
Latest News

August 1, 2024

Some Republicans are concerned about a new Morning Consult poll showing a big bounce for Kamala Harris, with her leading Trump by 11 points in Michigan. I always tell people to pay no attention to polls, especially polls taken months in advance of an election. But Bonchie at gives you even more reasons not to panic over this outlier poll that surveyed a whopping 437 people in each state.

That’s not to say that anyone should be complacent (work, donate and vote as if we’re 20 points behind right up until Election Day!), but you also shouldn’t despair or give up. I said that I expected Harris to get a poll bump, thanks to the relief over Biden’s exit, her “shiny new thing” aura, and about a billion dollars’ worth of free slavish PR from the media. But don’t forget: she’s still Kamala Harris. No amount of media polish can magically transform her from an incoherent far-left mess into a confidence-inspiring leader who doesn’t have a record of abject failure.

If the Democrats really believed she was that popular, they wouldn’t be trying like mad to erase her entire history and convince us that she’s now suddenly on the opposite sides of all the issues she’s championed for years. For instance, they’re actually now claiming that she’s the border security hawk and it’s Trump who’s soft on illegal immigration.

According to the Democrats, Harris is suddenly on the other side of an array of issues from the leftist positions she’s held for years. Too bad she can’t pick the late Groucho Marx as her running mate, since he summed this up perfectly by saying, “These are my principles! If you don’t like them, I have others.”

Do they think she’s running for President of Bizarro World? Or that Americans are suffering from an amnesia pandemic? This “border hawk” is the same woman who wants to grant citizenship to 10 million illegal aliens, an idea roundly rejected by the vast majority of Americans. She’s not a hawk, she’s a pigeon.

As we learned with Biden, the media can only erect a wall of fantasy around a politician for so long before the public sees through it, and they’ve already had a four-year head start on seeing through Kamala Harris. The spell will wear off when most busy working people start paying attention to the race, which usually happens after Labor Day.

In the meantime, James O’Keefe has a new hidden camera video out that suggests the Dems are not as delighted with Kamala behind the scenes as they pretend to be. It shows DNC and Harris Campaign Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce admitting that he didn’t think Harris would win this year because “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of” and is “weirdly unpopular.” (He must not have gotten the memo that only Republicans are “weird.”)

As for all the ballyhoo about donors showering Harris with money, DeCerce said the fundraisers tell them what they want to hear: “You just put on a performance for them, a little show, right?...They want their fantasy to be, you know, fed.”

Throwing away money on fantasies? That sounds like the Democratic platform, all right.

Incidentally, here’s more on what Democrats are saying about Harris behind the scenes…

And if you insist on reading polls (I don’t suggest it), at least wash down that Morning Consult nonsense with this one.

Related: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer became the second potential Harris running mate to say she is not interested in the gig.

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