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September 27, 2024

Longtime readers of this newsletter know we’ve been following a story that gets scant media attention:  the “discovery” of pipe bombs near the DNC and RNC headquarters just before election certification began on January 6.  Too much about this makes no sense.  The working theory is that this was a set-up, most likely through a government contractor, to make sure the certification process at the Capitol would take place immediately and not be derailed by Republican legislators wanting to introduce those pesky claims of election fraud.  They ended up not needing this plan because they got their dreamed-of riot instead.

You know that prior to the “discovery” of these two bombs, then-VP-elect Kamala Harris had left the Capitol building and gone to DNC headquarters for undisclosed reasons.  (Her schedule had simply said she was going “home.”)  The timing of her departure from the Capitol remains odd and inexplicable, given the significance of her presence there that day as the vote was certified.  And since then, she has been mum about being there --- even though she could have played it up ever since as a close brush with death at the hand of a MAGA insurrectionist!

Investigative reporters Julie Kelly and Darren Beattie have been all over this story for many months, putting together a timeline by painstakingly combing through security footage from both the DNC and RNC and also the Capitol Police.  They would have combed through ALL of it, and also gone through the cell phone communications of Secret Service and law enforcement personnel, but much is, well, gone.  (That’s a long story, one not to be accepted as true by anyone with a brain.)  They say in the latest REVOLVER NEWS report that the real pipe bomb story is “in its final stages of resolution.”

The video released to the public by the FBI, ostensibly to help them identify the person who allegedly placed the bomb by the bench the night before, was from DNC security cameras, not the Capitol Police.  Capitol Police cameras had a “convenient” blind spot where the bomb was planted.  But the two DNC cameras have their own blind spots as well.  These reporters have proved that the FBI withheld video from one of these cameras, and, strangely, this is better video, more helpful in identifying the supposed bomber.

They’ve also made the case that the frame rate and quality of DNC video that did get released by the FBI were tampered with, making it, again, more difficult for the public to identify the bomber.  Gosh, do you think the FBI perhaps didn’t WANT anyone to identify the bomber?

A very trusted government source tells them that in early 2022, a non-FBI government official who’s looking into the case went to the DNC building --- he did NOT go to FBI headquarters for this, which raises questions --- and viewed 45 minutes of DNC security video that had never been released to the public.  This video, from the night before, reportedly had no problem with frame rate or picture quality and clearly showed the pipe bomber planting the bomb (or at least placing something) next to the bench.  However, the official learned that their video from the day of the rally, when the bomb was “discovered,” had already been deleted.  (!!!)

This strongly suggests that the FBI tampered with the original DNC footage before showing it to the public, and the most obvious reason for that would be to make it harder to identify the bomber.  As REVOLVER NEWS reports, “There is no innocent explanation for why they would do this, if indeed that’s what happened.”

The reporters breaking this story believe that as they come closer to revealing the whole scandal, “the people responsible for the cover-up are going to become desperate.”  (Note:  Kamala Harris likely is one of those people.)  The story, they say, is “rapidly developing.”  Could it please develop fully before Election Day?

Dan Bongino has his own update on this, starting at 16:00.  At this point, he’s “100 percent sure” the pipe bombs were an inside job.  He also discusses testimony yesterday from Inspector General Michael Horowitz that strongly implies there WERE embedded FBI assets on January 6.  Horowitz doesn’t deny it; he just isn’t sure how many there were...

By the way, Horowitz STILL hasn’t released his report on January 6.



RELATED NEWS:  You already knew that President Trump authorized 10,000 National Guard to be on Capitol Hill for his rally on January 6.  But now, as John Solomon reports, we have the transcripts of the actual interviews.  Trump clearly said to “do whatever it takes” to keep the U.S. Capitol safe.

Solomon obtained these transcripts from Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee, which has long been investigating January 6 --- including the pipe bomb mystery, by the way.

Gosh, if President Trump was trying to be an insurrectionist, he sure went about it all wrong!  How were his unarmed MAGA minions going to take over the U.S. government with 10,000 troops standing guard?

Not only that, but we learn from these transcripts that civilian leadership at the Pentagon openly refused to comply with Trump’s wishes, citing “optics.”  How dare they not follow the clear direction of the President?

Well, they got their optics, all right.  This story is a must-read.

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