Today's News Stories

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 226-250 of 256

  • Blanche Franks

    02/02/2021 12:50 PM

    Great response. We who are not in the public eye do know and can say that the election was stolen. If not why so hard to present the evidence, they do not want the evidence out. They have to much invested in this. Trump won over 2400 counties and Joe 400 counties. You don't have to be a genius to figure this out. God allowed this and now he is serving his judgement on America.
    Keep up the good work. Love your newsletters.

  • Tom Hoffman

    02/02/2021 12:48 PM

    FACT: We don’t know who won the presidential election. The vote that took place on Nov 3,2020 was not legitimate because ballots were submitted that were not legal, verifiable , or auditable. Numerous election laws were ignored or broken enough to nullify the results. The results cannot be verified

  • Linda J Tucker

    02/02/2021 12:46 PM

    Gov. You are spot on as always! I am a new subscriber but lifelong Christian Conservative and so very much appreciate how you take my own thoughts and concerns and put them into words. I believe you carefully weigh everything, consider all sides and think before you speak. If only the masses on both sides would do the same! I am just a 74 year old grandmother but I pray and I listen and I think and I VOTE, every single time. Politicians would do well to remember there are a lot like me out here! Thank you for the good work you do. Blessings on your family and your amazing daughter Sarah, may she take Ark. by storm!

  • Clint Henry

    02/02/2021 12:46 PM

    Thank you brother for a very thoughtful response to the letter from Gregg. Truly there were too many instances surrounding the November election (?) that signal theft/fraud. My personal opinion is that there was not an election. What was experienced here in the former UNITED STATES of AMERICA was a predetermined appointment of a puppet; controlled by a previous administration; aka now a "shadow government". This government not by the people, for the people, rather, a far-left theft of a once free nation now rapidly becoming a Socialist nation. This has in my humble opinion been planned for many years by the elite left and right. I know we are told in God's Word to respect and pray for those in leadership positions as they have been permitted by God to be just where they are. I do pray every day for the left and the right leadership to experience God in a way that might just lead them to seek His guidance rather than their own aspirations of grandeur and that of money-hungry elitists. At 73 I have lived a good life and know full well my final peace rests with God on high. I pray He has mercy on my children and grandchildren.

  • JC Holland

    02/02/2021 12:45 PM

    Your answer to Gregg Z. really missed the mark.

    He claims to be an evangelical who votes for candidates who support Biblical principles.

    He obviously voted for Biden. How does he support an abortion loving baby killer who thinks abortion at term and beyond is ok?
    How does he support a President who will now pay other countries to murder their children?

    Despite all his faults, which we all have, President Trump is Pro-Life. He also signed multiple religious freedom acts.

    Gregg Z. is either ill informed, or a liar about his faith and voting criteria.

  • Kristy McTaggart

    02/02/2021 12:41 PM

    Gov, Huckabee, I have two questions I would love to read your thoughts about.
    1. Is there truth in the stories about the origin and foreign control of the Federal Reserve? I know Trump had issues with it; is that why the crapstorm that swirled around him from the second he won in 2016? That the global powers that be were afraid he might break it up or expose it? I cannot for the life of me understand the intense hostility directed at him. C’mon man, it wasn’t the tweets.
    2. Why is the new administration surrounding themselves with thousands of troops, fences and razor wire in DC?

  • Mr. Sieg Chencinski

    02/02/2021 12:39 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, I have followed you as a Christian since your days as Governor of Arkansas.

    I am a born again Christian who has voted GOP for 60 years !

    I have voted twice for Trump.

    I held my nose all along the way since 2016.
    Why ? Because he and the GOP did do some good things even though Trump continuously showed us that this was about him, his egomania and showed us his TERRIBLE CHARACTER.
    BUT GOD USED BALAM'S ASS TO DO GOD'S WILL, which is how I rationalized continuing to provide support for the CONSERVATIVE principles of the GOP, not for Trump himself.

    Trump has appealed to PEOPLE'S ORIGINAL SIN based worst instincts caused by ORIGINAL SIN to build his political coalition !
    Trump lived a life of breaking laws as much as he could get away with. I could not watch more than one episode because God's word and my education and practice of leadership told me that Trump's leadership is repugnant.
    Yes, even Mafia bosses praise and “love” their killer underlings as long as the underlings play the boss game.
    Christians should be opposing this !!!

    However, please EXPLAIN to us how you can support Donald Trump after what he showed us beg. Nov. 4th:
    . that he has no regard for truth,
    . cares nothing about LAW AND ORDER and our constitutionally imposed state run election system,
    . has NO REGARD FOR THE US CONSTITUTION because he still worships the evil Atty Roy Cohn who showed him how to break the law and get away with it - " for a while" (until Cohn was indicated and died of Aids before the trial)
    . promoting his fantasy that his re-election was stolen from him (when in fact it was totally legal and legitimate because none of his claims were supported by EVIDENCE,
    . Inciting his most radical followers to begin on Nov. 4th organizing an assault on our national Capitol buildings on Jan. 6th, Trump knew or did not want top know the intelligence reports about the organized plan to break into the US Capitol on Jan. 6th,
    . UNBELIEVABLY Demanding that VP Pence try to violate his constitutional role in certifying the Presidential election,
    . making an inciting speech to march on the Capitol and show the assembled Congress what they need to do to invalidate the election and put Trump into office for another 4 years. ANYONE WHO HAS STUDIED INCITEMENT UNDERSTANDS THAT TRUMP INCITED HIS RADICAL FOLLOWERS TO STORM THE CAPITOL EXACTLY ON THE DAY, JAN. 6TH, DURING WHICH THE CONGRESS WOULD BE MEETING TO CERTIFY THAT BIDEN WON THE PRESIDENCY
    Trump simply used code words to launch the criminal assault on the Capitol complex.
    . TRUMP watching the break-in of the Capitol on TV, doing nothing to stop it and then PRAISING THE CRIMINALS and PATHETICALLY TELLING THEM THAT HE LOVES THEM !!! WOW !!! .. and telling them now to go home in peace and failing to disparage their criminal conduct. His later attempts to state that he believes in nonviolence, etc. have been seen strictly as a HOLLOW damage control effort.
    This is what DICTATORS and POPULIST aspirants do in their attempts to rule nations !!!

    This is why TRUMP MUST GO !!!

    Respectfully, your response to Gregg still continues the fantasy that somehow the evidence of enough fraud which stole the election is somehow being hidden.
    QUESTION - Why has Trump not simply provided the EVIDENCE to the PUBLIC ?

    GOV. HUCKABEE, with all due respect, please explain how you as a Christian rationalize your continuing support for Trump !!!

    Thank You,

    Sieg Chencinski
    Christian and 60 year GOP voter
    Studied Political Science 1
    Masters Degree
    Served the USA for 12 years - 5.4 years globally on USAF Active Duty

  • Pat Whitaker

    02/02/2021 12:37 PM

    Your answer to Gregg Z. was excellent and I pray Former President Trump will get his chance to present his case fairly.

  • JJ

    02/02/2021 12:36 PM

    This election results has made all the countries that hate freedom very happy and relieved the opportunity to destroy America is now on the express track to either diminish its power on the military front, Social discord will be high gear as Biden destroys working people's ability to work to enhance it position, dependance on hateful suppliers of energy are building larger vaults to store USA dollars and weaken the economy all is well in America if you live in Russia the middle East or any other dictator run country with energy to sell. America now can live like a Refugee Get ready remember the Obama years the Biden Years will be on steroids to get to the bottom of whats left of American Freedom.

  • Sandra Rossi

    02/02/2021 12:36 PM

    You couldn’t have said it better!

  • Sharon Underwood

    02/02/2021 12:32 PM

    Thank you for you very well thought out reply that really did take both sides into consideration! I know my blood pressure was rising as I read Gregg’s message. “The Republican’s side was NEVER allowed to present their evidence!!”, I wanted to scream! As you said, “Why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent” so they might be able to say, “See, everything was fair and square.”

  • Susan Galloway

    02/02/2021 12:32 PM

    Sorry, I will struggle with the mess that is in office now but will never say that this was a fair election - the swamp won as they planned to: it seems that intimidation and fear helped - a terrible sign of the times and yes, it's biblical as well. We now know how deep, wide, and corrupt this swamp is, thanks to President Trump. The righteous are called to defend their beliefs, not waffle around, which is also part of the problem here and not part of the solution.

  • Catherine Bonham Jacocks

    02/02/2021 12:32 PM

    You gave very thoughtful polite answer to Greg, who seems to want to just get along. That is dangerous. Everything about DNC operatives is fraudulent and opposite the visions and ideals of our nation’s faithful founders. They are no longer Democrats. They are Communists! To just accept to get along is like throwing a drowning man an anchor. It’s also very naive! We have to stand up to prevent the destruction of our beloved nation.????

  • Rick Sanson

    02/02/2021 12:31 PM

    Very well written answer, and well thought out. So many of my liberal family members and friends refuse to see the logic and thinking of conservatives. They would rather criticize the source.

  • Barbara Thompson

    02/02/2021 12:26 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee,
    I agree with you. Reading your comments is like a breath of fresh air. It would behoove the Democrats to allow a complete and full audit of the vote in those 6 states where there were questionable shenanigans' taking place. For example, sending poll watchers home because of a toilet leak, then pulling out totes of ballots, a post office driver hauling ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, thousands of dead people voting as well as more people voting than who were living in the district and changing the rules of voting at the last minute without state legislators ruling. Dominion voting machines being connected to the internet and last minute program updates during the vote. All very questionable tactics that lead to vote fraud.
    What would happen if this was done and a GOP candidate won?

  • Carolyn Phifer

    02/02/2021 12:21 PM

    Just wanted to say I totally agree with you! To close our eyes for the sake of “getting along “ makes us more vulnerable and ignorant and doesn’t help our Country. Thanks for the great job you do I enjoy your letters.
    God Bless You!

  • Phillip Hoey

    02/02/2021 12:21 PM

    Your response is ????

  • William Zinn

    02/02/2021 12:17 PM

    I find it interesting that the Democrats are so bent on providing for the rich an powerful an lies that are told
    Constantly an the “so Called Pres.) costing millions of jobs’
    However the economy needs to be stated up folks need the funds to recover!
    An China is getting its hands on our money an no body seems to care!
    It was supposed to be America first8o!
    Corruption at its highest
    Levels an agin looking the other way!
    Attack a Former President an Try to prevent him ever holding office again though it’s unconstitutional where do we draw the line in the sand?

  • Kathy Novikof

    02/02/2021 12:17 PM

    I continue to read many many thoughts on the FRAUD, and I agree that it happened, that was perpetrated on the US CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by the Liberal/socialists/democrats'. I have yet to understand how this vote by mail has been embedded into our framework. No ID, No Verification, Nothing for my protection. And yet I need an ID to get a Covid Vaccine shot, write a check, buy a house, allowed to enter any government building.
    Discusting !!!
    And I'll never understand the National Guard in Washington DC. I get that those LIBERAL/Socialist/Democrats are afraid..... they should be ashamed of themselves, not afraid.
    They live in the safest place in the world and they are intent on turning the USA into China/Russia. My husband family fled Russia and the Stalin regime. They would be so distraught as to what our elected officials are allowing to happen by a few " ignorant loud mouth" commies !

  • Charles Sumners

    02/02/2021 12:15 PM

    I love your rebuttal to Greg. It’s exactly how I feel. Thank you for being a Christian in a hostile arena.

  • Phyllis R Murrell

    02/02/2021 12:13 PM

    Thank you for pointing out (again) that the courts did NOT dismiss Trump's cases accusing states of voter fraud because there was no evidence, they just found ways not to hear it. It is imperative that those affidavits which were signed under oath and carrying a penalty of perjury if false should be public and the purported fraud examined in court, It is also imperative that the Dominion machines be subjected to analysis if this issue is ever to be decided. Anything less than full transparency will just result in divisive mistrust in the system.

  • Jerry

    02/02/2021 12:12 PM

    The reason i believe the election was fraudlent is the changing of the voting rules were made by people that did not have the authority to change rules that is not a conspiracy, people under oath witness fraud and the no chance to let them speak in a court of a law tells me cover up your day in court must have been changed also. Proof of dead people were voting from the grave. I missed the memo that the country had set up voting stations underground in graveyards or that a community of urns with dust in them were voting, I live in fly over country I guess the paper flyer thrown out of the airplane reporting dead people are allowed to vote must have blown into Wisconsin Arizona, Penn. Georgia and Nevada forget about Minnesota those nimrods voted for Omar Klobuchar and Smith, Michigan got the memo insane people and inmates please cast your vote and we will let you out of your current residency and 5000 dollars to change a ballot goes a long way to elect a President. Something stinks and it is not honesty, Integrity, and the oath of honor but corrupt dishonesty greed the lack of being a character of the Constitution and Bill of Rights all are constant in these people and that is why China will annex the the USA as its next colony. It took the THE USA 250 years to have a government like Mexico the Mexicans are saying remember the Alamo.

  • Don Frix

    02/02/2021 12:11 PM

    Mike, I agree with your response completly. There is much evidence and circumstances that there was outright fraud that affected the election. We the people must know all about it and find a way to get truth in.the media and stop the censoring by the few oligarchs in silicon valley.

  • Beverly Ring

    02/02/2021 12:06 PM

    I totally agree and thank you Mr. Huckabee for standing your ground! I too am a strong Christian and stand on Biblical principles! I will continue to pray for our country and for President Trump! There is a lot of evil going on right now, and we have to pray against the strong holds! God Bless You Always!

  • Gary L. Willey

    02/02/2021 11:57 AM

    Hello Gov,

    I just have three quick questions:
    1.) Since Senator Patrick Leahy is presiding over the 'impeachment trial, does he have a vote on conviction? The Chief Justice does not have a vote, so why should Leahy, since he is assuming that capacity.
    2.) What gives Senator Leahy the authority to preside anyway? I cannot anywhere in the Constitution that says this it is permissible for a Senator to preside over an impeachment trial.
    3.) The impeachment articles were delivered AFTER Trump had left office, and was a private citizen, What gives the Senate the authority to try ANY private citizen?

    (asking for a friend)

Election 2024 Coverage

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 226-250 of 256

  • Blanche Franks

    02/02/2021 12:50 PM

    Great response. We who are not in the public eye do know and can say that the election was stolen. If not why so hard to present the evidence, they do not want the evidence out. They have to much invested in this. Trump won over 2400 counties and Joe 400 counties. You don't have to be a genius to figure this out. God allowed this and now he is serving his judgement on America.
    Keep up the good work. Love your newsletters.

  • Tom Hoffman

    02/02/2021 12:48 PM

    FACT: We don’t know who won the presidential election. The vote that took place on Nov 3,2020 was not legitimate because ballots were submitted that were not legal, verifiable , or auditable. Numerous election laws were ignored or broken enough to nullify the results. The results cannot be verified

  • Linda J Tucker

    02/02/2021 12:46 PM

    Gov. You are spot on as always! I am a new subscriber but lifelong Christian Conservative and so very much appreciate how you take my own thoughts and concerns and put them into words. I believe you carefully weigh everything, consider all sides and think before you speak. If only the masses on both sides would do the same! I am just a 74 year old grandmother but I pray and I listen and I think and I VOTE, every single time. Politicians would do well to remember there are a lot like me out here! Thank you for the good work you do. Blessings on your family and your amazing daughter Sarah, may she take Ark. by storm!

  • Clint Henry

    02/02/2021 12:46 PM

    Thank you brother for a very thoughtful response to the letter from Gregg. Truly there were too many instances surrounding the November election (?) that signal theft/fraud. My personal opinion is that there was not an election. What was experienced here in the former UNITED STATES of AMERICA was a predetermined appointment of a puppet; controlled by a previous administration; aka now a "shadow government". This government not by the people, for the people, rather, a far-left theft of a once free nation now rapidly becoming a Socialist nation. This has in my humble opinion been planned for many years by the elite left and right. I know we are told in God's Word to respect and pray for those in leadership positions as they have been permitted by God to be just where they are. I do pray every day for the left and the right leadership to experience God in a way that might just lead them to seek His guidance rather than their own aspirations of grandeur and that of money-hungry elitists. At 73 I have lived a good life and know full well my final peace rests with God on high. I pray He has mercy on my children and grandchildren.

  • JC Holland

    02/02/2021 12:45 PM

    Your answer to Gregg Z. really missed the mark.

    He claims to be an evangelical who votes for candidates who support Biblical principles.

    He obviously voted for Biden. How does he support an abortion loving baby killer who thinks abortion at term and beyond is ok?
    How does he support a President who will now pay other countries to murder their children?

    Despite all his faults, which we all have, President Trump is Pro-Life. He also signed multiple religious freedom acts.

    Gregg Z. is either ill informed, or a liar about his faith and voting criteria.

  • Kristy McTaggart

    02/02/2021 12:41 PM

    Gov, Huckabee, I have two questions I would love to read your thoughts about.
    1. Is there truth in the stories about the origin and foreign control of the Federal Reserve? I know Trump had issues with it; is that why the crapstorm that swirled around him from the second he won in 2016? That the global powers that be were afraid he might break it up or expose it? I cannot for the life of me understand the intense hostility directed at him. C’mon man, it wasn’t the tweets.
    2. Why is the new administration surrounding themselves with thousands of troops, fences and razor wire in DC?

  • Mr. Sieg Chencinski

    02/02/2021 12:39 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, I have followed you as a Christian since your days as Governor of Arkansas.

    I am a born again Christian who has voted GOP for 60 years !

    I have voted twice for Trump.

    I held my nose all along the way since 2016.
    Why ? Because he and the GOP did do some good things even though Trump continuously showed us that this was about him, his egomania and showed us his TERRIBLE CHARACTER.
    BUT GOD USED BALAM'S ASS TO DO GOD'S WILL, which is how I rationalized continuing to provide support for the CONSERVATIVE principles of the GOP, not for Trump himself.

    Trump has appealed to PEOPLE'S ORIGINAL SIN based worst instincts caused by ORIGINAL SIN to build his political coalition !
    Trump lived a life of breaking laws as much as he could get away with. I could not watch more than one episode because God's word and my education and practice of leadership told me that Trump's leadership is repugnant.
    Yes, even Mafia bosses praise and “love” their killer underlings as long as the underlings play the boss game.
    Christians should be opposing this !!!

    However, please EXPLAIN to us how you can support Donald Trump after what he showed us beg. Nov. 4th:
    . that he has no regard for truth,
    . cares nothing about LAW AND ORDER and our constitutionally imposed state run election system,
    . has NO REGARD FOR THE US CONSTITUTION because he still worships the evil Atty Roy Cohn who showed him how to break the law and get away with it - " for a while" (until Cohn was indicated and died of Aids before the trial)
    . promoting his fantasy that his re-election was stolen from him (when in fact it was totally legal and legitimate because none of his claims were supported by EVIDENCE,
    . Inciting his most radical followers to begin on Nov. 4th organizing an assault on our national Capitol buildings on Jan. 6th, Trump knew or did not want top know the intelligence reports about the organized plan to break into the US Capitol on Jan. 6th,
    . UNBELIEVABLY Demanding that VP Pence try to violate his constitutional role in certifying the Presidential election,
    . making an inciting speech to march on the Capitol and show the assembled Congress what they need to do to invalidate the election and put Trump into office for another 4 years. ANYONE WHO HAS STUDIED INCITEMENT UNDERSTANDS THAT TRUMP INCITED HIS RADICAL FOLLOWERS TO STORM THE CAPITOL EXACTLY ON THE DAY, JAN. 6TH, DURING WHICH THE CONGRESS WOULD BE MEETING TO CERTIFY THAT BIDEN WON THE PRESIDENCY
    Trump simply used code words to launch the criminal assault on the Capitol complex.
    . TRUMP watching the break-in of the Capitol on TV, doing nothing to stop it and then PRAISING THE CRIMINALS and PATHETICALLY TELLING THEM THAT HE LOVES THEM !!! WOW !!! .. and telling them now to go home in peace and failing to disparage their criminal conduct. His later attempts to state that he believes in nonviolence, etc. have been seen strictly as a HOLLOW damage control effort.
    This is what DICTATORS and POPULIST aspirants do in their attempts to rule nations !!!

    This is why TRUMP MUST GO !!!

    Respectfully, your response to Gregg still continues the fantasy that somehow the evidence of enough fraud which stole the election is somehow being hidden.
    QUESTION - Why has Trump not simply provided the EVIDENCE to the PUBLIC ?

    GOV. HUCKABEE, with all due respect, please explain how you as a Christian rationalize your continuing support for Trump !!!

    Thank You,

    Sieg Chencinski
    Christian and 60 year GOP voter
    Studied Political Science 1
    Masters Degree
    Served the USA for 12 years - 5.4 years globally on USAF Active Duty

  • Pat Whitaker

    02/02/2021 12:37 PM

    Your answer to Gregg Z. was excellent and I pray Former President Trump will get his chance to present his case fairly.

  • JJ

    02/02/2021 12:36 PM

    This election results has made all the countries that hate freedom very happy and relieved the opportunity to destroy America is now on the express track to either diminish its power on the military front, Social discord will be high gear as Biden destroys working people's ability to work to enhance it position, dependance on hateful suppliers of energy are building larger vaults to store USA dollars and weaken the economy all is well in America if you live in Russia the middle East or any other dictator run country with energy to sell. America now can live like a Refugee Get ready remember the Obama years the Biden Years will be on steroids to get to the bottom of whats left of American Freedom.

  • Sandra Rossi

    02/02/2021 12:36 PM

    You couldn’t have said it better!

  • Sharon Underwood

    02/02/2021 12:32 PM

    Thank you for you very well thought out reply that really did take both sides into consideration! I know my blood pressure was rising as I read Gregg’s message. “The Republican’s side was NEVER allowed to present their evidence!!”, I wanted to scream! As you said, “Why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent” so they might be able to say, “See, everything was fair and square.”

  • Susan Galloway

    02/02/2021 12:32 PM

    Sorry, I will struggle with the mess that is in office now but will never say that this was a fair election - the swamp won as they planned to: it seems that intimidation and fear helped - a terrible sign of the times and yes, it's biblical as well. We now know how deep, wide, and corrupt this swamp is, thanks to President Trump. The righteous are called to defend their beliefs, not waffle around, which is also part of the problem here and not part of the solution.

  • Catherine Bonham Jacocks

    02/02/2021 12:32 PM

    You gave very thoughtful polite answer to Greg, who seems to want to just get along. That is dangerous. Everything about DNC operatives is fraudulent and opposite the visions and ideals of our nation’s faithful founders. They are no longer Democrats. They are Communists! To just accept to get along is like throwing a drowning man an anchor. It’s also very naive! We have to stand up to prevent the destruction of our beloved nation.????

  • Rick Sanson

    02/02/2021 12:31 PM

    Very well written answer, and well thought out. So many of my liberal family members and friends refuse to see the logic and thinking of conservatives. They would rather criticize the source.

  • Barbara Thompson

    02/02/2021 12:26 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee,
    I agree with you. Reading your comments is like a breath of fresh air. It would behoove the Democrats to allow a complete and full audit of the vote in those 6 states where there were questionable shenanigans' taking place. For example, sending poll watchers home because of a toilet leak, then pulling out totes of ballots, a post office driver hauling ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, thousands of dead people voting as well as more people voting than who were living in the district and changing the rules of voting at the last minute without state legislators ruling. Dominion voting machines being connected to the internet and last minute program updates during the vote. All very questionable tactics that lead to vote fraud.
    What would happen if this was done and a GOP candidate won?

  • Carolyn Phifer

    02/02/2021 12:21 PM

    Just wanted to say I totally agree with you! To close our eyes for the sake of “getting along “ makes us more vulnerable and ignorant and doesn’t help our Country. Thanks for the great job you do I enjoy your letters.
    God Bless You!

  • Phillip Hoey

    02/02/2021 12:21 PM

    Your response is ????

  • William Zinn

    02/02/2021 12:17 PM

    I find it interesting that the Democrats are so bent on providing for the rich an powerful an lies that are told
    Constantly an the “so Called Pres.) costing millions of jobs’
    However the economy needs to be stated up folks need the funds to recover!
    An China is getting its hands on our money an no body seems to care!
    It was supposed to be America first8o!
    Corruption at its highest
    Levels an agin looking the other way!
    Attack a Former President an Try to prevent him ever holding office again though it’s unconstitutional where do we draw the line in the sand?

  • Kathy Novikof

    02/02/2021 12:17 PM

    I continue to read many many thoughts on the FRAUD, and I agree that it happened, that was perpetrated on the US CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by the Liberal/socialists/democrats'. I have yet to understand how this vote by mail has been embedded into our framework. No ID, No Verification, Nothing for my protection. And yet I need an ID to get a Covid Vaccine shot, write a check, buy a house, allowed to enter any government building.
    Discusting !!!
    And I'll never understand the National Guard in Washington DC. I get that those LIBERAL/Socialist/Democrats are afraid..... they should be ashamed of themselves, not afraid.
    They live in the safest place in the world and they are intent on turning the USA into China/Russia. My husband family fled Russia and the Stalin regime. They would be so distraught as to what our elected officials are allowing to happen by a few " ignorant loud mouth" commies !

  • Charles Sumners

    02/02/2021 12:15 PM

    I love your rebuttal to Greg. It’s exactly how I feel. Thank you for being a Christian in a hostile arena.

  • Phyllis R Murrell

    02/02/2021 12:13 PM

    Thank you for pointing out (again) that the courts did NOT dismiss Trump's cases accusing states of voter fraud because there was no evidence, they just found ways not to hear it. It is imperative that those affidavits which were signed under oath and carrying a penalty of perjury if false should be public and the purported fraud examined in court, It is also imperative that the Dominion machines be subjected to analysis if this issue is ever to be decided. Anything less than full transparency will just result in divisive mistrust in the system.

  • Jerry

    02/02/2021 12:12 PM

    The reason i believe the election was fraudlent is the changing of the voting rules were made by people that did not have the authority to change rules that is not a conspiracy, people under oath witness fraud and the no chance to let them speak in a court of a law tells me cover up your day in court must have been changed also. Proof of dead people were voting from the grave. I missed the memo that the country had set up voting stations underground in graveyards or that a community of urns with dust in them were voting, I live in fly over country I guess the paper flyer thrown out of the airplane reporting dead people are allowed to vote must have blown into Wisconsin Arizona, Penn. Georgia and Nevada forget about Minnesota those nimrods voted for Omar Klobuchar and Smith, Michigan got the memo insane people and inmates please cast your vote and we will let you out of your current residency and 5000 dollars to change a ballot goes a long way to elect a President. Something stinks and it is not honesty, Integrity, and the oath of honor but corrupt dishonesty greed the lack of being a character of the Constitution and Bill of Rights all are constant in these people and that is why China will annex the the USA as its next colony. It took the THE USA 250 years to have a government like Mexico the Mexicans are saying remember the Alamo.

  • Don Frix

    02/02/2021 12:11 PM

    Mike, I agree with your response completly. There is much evidence and circumstances that there was outright fraud that affected the election. We the people must know all about it and find a way to get truth in.the media and stop the censoring by the few oligarchs in silicon valley.

  • Beverly Ring

    02/02/2021 12:06 PM

    I totally agree and thank you Mr. Huckabee for standing your ground! I too am a strong Christian and stand on Biblical principles! I will continue to pray for our country and for President Trump! There is a lot of evil going on right now, and we have to pray against the strong holds! God Bless You Always!

  • Gary L. Willey

    02/02/2021 11:57 AM

    Hello Gov,

    I just have three quick questions:
    1.) Since Senator Patrick Leahy is presiding over the 'impeachment trial, does he have a vote on conviction? The Chief Justice does not have a vote, so why should Leahy, since he is assuming that capacity.
    2.) What gives Senator Leahy the authority to preside anyway? I cannot anywhere in the Constitution that says this it is permissible for a Senator to preside over an impeachment trial.
    3.) The impeachment articles were delivered AFTER Trump had left office, and was a private citizen, What gives the Senate the authority to try ANY private citizen?

    (asking for a friend)

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    Latest News

    February 2, 2021

    From Gregg Z:

    I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

    I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

    The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

    In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

    It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



    From the Gov:

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

    If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

    What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

    That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

    The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

    Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

    You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

    Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

    It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

    Thanks again for writing.


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    Comments 226-250 of 256

    • Blanche Franks

      02/02/2021 12:50 PM

      Great response. We who are not in the public eye do know and can say that the election was stolen. If not why so hard to present the evidence, they do not want the evidence out. They have to much invested in this. Trump won over 2400 counties and Joe 400 counties. You don't have to be a genius to figure this out. God allowed this and now he is serving his judgement on America.
      Keep up the good work. Love your newsletters.

    • Tom Hoffman

      02/02/2021 12:48 PM

      FACT: We don’t know who won the presidential election. The vote that took place on Nov 3,2020 was not legitimate because ballots were submitted that were not legal, verifiable , or auditable. Numerous election laws were ignored or broken enough to nullify the results. The results cannot be verified

    • Linda J Tucker

      02/02/2021 12:46 PM

      Gov. You are spot on as always! I am a new subscriber but lifelong Christian Conservative and so very much appreciate how you take my own thoughts and concerns and put them into words. I believe you carefully weigh everything, consider all sides and think before you speak. If only the masses on both sides would do the same! I am just a 74 year old grandmother but I pray and I listen and I think and I VOTE, every single time. Politicians would do well to remember there are a lot like me out here! Thank you for the good work you do. Blessings on your family and your amazing daughter Sarah, may she take Ark. by storm!

    • Clint Henry

      02/02/2021 12:46 PM

      Thank you brother for a very thoughtful response to the letter from Gregg. Truly there were too many instances surrounding the November election (?) that signal theft/fraud. My personal opinion is that there was not an election. What was experienced here in the former UNITED STATES of AMERICA was a predetermined appointment of a puppet; controlled by a previous administration; aka now a "shadow government". This government not by the people, for the people, rather, a far-left theft of a once free nation now rapidly becoming a Socialist nation. This has in my humble opinion been planned for many years by the elite left and right. I know we are told in God's Word to respect and pray for those in leadership positions as they have been permitted by God to be just where they are. I do pray every day for the left and the right leadership to experience God in a way that might just lead them to seek His guidance rather than their own aspirations of grandeur and that of money-hungry elitists. At 73 I have lived a good life and know full well my final peace rests with God on high. I pray He has mercy on my children and grandchildren.

    • JC Holland

      02/02/2021 12:45 PM

      Your answer to Gregg Z. really missed the mark.

      He claims to be an evangelical who votes for candidates who support Biblical principles.

      He obviously voted for Biden. How does he support an abortion loving baby killer who thinks abortion at term and beyond is ok?
      How does he support a President who will now pay other countries to murder their children?

      Despite all his faults, which we all have, President Trump is Pro-Life. He also signed multiple religious freedom acts.

      Gregg Z. is either ill informed, or a liar about his faith and voting criteria.

    • Kristy McTaggart

      02/02/2021 12:41 PM

      Gov, Huckabee, I have two questions I would love to read your thoughts about.
      1. Is there truth in the stories about the origin and foreign control of the Federal Reserve? I know Trump had issues with it; is that why the crapstorm that swirled around him from the second he won in 2016? That the global powers that be were afraid he might break it up or expose it? I cannot for the life of me understand the intense hostility directed at him. C’mon man, it wasn’t the tweets.
      2. Why is the new administration surrounding themselves with thousands of troops, fences and razor wire in DC?

    • Mr. Sieg Chencinski

      02/02/2021 12:39 PM

      Gov. Huckabee, I have followed you as a Christian since your days as Governor of Arkansas.

      I am a born again Christian who has voted GOP for 60 years !

      I have voted twice for Trump.

      I held my nose all along the way since 2016.
      Why ? Because he and the GOP did do some good things even though Trump continuously showed us that this was about him, his egomania and showed us his TERRIBLE CHARACTER.
      BUT GOD USED BALAM'S ASS TO DO GOD'S WILL, which is how I rationalized continuing to provide support for the CONSERVATIVE principles of the GOP, not for Trump himself.

      Trump has appealed to PEOPLE'S ORIGINAL SIN based worst instincts caused by ORIGINAL SIN to build his political coalition !
      Trump lived a life of breaking laws as much as he could get away with. I could not watch more than one episode because God's word and my education and practice of leadership told me that Trump's leadership is repugnant.
      Yes, even Mafia bosses praise and “love” their killer underlings as long as the underlings play the boss game.
      Christians should be opposing this !!!

      However, please EXPLAIN to us how you can support Donald Trump after what he showed us beg. Nov. 4th:
      . that he has no regard for truth,
      . cares nothing about LAW AND ORDER and our constitutionally imposed state run election system,
      . has NO REGARD FOR THE US CONSTITUTION because he still worships the evil Atty Roy Cohn who showed him how to break the law and get away with it - " for a while" (until Cohn was indicated and died of Aids before the trial)
      . promoting his fantasy that his re-election was stolen from him (when in fact it was totally legal and legitimate because none of his claims were supported by EVIDENCE,
      . Inciting his most radical followers to begin on Nov. 4th organizing an assault on our national Capitol buildings on Jan. 6th, Trump knew or did not want top know the intelligence reports about the organized plan to break into the US Capitol on Jan. 6th,
      . UNBELIEVABLY Demanding that VP Pence try to violate his constitutional role in certifying the Presidential election,
      . making an inciting speech to march on the Capitol and show the assembled Congress what they need to do to invalidate the election and put Trump into office for another 4 years. ANYONE WHO HAS STUDIED INCITEMENT UNDERSTANDS THAT TRUMP INCITED HIS RADICAL FOLLOWERS TO STORM THE CAPITOL EXACTLY ON THE DAY, JAN. 6TH, DURING WHICH THE CONGRESS WOULD BE MEETING TO CERTIFY THAT BIDEN WON THE PRESIDENCY
      Trump simply used code words to launch the criminal assault on the Capitol complex.
      . TRUMP watching the break-in of the Capitol on TV, doing nothing to stop it and then PRAISING THE CRIMINALS and PATHETICALLY TELLING THEM THAT HE LOVES THEM !!! WOW !!! .. and telling them now to go home in peace and failing to disparage their criminal conduct. His later attempts to state that he believes in nonviolence, etc. have been seen strictly as a HOLLOW damage control effort.
      This is what DICTATORS and POPULIST aspirants do in their attempts to rule nations !!!

      This is why TRUMP MUST GO !!!

      Respectfully, your response to Gregg still continues the fantasy that somehow the evidence of enough fraud which stole the election is somehow being hidden.
      QUESTION - Why has Trump not simply provided the EVIDENCE to the PUBLIC ?

      GOV. HUCKABEE, with all due respect, please explain how you as a Christian rationalize your continuing support for Trump !!!

      Thank You,

      Sieg Chencinski
      Christian and 60 year GOP voter
      Studied Political Science 1
      Masters Degree
      Served the USA for 12 years - 5.4 years globally on USAF Active Duty

    • Pat Whitaker

      02/02/2021 12:37 PM

      Your answer to Gregg Z. was excellent and I pray Former President Trump will get his chance to present his case fairly.

    • JJ

      02/02/2021 12:36 PM

      This election results has made all the countries that hate freedom very happy and relieved the opportunity to destroy America is now on the express track to either diminish its power on the military front, Social discord will be high gear as Biden destroys working people's ability to work to enhance it position, dependance on hateful suppliers of energy are building larger vaults to store USA dollars and weaken the economy all is well in America if you live in Russia the middle East or any other dictator run country with energy to sell. America now can live like a Refugee Get ready remember the Obama years the Biden Years will be on steroids to get to the bottom of whats left of American Freedom.

    • Sandra Rossi

      02/02/2021 12:36 PM

      You couldn’t have said it better!

    • Sharon Underwood

      02/02/2021 12:32 PM

      Thank you for you very well thought out reply that really did take both sides into consideration! I know my blood pressure was rising as I read Gregg’s message. “The Republican’s side was NEVER allowed to present their evidence!!”, I wanted to scream! As you said, “Why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent” so they might be able to say, “See, everything was fair and square.”

    • Susan Galloway

      02/02/2021 12:32 PM

      Sorry, I will struggle with the mess that is in office now but will never say that this was a fair election - the swamp won as they planned to: it seems that intimidation and fear helped - a terrible sign of the times and yes, it's biblical as well. We now know how deep, wide, and corrupt this swamp is, thanks to President Trump. The righteous are called to defend their beliefs, not waffle around, which is also part of the problem here and not part of the solution.

    • Catherine Bonham Jacocks

      02/02/2021 12:32 PM

      You gave very thoughtful polite answer to Greg, who seems to want to just get along. That is dangerous. Everything about DNC operatives is fraudulent and opposite the visions and ideals of our nation’s faithful founders. They are no longer Democrats. They are Communists! To just accept to get along is like throwing a drowning man an anchor. It’s also very naive! We have to stand up to prevent the destruction of our beloved nation.????

    • Rick Sanson

      02/02/2021 12:31 PM

      Very well written answer, and well thought out. So many of my liberal family members and friends refuse to see the logic and thinking of conservatives. They would rather criticize the source.

    • Barbara Thompson

      02/02/2021 12:26 PM

      Dear Governor Huckabee,
      I agree with you. Reading your comments is like a breath of fresh air. It would behoove the Democrats to allow a complete and full audit of the vote in those 6 states where there were questionable shenanigans' taking place. For example, sending poll watchers home because of a toilet leak, then pulling out totes of ballots, a post office driver hauling ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, thousands of dead people voting as well as more people voting than who were living in the district and changing the rules of voting at the last minute without state legislators ruling. Dominion voting machines being connected to the internet and last minute program updates during the vote. All very questionable tactics that lead to vote fraud.
      What would happen if this was done and a GOP candidate won?

    • Carolyn Phifer

      02/02/2021 12:21 PM

      Just wanted to say I totally agree with you! To close our eyes for the sake of “getting along “ makes us more vulnerable and ignorant and doesn’t help our Country. Thanks for the great job you do I enjoy your letters.
      God Bless You!

    • Phillip Hoey

      02/02/2021 12:21 PM

      Your response is ????

    • William Zinn

      02/02/2021 12:17 PM

      I find it interesting that the Democrats are so bent on providing for the rich an powerful an lies that are told
      Constantly an the “so Called Pres.) costing millions of jobs’
      However the economy needs to be stated up folks need the funds to recover!
      An China is getting its hands on our money an no body seems to care!
      It was supposed to be America first8o!
      Corruption at its highest
      Levels an agin looking the other way!
      Attack a Former President an Try to prevent him ever holding office again though it’s unconstitutional where do we draw the line in the sand?

    • Kathy Novikof

      02/02/2021 12:17 PM

      I continue to read many many thoughts on the FRAUD, and I agree that it happened, that was perpetrated on the US CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by the Liberal/socialists/democrats'. I have yet to understand how this vote by mail has been embedded into our framework. No ID, No Verification, Nothing for my protection. And yet I need an ID to get a Covid Vaccine shot, write a check, buy a house, allowed to enter any government building.
      Discusting !!!
      And I'll never understand the National Guard in Washington DC. I get that those LIBERAL/Socialist/Democrats are afraid..... they should be ashamed of themselves, not afraid.
      They live in the safest place in the world and they are intent on turning the USA into China/Russia. My husband family fled Russia and the Stalin regime. They would be so distraught as to what our elected officials are allowing to happen by a few " ignorant loud mouth" commies !

    • Charles Sumners

      02/02/2021 12:15 PM

      I love your rebuttal to Greg. It’s exactly how I feel. Thank you for being a Christian in a hostile arena.

    • Phyllis R Murrell

      02/02/2021 12:13 PM

      Thank you for pointing out (again) that the courts did NOT dismiss Trump's cases accusing states of voter fraud because there was no evidence, they just found ways not to hear it. It is imperative that those affidavits which were signed under oath and carrying a penalty of perjury if false should be public and the purported fraud examined in court, It is also imperative that the Dominion machines be subjected to analysis if this issue is ever to be decided. Anything less than full transparency will just result in divisive mistrust in the system.

    • Jerry

      02/02/2021 12:12 PM

      The reason i believe the election was fraudlent is the changing of the voting rules were made by people that did not have the authority to change rules that is not a conspiracy, people under oath witness fraud and the no chance to let them speak in a court of a law tells me cover up your day in court must have been changed also. Proof of dead people were voting from the grave. I missed the memo that the country had set up voting stations underground in graveyards or that a community of urns with dust in them were voting, I live in fly over country I guess the paper flyer thrown out of the airplane reporting dead people are allowed to vote must have blown into Wisconsin Arizona, Penn. Georgia and Nevada forget about Minnesota those nimrods voted for Omar Klobuchar and Smith, Michigan got the memo insane people and inmates please cast your vote and we will let you out of your current residency and 5000 dollars to change a ballot goes a long way to elect a President. Something stinks and it is not honesty, Integrity, and the oath of honor but corrupt dishonesty greed the lack of being a character of the Constitution and Bill of Rights all are constant in these people and that is why China will annex the the USA as its next colony. It took the THE USA 250 years to have a government like Mexico the Mexicans are saying remember the Alamo.

    • Don Frix

      02/02/2021 12:11 PM

      Mike, I agree with your response completly. There is much evidence and circumstances that there was outright fraud that affected the election. We the people must know all about it and find a way to get truth in.the media and stop the censoring by the few oligarchs in silicon valley.

    • Beverly Ring

      02/02/2021 12:06 PM

      I totally agree and thank you Mr. Huckabee for standing your ground! I too am a strong Christian and stand on Biblical principles! I will continue to pray for our country and for President Trump! There is a lot of evil going on right now, and we have to pray against the strong holds! God Bless You Always!

    • Gary L. Willey

      02/02/2021 11:57 AM

      Hello Gov,

      I just have three quick questions:
      1.) Since Senator Patrick Leahy is presiding over the 'impeachment trial, does he have a vote on conviction? The Chief Justice does not have a vote, so why should Leahy, since he is assuming that capacity.
      2.) What gives Senator Leahy the authority to preside anyway? I cannot anywhere in the Constitution that says this it is permissible for a Senator to preside over an impeachment trial.
      3.) The impeachment articles were delivered AFTER Trump had left office, and was a private citizen, What gives the Senate the authority to try ANY private citizen?

      (asking for a friend)