
August 7, 2024

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you again for subscribing.

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Mike Huckabee

P.S. The Prayer Tree delivers Monday - Friday.

Daily Bible Verse

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

Proverbs 16:3

375 to go

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Hymnal: A Mighty Fortress

Author: Martin Luther



1 A mighty fortress is our God,
a bulwark never failing;
our helper he, amid the flood
of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe
does seek to work us woe;
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate,
on earth is not his equal.


2 Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God's own choosing.
You ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is he;
Lord Sabaoth his name,
from age to age the same;
and he must win the battle.


3 And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God has willed
his truth to triumph through us.
The prince of darkness grim,
we tremble not for him;
his rage we can endure,
for lo! his doom is sure;
one little word shall fell him.


4 That Word above all earthly powers
no thanks to them abideth;
the Spirit and the gifts are ours
through him who with us sideth.
Let goods and kindred go,
this mortal life also;
the body they may kill:
God's truth abideth still;
his kingdom is forever!

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.

My name is Frances, I have to have surgery on my right carotid artery Friday, please pray that all goes well with no problems

Please pray for Jesse as he faces valve replacement surgery.

Please pray for my brother and his wife who tend to indulge in alcohol way to much. My brother had hip surgery a couple of weeks back that was long overdue. Thank the lord he got through that operation. If only they would put the bottles down and go to church more often.

Prayers for me (Linda) with health issues, my husband (Bill) that he stays safe and healthy and for all of my family.

"Prayers for myself I need a kidney transplant. Need a live donor.

My husband Leland has cancer. Praying in Jesus Name. "

All the students returning to school that the Holy Spirit protects them from the attacks on the Christian family foundation

"Prayers for myself I need a kidney transplant. Need a live donor.”

“For my son and his wife, may they work through their trouble and find God's peace.

I'm asking for prayers for my two sons, Aaron and Jordan. They have not been communicating with one another. Praying God will soften their hearts & fill them with brotherly love, forgiveness, & repentance, & open the lines of communications between them and also with me. May the Lord bring harmony & fill their hearts with love. A hurting mother. And also prayers for me to be able to see my one son and his family especially my granddaughter. And bring them to the Lord! Thank you for your prayers!

For DG and family that specialist will give them long awaited good news today.

Please pray for my nephew Nickie. He fell out of a tree and has a broken pelvis and ribs and punctured lung and bruised kidney. He is in ICU.

Please pray for John's complete healing. He has been in the hospital over two months. Also, please pray for his wife, Sidney. Thank you.

Thank You, Lord, for my brother-in-law's successful ablation yesterday--the doctor says that this may have fixed his a-fib! We praise You, Lord! THANK YOU!!

Prayers for salvation and healing for all the families on this prayer tree in Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Please pray for my husband David that he will accept his health risks and follow a plan for healthy living.

Please continue to cry out for mercy for our adult daughters and son in law to repent and come to Jesus and back to the church to believe the Truth of Bible over evil, worldly lies and have their hearts changed from stone, cleansed and healed by Him. They need rescue, esp. younger daughters living in sin. His sheep hear His voice (John10) Amen! For our son, a godly wife in His timing and more clients to help in the healing process as a Christian counselor. For us as parents pray for trust, patience, and His righteous love (1 Cor.13) as we wait on Him, asking for His work and wisdom in saving our adult children and restoring our relationships. In Him all things possible. Grateful! Thank you in His name and for His glory!

Please continue to cry out for mercy for our adult daughters and son in law to repent and come to Jesus and back to the church to believe the Truth of Bible over evil, worldly lies and have their hearts changed from stone, cleansed and healed by Him. They need rescue, esp. younger daughters living in sin. His sheep hear His voice (John10) Amen! For our son, a godly wife in His timing and more clients to help in the healing process as a Christian counselor. For us as parents pray for trust, patience, and His righteous love (1 Cor.13) as we wait on Him, asking for His work and wisdom in saving our adult children and restoring our relationships. In Him all things possible. Grateful! Thank you in His name and for His glory!

Continued prayers for Eric who I have requested prayers for here before. Doctors have found he has two separate issues. He is scheduled for gall bladder surgery, placed on a heart monitor because he has a heart issue that his doctors are unable to find exactly how to adress. Eric is a young man with young children and is a cancer surviour. He is a believer. Please pray. Thank you all.

Please pray for neice Karly. The co. she works for is laying off people. One person she manages was let go and this person left before it was announced that there would be layoffs. K is being accused of breaking confidential information. She did not. K is a new believer. Please let the truth be known and pray for protection of Karly. Thank you all.

Please pray if it be Gods will for my daughter to get full custody of her 3 beautiful daughters from her ex husband. Thank you my Lord and thank you all for your prayers.

Thank you God for holding my son Matthew Kenneth Carpenter and his family in the palm of your hand. Please comfort, heal and give him strength for complete healing.

I am in need of prayer. I have a hard lump on my heel near my achillis causing pain and it appears to be getting bigger. I scared about getting it checked. Help me remember that our Lord is in control.

"My 96yo mom (Lucy Ann) with Vascular Dementia has reached the end of life stage

She is resting,God is preparing her for her journey to heaven. We her children and grandchildren ask for prayers for a peaceful and pain free , comfortable end here on earth. Thank you "

"This Sat we are having a Celebration of Life for our son Eric. I know I'm going to be a bit of a mess, so I pray for peace for me & the whole family. I want it to be a beautiful service & don't want to ruin it by being so emotional. We loved him dearly, but know he's not in pain any more & is in Jesus's loving arms. Thank you for your prayers!"

Please pray for my oldest son, Michael, who lost his job due to downsizing. His wife lost her job also, so they now have had to buy insurance. It's very expensive, & coverage, not so good. Please Lord, keep them in good mental, physical, & spiritual health. I thank God He is keeping him free of depression. In the past, when he lost his job, he would become deeply depressed for a long time. Thank You Jesus. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless all of you.

Please, I'm asking for prayers for my two sons, Michael & James. They have not been communicating with one another. Praying God will soften their hearts & fill them with brotherly love, forgiveness, & repentance, & open the lines of communications between them. May the Lord bring harmony & fill their hearts with love. A hurting mother. Thank you for your prayers & I'm praying for others' prayer requests. God bless all who pray.

Prayers for myself. Several health issues that I'm asking for God's healing. I'm very thankful for all He has done for me, & I'm asking Him for healing on some new ongoing physical issues, heart, high blood pressure & much anxiety. Prayers for my sons' healings from all their physical, emotional, & spiritual issues. Praying God will keep them in good health. Praying my husband's thyroid ultrasound tomorrow, Aug 6, will have good results. Thanking God my youngest son's foot infection, & back problems now healing. Asking for prayers for my son James & his wife as they are teachers & school is starting.

May God keep my son James, & his wife, Gina, safe, & guide, & give them wisdom & strength in teaching the children as school starts. So thankful for all of you who pray. May God bless, comfort, & hear all who request prayers. May God touch & bless all who diligently pray. Thank you. To God be the Glory.

Please pray for Bryson. May God deliver him from using drugs & alcohol. We know Jesus can & will deliver him. He knows Jesus & doesn't think Bible says it's wrong to use drugs. Please Lord help him to see it's wrong to do drugs. He has a 3 1/2 daughter, & a 1 year old son. I'm also requesting prayers for guidance and healing for our granddaughter Meagan's marriage. Many obstacles on the way. Husband using drugs. Praying God will deliver him from drugs & alcohol & save their marriage. May God open the eyes of his heart and let him see how Meagan & his children need him, love him, & want him whole. Lord, help him become the father & husband he needs to be. They need help to raise their children in a Godly Christian home.

I'm asking for continued prayers for my cousin Brendi. She just finished her radiation treatment after her breast cancer surgery. May she receive total healing from this dreaded disease. I would like to add two other cousins, Joaquin, & Aquiles, who are needing Our Lord's healing physically, spiritually, and to know Jesus as their personal savior. Healing for our next-door neighbor, Ron, and for another friend, Cheryl, with numerous serious health issues, Audrey, & Jim. Thanking God for Zayden's healing, & for Fran, Melody, & Jeff. Prayers for my 2 sons' health. May God open the eyes & hearts of all who don't see the wayward ways of our nation before elections. Thank you for all your prayers. Praying for all who request prayers. He hears our prayers. Thank You Lord.

We are asking for prayer support because we were accepted to go on a Billy Graham Rapid response team chaplain deployment to a flooded area in Iowa. We will be going there from August 11th to August 18th. prayer support will be needed and greatly appreciated! We are believing that God will equip us if He has called us to serve Him! We will be driving 7 hours to the deployment so we pray for safe travels too. G and L

Prayer for Hope. She is on a ventilator and family must make health decisions. Please pray for family. She needs a miracle.

Thank you all that voted for my husband Jim who made it through his 2nd surgery and has no pain now.

Jane here.. I am one4 week post op with my back surgery. I am home, and pain is a smidgeon better every day. I am still taking hydrocodone every 5-6 hrs. PTL for family who care for me. They did alot of nerve repair along with stenosis cleaning. I pray I am much better by the weekend! Thank you for all he prayers. And please pray for my brother Mick. Has severe weekness in legs and had to go to nursing home til hey figure i all out.

Please pray for healing for Bob & Sandra & that a room in a rehab becomes available for Bob soon. Pray for continued healing for my co-worker Maureen in her pancreas. Pray for healing for babies Faith, Indie, & Lucas. Pray for healing for Norma & Duayne, Gloria, Pastor Doug, Rev Lance, Ann, Kay, Toney, Jane, my son Rob, Evie, & myself. Pray for a Vietnamese woman for healing after being run over by a tractor. Pray for USA, Israel, Ukraine, the Olympics, this year's elections, & the safety of the candidates. Pray for the release of the J-6 & pro-life prisoners. Pray for an end to all this rampant deception & pray for revival ! Thank you & God bless you !

Sharon, ministry finances

My name is Linda I need a kidney. They want me to get a live donor for a transplant. PrYers for my husband Leoland he has cancer.

My son, Eric (49), received the Pathology report on the tissue from the brain tumor removed on 8/24/2024. It showed a STAGE 4 GLIOMASTOMA. Although Eric is going to take treatment, he is still only given 12 to 14 months survival. Please pray for a miracle! He has a beautiful family: twin 5 year old girls, 2 adult teens, a strong, loving wife. He's an elder in the church and faithful servant who loves the LORD. He is willing for God's plan to be done and Christ to be glorified. (As Eric's Mom, I need your prayers--Eric is my "baby-boy.")

Praise God, I had the spinal epidural injection on Monday and the pain has already lessened. Please pray that the pain will be completely gone within the next few days. God is good. And thank you to all the prayer warriors here. I always have confidence that others will pray for me when I post a prayer request. God bless you. - Regina

Thank you, all, and thank you, Lord! My aunt Nancy’s hip surgery was successful! Asking for continued prayers for recovery process. But also please pray for my mom Patricia who had to go to ER with a possible stroke.

Betsy had a scan on Friday, prayers for good test results on 8/19 in Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Continued prayer for Sarah, who has much to do for herself and her disabled son, Tina for an autoimmune, her daughter, to return to Jesus, for Judy, who suffers from much RA pain, and the revival of her son and daughter saved but backslid. Communicate with her. Heather, dealing with death in the family.

Prayers for reconciliation, peace and comfort for Ethan and Olivia.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for praying, reading and singing along!

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