
Latest News

September 27, 2024

I always urge Republicans to ignore polls and just vote like we’re 10 points down and we need every vote you can scrape up. But a number of new polls show that the “Kamala Joy” bender is wearing off.

We’re past Labor Day, when voters finally start paying attention, and what they’re noticing about Kamala is that she appears to be an empty pantsuit who can’t express a coherent thought or outline a single concrete policy that would solve any of the problems she’s helped create. She hasn’t held a press conference in over nine weeks, since having the nomination handed to her, and has spoken only in scripted speeches, a heavily tilted “debate,” and a few ultra-softball interviews. Even Oprah couldn’t make her look good, and you could tell she was struggling mightily to do so.

The Democrats’ problem is that they hoped to hide her until after the election, the way they did with Biden in 2020, but there’s no pandemic to justify quarantining her in the basement. They have to let her out occasionally, and as we also learned in 2020, the more people hear from her, the less they like her. With every public appearance, she bleeds support. And Wednesday may go down as the most disastrous day for the ticket yet.

To get it out of the way first, we had that nausea-inducing appearance by Joe Biden on “The View,” where the hosts fan-girled over him like a bunch of squealing 13-year-olds meeting Taylor Swift. To hear them tell it, he arrived at the studio by walking across the Potomac River. But whether it was deliberate sabotage of his usurper’s campaign or typical no-filter Joe, he still managed to say something devastating to Kamala and the Democrats’ narrative of separating her from his disastrous policies. In what appeared to be praise, but was actually incredibly damning, Biden declared:

“As Vice President, there wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do, and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy.”

Got that? If you LOVED the foreign and domestic policies of the past 3-1/2 years - the ones that gave you migrant crime, unaffordable housing, $5 gas and grocery bills you had to put on your Mastercard - you can thank Kamala Harris, because Biden just confirmed that he delegated a lot of that to her. As the Trump campaign tweeted, “Joe is Kamala, Kamala is Joe.”

That naturally leads us to Kamala’s Wednesday disaster #2, her speech in Pittsburgh. It was supposed to be the at-long-last unveiling of some actual details of her economic plan, but it was more gibberish like this (and to quote Dave Barry, I am not making this up):

"We need to guard that spirit. We have to guard that spirit. Let it always inspire us. Let it always be the source of our optimism, which is that spirit that is so uniquely American. And let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired to solve the problems that so many face."

But the speech did include one blockbuster moment that I predict we’ll be seeing in Trump’s ads from now until Election Day. Apparently forgetting who’s been in the White House for the past 3-1/2 years, Harris declared:

“We just need to move past the failed policies that we have proven don’t work.”

This has been quite a week. I find myself not only in agreement with Kamala Harris that she’s proven her and Biden's failed policies don’t work, but also with her running mate Tim Walz, who declared, “We can’t afford four more years of this!”

But the slow-motion train wreck wasn’t over yet. For Disaster #3, Kamala again went for the easiest, friendliest venue possible, giving MSNBC Democrat shill Stephanie Ruhle an “interview” on her alleged economic plan (or more precisely, her economic “vision,” which apparently needs glasses.) It was so bad that Matt Margolis at PJ Media illustrated his recap of it with a photo of the Hindenburg crash:

Harris’ promised economic plan details again failed to materialize, as she served up not just word salads but a veritable Sizzler word salad bar. Here’s our Quote Of The Day, in response to how she plans to make housing more affordable. Brace yourselves:

“Some of the work is gonna be through what we do in terms of giving benefits and assistance to state, local governments around transit dollars and looking holistically at the connection between that and housing and looking holistically at the incentives we in the federal government can create for local and state governments to actually engage in planning in holistic manner that includes prioritizing affordable housing for working people.”

Well, that’s about as clear as Louisiana swamp water. Matt said "holistic" must've been on her "Word Of The Day" calendar. It was so bad that even Ruhle complained afterward that she didn’t answer the questions, like how will she pay for all this new spending without exploding the debt if Congressional Republicans won’t pass her big tax hikes.

Naturally, Ruhle didn’t let the vaporous vapidity of the Democrat candidate deter her from insisting we still have to vote for her because Trump would be soooo much worse, what with his detailed plans, business experience and proven record of success. So at least Harris' horrendous performance didn’t convince her most loyal acolytes at MSDNC to abandon her. Let’s hope, however, that it had more effect on thinking people.

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