Today's News Stories

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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Comments 251-275 of 344

  • L Eldon Wright

    02/05/2021 12:23 PM

    With all due respect, the nearest any third party has gotten to electing a President since Lincoln was in 1968 and I was the campaign manager who came within a very few votes of throwing it into the House.

  • Emmy B. Purainer

    02/05/2021 12:21 PM

    I agree with you, Mike. We need to find strong, articulate, solid conservative candidates for the primaries. Not wishy-washies! I live in Seattle which is very liberal. Our city council is a liberal slime swamp and our mayor no better. I hope that President Trump can help find patriotic conservative candidates for all state primaries, and for Washington state, where I live, which is a mess. God bless President Trump. I miss him everyday. Hope that he is doing ok through what all the low-life dems put him through. Emmy

  • Craig Griffith

    02/05/2021 12:20 PM

    I understand your point, but as Stephen notes that it seems there is other choice left. Just as the integrity of the election is questions also are the other elections for representatives. The tolerance of the rhinos in the party, I believe so many would rather go to a 3rd party and at least felt as if they did their part to fight for our great country than to stick with the Republican Party and let it continually slip bit by bit by tolerating representatives that don’t have the courage or strength to stand tall and strong for our republic. I do not believe that you can succeed in any situation where the opposition has no integrity, moral compass or general respect for others, that only wants to control everything and everybody.


    02/05/2021 12:20 PM

    I understand your logic. But I am extremely skeptical that elections going forward can ever be trusted again. That isn't hyperbole or depression or anger. We saw this coming for MONTHS. As soon as they began selling their plan to do mass mailings of unsolicited ballots, it was OBVIOUS what was coming. The only surprise I had was when Republican legislators in the affected states refused to do ANYTHING to seriously challenge this outrage. THEN... the SCOTUS decision to ignore a situation that could very likely spark a second Civil War, made me finally understand that Americans who reject the message of the Left, the message of the DC establishment, are fighting a system that isn't going to be reformed from within. IMO, states need to begin looking into the viability of creating a new union with likeminded Americans from multiple states that still demand adherence to our Constitution.
    Meanwhile, there needs to be URGENT steps in multiple states to codify our rejection of ANY Federal 2A infringement. Secession may be the last peaceful option left to us.

  • Carol Janet Juliano

    02/05/2021 12:19 PM

    I agree wholeheartedly that we cannot have a third party. I too am very frustrated at the progress of the Democratic party and the decline of the Republican party. My hopes keep getting raised when I hear of the dastardly deeds of the Dems but then my hopes are dashed as they never pay any price regardless of the laws of the land. Everyone sues them but there is never any repercussions on their end. We have all this information on their dastardly deeds but they never pay any price and go off scot-free. So, as a result, I stopped watching the news as all I hear are how the Dems are still getting off scot-free and there is nothing we can do about it. Why do we even have laws when the Dems get away with not following them?

  • Colette Wagner

    02/05/2021 12:19 PM

    Governor, one other thing that no one mentions in this argument about a 3rd party. The fact that many states won’t allow a 3rd party on their ballot. We need more candidates like the women who won this election. I know of a huge group of women that would be phenomenal in our government. Empty nest LDS women would be the best candidates. They are strong in their beliefs of God, family and country. They run a large family. They are economically savvy. They are Christian in a way that this country needs right now and they are used to standing against the crap the world tries to throw their way. Baptist women might be another group we need to tap into We need women to bring this government back to the right. Your daughter is a great example of this

  • Cynthia Jacobs

    02/05/2021 12:15 PM

    Hi Mike.
    I understand that a new party would divide the conservative vote and I do not want democrats in charge for a minute longer. However, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same old thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
    We seem to be stuck in the same old rut. How do we get rid of the weak and/or self-serving Republicans who have let us down time and time again.
    After what happened in Georgia (and the other swing states) I do not think a STRONG patriotic God and family lovin' republican who actually represents the will of their constituents could win a primary for several reasons. One reason is the backing of incumbants by the RNC and party leaders in Congress and the second is because if democrats aren't bold enough to just take the seat, they will make sure the wishy washy republican wins again. You know, the ones for which a big percentage of republicans will not bother to cast a vote. The ones who are seditionists and domestic terrorists if we do not bend the knee to the Democrat's narrative.
    What is the solution that will bring real change?
    I'm praying hard for this country and the world our grandchildren will live in. The joy of the LORD is my strength.

  • Carl Linden

    02/05/2021 12:12 PM

    As long as the Republican party remains viable, what you have said is true. The Republican party though has now shown itself to be nothing more than a footstool for the Democrats. It doesn't need to exist, and has done much to kill itself off. Get rid of that chicken party and it is a new ballgame. Can that happen? Probably not, but then we are stuck with the status quo. What is our hope? Do we keep electing Republicans that will cave in to the Democrats? What is our hope in that? Now we have a lot of so-called conservatives that are turncoats in their practice. Do they deserve the gravy train and do nothing that they were elected to do?

  • Frank Jacobs

    02/05/2021 12:11 PM


    I greatly appreciate your newsletters. They are a sane and rational island in a sea of madness and frustration.

    I agree with you that a third party would be a disaster, completely and maybe for the next 50 years.

    The Perot example is spot on. I too lived through that election and saw a most truly principled man go down to defeat because of the narcissistic candidacy of Perot.

    However, in order to move forward as a party I submit to my fellow citizens that supported President Trump, we must not give him a pass regarding his culpability for our current dilemma.

    I don't think President Trump meant to incite the riot. But I do think he showed tremendous lack of judgment, or perhaps a blind spot.

    By calling for a large assembly in DC after the Supreme Court gave him no path forward, the President dealt a loser's hand. There ARE extremists on the right. They took advantage of the situation. The President should have known better than to give ANYONE (right or left) an opportunity to play into the hands of the Democrats.

    All this said, my point is we need to mimic the left and STICK TOGETHER. But to do this we must look at ourselves first to be sure we are not justifying a pattern of thinking and behavior that may be as narcissistic as that of the left that we truly abhor.

    Keep up the good work Governor. I'm with you.

    Frank Jacobs
    Montgomery, TX

  • rodney burke

    02/05/2021 12:10 PM

    I second the motion. NO third party UNLESS 90% of GOP leave. and leave Roe and a few like him hanging out to dry. As we know, that won't happen. Rino's have to go, the weak (Murkowski, Collins) must be trashed. We need people in there like Gowdy, Chafetz, Doug Collins. Matt Gaetz, and Lastly Devin Nunes.

    This mentality of "lose graceful " is bull. From now on we have to BE the raging bull, led by DT. GOP must be gutted" and new blood in leadership positions.

    Dems MUST be destroyed. There is no longer an option. They hate America and should be TREATED as the enemy. This Mike, is the only way to move forward for the America we know.

  • Thomas Peterson

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    With regard to the current situation, of course I would never vote for a Democrat because in reality they have become a party with a socialist agenda not favoring American ideologies. With that being said I can also no longer support the Republican party because they have waffled and collapsed on almost every issue. And especially with the major betrayal of President Trump by not backing him, and refusing to hear the evidence related to voter fraud not to mention the train our constitution. Therefore I cannot in any good conscience whatsoever vote for any of the Republicans in the party that have betrayed the trust of the American people. Although there are a few that are still loyal to the values of the party and the Constitution which are deserving of a second chance. However the Rhinos must be voted out of office. I do not advocate having a third party because I know full well that was tried before and failed. However I am an advocate for a party to replace the Republican Party that is built around true constitutional conservatives. Of course that would also mean new faces that would actually lead the party instead of caving in it every threat the Democrats throw at them. I firmly believe it can be done, and I believe it must be done. As the old saying goes if you continue to do the same old thing you continue to get the same old results. The fact that the American people did not get the results that they desired from the Republican party is a clear indication that there must be a change in our government to defeat the radical left Democratic Socialist that are rising up.

  • Jacqueline Ceccorulli

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    Hi Mike, You're right about forming a third party, however, the Republican Party is in a mess right now of their own making. We had a fantastic president but they wouldn't back him because he wasn't one of their own. Look where it got them. They are notorious for keeping their mouths shut while the Dems walk all over them making outrageous claims, lies and stories. It's time they man (and woman) up. This country definitely needs a third party but I'm afraid it would come at the Republicans expense. Like your previous poster I am disgusted with the Party, I am an Independent voter that would never vote Democrat as I have when I was much younger, but the Republicans are leaving so much to be desired and their treatment of President Trump over the last four years is inexcusable.

  • David Greenberg

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    One major factor of our failure as a party is a Senate as mushy as oatmeal with milk. They seem oblivious to the fact that the Dems want to destroy them and as soon as possible. The Senate Repubs are going to a fight to the death with Mickey, Minnie and Donald in the first rank. Until they learn to fight with a full war backpack, they will always be the also rans.
    And I do desperately want them to get to it,,,,NOW!

  • Alison Kennedy

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    Mike, why does it seem like the Democrats have all the power and can get away with as much lawlessness as they want? Is the deep state really that deep? If they have no regard for the constitution and no regard for the pledge of allegiance, they are no longer American, by definition. Why can't we get an amicable divorce? It avoids a messy civil war that nobody wants, and everybody can be happy.

  • Lyn Morales

    02/05/2021 12:08 PM

    I agree with Stephen. Yes I read your reply and I use to say the same whenever 3 rd party was brought up. Here the thing Stephen said and I’ ll make clearer —75 million voted for Trump not the GOP or Republicans . Minorities - all lifestyles - all religions increased FOR TRUMP.
    It makes no difference Dem or Repub because the both have the same owners - it’s like a play with actors. How many decades have we asked for a wall? How many decades for Trade to focus in American needs? For healthcare costs and Pharmaceuticals to stop with the monopolies? For the VA to be fixed ? School Choice - Voter Id - social security ... the list is long AND NOTHING GOT WVEN ADDRESSED once a president is elected and congress.
    Trump worked like heck - stated all we wanted and both sides worked against him... it wasn’t McCain fault repeal and replace was tossed - the owners of congress just decided he would play the bad guy.
    By owners I mean the people who fund each congressperson - the pork that gets inserted for them - Wow we the people have sat for decades and see nothing got accomplished sure a Republican goes in our economy goes up a little but it’s nothing lasting like what we’ve been asking for.
    We lose our freedoms ...speech our Guns and when a repub gets in nothing is gained the losses remain.
    Trump took the blows was demonized assaulted his family and he will be targets - not from the left but the right politicians - the GOP even repubs that speak out now for him will look to be Prez .
    In the passed using terms like “ staying home is a vote for the Dems. In the pasted politics could flip flop for Trump against trump and they counted on people’s short memory ..... But Trump gave us what we wanted promises made ans kept - He said and acted on what no politician ever dared.
    We wil not go back- the right will be lucky to get 30 percent of the turnout for congress 2022 and prez in 2024 unless Trump is leading the Party

  • Ray Stevens

    02/05/2021 12:06 PM

    Governor Huckabee I completely agree with Stephen R concerning the creation of a third party. The Republican party is, in my opinion, totally dysfunctional. What needs to happen is for the party to crash and burn and from the ashes, as with the mythical Phoenix, arise again from the ashes as a unified party to fight the Neo Marxists. This cannot happen under it's current leadership. This transition and or genesis will not happen overnight but it will be well worth the wait so that we may take our country back and once again return the power to the people as it was intended by our founders.
    Thanks, and keep up the fight.

  • Gerald Hornbacker

    02/05/2021 12:06 PM

    I loved your reply to voting democrat. I'll second that!

  • Tom Quinlan

    02/05/2021 12:04 PM

    The GOP is not unified. The democrats laugh as the gop splinters everytime there is a vote. MTG? Until such time as someone can whip the party together they won't win votes for dog catcher. That's what all of us in fly over land are waiting and watching to see. Unity. I'm not holding my breath!

  • John William Randt

    02/05/2021 12:01 PM

    All i can say is TRUMP 2024!!!! He is still the leader of the Republican Party!!! The left, democrats, China, Russia and all that ilk fear him.

  • Ernie Boxall

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    I cannot see how the party can be fixed with McConnell having six more years and, apparently, the same power pelosi has over the democrats (for now).
    With Chaney reelected, Graham blowing the same smoke and mirrors he always pulls and Romney asking for democrat spending plans...the party hierarchy has dived into the swamp with the est of the establishment.

  • John F Cote Sr

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    Sorry Governor, I agree with Steven. You made several good points which greatly saddened me. It appears that you are in line with all that is wrong with the Republican Party. Remember that the elite of your party were very much AGAINST Mr. Trump when he was running for President. “They still are.” I don’t believe in party politics because those who belong are expected to do what they are told and financially support them May God forbid me if I ever give even a penny to support Romney or anyone who follows him. I detected from your comments that’s exactly what you want us to do. Sorry you are NOT getting me to be a puppet. You painted a bleak picture for us and I’m sorry for that Oh by the way I do appreciate and (mostly) enjoy your articles.

  • Louise Barner

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    I believe that the left did create the January 6th breach of the Capital. And I agree with you on no new 3rd party. I'm just not sure the Republicans have the drive to do what you suggest in your article. I am 73 years old and doubt I will see it.

  • Clayton M Kirkland

    02/05/2021 11:57 AM

    I agree with you on this, although I understand how some feel about a third party. We do need to clearly identify the RINOs in our midst and get rid of them. Starting with Romney. That said, the other key issue is taking a lesson from the Dems, and their fellow travelers, and organize to get out the vote. People have got to understand that not voting is a vote for the other guy. We also have to realize that the other side will lie, cheat and steal in order to win. I remember an old "joke," about Dems voting early and often. Not such a joke any more. And they are creative in how to do it. What really gets me is that we knew it was going to happen in 2020, and they did it and are getting away with it. I still don't understand how we allowed that to happen. But we better figure out how to stop it in the future.

  • Frances Roberts

    02/05/2021 11:56 AM

    This is so discouraging! I feel like we are already 2 years behind the Democrats. Now we have to find candidates who agree with the Republican agenda but how do you know if they won’t say one thing and do another. Who the heck can you trust in this crazy world? Only God.

  • Robin Rebhan

    02/05/2021 11:55 AM

    Regards to third party... I believe we really need to rejuvenate the Republican Party by getting the dead wood out in the primaries. The metaphor for the current party was in 2016 President Trump standing in front of a microphone and stating to the Republican Congress and Senate " I stand here with pen in hand ". And the they got nothing done. Partly bitterness to President Trump. But also greed, lobbyists and mostly it was way too comfortable just collecting a paycheck when lobbyists can write new laws for you. When President Trump had a motto " America First ". I thought he was just only talking about putting America First over foreign countries. But, he was also talking about putting America before self interests, lobbyists, and greed. Looking to a higher calling for America to be a light in the world for others to follow. Now we need to take the trash out in our own Republican party. A new Republican Party Fully committed to the highest ideals of our Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution and The Sovereign People of this great nation.
    Difficult that it may be, we need to stick together by working and voting together. To do this we need great statesmanship and honest strong leadership. And above all we must " Trust and have faith in God ".

Election 2024 Coverage

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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  • L Eldon Wright

    02/05/2021 12:23 PM

    With all due respect, the nearest any third party has gotten to electing a President since Lincoln was in 1968 and I was the campaign manager who came within a very few votes of throwing it into the House.

  • Emmy B. Purainer

    02/05/2021 12:21 PM

    I agree with you, Mike. We need to find strong, articulate, solid conservative candidates for the primaries. Not wishy-washies! I live in Seattle which is very liberal. Our city council is a liberal slime swamp and our mayor no better. I hope that President Trump can help find patriotic conservative candidates for all state primaries, and for Washington state, where I live, which is a mess. God bless President Trump. I miss him everyday. Hope that he is doing ok through what all the low-life dems put him through. Emmy

  • Craig Griffith

    02/05/2021 12:20 PM

    I understand your point, but as Stephen notes that it seems there is other choice left. Just as the integrity of the election is questions also are the other elections for representatives. The tolerance of the rhinos in the party, I believe so many would rather go to a 3rd party and at least felt as if they did their part to fight for our great country than to stick with the Republican Party and let it continually slip bit by bit by tolerating representatives that don’t have the courage or strength to stand tall and strong for our republic. I do not believe that you can succeed in any situation where the opposition has no integrity, moral compass or general respect for others, that only wants to control everything and everybody.


    02/05/2021 12:20 PM

    I understand your logic. But I am extremely skeptical that elections going forward can ever be trusted again. That isn't hyperbole or depression or anger. We saw this coming for MONTHS. As soon as they began selling their plan to do mass mailings of unsolicited ballots, it was OBVIOUS what was coming. The only surprise I had was when Republican legislators in the affected states refused to do ANYTHING to seriously challenge this outrage. THEN... the SCOTUS decision to ignore a situation that could very likely spark a second Civil War, made me finally understand that Americans who reject the message of the Left, the message of the DC establishment, are fighting a system that isn't going to be reformed from within. IMO, states need to begin looking into the viability of creating a new union with likeminded Americans from multiple states that still demand adherence to our Constitution.
    Meanwhile, there needs to be URGENT steps in multiple states to codify our rejection of ANY Federal 2A infringement. Secession may be the last peaceful option left to us.

  • Carol Janet Juliano

    02/05/2021 12:19 PM

    I agree wholeheartedly that we cannot have a third party. I too am very frustrated at the progress of the Democratic party and the decline of the Republican party. My hopes keep getting raised when I hear of the dastardly deeds of the Dems but then my hopes are dashed as they never pay any price regardless of the laws of the land. Everyone sues them but there is never any repercussions on their end. We have all this information on their dastardly deeds but they never pay any price and go off scot-free. So, as a result, I stopped watching the news as all I hear are how the Dems are still getting off scot-free and there is nothing we can do about it. Why do we even have laws when the Dems get away with not following them?

  • Colette Wagner

    02/05/2021 12:19 PM

    Governor, one other thing that no one mentions in this argument about a 3rd party. The fact that many states won’t allow a 3rd party on their ballot. We need more candidates like the women who won this election. I know of a huge group of women that would be phenomenal in our government. Empty nest LDS women would be the best candidates. They are strong in their beliefs of God, family and country. They run a large family. They are economically savvy. They are Christian in a way that this country needs right now and they are used to standing against the crap the world tries to throw their way. Baptist women might be another group we need to tap into We need women to bring this government back to the right. Your daughter is a great example of this

  • Cynthia Jacobs

    02/05/2021 12:15 PM

    Hi Mike.
    I understand that a new party would divide the conservative vote and I do not want democrats in charge for a minute longer. However, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same old thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
    We seem to be stuck in the same old rut. How do we get rid of the weak and/or self-serving Republicans who have let us down time and time again.
    After what happened in Georgia (and the other swing states) I do not think a STRONG patriotic God and family lovin' republican who actually represents the will of their constituents could win a primary for several reasons. One reason is the backing of incumbants by the RNC and party leaders in Congress and the second is because if democrats aren't bold enough to just take the seat, they will make sure the wishy washy republican wins again. You know, the ones for which a big percentage of republicans will not bother to cast a vote. The ones who are seditionists and domestic terrorists if we do not bend the knee to the Democrat's narrative.
    What is the solution that will bring real change?
    I'm praying hard for this country and the world our grandchildren will live in. The joy of the LORD is my strength.

  • Carl Linden

    02/05/2021 12:12 PM

    As long as the Republican party remains viable, what you have said is true. The Republican party though has now shown itself to be nothing more than a footstool for the Democrats. It doesn't need to exist, and has done much to kill itself off. Get rid of that chicken party and it is a new ballgame. Can that happen? Probably not, but then we are stuck with the status quo. What is our hope? Do we keep electing Republicans that will cave in to the Democrats? What is our hope in that? Now we have a lot of so-called conservatives that are turncoats in their practice. Do they deserve the gravy train and do nothing that they were elected to do?

  • Frank Jacobs

    02/05/2021 12:11 PM


    I greatly appreciate your newsletters. They are a sane and rational island in a sea of madness and frustration.

    I agree with you that a third party would be a disaster, completely and maybe for the next 50 years.

    The Perot example is spot on. I too lived through that election and saw a most truly principled man go down to defeat because of the narcissistic candidacy of Perot.

    However, in order to move forward as a party I submit to my fellow citizens that supported President Trump, we must not give him a pass regarding his culpability for our current dilemma.

    I don't think President Trump meant to incite the riot. But I do think he showed tremendous lack of judgment, or perhaps a blind spot.

    By calling for a large assembly in DC after the Supreme Court gave him no path forward, the President dealt a loser's hand. There ARE extremists on the right. They took advantage of the situation. The President should have known better than to give ANYONE (right or left) an opportunity to play into the hands of the Democrats.

    All this said, my point is we need to mimic the left and STICK TOGETHER. But to do this we must look at ourselves first to be sure we are not justifying a pattern of thinking and behavior that may be as narcissistic as that of the left that we truly abhor.

    Keep up the good work Governor. I'm with you.

    Frank Jacobs
    Montgomery, TX

  • rodney burke

    02/05/2021 12:10 PM

    I second the motion. NO third party UNLESS 90% of GOP leave. and leave Roe and a few like him hanging out to dry. As we know, that won't happen. Rino's have to go, the weak (Murkowski, Collins) must be trashed. We need people in there like Gowdy, Chafetz, Doug Collins. Matt Gaetz, and Lastly Devin Nunes.

    This mentality of "lose graceful " is bull. From now on we have to BE the raging bull, led by DT. GOP must be gutted" and new blood in leadership positions.

    Dems MUST be destroyed. There is no longer an option. They hate America and should be TREATED as the enemy. This Mike, is the only way to move forward for the America we know.

  • Thomas Peterson

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    With regard to the current situation, of course I would never vote for a Democrat because in reality they have become a party with a socialist agenda not favoring American ideologies. With that being said I can also no longer support the Republican party because they have waffled and collapsed on almost every issue. And especially with the major betrayal of President Trump by not backing him, and refusing to hear the evidence related to voter fraud not to mention the train our constitution. Therefore I cannot in any good conscience whatsoever vote for any of the Republicans in the party that have betrayed the trust of the American people. Although there are a few that are still loyal to the values of the party and the Constitution which are deserving of a second chance. However the Rhinos must be voted out of office. I do not advocate having a third party because I know full well that was tried before and failed. However I am an advocate for a party to replace the Republican Party that is built around true constitutional conservatives. Of course that would also mean new faces that would actually lead the party instead of caving in it every threat the Democrats throw at them. I firmly believe it can be done, and I believe it must be done. As the old saying goes if you continue to do the same old thing you continue to get the same old results. The fact that the American people did not get the results that they desired from the Republican party is a clear indication that there must be a change in our government to defeat the radical left Democratic Socialist that are rising up.

  • Jacqueline Ceccorulli

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    Hi Mike, You're right about forming a third party, however, the Republican Party is in a mess right now of their own making. We had a fantastic president but they wouldn't back him because he wasn't one of their own. Look where it got them. They are notorious for keeping their mouths shut while the Dems walk all over them making outrageous claims, lies and stories. It's time they man (and woman) up. This country definitely needs a third party but I'm afraid it would come at the Republicans expense. Like your previous poster I am disgusted with the Party, I am an Independent voter that would never vote Democrat as I have when I was much younger, but the Republicans are leaving so much to be desired and their treatment of President Trump over the last four years is inexcusable.

  • David Greenberg

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    One major factor of our failure as a party is a Senate as mushy as oatmeal with milk. They seem oblivious to the fact that the Dems want to destroy them and as soon as possible. The Senate Repubs are going to a fight to the death with Mickey, Minnie and Donald in the first rank. Until they learn to fight with a full war backpack, they will always be the also rans.
    And I do desperately want them to get to it,,,,NOW!

  • Alison Kennedy

    02/05/2021 12:09 PM

    Mike, why does it seem like the Democrats have all the power and can get away with as much lawlessness as they want? Is the deep state really that deep? If they have no regard for the constitution and no regard for the pledge of allegiance, they are no longer American, by definition. Why can't we get an amicable divorce? It avoids a messy civil war that nobody wants, and everybody can be happy.

  • Lyn Morales

    02/05/2021 12:08 PM

    I agree with Stephen. Yes I read your reply and I use to say the same whenever 3 rd party was brought up. Here the thing Stephen said and I’ ll make clearer —75 million voted for Trump not the GOP or Republicans . Minorities - all lifestyles - all religions increased FOR TRUMP.
    It makes no difference Dem or Repub because the both have the same owners - it’s like a play with actors. How many decades have we asked for a wall? How many decades for Trade to focus in American needs? For healthcare costs and Pharmaceuticals to stop with the monopolies? For the VA to be fixed ? School Choice - Voter Id - social security ... the list is long AND NOTHING GOT WVEN ADDRESSED once a president is elected and congress.
    Trump worked like heck - stated all we wanted and both sides worked against him... it wasn’t McCain fault repeal and replace was tossed - the owners of congress just decided he would play the bad guy.
    By owners I mean the people who fund each congressperson - the pork that gets inserted for them - Wow we the people have sat for decades and see nothing got accomplished sure a Republican goes in our economy goes up a little but it’s nothing lasting like what we’ve been asking for.
    We lose our freedoms ...speech our Guns and when a repub gets in nothing is gained the losses remain.
    Trump took the blows was demonized assaulted his family and he will be targets - not from the left but the right politicians - the GOP even repubs that speak out now for him will look to be Prez .
    In the passed using terms like “ staying home is a vote for the Dems. In the pasted politics could flip flop for Trump against trump and they counted on people’s short memory ..... But Trump gave us what we wanted promises made ans kept - He said and acted on what no politician ever dared.
    We wil not go back- the right will be lucky to get 30 percent of the turnout for congress 2022 and prez in 2024 unless Trump is leading the Party

  • Ray Stevens

    02/05/2021 12:06 PM

    Governor Huckabee I completely agree with Stephen R concerning the creation of a third party. The Republican party is, in my opinion, totally dysfunctional. What needs to happen is for the party to crash and burn and from the ashes, as with the mythical Phoenix, arise again from the ashes as a unified party to fight the Neo Marxists. This cannot happen under it's current leadership. This transition and or genesis will not happen overnight but it will be well worth the wait so that we may take our country back and once again return the power to the people as it was intended by our founders.
    Thanks, and keep up the fight.

  • Gerald Hornbacker

    02/05/2021 12:06 PM

    I loved your reply to voting democrat. I'll second that!

  • Tom Quinlan

    02/05/2021 12:04 PM

    The GOP is not unified. The democrats laugh as the gop splinters everytime there is a vote. MTG? Until such time as someone can whip the party together they won't win votes for dog catcher. That's what all of us in fly over land are waiting and watching to see. Unity. I'm not holding my breath!

  • John William Randt

    02/05/2021 12:01 PM

    All i can say is TRUMP 2024!!!! He is still the leader of the Republican Party!!! The left, democrats, China, Russia and all that ilk fear him.

  • Ernie Boxall

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    I cannot see how the party can be fixed with McConnell having six more years and, apparently, the same power pelosi has over the democrats (for now).
    With Chaney reelected, Graham blowing the same smoke and mirrors he always pulls and Romney asking for democrat spending plans...the party hierarchy has dived into the swamp with the est of the establishment.

  • John F Cote Sr

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    Sorry Governor, I agree with Steven. You made several good points which greatly saddened me. It appears that you are in line with all that is wrong with the Republican Party. Remember that the elite of your party were very much AGAINST Mr. Trump when he was running for President. “They still are.” I don’t believe in party politics because those who belong are expected to do what they are told and financially support them May God forbid me if I ever give even a penny to support Romney or anyone who follows him. I detected from your comments that’s exactly what you want us to do. Sorry you are NOT getting me to be a puppet. You painted a bleak picture for us and I’m sorry for that Oh by the way I do appreciate and (mostly) enjoy your articles.

  • Louise Barner

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    I believe that the left did create the January 6th breach of the Capital. And I agree with you on no new 3rd party. I'm just not sure the Republicans have the drive to do what you suggest in your article. I am 73 years old and doubt I will see it.

  • Clayton M Kirkland

    02/05/2021 11:57 AM

    I agree with you on this, although I understand how some feel about a third party. We do need to clearly identify the RINOs in our midst and get rid of them. Starting with Romney. That said, the other key issue is taking a lesson from the Dems, and their fellow travelers, and organize to get out the vote. People have got to understand that not voting is a vote for the other guy. We also have to realize that the other side will lie, cheat and steal in order to win. I remember an old "joke," about Dems voting early and often. Not such a joke any more. And they are creative in how to do it. What really gets me is that we knew it was going to happen in 2020, and they did it and are getting away with it. I still don't understand how we allowed that to happen. But we better figure out how to stop it in the future.

  • Frances Roberts

    02/05/2021 11:56 AM

    This is so discouraging! I feel like we are already 2 years behind the Democrats. Now we have to find candidates who agree with the Republican agenda but how do you know if they won’t say one thing and do another. Who the heck can you trust in this crazy world? Only God.

  • Robin Rebhan

    02/05/2021 11:55 AM

    Regards to third party... I believe we really need to rejuvenate the Republican Party by getting the dead wood out in the primaries. The metaphor for the current party was in 2016 President Trump standing in front of a microphone and stating to the Republican Congress and Senate " I stand here with pen in hand ". And the they got nothing done. Partly bitterness to President Trump. But also greed, lobbyists and mostly it was way too comfortable just collecting a paycheck when lobbyists can write new laws for you. When President Trump had a motto " America First ". I thought he was just only talking about putting America First over foreign countries. But, he was also talking about putting America before self interests, lobbyists, and greed. Looking to a higher calling for America to be a light in the world for others to follow. Now we need to take the trash out in our own Republican party. A new Republican Party Fully committed to the highest ideals of our Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution and The Sovereign People of this great nation.
    Difficult that it may be, we need to stick together by working and voting together. To do this we need great statesmanship and honest strong leadership. And above all we must " Trust and have faith in God ".

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    Latest News

    February 5, 2021

    After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

    From Stephen R:

    You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

    What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

    From the Gov:

    Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

    Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

    Are you out of your mind?

    The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

    Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

    But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

    That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

    When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

    Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

    Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

    Things the left would love to see from us:

    1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

    2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

    3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

    We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

    But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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    Comments 251-275 of 344

    • L Eldon Wright

      02/05/2021 12:23 PM

      With all due respect, the nearest any third party has gotten to electing a President since Lincoln was in 1968 and I was the campaign manager who came within a very few votes of throwing it into the House.

    • Emmy B. Purainer

      02/05/2021 12:21 PM

      I agree with you, Mike. We need to find strong, articulate, solid conservative candidates for the primaries. Not wishy-washies! I live in Seattle which is very liberal. Our city council is a liberal slime swamp and our mayor no better. I hope that President Trump can help find patriotic conservative candidates for all state primaries, and for Washington state, where I live, which is a mess. God bless President Trump. I miss him everyday. Hope that he is doing ok through what all the low-life dems put him through. Emmy

    • Craig Griffith

      02/05/2021 12:20 PM

      I understand your point, but as Stephen notes that it seems there is other choice left. Just as the integrity of the election is questions also are the other elections for representatives. The tolerance of the rhinos in the party, I believe so many would rather go to a 3rd party and at least felt as if they did their part to fight for our great country than to stick with the Republican Party and let it continually slip bit by bit by tolerating representatives that don’t have the courage or strength to stand tall and strong for our republic. I do not believe that you can succeed in any situation where the opposition has no integrity, moral compass or general respect for others, that only wants to control everything and everybody.


      02/05/2021 12:20 PM

      I understand your logic. But I am extremely skeptical that elections going forward can ever be trusted again. That isn't hyperbole or depression or anger. We saw this coming for MONTHS. As soon as they began selling their plan to do mass mailings of unsolicited ballots, it was OBVIOUS what was coming. The only surprise I had was when Republican legislators in the affected states refused to do ANYTHING to seriously challenge this outrage. THEN... the SCOTUS decision to ignore a situation that could very likely spark a second Civil War, made me finally understand that Americans who reject the message of the Left, the message of the DC establishment, are fighting a system that isn't going to be reformed from within. IMO, states need to begin looking into the viability of creating a new union with likeminded Americans from multiple states that still demand adherence to our Constitution.
      Meanwhile, there needs to be URGENT steps in multiple states to codify our rejection of ANY Federal 2A infringement. Secession may be the last peaceful option left to us.

    • Carol Janet Juliano

      02/05/2021 12:19 PM

      I agree wholeheartedly that we cannot have a third party. I too am very frustrated at the progress of the Democratic party and the decline of the Republican party. My hopes keep getting raised when I hear of the dastardly deeds of the Dems but then my hopes are dashed as they never pay any price regardless of the laws of the land. Everyone sues them but there is never any repercussions on their end. We have all this information on their dastardly deeds but they never pay any price and go off scot-free. So, as a result, I stopped watching the news as all I hear are how the Dems are still getting off scot-free and there is nothing we can do about it. Why do we even have laws when the Dems get away with not following them?

    • Colette Wagner

      02/05/2021 12:19 PM

      Governor, one other thing that no one mentions in this argument about a 3rd party. The fact that many states won’t allow a 3rd party on their ballot. We need more candidates like the women who won this election. I know of a huge group of women that would be phenomenal in our government. Empty nest LDS women would be the best candidates. They are strong in their beliefs of God, family and country. They run a large family. They are economically savvy. They are Christian in a way that this country needs right now and they are used to standing against the crap the world tries to throw their way. Baptist women might be another group we need to tap into We need women to bring this government back to the right. Your daughter is a great example of this

    • Cynthia Jacobs

      02/05/2021 12:15 PM

      Hi Mike.
      I understand that a new party would divide the conservative vote and I do not want democrats in charge for a minute longer. However, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same old thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
      We seem to be stuck in the same old rut. How do we get rid of the weak and/or self-serving Republicans who have let us down time and time again.
      After what happened in Georgia (and the other swing states) I do not think a STRONG patriotic God and family lovin' republican who actually represents the will of their constituents could win a primary for several reasons. One reason is the backing of incumbants by the RNC and party leaders in Congress and the second is because if democrats aren't bold enough to just take the seat, they will make sure the wishy washy republican wins again. You know, the ones for which a big percentage of republicans will not bother to cast a vote. The ones who are seditionists and domestic terrorists if we do not bend the knee to the Democrat's narrative.
      What is the solution that will bring real change?
      I'm praying hard for this country and the world our grandchildren will live in. The joy of the LORD is my strength.

    • Carl Linden

      02/05/2021 12:12 PM

      As long as the Republican party remains viable, what you have said is true. The Republican party though has now shown itself to be nothing more than a footstool for the Democrats. It doesn't need to exist, and has done much to kill itself off. Get rid of that chicken party and it is a new ballgame. Can that happen? Probably not, but then we are stuck with the status quo. What is our hope? Do we keep electing Republicans that will cave in to the Democrats? What is our hope in that? Now we have a lot of so-called conservatives that are turncoats in their practice. Do they deserve the gravy train and do nothing that they were elected to do?

    • Frank Jacobs

      02/05/2021 12:11 PM


      I greatly appreciate your newsletters. They are a sane and rational island in a sea of madness and frustration.

      I agree with you that a third party would be a disaster, completely and maybe for the next 50 years.

      The Perot example is spot on. I too lived through that election and saw a most truly principled man go down to defeat because of the narcissistic candidacy of Perot.

      However, in order to move forward as a party I submit to my fellow citizens that supported President Trump, we must not give him a pass regarding his culpability for our current dilemma.

      I don't think President Trump meant to incite the riot. But I do think he showed tremendous lack of judgment, or perhaps a blind spot.

      By calling for a large assembly in DC after the Supreme Court gave him no path forward, the President dealt a loser's hand. There ARE extremists on the right. They took advantage of the situation. The President should have known better than to give ANYONE (right or left) an opportunity to play into the hands of the Democrats.

      All this said, my point is we need to mimic the left and STICK TOGETHER. But to do this we must look at ourselves first to be sure we are not justifying a pattern of thinking and behavior that may be as narcissistic as that of the left that we truly abhor.

      Keep up the good work Governor. I'm with you.

      Frank Jacobs
      Montgomery, TX

    • rodney burke

      02/05/2021 12:10 PM

      I second the motion. NO third party UNLESS 90% of GOP leave. and leave Roe and a few like him hanging out to dry. As we know, that won't happen. Rino's have to go, the weak (Murkowski, Collins) must be trashed. We need people in there like Gowdy, Chafetz, Doug Collins. Matt Gaetz, and Lastly Devin Nunes.

      This mentality of "lose graceful " is bull. From now on we have to BE the raging bull, led by DT. GOP must be gutted" and new blood in leadership positions.

      Dems MUST be destroyed. There is no longer an option. They hate America and should be TREATED as the enemy. This Mike, is the only way to move forward for the America we know.

    • Thomas Peterson

      02/05/2021 12:09 PM

      With regard to the current situation, of course I would never vote for a Democrat because in reality they have become a party with a socialist agenda not favoring American ideologies. With that being said I can also no longer support the Republican party because they have waffled and collapsed on almost every issue. And especially with the major betrayal of President Trump by not backing him, and refusing to hear the evidence related to voter fraud not to mention the train our constitution. Therefore I cannot in any good conscience whatsoever vote for any of the Republicans in the party that have betrayed the trust of the American people. Although there are a few that are still loyal to the values of the party and the Constitution which are deserving of a second chance. However the Rhinos must be voted out of office. I do not advocate having a third party because I know full well that was tried before and failed. However I am an advocate for a party to replace the Republican Party that is built around true constitutional conservatives. Of course that would also mean new faces that would actually lead the party instead of caving in it every threat the Democrats throw at them. I firmly believe it can be done, and I believe it must be done. As the old saying goes if you continue to do the same old thing you continue to get the same old results. The fact that the American people did not get the results that they desired from the Republican party is a clear indication that there must be a change in our government to defeat the radical left Democratic Socialist that are rising up.

    • Jacqueline Ceccorulli

      02/05/2021 12:09 PM

      Hi Mike, You're right about forming a third party, however, the Republican Party is in a mess right now of their own making. We had a fantastic president but they wouldn't back him because he wasn't one of their own. Look where it got them. They are notorious for keeping their mouths shut while the Dems walk all over them making outrageous claims, lies and stories. It's time they man (and woman) up. This country definitely needs a third party but I'm afraid it would come at the Republicans expense. Like your previous poster I am disgusted with the Party, I am an Independent voter that would never vote Democrat as I have when I was much younger, but the Republicans are leaving so much to be desired and their treatment of President Trump over the last four years is inexcusable.

    • David Greenberg

      02/05/2021 12:09 PM

      One major factor of our failure as a party is a Senate as mushy as oatmeal with milk. They seem oblivious to the fact that the Dems want to destroy them and as soon as possible. The Senate Repubs are going to a fight to the death with Mickey, Minnie and Donald in the first rank. Until they learn to fight with a full war backpack, they will always be the also rans.
      And I do desperately want them to get to it,,,,NOW!

    • Alison Kennedy

      02/05/2021 12:09 PM

      Mike, why does it seem like the Democrats have all the power and can get away with as much lawlessness as they want? Is the deep state really that deep? If they have no regard for the constitution and no regard for the pledge of allegiance, they are no longer American, by definition. Why can't we get an amicable divorce? It avoids a messy civil war that nobody wants, and everybody can be happy.

    • Lyn Morales

      02/05/2021 12:08 PM

      I agree with Stephen. Yes I read your reply and I use to say the same whenever 3 rd party was brought up. Here the thing Stephen said and I’ ll make clearer —75 million voted for Trump not the GOP or Republicans . Minorities - all lifestyles - all religions increased FOR TRUMP.
      It makes no difference Dem or Repub because the both have the same owners - it’s like a play with actors. How many decades have we asked for a wall? How many decades for Trade to focus in American needs? For healthcare costs and Pharmaceuticals to stop with the monopolies? For the VA to be fixed ? School Choice - Voter Id - social security ... the list is long AND NOTHING GOT WVEN ADDRESSED once a president is elected and congress.
      Trump worked like heck - stated all we wanted and both sides worked against him... it wasn’t McCain fault repeal and replace was tossed - the owners of congress just decided he would play the bad guy.
      By owners I mean the people who fund each congressperson - the pork that gets inserted for them - Wow we the people have sat for decades and see nothing got accomplished sure a Republican goes in our economy goes up a little but it’s nothing lasting like what we’ve been asking for.
      We lose our freedoms ...speech our Guns and when a repub gets in nothing is gained the losses remain.
      Trump took the blows was demonized assaulted his family and he will be targets - not from the left but the right politicians - the GOP even repubs that speak out now for him will look to be Prez .
      In the passed using terms like “ staying home is a vote for the Dems. In the pasted politics could flip flop for Trump against trump and they counted on people’s short memory ..... But Trump gave us what we wanted promises made ans kept - He said and acted on what no politician ever dared.
      We wil not go back- the right will be lucky to get 30 percent of the turnout for congress 2022 and prez in 2024 unless Trump is leading the Party

    • Ray Stevens

      02/05/2021 12:06 PM

      Governor Huckabee I completely agree with Stephen R concerning the creation of a third party. The Republican party is, in my opinion, totally dysfunctional. What needs to happen is for the party to crash and burn and from the ashes, as with the mythical Phoenix, arise again from the ashes as a unified party to fight the Neo Marxists. This cannot happen under it's current leadership. This transition and or genesis will not happen overnight but it will be well worth the wait so that we may take our country back and once again return the power to the people as it was intended by our founders.
      Thanks, and keep up the fight.

    • Gerald Hornbacker

      02/05/2021 12:06 PM

      I loved your reply to voting democrat. I'll second that!

    • Tom Quinlan

      02/05/2021 12:04 PM

      The GOP is not unified. The democrats laugh as the gop splinters everytime there is a vote. MTG? Until such time as someone can whip the party together they won't win votes for dog catcher. That's what all of us in fly over land are waiting and watching to see. Unity. I'm not holding my breath!

    • John William Randt

      02/05/2021 12:01 PM

      All i can say is TRUMP 2024!!!! He is still the leader of the Republican Party!!! The left, democrats, China, Russia and all that ilk fear him.

    • Ernie Boxall

      02/05/2021 11:58 AM

      I cannot see how the party can be fixed with McConnell having six more years and, apparently, the same power pelosi has over the democrats (for now).
      With Chaney reelected, Graham blowing the same smoke and mirrors he always pulls and Romney asking for democrat spending plans...the party hierarchy has dived into the swamp with the est of the establishment.

    • John F Cote Sr

      02/05/2021 11:58 AM

      Sorry Governor, I agree with Steven. You made several good points which greatly saddened me. It appears that you are in line with all that is wrong with the Republican Party. Remember that the elite of your party were very much AGAINST Mr. Trump when he was running for President. “They still are.” I don’t believe in party politics because those who belong are expected to do what they are told and financially support them May God forbid me if I ever give even a penny to support Romney or anyone who follows him. I detected from your comments that’s exactly what you want us to do. Sorry you are NOT getting me to be a puppet. You painted a bleak picture for us and I’m sorry for that Oh by the way I do appreciate and (mostly) enjoy your articles.

    • Louise Barner

      02/05/2021 11:58 AM

      I believe that the left did create the January 6th breach of the Capital. And I agree with you on no new 3rd party. I'm just not sure the Republicans have the drive to do what you suggest in your article. I am 73 years old and doubt I will see it.

    • Clayton M Kirkland

      02/05/2021 11:57 AM

      I agree with you on this, although I understand how some feel about a third party. We do need to clearly identify the RINOs in our midst and get rid of them. Starting with Romney. That said, the other key issue is taking a lesson from the Dems, and their fellow travelers, and organize to get out the vote. People have got to understand that not voting is a vote for the other guy. We also have to realize that the other side will lie, cheat and steal in order to win. I remember an old "joke," about Dems voting early and often. Not such a joke any more. And they are creative in how to do it. What really gets me is that we knew it was going to happen in 2020, and they did it and are getting away with it. I still don't understand how we allowed that to happen. But we better figure out how to stop it in the future.

    • Frances Roberts

      02/05/2021 11:56 AM

      This is so discouraging! I feel like we are already 2 years behind the Democrats. Now we have to find candidates who agree with the Republican agenda but how do you know if they won’t say one thing and do another. Who the heck can you trust in this crazy world? Only God.

    • Robin Rebhan

      02/05/2021 11:55 AM

      Regards to third party... I believe we really need to rejuvenate the Republican Party by getting the dead wood out in the primaries. The metaphor for the current party was in 2016 President Trump standing in front of a microphone and stating to the Republican Congress and Senate " I stand here with pen in hand ". And the they got nothing done. Partly bitterness to President Trump. But also greed, lobbyists and mostly it was way too comfortable just collecting a paycheck when lobbyists can write new laws for you. When President Trump had a motto " America First ". I thought he was just only talking about putting America First over foreign countries. But, he was also talking about putting America before self interests, lobbyists, and greed. Looking to a higher calling for America to be a light in the world for others to follow. Now we need to take the trash out in our own Republican party. A new Republican Party Fully committed to the highest ideals of our Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution and The Sovereign People of this great nation.
      Difficult that it may be, we need to stick together by working and voting together. To do this we need great statesmanship and honest strong leadership. And above all we must " Trust and have faith in God ".