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July 25, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 10:31
  • Not Your Typical Olympics
  • New Meaning
  • They Just Sealed Texas’ FATE by RUNNING
  • 2020 Election Update


Mike Huckabee


Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Not Your Typical Olympics

By Mike Huckabee

The Olympics officially got underway in Tokyo, and while I’m hoping for the best and rooting for the USA as usual, there’s no question these will not be your typical Olympics. Japan is bracing for losing billions of dollars because COVID restrictions mean no spectator ticket sales. The lack of cheering crowds and athlete interactions will likely lend the Games a sterile quality that could turn off TV viewers. And many are already turned off by the relentless leftist virtue signaling.

Back in the USA, NBC and its advertisers are bracing for the lowest-rated Olympics ever. As always, the corporate suits have plenty of excuses for why a sporting event (or movie, TV show, etc.) craters in the ratings that, of course, have NOTHING to do with it going full-on social justice warrior and insulting at least half the potential audience. No, it’s always due to streaming or cable cord-cutting or COVID or the many other options competing for eyeballs.

Well, maybe. But COVID should mean more people staying home to watch the Olympics. The shutdown went on so long, and interrupted filming of new content, that people are complaining they’ve seen everything else they might want to watch, so that also should boost viewership. Even if you cut your cable, you can still stream the Olympics, or watch it over-the-air. So the liberal media executives need to face reality: the in-your-face wokeness and disrespect for America are indeed a large part of what’s driving away audiences for sports, movies, TV shows, awards ceremonies and more.

Don’t think that’s really a major issue? Michael Reagan agrees with me: here’s his column in which he admits that when the knee-bending USA women’s soccer team led by radical activist sourball Megan Rapanoe was humiliated 3-0 by Sweden, he and his wife (both soccer fans) weren’t bothered one bit “because of the politics.”

But don’t go by just two guys’ reactions. A survey by the marketing firm Zeta Global found that “more than 60% of Americans were unable to express excitement or interest in the summer games, and at least 45% of Americans confirmed they are NOT looking forward to the games in any capacity.” And why all the ennui? A separate Ipsos survey found that less than a third of Americans (32%) believe Olympic athletes should be allowed to engage in political protests, while a majority feel that a positive performance from U.S. athletes makes them proud to be American.

And it's not just Americans. People around the world watch the Olympics to root for their nation’s teams. If you hate patriotism, avoid the Olympics, because it’s a veritable orgy of national pride and cultural solidarity. That’s probably why the leftists are so determined to ruin it with their divisive political showboating.

To be clear: most of America’s athletes are great, patriotic young people who are proud and honored to be representing the USA, and I’m cheering for them all the way. But it’s the handful of outspoken activists, the ones who seem angry and ungrateful at having a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this, who are turning viewers off. Americans of all races tune in to root for America’s team, not to watch them take a knee to protest how we’re all a bunch of racists, and then scowl and turn their backs on the flag if they win.

In short, “Get woke, go broke” applies to non-professional athletics, too.

New Meaning

By Mike Huckabee

This story gives new meaning to the term, “mudslinging journalist.” utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=huckabee

They Just Sealed Texas’ FATE by RUNNING

By Mike Huckabee

When some Democrat legislators in Texas didn’t like some legislation that would have made it harder to conduct election fraud, they didn’t stand and fight back in public debate. They high-tailed it to an airport, boarded a chartered private jet and flew to Washington, DC with cases of beer on board. They were all smiles and looked more like naughty college students proud of their latest pub crawl than serious public officials. By fleeing the state, they kept the Texas legislature from having a quorum and therefore unable to conduct business. Beside their actions being as petulant as a 5 year old having a meltdown in the grocery store because his mother selected Special K instead of Fruit Loops, things got kind of messy for them when their arrogant stunt fell apart in oh, so many ways!

They seemed so proud of themselves and posted photos of their Excellent Adventure with their maskless faces smiling bigly, shortly after arriving in Washington, the “mother ship” for those who love government more than liberty. They were honored as heroes and were seen hob-knobbing with the Vice-President, Speaker Pelosi, and White House staff. But soon as many as 8 of them tested positive for Covid, throwing official Washington into panic and throwing the renegade Texas legislators into lockdown/quarantine where one boo-hooing legislator lamented that she actually had to do her own laundry while holed up in her hotel room.

For a state whose origin was Col. William Travis and his small band of citizen-soldiers defending the Alamo despite being outnumbered by 20:1 against the troops of Santa Ana, the sight of Texas Democrats fleeing their duties in a private jet and swilling beer like a scene from Animal House was just the sort of image political ad-makers dream of. These off-duty Democrats continued to receive their taxpayer funded paychecks and live in nice DC hotels, but the narrative was not about “courageous Democrats fighting against legislation” but that of cowardly carriers of Covid who created a super-spreader event in the nation’s Capital and had become a shining example of hypocrisy, hubris, and humor, being ridiculed from every angle except the far left, who is beyond shame of any kind at any time.

The ultimate irony? (And irony is something leftists seem incapable of seeing) Is that the big issue that caused them to run like a 3 year old’s nose during allergy season was a bill to secure the integrity of elections which included requiring photo ID to vote. Even on their charter flight, they had to show a photo ID to the charter company, showed one to check into their hotel, showed one to get into the Capitol and to the White House, and showed one to go to the clinic where they tested positive for Covid. So since Democrats have said that having to show photo ID is racist and a return to Jim Crow laws, I guess that these Democrats have reverted to racism and decided to comply with Jim Crow laws after all.

In politics, the worst situation is not losing—it’s being ridiculed. And these Texas Democrats have conducted a clinic in more than Covid transmission—they have schooled the political world how to carry out the most ill-planned disaster since General Custer. And they still haven’t answered the question, “who paid for the millions it has cost for them to have their little excursion into political history?” To quote the great philosopher Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as Stupid does.”

2020 Election Update

By Mike Huckabee

I’m sure some readers wonder why I don’t write daily updates on all the 2020 election audits and questions and challenges. It’s because if I did, that’s all I’d ever have time to do. The general flow of these stories is that the auditors request information, the officials refuse to hand it over, the Democrats attack the auditors and say “Jim Crow” a lot, Republicans go to a judge to force the officials to turn over the evidence, the officials refuse again, the Republicans go back to court, lather-rinse-repeat.

Occasionally, the auditors will come up with something that stinks like week-old fish, and the election officials and Democrats will insist there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation that they would have seen if they’d only examined the evidence that the election officials and Democrats fought like panthers to keep them from seeing. Pardon me if I don’t want to cover that five times a day.

I bring it up only because that’s the basic story of the latest update to the Maricopa County, Arizona, audit story. The auditors reported last week that about 74,000 absentee ballots had been mailed in and counted for which they could find no records of anyone requesting them.

The county officials have now responded that the auditors were wrong and nearly 400,000 more ballots were requested than received back. The auditors said they didn’t accuse the county of criminality, they just said they couldn’t verify the records because the county officials kept fighting them to keep from showing the records. I won’t bore you with all the details and serial numbers of forms and he said/they said, etc., but if you want to see it, it’s here.

Read that and you’ll understand why I’m cautious about reporting any stories that come out of an election audit until they're verified. I do NOT want this newsletter to read like that every day.

I will point out, however, that just a couple of days after the election, I called on Joe Biden to join with Trump in requesting an open, bipartisan examination of the vote, warning that if he didn’t, a cloud of suspicions, whether legitimate or not, would hang over his Administration, undermine his credibility and make it difficult for him to unite the country and govern. I got attacked from the left just for saying that. Well, we’re now six months into the Biden Administration, and how is that plan of telling skeptics they’re crazy while fighting to keep the evidence hidden working out?

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Comments 1-10 of 22

  • Rejoy Isaac

    07/27/2021 11:31 AM

    I thoroughly enjoy your daily articles. It is both informative and light hearted.


    07/26/2021 10:46 PM

    July 26th @ approx 7:35 PM PDT - FACEBOOK removed your post about the ELECTRIC buses that were scrapped because the battery would not last long enough for a "bus route" ....................first they removed your "wording" and left the photo of the bus ............I tried to "repost" before they deleted your "wording" - it was never reposted under my name .......... unbelievable

  • Floyd Unger

    07/26/2021 01:49 PM

    Thank you

  • Jerry

    07/26/2021 11:21 AM

    I hope all my ranting about the corrupt Government officials this country is enduring is not to offensive to God otherwise I have trouble waiting for me when we meet. I cant' live peacefully with these corrupt devil people I surely will find Hell sitting with these devil like creatures

  • Carol Fraser

    07/26/2021 09:35 AM

    The link to today's Western Journal about mudslinging was listed as "not found."
    Yesterday I tried to link to a section about leftist memes (not ones that supported them) and got a "Forbidden" message.
    As a 50+ adult, political items are forbidden? Really? This needs to be stopped, and soon!
    I can bet that pornography would be allowed.
    I pray daily for the USA and for Patriots who are trying to get the word out about the true state of things.
    May God bless you, Governor, and all of your hard-working staff.

  • Jerry

    07/26/2021 09:24 AM

    What does the world see when Biden speaks what does the world see when Biden signs an order it sees horror stupidity corruption hate and the unraveling of a civil society and the the Biden collection of all that is evil are laughing at the world and of the conservatives in America

  • Jerry

    07/26/2021 09:10 AM

    When people get shot up in the major cities look at the leadership in these cities and the educational systems the two add up up to a very low IQ in elections these low IQ voters elect a leader with a point higher IQ than its voters complete ignorance a cycle that will not be broken till higher IQ is present

  • jeff bell

    07/26/2021 09:01 AM

    With all of the talk about the number of Covid increasing. I really needs to be noted that the people coming over the border who are being moved around the country are coming in with Covid and spreading this around. Thirty percent will not take the shot. They should take the shot or go back across the border. When will these people be sent to DC, Delaware or CA?

  • JJ

    07/26/2021 08:55 AM

    When the Winnies on tv outlets say Biden hates Donald Trump the nitwits should be saying Biden hates Americans and it’s constitution

  • Stephen Russell

    07/26/2021 08:50 AM

    Just read on other site some journalist exposed beatings to prisoners from 1-6 event to date.
    Must use in TBN show

An attack on the free flow of information by Mike Huckabee

Leftists who once loved Elon Musk when he was making electric cars a reality have turned on him since he’s fighting the government waste, fraud and abuse that funds their political rackets.

Read on Substack


Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

FBI handing over records on “investigation” of J6 pipe bombs, but NOT on the Seth Rich case by Mike Huckabee

So far, the FBI has sent the House Judiciary Committee over 400 pages “on topics the committee had long been seeking,” going back to the Biden information.

Read on Substack