Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 27, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Tonight's stories include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-2
  • Keeping Promises in Virginia
  • Good read
  • Bad Idea
  • The GOP’s Howard Beale?
  • BA.2
  • International Holocaust Remembrance Day


Mike Huckabee

P.S. To subscribe to the advertisement-free version of the newsletter (delivering the morning and evening editions together in one email), go here.


This verse is dedicated by Scott C.

1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 TIMOTHY 2:1-2

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].


Thanks to reader Kelly D. Johnston for pointing out that California would still technically have to have an election for Pelosi's successor in the U.S. House should she retire after re-election --- the House and Senate have different rules about this --- but that Gov. Newsom would likely be able to "engineer" the outcome by endorsing the Democrat candidate of his choice.  Given that Pelosi's district is overwhelmingly blue, he would in effect be appointing her successor.
As Kelly is a former Secretary of the U.S. Senate, we don't mind and, in fact, welcome his nitpicking.  He also corrected what Alan Dershowitz said about Kamala Harris not being able to vote in her own VP confirmation.  According to Kelly, there's no prohibition against Kamala Harris voting and breaking a 50-50 tie to make herself Vice President.  So if he corrects us, too, at least we're in good company!

2. Keeping Promises in Virginia:

New Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is keeping his promises to the parents who elected him to get racist, anti-American propaganda out of schools, and some school officials are refusing to go quietly. Youngkin has set up a hotline for parents to call and report instances where they think school officials are violating their fundamental rights, their children aren’t being respected, or they’re engaging in divisive practices.


The head of the Virginia Education Association teachers’ union reacted to this empowerment of parents with the following hyperbolic rant:

“Barely two weeks into his administration, [Youngkin] has managed to sow chaos and division throughout the Commonwealth with his unconstitutional executive orders and poorly conceived ‘hotline’ designed to intimidate educators simply trying to do their jobs.”

I think maybe I’ve put my finger on what the problem is. To quote Strother Martin in “Cool Hand Luke,” what we have here is a failure to communicate. The head of the teachers’ union seems to think that violating parents’ rights, disrespecting students and spreading racially divisive political propaganda is a teacher’s job. Gov. Youngkin simply needs to explain what the job of a teacher actually is, since their union leaders have gotten so deep into leftist politics that they’ve forgotten. Maybe a little remedial instruction is in order.

3. Good read:

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took it upon himself to answer President Biden’s question, “What do the Republicans stand for?”


4. Bad Idea:

Whether in politics or relationships, it’s usually a bad idea to lay down ultimatums like “Either that goes or I do!” People who pull that often find that they’re the ones who end up going, and that’s exactly what happened to rocker Neil Young.

Angry that the streaming service Spotify is carrying Joe Rogan’s super-popular podcast that covers views about COVID that Young doesn’t want aired, he demanded that the service either drop Rogan or remove his music. They probably took one look at each man’s total streams and quickly decided that Neil Young should remember, a streaming service don’t need him around anyhow. And so, they’ve removed his music, as he demanded.


This story inspired an interesting piece by John Nolte at Breitbart.com on why so many big celebrities (not all, but some, and you could probably name them off the top of your head) are known as anti-establishment rebels, but their thinking is so sympathetic to fascists and big government? They’re always taking to Twitter to furiously demand that someone who said something they don’t agree with be silenced or fired or jailed. I wrote about this just yesterday, wondering why someone who started out in the '60s as a prominent pro-free speech critic of the government now wants to silence anyone who even questions government narratives.

Nolte’s theory: they’re not really anti-establishment rebels, they’re toxic narcissists. He even details some of the ways in which rich, famous, spoiled celebrities who think the world revolves around them are virtually indistinguishable from fascists.


5. The GOP’s Howard Beale?:

I’m starting to get the feeling that Republicans are fed up with Democrats accusing them of being racists and white supremacists just for disagreeing with their awful failed policies. Maybe Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas will be the GOP’s Howard Beale and inspire a wave of Republicans to start standing up and saying, “We’re mad as h*** and we’re not going to take being called racists anymore!”


In a related article, I strongly recommend this piece by Mark Judge at American Greatness.


His prescription for bubble-dwelling “journalists” who only hang out in their elite circles, talking to people who think the exact same way that they do, is for them to have to take some time off once a year to work a job like brick laying. If they actually had to go out into America and do a regular job in a supermarket, factory or construction site, they would learn to respect the people they’re covering. It’s a prescription very similar to what I wrote in my book, “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy,” and it’s more needed now than ever.

They’d also learn that, as I've reminded people many times, most Americans of all races have no use for the professional agitators who gain power and money by trying to divide us into warring camps. Most Americans work and shop and live next door to people of all races and backgrounds, and we get along fine. We’re not at each other’s throats or about to launch a race war against the same co-workers we eat lunch next to while talking about last night’s big game. Most of us have MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO.

Most importantly, making journalists work regular jobs for a couple of months a year would not only open their eyes and broaden their minds, it might allow the staffs of CNN and MSNBC to finally obtain some useful job skills.

6. BA.2

I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to hear that scientists have identified a new Omicron subvariant of COVID that’s been dubbed BA.2.


It’s now in about 50 nations, and 100 cases have been identified in the US. Not much is known about it, but according to Danish researchers, it appears to be about 1.5 times more contagious than the original Omicron, but there’s no evidence that it causes more disease. It might just spread the milder, natural immunity-inducing version faster. So if that pans out, it would not be the worst news.

Speaking of that, Dr. Anthony Fauci is now pushing for children as young as six months to begin getting triple doses of COVID vaccines. Since I don’t want to set off any Google alarms that I’m talking about things we’re not allowed to talk about, I’ll just link to this story.


It contains the statistics comparing the relative risks in that age group from COVID and from the vaccines. You can read all the info and make up your own mind. What a gloriously outdated concept!

7. International Holocaust Remembrance Day:

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorating the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland by the Soviet Army on January 27, 1945.

I have visited Auschwitz multiple times. It was the largest of all the Nazi death camps, and it’s the closest place you can imagine to Hell on Earth. When you stand on that cursed ground where approximately one million of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust were murdered, you can feel the oppressive weight of the horror, sadness and tragedy in the very air around you.

Recent surveys have shown that a shocking number of young Americans know very little about the Holocaust or even know the name Auschwitz. This is terrifying because we all know that those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. We’re already starting to see the beginnings of that deadly repetition, with Iran threatening Israel, a shocking rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes, the recent hostage crisis at the Texas synagogue, and even members of our own Congress spewing anti-Semitic rhetoric from the US Capitol.

It is vitally important that all of us, and all future generations, never forget what happened during the Holocaust. It cannot be allowed to slip into the dustbin of "history that schools don’t teach," while political hucksters devalue the terrible truth of it by casually tossing out words like “Nazi” or “Hitler” as cheap, empty insults to their political opponents. Nobody who’s actually been to Auschwitz would ever treat those vile terms so lightly.

On the 75th Holocaust Remembrance Day, I wrote a longer essay on this subject. It’s still online, and I hope you’ll read it.


I also hope you will read and share this article from the MyJewishLearning.com website, all about Auschwitz-Birkenau. Yes, it’s disturbing to read. But that’s why it’s so important to know, to remember and to never forget.


8. I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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Comments 1-10 of 20

  • Gregory Weinman

    01/29/2022 02:21 PM

    People who use Spotify are majority under 30. They ask "Who is Neil Young?"
    People 30 to 60 ask "Is he still alive?"
    People over 60 ask "What is Spotify?"

  • Lu Jean Bedard

    01/28/2022 05:23 PM

    Governor, I know I comment often but what you say is so accurate. I have to believe that people who think Critical Race Theory is a wonderful thing really do not know what it purports. After spending many years in public school, both substituting, teaching and working as a special education assistant, I know how easy it is for a teacher to casually "drop" an opinion and the students gobble it up as fact. I believe this is particularly true in middle school where I taught. The power of public schools to "brainwash" students with the current politically correct theory is very real. Thank you for your continuing commitment to exposing the truth.


    01/28/2022 01:29 PM

    At this point, I believe I will rely on the advice of Dr's Malone, Zelenko and McCullough along with many other medical professionals that have actually treated Covid patients rather than Fauci who has lied so much he can't keep with them at this point. To "jab" babies with three doses of this experimental drug and potentially destroy their immune system and creating other problems is just plain unbelievable.


    01/28/2022 12:53 PM

    I've always thought it would be a very good idea for journalists to be required to "run for office." In other words, when their contracts come up for renewal, make them campaign to keep their jobs. And let the public decide who stays and who goes. After all. Isn't the press one of the tenets of Democracy?
    I bet news coverage would get a lot more "main stream" if that happened.

  • Jerry Korba

    01/28/2022 10:13 AM

    Joey biden is President of the Democratic Party and and President of Joe Biden. The Democratic Party is like a pack Hyenas very dangerous while in a huge pack, it becomes weak when a foe is bigger smarter or stronger and will retreat when threatened today the pack seems to be weaker as the pack members are retreating and disappearing 30 congressional members are leaving the Hyenas pack and are finding other places to be when the leader of the Hyena comes to visit. Biden has always been known as a coward is finding what he knows along he is finding walking alone is becoming very fearful as the pack of hyenas are leaving him each day I can not wait for tomorrow as the pack will become weaker.

  • Jerry

    01/28/2022 09:35 AM

    The distraction continues on the msm the talk of Ukraine invasions that might happen or not happen our country has and is being invaded however the msm takes the sight and sounds of the United States being invasion is on page 53 biden is keeping the country’s invasion under the radar

  • Jerry

    01/28/2022 09:20 AM

    Our public domain is now becoming today’s public prisons only the decent citizens are now the inmates. The response to the dangers are the guns are the danger my take is bad people are using guns to murder rob rape and many hideous acts put the bad people back in prisons and bad people away from the good people the lack of a higher IQ in police forces mayors office the judges chambers and DA’s office the lawmakers are just lacking intelligence integrity with that mix all coming from the White House and its administration the people with intellectual powers have become victims biden is the reason for home security personal security most people are smarter than today’s leadership and are taking their security into their own hands it is time to defend against biden George S. and Obama

  • Darla Faulks

    01/28/2022 08:37 AM

    Please follow this link and comment on this! It is outrageous! We ALL need to contact our congress people and DEMAND an investigation! Please share this. I know if I put it on FB it will be taken down immediately. The twitter account will probably disappear shortly so please share!


    DOD and Fauci Caught In Massive Scandal Hiding Death And Damage From COVID Vaccines
    Attorneys Tom Rens and Leigh Dundas cover how the DOD has covered up the massive increases in miscarriages, cancer, neurological damage, and hiding the data being collected in Project Salas which show 71% of new COVID cases and 61% of hospitalizations are fully vaxxed.

  • Ann atwell

    01/28/2022 08:35 AM

    My hat is off to spotify's for taking Neil Youngs music. It is about time someone stood up to these far left people. We don't need their kind running the country. Also, I am so glad to see the new governor of Virginia standing up to more far left people. After all, taxpayer dollars pays the salaries of the school board so the parents are in the right.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/28/2022 08:32 AM

    Forever pandemic?
    No Long range plans seen to manage virus & vaccines seen
    Very tiring
    More new strains more reruns to 2020?

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