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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

July 18, 2021

For reasons that make no sense, Democrats are dead set against requiring a person to have a photo ID in order to vote. The “idea” of an “ID” is simple enough—you should vote, but your vote should be protected by making sure you are the person doing the voting. If someone votes your ballot, they are stealing it from you.

I’m fairly well known and most places I go, I’m recognized and called by my name before I even sign in at the front desk. This happens at the airport, at a doctor’s or dentist’s office, and at a bank when I wish to withdraw funds. Even so, without a photo ID, I couldn’t see a doctor, fly on a plane, or pay for groceries with a check. I couldn’t take out a loan, check into a hotel or rent a car, or pick up baseball tickets at the will-call window. In most cities I couldn’t even enter a large office building. So why the heartburn about having a photo ID to vote?

The argument that it’s racist to require the ID for voting is not just laughable—it’s insulting to people of color to assume they are somehow less capable than white people to function in our current world. Black or brown people are as smart as I am, and I know they too go to doctors, hospitals, hotels, office buildings, and fly on planes. To suggest that obtaining or using a photo is just too complicated for a black or brown person is outrageous and denigrating. Do Democrats really think so little of minorities? It’s not racist to ask ALL people, whatever color they are, to have a photo ID when they vote. It is 100% racist to insinuate that a minority person is too dumb or lacks the basic life skills to obtain or use a photo ID.

Vice President Kamala Harris insulted people in rural America this week by saying that a photo ID would be too much to ask of people in rural parts of the country, because if we had to make a photo copy (or as she said if we had to Xerox our ID or go to Kinkos), we wouldn’t have the ability to do that.

She needs to visit rural America more. She might be surprised to find out we have electricity, running water, paved roads, cable tv indoor plumbing, and yes, even connections to the INTERWEB! We even wear shoes and store-bought britches. Heck, a bunch of us have even been to an airport and flown on those big jet planes. And we even have toilet paper. If we run out, we have the NY Times, since the Sears catalog no longer gets printed. I’ll bet she doesn’t even know that we quit using horse drawn carriages years ago and drive big ol’ fancy cars like the folks in California. Now I admit, we ain’t all as fancy as the folks in CA where she comes from. We still sometimes use plastic straws, eat real ribeye steaks instead of tofu, and believe that church is more essential than a casino or topless bar. And if the VP wants to come down for a visit, we can show her that all our folk no matter what color—know how to get and use photo ID. And we also know how to get and use a cast iron skillet and this might really mess her up—we know how to get and use a rifle, shotgun, or pistol. Most of us would never think of using those things on people unless they are dumb enough to try and invade our homes or threaten our families. And then it’s not us that will need a photo ID. It’s the dumb son of a gun who tried to break into our house. He’ll need a photo ID so the authorities can notify the next of kin.

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  • Ed Hatosy

    07/18/2021 01:39 PM

    Hi Governor Mike! Nut fer nuttin' but I find it really hard to believe that ANYONE could be as flippin' stupid as Joy Behar, but it looks like ol' Kammy girl could actually be a "twin"! Jes' an old "rural bumpkin" a-thinkin' out loud here, do these two idiots REALLY live on this planet? Butt, (yup, I used two "T's" there) the scariest thing is that "Krazy Kammy" could wind up as (SHUTTER!) president! That's 'nuff to scare me back into my church for some more serious prayin'!
    Butt (yup, again!) what the heck, --- HEY ITS JUST MY OPINION !

  • Jim Ross Lightfoot MC (ret)

    07/18/2021 01:39 PM

    I've ridden this old rock we call Earth around the sun nearly 83 times. As an old country boy from Iowa, this is about the dumbest insult I have ever heard. Like so many people living on either coast, farm country is “fly over” country. I bet you are even asleep with the window curtain pulled down as you pass over at 30,000 feet. Safeway, Krogers and Fresh Market do not make milk, cows do. Oh yeah, those cows live in that “fly over” country. So Miss VP, quit insulting us. Come visit and see that country folks might know more and understand more than you so-called elites from the two coasts. Oh, by the way don't step in the cow poop; you never know when it might be one of your speeches.

  • Theresa Appelboom

    07/18/2021 01:32 PM

    During a municipal election in NC about 11 years ago, I was refused submission of both my photo ID and voter registration card at the polls. Upon seeing the puzzled look on my face, the volunteer checking me in explained they were no longer permitted to them. Incredulous, I asked how they could be sure I was who I said I was. She said it was because the address I verbally gave her matched the one next to my name in their records. I pointed out how easy it is for anyone to obtain my name and address and that all they had to do was get to the poll before me and cite both. She replied, with all sincerity, that "That would be against the law." My response: "So??? If they are using MY name and address and steal MY vote, then WHO are you going to report to the police when I show up after them and prove my identity with my photo ID? You won't have the name and address of the person who stole my identity!" After looking at me blankly for several moments (while two older volunteers sitting nearby silently nodded their heads in agreement with me), the volunteer checking me in informed me that it is too much of a hardship for some people to obtain a photo ID. I respectfully disagreed with her, explaining that my elderly mother who could no longer drive was provided a photo ID free of charge when I drove her to the DMV. The poll worker then tried to put a guilt trip on me by claiming not everyone was as fortunate (though I suspected by her tone that she really meant "privileged") as my mother. I looked her straight in the eyes and suggested that anyone who was that unfortunate could best be assisted by government and/or community services making sure they obtain photo IDs. I ended by stating, "Fix the problem of accessing IDs without breaking the election system!" She pursed her lips and left me with the strong impression that the concern was not really for any unfortunate people who may be unable to obtain photo IDs. Fast-forward to today and we are still having the same battle over photo IDs to vote. If it is truly such a hardship for so many to obtain them, then why aren't Democrats helping them to get where they need to go to obtain them just like they bus them in to the polls?

  • Donna Bush

    07/18/2021 01:25 PM

    VP Harris needs to visit Rural America. She might be surprised at all the modern conveniences Rural Americans possess. There are more Americans moving to rural areas than ever before. The statement Harris made is an insult to me and other Rural Americans. We know it has nothing to do with copiers... It is all about stealing votes!

  • Susan Reynolds

    07/18/2021 01:24 PM

    You nailed it!

  • Wylie Fulton

    07/18/2021 01:22 PM

    Greatly appreciated your article about Kamela Harris and Rural America. You nailed it fair and square, but such liberal elites as our ostentatious VP don't give a rat's rear for real common-sense Americans. Keep it coming, Governor Mike! God bless you, and thanks for the daily Scripture verses as well!

  • Phyllis Boyle

    07/18/2021 01:04 PM

    It has always been my understanding that a person of age is required to carry a photo identification. If you do not drive, you still need to have an identification card, which you can obtain at a DMV office. What is the big deal? I have voted as an absentee voter for years. I applied for this way to vote, I do not like the fact that they mail out to all residents without them asking to do mail in vote. They need to make an effort to ask for this type of voting.

  • Sandy s Wyborny

    07/18/2021 01:03 PM

    I absolutely LOVE your comments regarding Harris and the comments she made about rural America! How can an "educated" person be so doggone dumb... stupid...uninformed...about the country she claims to have elected her into a position of authority?!? GOD help us all!!!

  • Richard Arlen Huey

    07/18/2021 01:03 PM

    Amen Guv-nor.

  • Lance Miles

    07/18/2021 01:02 PM

    You nailed these elitist snobs very well. Harris is definitely in the category of elitist snob

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