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September 25, 2024

In the opening monologue from Tuesday’s GUTFELD!, Greg rips into an organization we talked about on Monday called the National Security Leaders for America, formed in 2021 (gosh, such a new one!) and, as of Sunday, an official endorser of Kamala Harris for President.  The NSL4A is a self-described “bipartisan” group of about 700 former military and intel officers.

“We are Republicans, Democrats and Independents,” these political poseurs say of themselves.  “We are loyal to the ideals of our nation --- like freedom, democracy, and the rule of law --- not to any one individual or party.”  Never mind that merely by endorsing Kamala Harris, who gained the Democrat nomination by no democratic process previously known to man, they show themselves to be the antithesis of these principles.

Whatever Republicans there might be in this group can only qualify if there are quotation marks around the word “Republican,” the way, in a sane world, biological men who identifed as female would have quotation marks around the word “woman.” 

It’s even harder for such an organization to come across as pro-rule-of-law when nine of your members who signed on to Kamala’s endorsement, including Deep State Hall Of Shamers James Clapper, John Brennan and Leon Panetta, also signed the infamous “classic earmarks” letter that lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop just ahead of the 2020 election.

“Of course, once Joe was safely in office,” Gutfeld said, “that cover story blew up like a Hezbollah pager.  But it was too late.  The lie worked; the laptop was real; they knew it was real.  They lied because they were desperate to put the Dems back in power after years of Trump’s hideous peace and prosperity.  But that’s what spies do:  they lie.”

So these are the same people who came together again to sign Kamala’s endorsement on Sunday.  “They’re doing the same thing they did four years ago, and for the same reason.”  Kamala is “rehashing Biden’s dirty tricks to get elected,” Greg said.  “She can’t even be original when she’s being dishonest.”

“I think this was brilliant,” Tyrus said on the show, “because instead of each one of them coming forward and making a “spies for Kamala” video, they’re all like, “Listen, we gotta justify these ‘checks’ we’re getting for this committee.  The money comes from somewhere.  I’m sure if we did a forensic accounting we’d find it, and it’s [from] somewhere to the left.”

We understand their playbook now and are wise to what they’ve been doing.  “...We all now see the show,” Tyrus said.  “It’s no longer the curtains and the bells and whistles.”  The individual liars come together to form groups of liars.  “It’s over for them.”  Tyrus is confident of a Trump victory --- as long as EVERYBODY VOTES.   

In case you didn’t see our related commentary yesterday, there’s another organization, this one purportedly representing law enforcement but really just another leftist group pushing for gun control and “reimagining policing,” that endorsed Kamala as well.  This is the “Police Leaders for Community Safety.”  She actually found a law enforcement group that would endorse her.  But I wonder how many actual police would endorse that group.


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