If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2022/11/trump-for-president-would-you-vote-for-him
1. FBI is an agency that has become 'tragically incompetent,' Huckabee says.
2. Bizarre: Cheney and Thompson, J6 Committee co-chairs, awarded medals by President Biden.
3. JANUARY 6 SPECIAL EDITION --- election certification today.
4. Biden awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton.
If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2022/11/trump-for-president-would-you-vote-for-him
Yes, I will vote for President Trump, I am hard pressed to believe the type of treachery the Dems have done to President Trump will only increase in volume and tenor, I am not sure if that has damaged him from the possibility of reelection. Someone needs to get to Trump let him know without any uncertain terms, Do not bag on DeSantis, like he did the other day that will not help his cause, may not survive a primary.
Yes, if Trump ran for president again, I would most certainly vote for him after what he was able to accomplish last time he was in office while being attacked by the left the entire time. The only reason I would NOT vote for Trump again would be if there were another candidate who I considered to be a better match for the job. DeSantis perhaps?
No, he was a great president, but his great ego and attitude offends me. I am so disappointed that he attacked Gov. DeSantis.
I would vote for President Trump because of his policies.
There are things I don't like about Pres. Trump, but there are things I don't like about myself.
I believe in upholding the Constitution as it was intended by the writers.
I believe in adhering to the Judayo Christian principles the founding fathers demonstrated throughout the formation, and writings on memorials attributed to the early leaders. I believe in free speech even from those with whom I disagree.
I will vote for him for the 3rd time. My second choice DeSantis, most of the political and both sides now are corrupted , lots receiving money . To fight against communist need to be very strong, they are devils with no conscience. God bless and protect America. My only concern, we need to clean FBI, DOJ and Medía “ TRAIDORS
If he's the nominee, for sure we will vote for him.
Currently I would not vote for him. This name calling to a "Potential" rival for a run at the White House was unacceptable. He's dividing the Party before anyone has declared. I think he may want to chill on Ron DeSantis. Because if he ran against Trump right now?--I would vote for Governor Ron DeSantis.
This name calling is juvenile! I would THINK Trump learned something these last couple years, humility goes a long way. Arrogance isn't becoming a POTUS.
If Trump was the Republican running I would vote for him. I would prefer that someone else like Ron DeSantis would run for president. Trump did a great job, but I'm afraid the craziness of the left would follow him
I reluctantly voted for Trump last time. I didn’t like the belittling of his fellow opponents and I still don’t care for it especially now in his rallies I think it’s childish. As a Democrat turned Republican I don’t admire the Democrats anymore but one thing I do admire about them is their loyalty to the party and how they support each other no matter what. Republicans have a habit of getting into a circle and firing upon each other which is how I see Trump sometimes. But I did vote for him last time another reason I did is because I didn’t want another Clinton anywhere near the White House. I was happy afterwards because I like his policies. I would vote for him again for the same reason because of his policies but I really would prefer another strong Conservative to be President.
Pres Trump was the only President in modern history, that is not a lawyer and or poliation. Even the Bushs were ranchers and oil people. The federal government should be run like a business, because it is the biggest business in the world. This giving money for "pet" projects just doesn't do it. There is way too much waste in the government/ Some years ago our Governor Bill Janklow cut the budget of most departments by 10%. You should have heard the employees scream. The state did survive, that needs to be done on the federal level.. Some departments should be eliminated all together. thanks for keeping us informed.
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