Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Other Top Stories We Are Following


Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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March 4, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day 
  • Priorities
  • Media swarms Gov. Ron DeSantis over mask comments
  • And more…

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Mike Huckabee


“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Romans 12:2

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

Don’t hit the wrong people

While I understand the impulse to retaliate against Russia, let’s not grab a shotgun and start blasting away so wildly that we hit the wrong people.

For instance, New York City’s venerable restaurant, the Russian Tea Room, is suddenly empty and staffers are getting threats on social media. They had to launch a PR campaign to let people know that they’re not pro-Putin. In fact, the place has been around since 1927, when it was founded by Russian immigrants who were fleeing communism.


Instapundit has a round-up of more thoughtless, unfocused Russian boycotts, many collected by Noah Rothman at Commentary magazine.


They include a video game maker that’s removing Russian soccer and hockey teams from its games, American vodka companies changing their names because they sound Russian, an Italian university canceling a course on Dostoevsky, the International Feline Federation banning Russian cats from competitions, and Canadian restaurants changing the name of the national dish “poutine” because it sounds like “Putin.” The 1997 animated movie “Anastasia,” about a Russian princess, has also disappeared from Disney Plus, although Disney claims that’s just a contractual thing. However, “Peter and the Wolf” also seems to have disappeared.


Those are just dumb, but some of the backlash is harming innocent people, like the Canadian Junior Hockey League banning Russian and Belarusian children from an upcoming draft.

These stories remind me of the kind of kneejerk intolerance that led to Americans with German surnames being branded as “enemies of the people” during World War I, and the Democrats’ hero FDR putting Japanese-Americans into internment camps in World War II. There are many Russians who are risking jail to protest Putin’s brutal actions. It’s obvious who the villain is here, and it’s not everybody whose name ends in an “i.”

But since all these corporations, from Disney to Coca-Cola, are suddenly so gung-ho against aggressive genocidal regimes that threaten their peaceful neighbors, I assume that means they’re also finally going to stop groveling to China and speak up against its atrocities, right?



One thing you can say for this Administration: it has priorities. They’re the wrong ones, but they are priorities.


Media swarms Gov. Ron DeSantis over mask comments

Liberal media outlets went into their swarming bees mode after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke to some college students and told them, “You do not have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything, and we’ve gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous.”


DeSantis was accused of “bullying,” “scolding” and “yelling” at them, which the video shows wasn’t true. But he didn’t take the attacks lying down. DeSantis went on Tucker Carlson’s show and explained that it seemed to him someone had told those kids they had to wear masks, and he wanted to make it clear they didn’t. As for bullying them, he made it very clear who the real bullies are:

“Bullying is locking kids out of school, which they did. Bullying is forcing kids to wear masks for 8 hours a day, which they did for two years and are only stopping now because the polling has changed. Bullying is kicking people out of work because of vaccine mandates. We fought all of those policies in Florida. We lifted people up, and we liberated them from local school boards and governments that imposed them.”

And while we’re on the subject of masks, and things that have gotten us banned for the past two years just for talking about, it suddenly appears to be okay to discuss how masking has harmed children with speech and language disorders…


…And to write about a study by Britain’s University of Bristol that found the cloth masks many people wear allow 90% of particles to get through, making them effectively useless at stopping a virus.


Also, an analysis of the study the CDC cited to claim that consistent mask use reduces the risk of contracting COVID found that the study was worthless. Only a small percentage of people even answered the phone to respond, and the two groups it compared were completely different and incompatible.


Fortunately, the CDC ignored the study it cited itself and relaxed mask guidance anyway. Their mask study might have been flawed and worthless, but the polls were real and terrifying.

Enough already California

To all the California voters who went for Biden over Trump by a nearly 2-1 margin: You chose…poorly.


Now, could you please stop inflicting your poor choices on the rest of us?

By the way: those $5, $6 and on the way to $7-a-gallon gas prices aren’t just because of Russia. They were planned long before Putin launched his attack. Sky-high gas prices are how the left has always planned to force Americans to adopt “green” energy alternatives, even if they don’t actually exist yet. This is why they refuse to let us go back to producing our own oil and gas, even though they know it would lower prices. Don’t believe me? Here they are saying it themselves.


More on J6 Committee 

Rick Moran at PJ Media has more on the House January 6th Committee's hopes to see former President Trump charged with criminal conspiracy for making false statements about the election that undermined the public’s trust.


If Presidents making false statements that divide Americans and undermine their trust in government is now a felony, someone might want to warn Joe Biden about that.



In an earlier post, I mistakenly included Coca-Cola among the corporate entities that have suddenly decided to take a stand against genocidal, oppressive regimes that threaten their neighbors. That was a typo: I meant to type Apple, which is okay with China but not Russia. Coke, however, has been noticeably silent about both. But at least there is one place that's beyond the pale to them: Georgia.


The Washington Swamp

If Washington DC was a gene pool, it would be a very shallow one because of the politically incestuous nature of the people who live there and make a great living off taxpayers like you and me. Calling them political parasites is an insult to real parasites like hookworms, pinworms, and tapeworms and those parasites do less damage and are far easier to get rid of.

You heard for 5 years about how Russia was supposed to have influenced Donald Trump, even though $35 million of a special counsel’s investigation concluded that he didn’t. Poor Adam Schiff spent years lying about having evidence of Russian collusion, but never produced a shred of it. Maybe the idea all along was to convince the gullible, gutless, and worthless partisan lapdogs in the media that there was collusion between Trump and the Russians, while hiding the real collusion that press is ignoring right under their stopped up, crusted over noses.

Today, I want to introduce you to a few people—some you’ve heard of and some you haven’t to show you it isn’t that hard to see the real problems in Washington.

Let’s start...here, with NANCY PELOSI…

who impeached President Trump…

...and hand-picked the Jan. 6 committee, including LIZ CHENEY.

LIZ CHENEY... is married to PHIILIP PERRY…

...who’s a partner at the law firm LATHAM & WATKINS LLP…

...whose Washington DC office represents the DNC…




...and MARC ELIAS…who needs his own board… (PAUSE FOR LAUGH!)

...and their law firm, PERKINS COIE…

...which was hired by the HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN…

–-and the DNC…


…to hire British ex-spy CHRISTOPHER STEELE…

...to put his name on a bogus “dossier”…from source IGOR DANCHENKO…

...(also under indictment)...

...which tells a fake “Russia” story involving ALFA BANK…

...which came from a “sensitive arrangement” between the NSA and RODNEY JOFFE…

...who in 2015 had on retainer as his attorney...MICHAEL SUSSMANN.

(Hey, folks, we just found that one out!)


A longtime associate of HILLARY CLINTON…



A loooooooongtime associate of…..HILLARY CLINTON.

The ALFA BANK hoax was pushed to the media by...HILLARY CLINTON…


...who is now national security adviser for PRESIDENT BIDEN…

...and it was also pushed to JAMES COMEY’S FBI...



...(who is now under indictment)…

...and is represented by…...LATHAM & WATKINS…

...which defended the DNC in the lawsuit brought by falsely accused Trump supporter CARTER PAGE…

...with attorneys KATHRYN RUEMMLER and LISA MONACO…

...who prosecuted the Enron case with ANDREW WEISSMANN…

...who also needs his own board. But he ran Robert Mueller’s $35 million waste of money trying to trap Trump. (PAUSE FOR LAUGH!)

KATHRYN RUEMMLER…(who has also represented the CLINTON FOUNDATION…

...while at LATHAM & WATKINS, and in the ‘90s, as White House counsel, defended BILL CLINTON)...

...and her colleague LISA MONACO…

...worked closely with PRESIDENT OBAMA, along with SUSAN RICE…

...and, yes, we’d need another board for SUSAN RICE, too.


...and LISA MONACO...

...worked on the Carter Page case with NICHOLAS McQUAID…

...who is a colleague of CHRISTOPHER CLARK…

…a defense attorney for HUNTER BIDEN…

...and, yes, we’d DEFINITELY need another board for him. A BIG board!! (PAUSE FOR LAUGH!) And maybe he could do a painting on it for us.


...until he moved on Day 1 of BIDEN’S presidency to the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT…

...where he is now Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division.

(This is all true, folks. I am NOT making any of this up.)

KATHRYN RUEMMLER was known as “OBAMA’S fixer”...

...and LISA MONACO is now second-in-command at the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT…


...who was nominated to the Supreme Court by...PRESIDENT OBAMA...

...and now can shut down the special counsel if he sniffs around too close to...


or any big client of LATHAM & WATKINS…

...like the DNC…


...and...........HILLARY CLINTON.

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg! But the ice beneath the surface gives me the chills knowing just how corrupt our government has become. What’s worse than the Covid virus? The corruption that stinks up Washington. We’ve got to clean house and disinfect that filthy place.

I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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Comments 1-10 of 13

  • Karl Kaucher

    03/06/2022 05:01 PM

    Governor, I would like to ask if you have any citations for the article "The Washington Swamp." I'd like to forward it on to some friends, but I guarantee the first question would be "there are a lot of allegations here - how do I know that any of it is true?" I'm not a Doubting Thomas, but I cannot document any of the claims in the article. Please help!

  • Karen G

    03/05/2022 07:22 PM

    Mike, may I share your article on FB regarding the incestuous Swamp?
    Thank you for all you do.

  • Floyd A Unger

    03/05/2022 04:57 PM

    Thank you. And quite a genealogy ??

  • Joseph Orsini

    03/05/2022 02:02 PM

    ALASKA was once part of the Russian Empire, as was Ukraine. Will Putin want to RECLAIM Alaska as he is reclaiming Ukraine?

  • Stephen Lentz

    03/05/2022 10:00 AM

    The Washington Swamp

    Please stop calling it a "swamp"!! My swamp is full of cattails, frogs, deer, sand hill cranes and tons of other desirable wildlife. PLEASE call it what it is, DC is a SEWER!!!!

  • Stephen Lentz

    03/05/2022 09:58 AM

    If Presidents making false statements that divide Americans and undermine their trust in government is now a felony, someone might want to warn Joe Biden about that.

    THAT IS HILARIOUS!!! WHEN was the last time you rinos went after a jackass for lying??? The jackasses are constantly going after guys like Trump but you rinos DO NOTHING to go after the creep and kameltoe ho!!!

  • Jerry

    03/05/2022 07:48 AM

    Most people remember the Alamo the Occupants hope of help on the way to help the fight against the Mexican army never came. Today help from the American government to bring the energy sector to operate at full capacity is hopeless the White House occupants will sit on its hands and let the energy production stay as it is or reduce its productivity biden will watch America’s economy fail just like the Alamo although Americans are fighting a war against biden and biden doesn’t give a dam about Americans just like Putin doesn’t care

  • JC Holland

    03/05/2022 07:42 AM

    Why isn't the RNC, & GOP running national ads telling the public what the Biden/Soros energy policies are doing to gas and energy prices.
    It's not because of Russia, we can be energy self sufficient. Trump already proved that.

  • Anne Turner

    03/04/2022 11:39 PM

    Thank you so much for the dirty laundry list and connections. It seems quite incestuous seemingly coming down the line from mother Hilary.

    The Governor of Florida is looking like an attractive presidential candidate. In many ways he is like Trump, but he is much more refined, lacks a womanizing reputation, at least so far, is a good age, has courage to stand up for his beliefs, has political executive experience, and is good looking.

    I think people should stop throwing around the nuke thing. This subject is so serious to the world that caususl discussion is counter productive. We do not want to put any remarks out that inflame Putin’s ego and make it seem like he us being dared. His actions seem to indicate mental instability. I am still not sure how the UN and NATO can allow one country to simply evade another country without provocation. Does anyone really understand why Putin is doing this? I somewhat understand the Crimea and maybe a small area of the Ukraine that is populated primarily by Russians but the rest??? It certainly tells us that the other Western European nations are collectively cowards. With the hideous destruction of the Ukrainian cities, the killing, and so many leaving the country, Putin won’t be left with much.

  • Gary Stilwell

    03/04/2022 10:12 PM

    re: DeSantis-
    You watch this man over his term as Fla Gov. and you think: dang, this guy would make a super President--he takes no crap from detractors that have baseless claims, and shoves it right back at them, if he makes a mistake, he admits it. He takes constituent's input(and actually acts on that input)--He listens.
    The really bad part of this assessment is if this guy were to ever run for the office, the US would be way better off than it is now, but Fla would suffer terribly---I live here, so I don't want the man to leave--a conundrum for sure

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