If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2022/11/trump-for-president-would-you-vote-for-him
1. FBI is an agency that has become 'tragically incompetent,' Huckabee says.
2. Bizarre: Cheney and Thompson, J6 Committee co-chairs, awarded medals by President Biden.
3. JANUARY 6 SPECIAL EDITION --- election certification today.
4. Biden awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton.
If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2022/11/trump-for-president-would-you-vote-for-him
I have already voted----I do not believe in abortion on demand.>>> I believe we must protect our borders.>>> I love Israel and wish to maintain a friendship through God with them.>>> I believe in the Constitution of the United States and the sanctity of our borders. >>>I believe this nation is in trouble within and without. We must do something about our immoralities. >>>I believe God makes us male and female and we do not have the option to change either.----God does not make mistakes when a child is born to sex change is to say that God made a mistake. I love you all.-----Bonnie Parvino-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I would vote for President Trump again cause he has a proven successful record of a job well done even in the midst of great hindrance
I’d vote for Trump in a heartbeat! He has been trudging through the swamp, has seen the swamp creatures on both sides, and still has his eyes on the American people. I DO wish he’d stop the name calling, especially with Ron DeSantis. Desantis is a rock solid Republican and we need to keep this country together. Name calling won’t help his cause.
He has the right policies, for the most part, but not the temperament. He still resorts to insults when challenged on anything.
I would not like to see President Trump run in 2024 for POTUS. I feel he will be too old at the time, even though he is still certainly sane, coherent & intelligent, I feel his chronological age should be taken into consideration just as it should be for all political candidates around the country. I would love for him to be considered for an advisory position in the new administration of a Republican POTUS. He would certainly be an asset to us all.
Yes I would definetley vote for trump ??.
As I have told my husband, I would rather DeSantis would run. Trump has to much baggage, and so many people just don't like him, the way he comes across. To some people its all in the presentation. If he's the only one running on the Republican ticket I will vote for him. I will not vote for a Democrat. Thank you
If he is the Republican candidate, yes. HOWEVER, I would much prefer Ron Desantis, as it would be better for the country to not have badmouthing and controversy around every corner so that the emphasis can be on bettering the country, not defending the President.
Yes, I would vote for Trump, because I will not vote for a liberal democrat any time soon. However, I would like him to have a strong choice for VP, because of his age, and because his life will be constantly in danger from the crazies.
He’s got too much baggage, sorry. Plus we need younger blood (cough cough DeSantis)
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