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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

April 29, 2021

Last night, President Biden finally made his first joint address to Congress, a Bizarro World variation on a State of the Union Address in which only a tiny group of 100% fully-vaccinated people showed up, all wearing masks and social distancing, despite being in a massive room with a two-story ceiling. It was like sending a message to the entire world that our own leaders don’t believe the vaccines work. But I digress.

Here’s the entire speech on YouTube:

Here are all the key moments in 10 minutes (it would’ve been nice if his speechwriters had tried this).

And if you don’t want to sit through the whole thing but want to know precisely what was said, here’s a full transcript you can speed-read.

And here are Fox News’ “Top Five Moments” from the speech.

Note the “Bonus Highlight” moment, when you could actually hear someone’s cell phone go off in the nearly empty chamber during Biden’s speech. It would’ve been even funnier if the phone had a cricket chirp ringtone. Or snoring.

Biden spoke for over an hour, but if I had to sum it all up in a nutshell, it would be with the familiar conservative adage, “The government that’s big enough to give you everything you need and want is big enough to take away everything you have.” Because that was basically what his plans amount to.

In more detail, it was everything you would have expected, at excruciating length. A lot of boasting about the success of the vaccination program, with no credit given to Trump for helping create the vaccines in record time through Operation Warp Speed and already administering 100,000 shots a day (including Biden's) by the time Biden took office. A lot of talk about working together and listening to the other side while demonizing the other side and proposing bills he knows we adamantly oppose. Claiming that by raising taxes and the minimum wage, shutting down domestic oil and gas production and targeting the gig economy for destruction (that’s the “PRO Act” he touted, the national version of the disastrous California AB 5 law) - all things proven to destroy jobs -- we’re going to create millions of new jobs.

He even said, “For me, when I think about climate change, I think jobs.” He mentioned all the jobs retrofitting buildings to be greener, and installing 500,000 charging stations for electric cars. And where will all the electricity come from? Why, sources like wind turbines, of course. He said he sees no reason why they can’t be built here instead of China. Except they require heavy metals that now only come from China.

And who will pay for all these jobs? The government, of course! If this speech had a theme song, it would be, “I’ve Been Workin’ For the Government, All the Livelong Day.” (Another good choice might be, “Don’t Know Much About History”:

And it will all be paid for with money only taken from the super-rich and big corporations. If you’re not one of those, you’ll enjoy endless free stuff with no downside at all, and a bill would never come due. If you believe that, I assume you also dream of living in Fantasyland at Disney World.

Truly, Biden’s mask was finally off, in more ways than one. We’ve heard all this before; it’s the Obama years on steroids: destroying existing jobs on a promise to replace them with government-created “green” union jobs that never appear, largely because the same liberals making these promises have made it impossible to get permits to start any major construction of anything. It’s why Obama himself admitted that there were no “shovel-ready jobs.” Too bad, I could’ve used a shovel during this speech.

Ironically, you could only do this if you slashed regulations like Trump did, and that’s one of the first things Biden reversed by executive order, along with destroying union jobs by killing the Keystone XL Pipeline. He also wants a government program to lower prescription drug prices, and never mind that he inexplicably reversed a Trump executive order that did just that.

The biggest news out of the speech was his promoting of even more massive spending in bills which, as always, come with “Who can oppose this?” names to hide the actual contents, such as “The American Rescue Plan” or “The American Families Plan.” I’m sure there are some good things in them, like expanded child tax credits. But the names are also cover for a raft of government-expanding, freedom-crushing, budget-bloating programs. Some analysts pointed out that Biden didn’t include means-testing on some, like free community college, so even kids of millionaires could qualify. If Republicans proposed this, Democrats would call it a “giveaway to the rich.”

Conservatives noted that in just three months in office, between the COVID-19 bill that was mostly not directly related to COVID-19, the “Infrastructure” bill that spends only a fraction of its cost on actual infrastructure, and now this new $1.8 trillion proposal, Biden has endorsed about $6 trillion in new deficit spending, or about half-again as much as the entire annual federal budget. I hope the Green-New-Deal-Under-Another-Name that he’s proposing includes funding for planting a billion money trees, because we’re going to need them.

Senator Tim Scott Responds:

The GOP response to Biden’s speech was given by Sen. Tim Scott, and it was terrific. It was filled with inspiring personal stories, ideas for finding common ground, and much-needed common sense. I urge you to watch it all. It’s less than 15 minutes but says more than Biden did in over 60 minutes. My favorite line was his description of how partisan the Democrats’ “infrastructure” bill is: “They won’t even build bridges to build bridges!”

He also reminded viewers that when he proposed a bipartisan police reform bill that Democrats said they wanted, they used the Senate filibuster (that they now call “racist” and want to eliminate) to block it from a vote. As Scott said, they preferred to keep the problem as a political tool than to solve it.

Here’s the transcript.

You can tell how effective Sen. Scott’s speech was because the left was panicked enough to resort to their standard fallback: hurling racist slurs at a black man for daring not to think the way they tell him to. Ironic, since Scott even mentioned the racist attacks made on him by so-called “progressives.” Meanwhile, Twitter, which will censor any conservative for any reason, allowed a racist leftist hashtag to trend.

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Comments 26-50 of 91

  • Ann Port

    04/29/2021 08:45 PM

    As usual, well said. Thank you!

  • Juanita Bailey

    04/29/2021 08:44 PM

    I am very concerned for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. As a Christian we aren’t supposed to worry but right now it is rather hard not to when we can see what is coming. Come quickly Lord Jesus

  • John Paul Rogalski

    04/29/2021 08:37 PM

    President Biden's speech was a slap in the face to every American. His empty promises would be lined from the pockets of all taxpayers. He uses the terms "Green deal," but it is only smoke in front of a mirage that will never happen. Americans have common sense, and these job promises are a joke! Imaginary jobs don't pay the bills. By telling the world we are such a "racist" country, he ignores the hard work of Americans, law enforcement personnel, lawmakers, and church members who have changed hatreds and stereotypes over decades. He disrespected what has happened in this country, and replaced it with a liberal version meant to appease to fringe groups.

  • Allen Thompson

    04/29/2021 08:35 PM

    I agree with your comments above. I focused on his lies about all he had accomplished, when it had all been Trump's work.

  • Janice Sattler

    04/29/2021 08:26 PM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee for all you are doing for God, for your family, for the people of the USA.

  • Gladys Hizer

    04/29/2021 08:24 PM

    Hoping all those government people who got rich while in government (Obama, his wife, and 2 daughters included) also have to pay those big taxes. Biden, his son, likely wife and daughter have profited from us common people and hope they pay those big taxes as well. Not counting on it, however.

  • Melanie Shaw

    04/29/2021 08:15 PM

    First of all, I was very surprised “O’Biden” actually talked for an hour and seemed cognitively okay throughout the entire speech, without Q-cards. However, his talk really never covered pressing issues such as the boarder crisis, or tell Americans about the jobs he has planned for all those Pipeline workers who are now on unemployment...He seems to rant on in a “dream world stance”, projecting a future of well being and happiness, that he envisions for many years from now. He doesn't live in the present, with the turmoil he has created from his radical agenda and new policies. I find little to no stability in this administration, it is all over the place with nothing concrete, except what was already there from the Trump administration. A whole lot of projected ideas, & fancy words of a new America, but with no concrete steps, or laid out plans for anyone to grasp how this is all going to evolve. He may think he is a smart man, but he really isn’t. I feel very vulnerable with him as president, and God forbid if Harris was ever to take over!!!!! Not to mention my concern for how far left he is, calling himself a Catholic Christian! I hope the Catholic Bishops do address this misrepresentation of the Catholic faith. It is appalling! I of course will pray for this man while in leadership, one never knows how God might answer, but I honestly feel the next 4 years are going to be a steady decline for this country.

  • Walter Morgan

    04/29/2021 08:12 PM

    You Saw what I saw... Your thoughts are real close to mine....
    Biden minus. 5.
    Scott.....9.5 plus

  • Nancy Olson

    04/29/2021 07:35 PM

    After listening to both speeches last night, I heard some clips from someone in the fake news media say that conservatives don’t know the difference between a racist country and a systemically racist country. I’m a conservative and that confused me so I was wondering that if there is a difference what is it?

  • Dot McLeod

    04/29/2021 07:19 PM

    Sen. Tim Scott provided more hope in the words he spoke than Biden did in his hour long monologue of taxes, taxes and more taxes. His ramblings and repeating the same things he said in his “ news conference” just shows his true feelings about America. If this is his idea on UNITY I don’t want any part of it. He seems to be trying to deliberately divide the people in our Great Country. God help us.

  • Dianna Bostick

    04/29/2021 07:16 PM

    I feel like a sitting duck till 2022 and then maybe we can take back control of the house and stop some of this madness !!

  • Teresa Patterson

    04/29/2021 07:03 PM

    Wow! What a speech by Sen. Tim Scott ! I absolutely loved it...thank you so much for sharing. Yours is the only news source I trust so I am glad to be able to read the transcript of his speech in your newsletter. More senators with his mind-set would give us renewed hope for our country! I am also enjoying the addition of the Inspirational Americans at the end of your newsletters.

  • Joan Selle

    04/29/2021 07:01 PM

    The comment I liked the most was: 'America is not racist".
    There was not one thing I didn't like about his speech.

    I would like to see a ticket of Ron DeSantis for president and Tim Scott for vice president.

    I love Trump. Do not have one bad thought about him but I do not think he can win in 2024.
    But I hope they will use him internationally. He was loved when he went abroad. He could be like a Henry Kissinger, representing America over seas.

  • Lisa Sutherland

    04/29/2021 06:49 PM

    I love your sense of humor. Thank you for summary of Mr. Biden's. Thankful I didn't watch. I did see Mrs. Biden trying to look classy...FAIL!
    Thank you again for all you are doing and by the way I adore your daughter and am praying for a BIG landslide win for her. God bless you and your family.

  • Mike Creamer

    04/29/2021 06:48 PM

    I did not get a chance to see the speeches but based on your comments the outcome was as expected. Unfortunately President Trump was our last hope of beginning to turn us away from the socialist policies that continue to be put in place. Republican leadership is very week and it is sometimes very hard to tell the difference between parties. Both parties have stood by and allowed (even promoted) the indoctrination of our children. I see it in my grandchildren and it may be too late to salvage their generation. The federal government must stay out of our education system and allow the local communities to chose the education priorities. I am of the age where I may not see the total destruction of our country but worry about my children and grandchildren losing what freedoms we have and any prayer of prosperity.

  • Debra Hersh

    04/29/2021 06:40 PM

    I loved Sen. Scotts address to our nation, but had to get waders out to get thru the (excuse me for saying this) feces Biden spewed.

  • MISHELLE Barnett

    04/29/2021 06:33 PM

    You said it WELL!!!!!

  • Paul Kern

    04/29/2021 06:30 PM

    After listening to Scott's speech I have to say he should be taking over McConnel's spot.
    Do a thorough housecleaning to remove all RINOS
    Then have a "come to Jesus" talk with the real conservatives.
    He is a real warrior. Those on the left have their knives out to take scalps.
    He looks like he's the type of brawler be and man America needs.
    A man of faith who really exemplifies what it means.
    Not a soyboy like the men and women who have been selling out the Republic.

  • Lea Ann Edelman

    04/29/2021 06:30 PM

    This administration, if it weren't so serious, would be a hilarious joke, unfortunately for America it's not. And the fact that they think we are simple minded enough to believe what they're saying is mind boggling. I believe in coincidence, but there is nothing coincidental about what's been going on, it's been planned down to the letter. It's a coup and nothing else, and the fall out is going to leave a lot of casualties. I pray for this country daily.

  • Karen Terese Rogers

    04/29/2021 06:28 PM

    Our foremost mistake is uttering President before his name. He a joke, a tyrant an insult to the office our nation and Politics.

  • Pam Montgomery Earl

    04/29/2021 06:27 PM

    Mr. Scott’s rebuttal was the best political speech I have ever heard. He was concise and hit all the important points perfectly.

  • Darci Nelson

    04/29/2021 06:26 PM

    Wow! Great job, Governor!
    I don’t know if there was a shovel big enough! Maybe a front end loader?

  • Thomas Harrington

    04/29/2021 06:19 PM

    Honestly you and I both know that that wasn’t Biden speech that was written for him and a lot of presidents have that done but Biden especially could hardly stay on script the poor man should never have been elected president he is going to have dementia and put us into a war with another country before his term is out.!On another issue his son should be put in jail if guilty of all the things that we know he did and many others in Congress to be put in jail after their fair trial.!

  • Caroljean J Hauze

    04/29/2021 06:14 PM

    Senator Scott is truely a man of wisdom and foresite. Not a bitter man, but a very heartfelt concern for our country. He responded in a true gentleman fashion, not attacking but giving facts. His response is what I would hope our representatives would think like and "Presidential" thinking. Too bad President Biden did not listen to his thoughts first.

  • Carol Redmann

    04/29/2021 06:10 PM

    Your comments are so insightful but said with humor! I agree totally! Yes, NP should have torn up the speech!

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