Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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May 27, 2022


Blessings on you and your family and from all the Huckabee staff! Today's newsletter includes:

  • Sussmann trial, Day 9: "Here come da judge!!"
  • Uvalde
  • And much more...


Mike Huckabee


At the same time,” says the Lord, “I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.”

Jeremiah 31:1

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

2. Sussmann trial, Day 9: "Here come da judge!!"

Before we get started on the Sussmann trial update, there’s one piece of business that needs to be addressed. Yesterday, I wondered how much the high-powered Perkins Coie attorney Michael Sussmann was charging Hillary For America for his consequential little FBI visit. Those fancy DC lawyers cost a pretty penny --- I was thinking $500-600 an hour. That kind of money adds up fast, into the millions, and it’s why Michael Flynn had to sell his house to defend himself against limitless malicious prosecution.

But I have to admit, we were wrong. A top DC lawyer is apparently even pricier. As Miranda Devine at the NEW YORK POST put it, “[Sussmann] is hoisted by his own petard because he couldn’t help but charge the Clinton campaign $800 per hour...to perpetrate this dirty-tricks campaign against Donald Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton.”

That’s right, folks, $800 per hour. But, hey, Sussmann billed just 3.3 hours for the day, and given the events he set in motion with his visit to FBI general counsel James Baker, Hillary must have thought it was money well spent! As Devine said on “FOX & Friends” Thursday morning, “She sanctioned, she approved this attempt to dirty-up Donald Trump and paint him as an agent of the Kremlin. The ramifications of that dirty trick went on, crippled the Trump presidency, did great damage to this country, [and were the] source of a lot of the rancor and division that we see now.” What a bargain!

And it was a drop in the bucket, considering the millions Perkins Coie was already receiving to fund Fusion GPS and, through them, the Steele “dossier.” Fusion GPS only paid Christopher Steele $168,000.

Devine summarized: “It may seem that the charge [against Sussmann] is small, but actually, the ramifications and the report that will come from John Durham are momentous. And we should all pay very close attention to it.”


Now, let’s catch up on Day 9 of the trial. First, we learned that closing arguments will begin Friday morning because Sussmann is not taking the stand in his own defense. (Too bad, but did anyone seriously think he would?) On Thursday morning, he declined to testify, and the defense rested.

Also, Durham has just been handed a potentially serious problem. In a couple of rulings Thursday, the Obama-appointed and heavily conflicted judge in this case, U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper, erected some huge obstacles for the special counsel. As legal analyst Andrew C. McCarthy wrote for FOX News, they are a “predictable but damaging blow to the prosecution” that make his case against Sussmann much harder to prove to the jury.

First, even though the text Sussmann sent to Baker is THE smoking gun –- ironclad proof that he lied to Baker –- Judge Cooper ruled that prosecutors must rely not on that text but on evidence that he actually told the lie the following day, while meeting with Baker, in Baker’s office at the FBI. That’s the insane degree of hairsplitting that is going on.

It stems from a legal technicality. McCarthy explains it in detail, but in a nutshell, it’s because at the time of Sussmann’s indictment, prosecutors didn’t have the text, so he wasn’t charged for THAT lie. Why, then, didn’t Durham create a superseding indictment that included both lies as separate counts? The problem is that the five-year statue of limitations was about to kick in when Durham charged Sussmann with lying in Baker’s office. The text to Baker didn’t come to Durham’s attention for another six months –- when Baker says he found it and turned it over –- and by then the statute of limitations had lapsed. Even just altering the original charging document to include anything about that text would invite legal objections. So Durham was stuck.

But, as McCarthy explains, the text isn’t out of the trial completely. It’s been presented in court, and Judge Cooper is permitting prosecutors to say it’s strong evidence that Baker’s memory is correct when he says Sussmann told him in his office that he wasn’t there on behalf of clients. What prosecutors can’t do is tell the jury that the Sussman’s text alone provides the proof he was lying (EVEN THOUGH IT DOES). Got that?


Unlike the text, Sussmann’s verbal lie is one man’s word against another’s. It was said with no witnesses and no notes taken. Baker said under oath that he’s 100 percent sure Sussmann said it, but other statements have been inconsistent, and Sussmann has pleaded ‘not guilty.” If it’s just a matter of who’s more believable, this jury is filled with DC Democrats who want to believe Sussmann. After all, he was just trying to save us from Trump!

Nick Arama at RedState.com had a similar take on what the judge did, even linking to McCarthy’s analysis. This judge has taken a case that should be simple and cut-and-dried, with the proof RIGHT THERE, and made it as hard to convict as he can. He wouldn’t even allow the tweets from Hillary that show how she capitalized with lightning speed on the Alfa Bank hoax. Judge Cooper was wrong not to recuse himself from this case; we’ve addressed his conflicts before and they are staggering.

Then there’s the jury. As Jonathan Turley has noted, “I mean, he [Durham] is facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team as Sussmann’s daughter. With the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury.”

Between this judge and this jury, one might be reminded of the O.J. Simpson trial, except with Judge Ito replaced by Al Cowlings.


The media no doubt sense that this jury will acquit Sussmann no matter how strong the case against him, and that’s why they’re laying low right now. If he’s acquitted –- and the verdict might come as early as today –- they’ll spring into action and use the verdict to trash the whole Durham investigation, never mind what it has found.


And Durham continues to find a lot. Testimony from Wednesday revealed that Rodney Joffe was actually the same source for two separate “tips” that falsely connected Trump and Alfa Bank. So he needed Sussmann to lie and say he wasn’t approaching Baker on behalf of clients, so he, Joffe, could still hand off his phony evidence to other people in the FBI. Joffe himself was apparently (surprise) an FBI confidential human source. This is one more reason for Sussmann to lie.

It came out through cross-examination of a defense witness, FBI Special Agent Tom Grasso, one of the people to whom Joffe had given “white papers.” For when you have time, Margot Cleveland will tell you all about it.


Finally, while we wait for the verdict, here’s an excellent review of the Sussmann trial thus far. It calls the trial “part of a three-ring circus, showcasing sleazy political enablers, malfeasance by public officials and biased reporting.” We have to “walk behind the elephants with a huge shovel.”


3. Uvalde

This is the link to Fox News’ continually-updated feed of the latest news on the horrific Uvalde, Texas, school shooting.


One of the fourth graders who was in the classroom but managed to hide from the shooter and survive gave a heartbreaking firsthand account of what happened. Rather than edit or try to summarize, I will link to the story so you can read it in his own words.


We’re also learning more about what happened before the shooting and outside the school. It’s both stunning and an irrefutable argument for schools having a single locked entrance and a school safety officer on premises.


The shooter got out of his truck carrying a rifle and a bag of ammo, shot at some people across the street and at the school, and was outside the building for about 12 minutes before he went in. Contrary to earlier reports, there was no armed ISD officer in the school to stop him. 

Parents are criticizing the school for its lack of security, and are furious at law enforcement for staying outside the building for a reported 40 minutes instead of going in to confront the shooter. The cops are also being accused of barricading the shooter in with his victims and encouraging the kids to yell for help before they had him subdued, which led to him shooting a little girl who gave away her hiding place.


Some parents are also accusing police of getting their own kids out while blocking parents from going in to rescue their kids. This story has yet to be confirmed but definitely deserves investigation.


But police tell a different story. They say it was a complex situation. They were going in and taking fire and negotiating with the shooter to stall for time while they got tactical equipment, marksmen and other necessities rounded up and brought to the scene.


At least the kids were prepared, as one little girl who survived said she immediately turned off the lights in the classroom as she’d learned during active shooter drills. The very fact that she would have to know that is a sad comment on modern society.

And here’s another story of quiet heroism: Off-duty Border Patrol agent Jacob Albarado was getting a haircut when he got a text for help from his wife, who’s a teacher at the school, which their daughter attends. Borrowing a shotgun from his barber, Albarado rushed to the school, coordinated with officers on the scene, and with two others covering him, he went in and helped get a number of students, including his own daughter, to safety.



4. Stop politicizing this 

Whenever there’s a terrible mass shooting, there’s no shortage of people who will irresponsibly rush to the nearest camera, microphone or social media account and start spouting stuff that’s unsubstantiated, blatantly false or just made up out of thin air. That’s why I try to be careful and wait to report some things until they’ve been confirmed, or if they're not yet confirmed, I tell you so.

With that out of the way, a lot of things were widely broadcast but untrue. In addition to the fictitious school safety officer, the shooter was described by some on the right as a trans, leftist, illegal alien. He’s actually from North Dakota, so far little is known about his political views if any, and the trans claim was due to mistaken identity for someone else.

Those trying to politicize the tragedy on the left are also spewing a lot of claims that would be called “disinformation” if they were coming from Republicans. For instance, the Washington Post ran an article claiming that the AR-15 rifle was “invented for Nazi infantrymen.” It was actually developed by the Armalite company in the 1950s, and there’s no evidence that its creator got the idea from the Nazis’ machine guns. Also, the Nazis weren’t the inventors of the machine gun; Chicago gangsters had them in the 1920s.


And in an article that’s unfortunately subscriber only, Chris Queen at PJ Media debunks a long list of popular leftist claims about guns, such as that America is the only advanced nation where mass shootings occur, that we have the highest murder rate in the world, and that we lead the world in mass shootings (which would be obvious if they only happened here.) In fact, researcher John Lott reports that from 1998 to 2015, there were 97 countries where mass public shootings took place, and the US ranked 65th in per capita murder rate and 64th in per capita frequency. And despite the left’s attempts to blame all mass shootings on Republicans, they are far more likely to happen in areas run by Democrats. Here’s a link to Lott’s original study.


Of course, none of this politicizing of the issue explains why we have something as unthinkable as mass shootings of innocent school children happening repeatedly. If that’s the fault of guns, then why is it that when I was a kid, every boy had a rifle rack in his pickup, but nobody ever even thought of pointing his rifle at his classmates? The guns have always been here, so what changed in society over the past 50 or so years that would result in such amoral disregard for the sanctity of innocent life? That’s where the answers to solving this really lie, and that’s why the left is so quick to blame the guns.

5. Parkland Dad: Nothing was learned

Andrew Pollack, who lost a child in the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school shooting, said that the focus on nothing but more gun control laws is the reason the Uvalde school shooting happened. He said the school still had no secure entrance, no on-campus security officer and all the shooter’s mental red flags were ignored, which proves that, “Evidently, they didn’t learn anything.”


But if you are going to ignore the real problems and focus on more gun control laws based on false narratives, who better to put in charge than Susan Rice?


And while we’re on the subject of false narratives, I’m fed up with hearing that Republicans don’t care about children’s lives, especially when I’ve just spent the past three weeks hearing from the same people about the fundamental right to abort babies right up until the moment of birth. I and everyone I know are heartsick over this senseless massacre of innocent children. We never want it to happen again.

And that’s why we are opposed to wasting time, work and law enforcement efforts on more laws that are proven not to work (nations that ban guns entirely still have mass shootings) while, as Mr. Pollack said, we ignore the things that we know do work. It’s precisely because we never want this to happen again that we should concentrate on things that will actually accomplish that, not pushing a preconceived political agenda that punishes the law-abiding while doing nothing to solve the problem.

By all means, if you have some new gun law that is enforceable, constitutional and will actually do any good, then I'm eager to hear it. But if not, then why don’t the politicians and celebrities who claim they care about protecting kids’ lives think that all our kids deserve the same basic level of security in schools that they enjoy at their jobs?

I Just Wanted to Say

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Comments 1-10 of 16

  • Errol Collins

    05/29/2022 02:52 PM

    Biden needs to be reminded that he was elected to SERVE, not to PUNISH. I wish someone could tell me just one thing he has done that benefits this country.

  • Jerry

    05/29/2022 10:44 AM

    To be sure biden and his collection of pagans are always going to side on the side of evil forces obama is the same as biden clinton schumer most people with clear minds understand this. The young madman that murdered children and teachers was enduring mental health issues for quite some time the other crime is not addressing that issue and the school school personal should be charged with aiding abetting the madman. Like our laws that are not being enforced paid employees at this school did not not follow the guidelines of the school and the police chief asleep at his dest without radio or other devices to stay in contact with his office should also be prosecuted or questioned in his lack of detail to his job. Laws and rules that are not followed is not an issue for gun control people need to do the job they are being paid to do you can add theft of money taking payment for neglecting the duties of their job description, just like the President of the United States should be brought to trial for not living up to the oath of office he put his hand on the Bible to uphold. So much for the Constitution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Robert E. Carter

    05/28/2022 11:48 PM

    Thought you'd like to this one:

    No photo description available.
    Johnathan Scroggs
    September 14, 2019 ·
    A hundred and twelve years ago, in 1907...our great grandparents were first able to buy the rifle pictured. The semi-auto Winchester Model 1907.
    This is a gun they could buy from a Sears catalogue and have delivered via US Post. It was/ is a semi-automatic, high powered centerfire rifle, with detachable, high capacity magazine.
    About 400,000 semi-automatic rifles were produced before WW2. Civilians had hundreds of thousands of these for 40 years, while US soldiers were still being issued old fashioned bolt action rifles.
    The 1907 fired just as fast as an AR15 or AK47 and the bullet (.351 Winchester) was actually larger than those fired by the more modern looking weapons..
    The ONLY functional difference between the 1907 and a controversial and much feared AR15 is the modern black plastic stock.
    The semi auto, so-called "assault rifle" is 110 years old. It isnt new in any way.
    The semi auto rifle was not a weapon of war. The government MADE IT a weapon of war 40 years after civilians had them.
    The semi-auto can be safely owned by civilians. The proof is that literally 3 generations of adults owned and used them responsibly and no one ever even noticed.
    Want to fix the horror of mass shootings? Fix the things that have changed for the worse in the last 50 years. Family Values, Prayer from Schools, Ten Commandments from court houses, Spanking Kids, Morals, What is socially acceptable, Confusion on Genders, Left Wing Liberalism, Socialism, ect.
    Cause the rifle technology in question was here long before this insanity. GOD SAVE THE USA.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    05/28/2022 06:45 PM

    Box is full of crap if they are trying to convince us that Americans especially Texans want stricter gun control. I know my fellow Texans better than that and as for the idiot who heckled Ted Cruz I can imagine what kind of Blue Reich stooge they are.
    NO to gun control YES to Self Control.

  • Elizabeth Ann Correll

    05/28/2022 12:38 PM

    If a shooter wants to shoot, will gun laws prevent the shooter from obtaining a gun?

  • Anne Turner

    05/28/2022 12:17 PM

    I have give this a lot of thought. I am not sure if it is Constitutionally allowed , and there is no doubt that American citizens have a right to bear arms. I would extend that to permanent residents who are not citizens. However, I think everyone should have a permit. I think guns should only be acquired from licensed dealers, not online, not from your neighbor, not at guns shows or flea markets unless the person has a permit. I agree this would not keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but it would make it easier for police to take away guns from those who should not have them. It would also make it easier to trace them. I would allow people to inherit guns but they must also have a permit. I would make it like a drivers license. Once you have the permit, you would have to renew every so many years, but you could acquire a gun without a background check, if you have a drivers license you can drive someone else’s car or a new car. We license a lot if things where harm could come to others if proper procedures were not in place, like barbers, food establishments, etc. i would also provide free safety and target lesson from law enforcement. To work, many of us had to have security clearances so there is a lot of precedent for background checks. I would also enforce the laws we have. That’s a problem. We have all kinds of laws that are not enforced. I would also make it a felony forwarded in anyone in a household to allow access to any firearm to those not having a permit. For hunters, you could do it like a drivers license with a learners permit under the supervision of a permit holder with age limitations.

    So far as the Texas murders, some very sound things could have been done to prevent this, such a locked door. I do volunteer work that required me to go into schools at times. The are all locked up and anyone coming in must be vetted. I do not especially want to see armed guards in schools but if that is what it takes then so be it. I don’t want to hear one more thing about the awfulness killing little children from the likes of Biden, or Nancy, or any if their ilk. Not when they think it’s okay to abort near term infants. That is just as sick as this guy was.

  • Carmine Fea

    05/28/2022 11:48 AM

    Gov. Huckabee: Re: The Massacre of Children and Teachers in Uvalde: Who has been relieve of their job for negligence, breach of their duty, contributing to the massacre? Who has resigned fully aware of their negligence, breach of duty, contributing to the massacre? I want to know this. These people are incompetent and dangerous in their positions. Do we have the ability to be serious about what happened in Uvalde and place the blame where it belongs with firings and resignations. I want to know this. Or do we let the least intelligent people get away with politically blaming guns.

  • Mary Berry

    05/27/2022 11:25 PM

    This was written by my daughter who is a counselor in Texas. Some of the information concerning the shooting has changed since she wrote this, but the Medicaid issues struck me as a true issue! From my daughter…
    I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about what happened yesterday. A LOT. Being in the mental health field for over a decade, I think I just see things differently than some. First and foremost what happened yesterday was was horrific. It was an evil act that our human brains struggle to comprehend. I can’t imagine sending my babies to school and then not coming back. My heart truly can’t comprehend it.

    Here is what I see differently than some others. I see an 18 year old who was severely bullied for years, who most likely didn’t have access to mental health care (or very limited), and who was in so much pain and so angry that he didn’t know what else to do but make others feel the same pain and anger. My heart hurts that any human has to feel that amount of hopelessness, helplessness, and desperation and now he’s passed those things on to millions of others. I see this as a tragedy and a failure in so many ways. None of these things excuse his decisions to commit horrific act after horrific act. But, we’ve got to start focusing on the correct issues and not just talking about them but acting.

    We are hearing that the shooter was severely bullied in person and online for years. Not an excuse, but part of the story. Bullying. Such an overused buzz word for many years, but for some it’s REAL. It happens every day. When I was in school I was blessed to be able to come home to a place that was safe and where I knew I was loved. Not all kids have that and with the internet and cell phones, kids just can’t get away from their bullies. It’s around them 24/7.

    Bullying starts at home. Every time you put someone else down in front of your kids, every time you act two-faced, every time you laugh at someone who looks or sounds different, you’re teaching your kids that those things are ok. THEY’RE NOT! You don’t have to agree with how someone dresses, what they believe in, who they are, but you CAN’T ridicule and put down others and not expect your kids to pick it up.

    We are also hearing that the shooter came from a very poor family. Those in the mental health field know that this is synonymous with not having access to mental health care. Very few clinicians accept Medicaid because of the extremely low compensation and high rates of refusal to compensate at all. This forces people of low socioeconomic status to go to community mental health facilities (MHMR) which are overrun with waitlists that are months long only to get in, get prescribed medications, and have no counselors available or they get to see a counselor for 30 minutes once a month or so (not a therapeutic level and does very little if any good). If he wasn’t on Medicaid, his family would have had to pay out of pocket for mental health care, which was probably absolutely impossible for them. When it comes to feeding your family or counseling, eating is the priority and for a lot of families, that is a very real decision they’re faced with. And that is all assuming that there was a mental health provider of some sort in that area. If the family didn’t have a vehicle and there wasn’t one in town, none of it was a possibility anyway.

    Did you know that in the state of Texas, LPC’s aren’t allowed to treat anyone on Medicare? We can treat everyone else, but for some reason not Medicare clients. Did you know that men over 65 are the most likely of anyone to die by suicide? Who do you think is going to be more likely to be available to serve a rural community - an LPC or a psychologist? So WHY is that access being refused to those who need it?

    We HAVE to do better. As long as mental health funding isn’t a priority, as long as insurance and politicians make it impossible for those most in need to access mental health care, as long as we are bullying, hating, and ridiculing in front of our children, things won’t change. We HAVE to do better. Our communities HAVE to do better. This can’t keep happening.


    05/27/2022 07:05 PM


  • Joseph Orsini

    05/27/2022 06:27 PM

    GREAT POINT in asking what changed in recent society that now young people use guns on other people, not on hunting game, etc.

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