
Latest News

September 9, 2024

After a two-year investigation, Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee will release a 350-page report today on the tragically-bungled 2021 pullout from Afghanistan. This is a story on the advance release that lists some of the major points, and they are devastating to the Biden/Harris Administration.

Among the findings, none of which will surprise readers of this newsletter:

Terror threats went unheeded before the bombing that killed 13 of our service members as well as Afghan civilians…The Biden State Department failed to make an escape plan when it became clear Kabul was going to fall…They’re lying about being bound to the deadline in Trump’s previous agreement; as Col. Seth Krummrich, chief of staff for Special Operations Command, told the committee, Biden "decided we’re going to leave, and he’s not listening to anybody"…in the chaos, they turned away Americans and our Afghan allies and allowed unvetted Afghans to get on the planes…And the Taliban not only obtained $7 billion’ worth of our abandoned military equipment, but also up to $57 million given to the Afghan government.

In fairness, the Committee Democrats issued a rebuttal, which I’ll link to here:

...Although I fail to see how accusing the Republicans of criticizing Biden for political purposes or pointing out that the pullout plans began under Trump (and could have been changed by Biden) explains any of this away.

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