Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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January 18, 2021

During the 2020 campaign, we speculated that the main goal of the Democrats was to get the Obama machine back in power, to the extent that one of our researchers even predicted that Michelle Obama would be the last-minute Democrat nominee, as she seemed to have the best chance of fulfilling that goal.

As it turned out, the former First Lady gets to continue relaxing at the shore with her friends, sipping drinks with little umbrellas, since she didn’t have to give up the easy life after all and enter the political fray. This wasn’t because the goal had changed --- not at all --- but because the Obamas and their strategists had put together a plan for reaching it by other means. And in the end, that’s exactly what they did.

If former acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell is correct, the Obama/Biden “shadow President” will be none other than Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.


Biden was selected as a relatively moderate-seeming Presidential candidate, and California Sen. Kamala Harris was the Obama designee to be on the ticket with him, even though her own presidential campaign hadn’t gone anywhere and she had dropped out even before her home state’s primary, without receiving even one vote from any state. She was there to provide the requisite racial diversity and leftist credentials, and also to function as Obama’s anointed one and likely Biden’s quick successor.

Now that Biden is about to take office, we can see that the Executive Branch of government is going to look like “old home week,” with Obama’s people back in full force. First, as reported on PJ MEDIA by Robert Spencer of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Biden’s deputy secretary of state will be Wendy Sherman, whose main “accomplishment” was negotiating Obama’s Iran deal, which Obama still apparently views as the big star in his crown.

Next, Biden’s undersecretary for political affairs will be another Obama official whose name rings a bell: Victoria Nuland. Of these two, Biden said they “have secured some of the most defining national security and diplomatic achievements in recent memory. I am confident they will use their diplomatic experience and skill to restore America’s global and moral leadership. America is back.”

Back...to being what? I suggest back to being the same chumps we were before President Trump assumed office. Read Spencer’s piece for details of what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said about the Iran deal two years ago. Iran was blatantly lying, he said, when they claimed to have no plans to construct nuclear weapons. The Iranians continued to work on expanding their nuclear weapons program, Project Amad, and to deny anything about this to US officials. So here we go again.

"We can now prove that Project Amad was a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said then. “We can also prove that Iran is secretly storing Project Amad material to use at a time of its choice to develop nuclear weapons.”

Spencer writes that “now Joe Biden is rewarding the chief architect of this mess with a promotion for her incompetence.” (Question: is it “incompetence” when an employee does exactly what her boss instructs her to do? Maybe that’s HIS incompetence.) “Nor is it Wendy Sherman alone,” Spencer continues. “The entire foreign policy arm of the Biden administration is set to be staffed by these failures, phonies and frauds. But with the establishment media doing everything it can to put the best possible face on the coming fiasco, most Americans will have no idea what is going on, or why.”

Grenell appeared on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the incoming administration.

About Susan Rice being appointed to head Biden’s White House Domestic Policy Counsel, he noted that she has no background whatsoever in domestic policy. She’d been on Biden’s short list for running mate, but this way of bringing her in was much less risky and doesn’t even require senate confirmation. “She is...somebody who is going to be incredibly influential,” Grenell said. As a former national security advisor, he said, “she knows that entire apparatus.”


They’d been making moves in the Obama administration towards making her secretary of state, but backed off because “she didn’t have the votes,” for senate confirmation, Grenell said. “I think the reality is, she’s going to be running foreign policy [and] domestic policy. She’s probably extremely happy that Kamala Harris is going to be preoccupied with the Senate, trying to manage 50-50, being the 101st senator there, and won’t have a lot of time to get into policy issues.”

"I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely,” Grenell said. “She will be the shadow President.”

He noted how far left Biden has drifted in even the past five years. “The progressives have clearly taken over him, and I think that that’s why he won. They wanted someone who had a name, that they could control, and Susan Rice being right there at the White House, to be the shadow President, is probably exactly where she wants to be --- behind the scenes, and unchecked.”

Again, here we have it: in effect, the third term of President Obama. Susan Rice will be in the White House, positioned to run essentially everything.

On the 10th of this month, David Marcus wrote an opinion piece for the NEW YORK POST that talked about her upcoming role.

For those who have sort memories, Susan Rice participated not only in the repeated, blatant lying about what led to the Benghazi attack, but also in the “unmasking” of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in phone calls that were appropriate for him to make as part of Trump's transition team. Marcus calls her “a veritable poster child of Obama-era corruption.”

She lied about her knowledge of the spying on Trump's team as well. When asked by Judy Woodruff of PBS if she was aware of it, she said, “I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see the reports.” We now know that she knew perfectly well about this and helped lead the effort. (The same could be said of Biden, of course, who even brought up the Logan Act on January 5, 2017, as a way to go after Flynn.) The new White House team is just counting on enough of us to move on from this.

Grenell hopes that in the last few days of the Trump administration, we’ll see a “treasure trove” of declassified documents that offer more details about the knowledge career officials had from the start that the “Russia” story was all phony and politically motivated. “Those voices are in the documents,” he said. Until now, bureaucrats have “classified them away."

Regardless of what is revealed, we can be sure of one thing: what we’re about to get, as of Wednesday, is Obama Administration 2.0. Like Obama 1.0, it will be so concerned with its own agenda that honesty will be its last consideration.


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Comments 26-50 of 73

  • Debbie Milano

    01/18/2021 04:03 PM

    I thank God for you and your family! I am deeply saddened by what is happening to our Government! I work in a very political environment and unfortunately I am of the minority. I will not back down on my values and I am in fear or one day losing my job. We all need to pray for our country and that God will expose those that are evil. Love you Governor Huckabee

  • Judy

    01/18/2021 03:56 PM

    So glad you are putting this out there. So many have memories as long as their nose. Need to keep people abreast of what is happening and how. Thank You ! ! !

  • william p appelt

    01/18/2021 03:27 PM

    Very well written summary of a very real scenario. We have the utmost respect for Rick Grinnell who is helping ACLJ as an advisor of government affairs. Without his starting the revealing of documents followed by Ratcliff (spelling) we would not know so much. But we should not underestimate Biden. I said it once before, look for him to come alive and be a strong part of the program. Senility can be faked..... BTW John Sullivan at the Capitol was very devious and "innocent" at the same time and they would like to portray him as insane, do not fall for it. He is a planner and instigator, "bring the country down, now" mentality. Consider the possibilities of power by Biden, waiting 47 years has an incentive, do anything.... Rick and your other writers are giving us a fair warning. All those players knew what they were doing, nothing innocent, they were arrogantly stupid, last time.... I fear an invitation of China with our guard down. Our worst nightmare? Biden must owe something.... payback? Smother the info(news, social media, etc) and we won't see it coming....
    As usual, your input is a fresh perspective, thank you. Also thank you for reading this as an opinion with ,I hope, an over active imagination.

  • Steven Ciarcia

    01/18/2021 03:26 PM

    Trying to make sure I stay with access to you

  • Janis Olsen

    01/18/2021 03:10 PM

    Gov Huckabee, sadly we are loosing/lost this country. Obama helped it greatly with is hate for the USA. Going way back years, China and Russia have been trying to destroy us. As we have dumbed down our children in education and formed their minds in "higher" learning, we are now reaping the rewards. Revelations shows how it is all playing out. May God be with those who are His people

  • Lori Lee Taber

    01/18/2021 03:03 PM

    Wasn't this legally I redacted and released for public records.. how can Obama, Susan Rice etc. Be allowed to be physically in access to our top security positions??
    What can citizens do to request a scheduled meeting to Advocate to put Rice, Obama behind bars with congressand senate ?

  • John William Randt

    01/18/2021 03:03 PM

    Susan Rice is a shadow crook.She should be in jail.

  • F. Gregory Walsh

    01/18/2021 03:03 PM

    Dear Governor,
    Please forgive my "French," but an old adage - appropriately modified to fit current times - is quite appropriate:
    "One need not be an asshole to be a Democrat..., but it helps!!
    With much love,

  • Gerald A. Gould

    01/18/2021 02:42 PM

    There is no doubt that this is Obama's third term, with the empty suit, Biden, his stand-in. But between Rice and Harris, both Obama lieutenants, and Jarrett, Obama's consigliere they will be running the show. Maybe we should view that as a positive in what could be a complete disaster if Biden was really in charge. He is a loose cannon with limited intellectual capacity. Rice, however, has a jaded past. She was obviously part of the Russia hoax, the lies at Benghasi, and many forget that shee was in charge of security when Khobar Towers were bombed. So her vita is very questionable.

  • Larry Newman

    01/18/2021 02:37 PM

    Less than 48 hours left of freedom and prosperity.

  • adean Barrett

    01/18/2021 02:33 PM

    The very ideal!!!! Waiting for my comments to be approved....by whom??? No one, they are my words and have the freedom to express. Truth will prevail.

  • AdeanBarrett

    01/18/2021 02:31 PM

    God help us....never! never! Please, please, those of you keep up the information for us. Also, keep pushing where you can. We need a voice and keep standing up for truth. I will keep upholding...and stand for truth. Going to be a rough 4 years....please!

  • Vince Salotti

    01/18/2021 02:14 PM

    Just wanted to thank you for your openness and honesty in reporting to us, the American people, exactly what is going on behind the scenes! I fear for our Country for what is about to transpire over the next few years! This is NOT the democratic party i knew growing up outside of Pittsburgh, PA. These are far-left, leaning, Socialists, bordering on Communism! I will go to my grave "knowing" the election was rigged from day 1 by the Democrats, Pelosi in particular! God help us!

  • Christine Battaglio

    01/18/2021 02:11 PM

    Like you, I was upset about the whole Biden administration. However, our only recourse is prayer and our faith in God. If God has allowed America to reap this bitter harvest, He still has a plan and knows what the future holds. I will take one day at a time and put my faith in the God who never fails no matter what comes. He is Lord of all. I will never accept Biden and friends as legitimate, but I am not an anarchist. I will quietly worship the ONE who is truly in charge.

  • Ann Ault

    01/18/2021 02:03 PM

    Brilliant article, as per usual, Governor Huckabee! WHEW! What a quagmire and conundrum the RIGHT are in RIGHT now, especially knowing we are RIGHT!! (I always think "LEFT BEHIND" in terms of the Left!) SO TRAGIC for the USA! The dishonest, no-holds-barred lying liberals, liberal media, Big Tech Giant are all in lockstep to shut down the voice of the RIGHT ... law, sanity, the Constitution, love of family, babies, GOD and country etc. I think of that old movie and song, "There is a river called the River of No Return". For all their Pomp and Circumstance, we still have the trump card. That would be God Almighty ... Father, Son, Holy Spirit! Three in ONE! Lotsa prayer going up there! Sadly for them ... they think they are winners, but ultimately they will be losers, (on earth and eternally speaking). God's plan is unfolding, no matter what! It doesn't mean it's going to be easy ... but such is the nature of earthlife and we know our GOD REIGNS!!!

  • Ed Thompson

    01/18/2021 01:47 PM

    Lock downs work in several different ways and not all of them are desirable for anyone! The very first time it happened look what happened. Panic buying of anything and everything, some making sense while other things didn’t but panic tops the list of the things that DID happen with the first lockdown. Did it accomplish anything? Depends on what news media outlets you were listening to. There was so much disinformation on every news outlet that rumors were about as truthful and accurate as what so called experts were telling everyone. Bottom line is that IF—big IF—- if you can get everyone to stay home for a few weeks, IF they were not infected when they went into “hibernation” , then it definitely would work but in any society we have to have people still working to keep everything together. I believe that making a simple thing like everyone wears a mask and remembers to sanitize their hands at every time they touch anything in public, we could bring the virus to its knees and end it if people would only do these simple things. You want a lockdown? Go to the border and stop letting people in here that we know nothing about.

  • Richard WienekeI

    01/18/2021 01:47 PM

    I just really want to thank you for this information re. Susan Rices's appointment. I prayeds this morning that someone should recommend to Pres. elect Biden to read I Kings 3,4 and 5. and follow Solomon's commitment to God and then how successful he became. I really enjoy your
    articles, Gov. Huckabee and read your morning article as well as your evening one. I'm also praying everyday for our gov't and now especially for Biden.

  • James Gerrish

    01/18/2021 01:45 PM

    The second impeachment of President Trump is supposedly to keep him from running for president again in 2024. The truth is, that would keep us who support him from being able to vote for him. Voter suppression, or more accurately, Voter denial. It is a crime against the American people, not against one man.

  • Kathy Fuglee

    01/18/2021 01:42 PM

    Excellent article. Thank you for the truth.

  • Laurie Keiski

    01/18/2021 01:37 PM

    Considering Biden’s apparent cognitive issues, let’s take it one step further. Harris has Biden remover for mental incapacity under 25th Amendment. Harris becomes POTUS and Rice VP. Obama’s dream come true.

  • Ed Thompson

    01/18/2021 01:31 PM

    Per your comments on Susan Rice—- why do you think I’ve been using “Joebamma”as the name of the guy who “won” a stolen election? It’s “backwards to the future” for America and you will comply, comrades because we say so! I ask everyone reading this to take a moment and look up everything that our President Donald Trump accomplished in his first six months in office and ponder what could happen now in Joebammas first six months! We all will see soon enough but what can anyone do? Nothing! We have two more years till we get a chance to repair and replace the people who are not going to be good for America. Talking about Senate and Congress members— on both sides of the aisle!! Please I beg you all—- remember who they are and what they are doing TO America not FOR America and vote them out into the streets! Maybe then if they actually have to deal with the results of their own policies they might understand how incredibly stupid they were and maybe repent?? Ha! Anything is possible. Till then— hold on to what you got, it’s going to be a hell of a ride for EVERYONE! With very few exceptions. Who knows, maybe when the taxes hit those people who hated Trump for making life a little better for the little guy and didn’t go after the higher income people, they just might finally leave America! Good riddance if they do.

  • Angela L Lawson

    01/18/2021 01:28 PM

    I have had a "huge" issue with Susan Rice for a long time; but, especially, since she decided to stay in Washington D.C. and live with The Obamas after his "reign" had ended. This woman is a true "snake in the grass" and I have seen her name mentioned in articles that are out, that she is going to be indicted for criminality pertaining to the attempt to overthrow President Trump. I am so in hopes someone in all these criminal plots will eventually get their comeuppance. However, it is now a Communist Democrat Party World, and will be swept completely under the rug.

  • Patricia Brahm

    01/18/2021 01:25 PM

    I find it very sickening that Rice is the Shadow President of Biden, the illegal President of the USA.
    To begin with it is now the Obama 2.0 Presidency, all planned and financially backed by George Soros. The republican party is a mess, closing their minds to the Obama administration since Obama's 2012 second term. The People who elected Trump in 2016 knew more what was going on in America than Our Republican Congress did. In 2018, a big wake up call should have been acknowledged by The leaders of the Republican party. But, instead the good ole boys who represent us in DC went about just reaping their personal rewards of greed, and not all of these republicans are or were Rhinos. God, Country, and Family no longer means anything in DC. We are in for a very rough ride as we watch our constitution eroded, and our rights trampled on.
    Obama set the nation up for this, and his movement to communism had to be put off for four years as Trump attempted to expose this large game plan by showing America what life could be for all Citizens of the USA. I am not sure President Trump if re-elected could have finished this job in another four years. But, we certainly could have stopped the indoctrination of our young children, and stopped China from taking over our Country, stopped the colleges from discriminating against conservatives, and stopped Big Tech from censoring of our freedom of speech. There is so much damage the Liberals/socialists have done to our sovereign republic, I am not sure America will stand free to the world by 2024. We all need to get on ProAmericaOnly.com as it is our future in the Republican party and it replaces FB, Twitter, and most social networks. They have shown our priorities for the 2022 election, and is vetting every Republican in office today, state by state. Be sure to heck out the page of Trump's accomplishments; has it all! Within 1 week this site has grown to 800,000K new members. Check it out Mike. And Prayers for America are needed.

  • Mary Smith

    01/18/2021 01:18 PM

    Quite ironic that the President, who was elected by "a majority of our citizens" has to take office under the protection of the military because there is so much discontent with his election. Just a different form of a coup.

  • Brenda Buruma

    01/18/2021 01:07 PM

    My sincere sympathy to you and all Trump supporters on losing the best President ever in the USA. I was so hoping he would win the election, as millions of others had too.
    I’m a Canadian and truly believe that the outcome of your past election will affect us. We had a good Prime Minister with Stephen Harper but now we have a nitwit who loves the leader of China. I also fear that conservatives here and their websites will go through the same scrutiny and shutdowns as in your country.
    President Trump has done so much good as a president and his energy level is awesome. I hope he and his sons continue in oncoming years, fighting for your country. It’s hard to believe people would want to impeach a president who was nominated for 3 Nobel peace prizes, a president who had the bravery (to put it nicely) to move the Us embassy to Jerusalem. No wars during his time, over 450 miles of new border wall, fantastic economy and GDP, to list only a few. I don’t have the time to list all of his accomplishments.
    Your daughter did a great job as Press secretary, and politely but firmly held her own against the extremely rude reporters, I mean ‘fake news’ reporters.
    What happens to your country will happen to ours. I’m speaking for myself, not all Canadians, as most I’m sure don’t see things my way.
    Other than my son, no one in my family knows about the ‘true’ Russian collusion because our media is completely liberal. I subscribe to the ‘Rebel’ news to read what is really going on in our country, but if I dare mention any of this 90 percent of friends and family think I’m odd, to put it nicely.
    Keep up the good work,

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