6, 2024

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you again for subscribing to the daily Prayer Tree email! Your Morning Edition, my politics newsletter, will deliver later this morning.

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Mike Huckabee

P.S. The Prayer Tree delivers Monday - Saturday.

Daily Bible Verse

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15 NIV

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


I am scheduled for extensive blood work Tuesday. Please pray for answers to my serious health problems. I’m trusting the Lord to help my doctors fix me up. I’m 77 years old, diabetic, high blood pressure, stage 3 kidney disease, anemic. but a three-time cancer survivor. Please help me get answers to improve my health and continue to be a caregiver for my hubby. Want to prayerfully keep us both out of the nursing home. Thank you so much. May God bless your work!

Grandson Jack has developed ear infection in addition to the other surgery. Has tubes in ears and doesn’t hear or speak regular. Please continue to pray for healing.

Phillip - headaches

Please pray for our marriage, for my husband to find the peace of salvation.

For Cora, our preemie great granddaughter, born 2lbs 1 oz on January 7. Thriving beautifully; thank you God for these blessings.

Desperately need prayer for Judy. She has several serious health issues and for peace of mind. Thanks.

Please lift Ally in prayer, a young woman with serious and debilitating health concerns. Pray for her healing, mind, body and spirit. In Jesus' name.

"Prayers for a family member who’s been struggling for a while. A mind can only take so much. May they find peace, and a good Christian partner. Thank you.

Prayers for W. To make solid decisions on moving based on God will. That God will have his will in his life and bring a life partner of his choice, into W’s life. Thank you.

Prayers for Louise has many health issues. Thank you."

"Prayers for Lisa F, who is now in hospice, Tim D, and Brooks W. All battling pancreatic cancer. Thank you!

Pray for our country and border crisis. Pray our borders can be closed soon.

Prayers for guidance in all life’s struggles, new job."

Please pray for my partner Iris for healing from shoulder surgery and please give her patience to deal with the situation.

Please pray for healing for Lisa S from bile duct cancer & remember Pastor Jesse in your prayers as he prepares for throat & larynx surgery on the 15th. Pray for a young man whose father attends my church to be set free from opioid addiction. He od'ed again very recently. Pray for continued favor, success, & fruitfulness for Rev Lance, KimAhn, & Daniel as they continue their month-long missions trip through Vietnam. Pray for the comfort & solace of the Mackenzie family on the loss of their Dad & the Juaires on the loss of their daughter. Pray for the salvation of my family. God bless you & thank you!

Although I did not submit this prayer request here, I would still love to thank & praise Jesus for healing me of a UTI! Praise His Holy Name!

Please pray for Eli with Tourettes. Pray for Leslie with medical issues.

Prayers for a moving decision. And help if decided to move.

Prayers please for GL who will move from his sober living home on Thurs. He will move in with me, his mom, until his apartment is ready and begin his new job next Mon 2/12. Please pray he will make this move easily and find wonderful Godly friends. He has been sober for well over 1 yr. Lord, please be with him and make this transition easy. Rebuke Satan's evil assignment on his life. Please open GLs heart to the peace that only God can provide. Thank you, warriors.

For my big brother Ed, health and the other situation.

Please pray for my friend Roxanne. Her husband passed away a year ago and left her with nothing but junk cars in the yard, no car to drive, a stove that only has 2 burners working, and a washer and dryer that need repairs. She is in constant pain from previous injuries and is now so depressed. Please bring her peace, provision and protection, Lord.

Prayers for blessings for Rachel, Rob, Bobby, Lance, Jackie, Hope M, Danny etc.

Please pray for my wife, Betty. She has multiple health problems and has chronic pain most of the time. She has had multiple surgeries and takes lots of medicine. Please pray for decreased pain and a better quality of life.

"Please pray for my daughter Hannah. She tried to kill herself by injecting heroin and meth. She realizes that she needs help and has been discharged from a psych hospital. Please pray that she will repent and turn from her previous life of drugs to a life completely free of drugs. Run to life in Christ!"

Please pray for my aunt Nancy. She just went to the emergency room for shortness of breath and swollen legs.

Prayers for Linda & Carrie both having hip replacement surgery this week. Wisdom for the drs as they do the surgery & for complete healing for both.

My name is Christine. I lost my husband a few months ago and they said I make to much to get any widow benefits. I have been trying to adjust, but lately it seems like I keep getting bombarded with so many costly things (car broke down, etc). Just when it seems ok, something else keeps happening. Help me to keep trusting God and that these attacks will stop. Thank you.

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Good medical care to get me through this health crisis with God’s help.

Thank you, God, for your continued provisions and giving me peace in the times of uncertainty. Thank you for health. In Your mighty name Jesus. Amen.

I am grateful for rain instead of snow in west central Nebraska. Springlike days in February are wonderful.

Being alive. Doctors told me 17 years ago I had 6 months to live. I let them know that only the Man upstairs tells me when I will go. No meds, ever. Lung cancer healed. I'm still here. God is great.

HYMNAL: There's a Fountain

Author: D. G. Spearman 


1 There's a fountain of blood that is flowing,
Which was opened in Christ on the tree;
In that fountain there's healing for the nations,
There is cleansing and healing for thee.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


2 There's a fountain of water that's springing,
From the depths of eternal, true love,
And the heavens are happily singing,
Of this fountain which flows from above.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


3 There's a fountain of mercy yet flowing,
Unto ev'ry dark spot in the earth;
By and by it will cleanse all creation,
Dispelling forever sin's dearth.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


4 There's a fountain of truth flowing freely,
With the crystal elixir of life,
Coming out from the mountain of glory,
And it healeth our spirits of strife.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


5 Come, ye thirsty ones, unto this fountain,
While the waters are troubled, step in;
Come, and find in the Word perfect healing,
For all of Thy sickness and sin.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading the Prayer Tree and singing along!

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