Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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January 23, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • Democrats Press Ahead On Impeachment
  • Reactions To Biden's Keystone Pipeline Decision
  • Delay
  • More Biden Problems With Reality
  • Bible Verse Of The Day


Mike Huckabee

"Huckabee" Preview

By Mike Huckabee

After a week like this, I know you could use a new episode of “Huckabee” on TBN, and we have a great one for you tonight. I’ll discuss the latest DC developments with an endangered species: rational, Constitution-respecting Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard. We’ll get some thoughts on the coming Senate impeachment farce from Rudy Giuliani. Author and viral video star Carlos Whitaker will talk about his inspiring new book. Actor/country star John Schneider will give us a sneak peek at his great new movie inspired by his love of one of my all-time favorites, “Smokey and the Bandit.” And we’ll have music, and a very special salute to a heroic US military veteran, from country star Tim Atwood.

We get eastbound and down, starting tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit https://www.huckabee.tv and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at https://www.huckabee.tv. You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.


Democrats Press Ahead On Impeachment

By Mike Huckabee

To the surprise of nobody, Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer seems determined to press ahead with a trial on the unprecedented, most likely unconstitutional impeachment of former President Trump.

He’s insisting that you can impeach someone who’s no longer in office, even though impeachment exists as an action to remove someone from office. It’s possible that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts might refuse even to preside over it, if he cares about the Constitution (sadly, that’s an open question.) Here are some more details on the confusing issues that are only now being debated because in all of American history, this is the first time Congress has ever pulled anything this stupid, at least in the impeachment field.

Sen. Mitch McConnell is pressing to delay any trial to February, to give Trump’s people a fair chance to mount a defense, something they didn’t get to do during the rushed House vote, which is another reason why this is totally bogus (another is that he was impeached for allegedly inciting the Capitol riot with a speech that a federal investigation has already proven took place after the rioters had already started planning their assault.) Schumer will likely oppose that, since trying to impeach a President who’s been gone for five weeks might look five times dumber than trying to impeach one who’s been gone for one week.

Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas tried (probably futilely) to inject some common sense into the Senate proceedings by pointing out, “We won’t be doing any confirmations, we won’t be doing any COVID-19 relief, we won’t be doing anything else other than impeaching a person who’s not even President.” Unfortunately, we live in a time when trying to inject common sense into the Senate is like trying to give a vaccination shot to a Pet Rock.

Reactions To Biden's Keystone Pipeline Decision

By Mike Huckabee

Multiple union leaders are joining Canadian officials in expressing their anger over President Biden’s executive order killing the Keystone Pipeline project (along with thousands of union jobs) and reneging on an expensive agreement with Canada, just to appease some radical green activists and “undo Trump’s legacy.”

Never having run a business (or done anything other than warm a government seat for 47 years), Biden doesn’t understand that when a new boss comes in, he doesn’t arbitrarily cancel every project his predecessor set in motion, especially not those that represent a major investment and a number of binding outside contracts.

Unfortunately, he’s also surrounded himself with other people whose experience is entirely in politics, which explains the clueless response to the anger by his Transportation Secretary pick, Pete Buttigieg (whose experience includes being mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and nothing involving transportation or oil.) In a stunning "learn to code" moment, Buttigieg brushed off concerns about all the lost union jobs, assuring the newly unemployed pipeline workers that with Biden’s coming climate initiatives, they can just find “different” jobs.

This Administration is only four days old, and I’m already seeing a lot of people who need to find different jobs.


By Mike Huckabee

Speaking of the mindless reversal of all Trump policies, even those nobody wants reversed: Biden put a delay of up to 60 days on an HHS directive that was to have taken effect Friday, requiring community health centers to charge low-income patients the acquisition price for insulin and EpiPens. Question for Biden voters: did you support him because you wanted higher medical bills?

This is part of a general freeze/review on all Trump policies, apparently to insure they aren’t evil or something. Although why anyone would think a measure to help provide low-cost insulin to poor diabetes patients should be put on hold is beyond me. That’s taking mindless partisanship to the level of psychotic partisanship.


More Biden Problems With Reality

By Mike Huckabee

This article explains why President Biden’s reversal of Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban” is empty leftist virtue-signaling that will make America, like Europe, more vulnerable to deadly terrorist attacks. That’s because (as we’ve been explaining here for four years) it was never a “Muslim ban” at all; it was a ban on travel from a handful of nations, some of them majority Muslim, that harbor terrorist activity.




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Comments 26-37 of 37

  • Sandra Blake

    01/23/2021 02:15 PM

    Hi. I am still not receiving your newsletter in my in-box, even though I re-subscribed and put your email address in my contact list. Lately, I have only been able to access your morning edition online.
    Also, I appreciate it when you include anything positive in your newsletters, ie good news, including the Bible verse of the day!

  • Ken Lawyer

    01/23/2021 02:11 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,

    I have never been more angry and frustrated for my country than I am right now. No one, and I mean no one is stepping up with answers as to why with all of the legal experts in the Republican Party that not one of them is holding those responsible for violating constitutional law? We keep hearing about the evidence that laws are being broken, yet no one who does is being held accountable! Voting is no longer an assurance to get rid of corruption and it be replaced by the person we vote for as obviously seen in this last presidential election. Money and votes no longer assure victory or hope of victory due to the saturation of corrupt officials in our present government! Besides the power of prayer what else can we do?

  • Christine F Plunkett

    01/23/2021 01:56 PM

    going to be a rough 4 years. Dan Celia stated on his program on AFR there will be Christians persecuted under this administration if they do not bow to the socialist and radical beliefs. Pray for a spiritual renewal for America.

  • Jan evanson

    01/23/2021 01:54 PM

    Gov quick question. We teach ANTI BULLYING IN S HOOLS TO OUR KIDS YET ALL I SEE IS ADULTS BULLYING OTHERS. ANYTHING FLIES FROM THEIR MIUTHS AND IT'S OK. SICK & TIRED OF ALL. 75 MILLION PEOPLE (gop/trumpets) are left to hang..no voice nothing. Sad state. Thank you for voicing!!

  • Kathy zarske

    01/23/2021 01:52 PM

    What he did in just one day shows how he doesn't care about people especially americans and I know it's going to worse with him

  • Laura Vest

    01/23/2021 01:50 PM

    Biden wants to delay the lowered diabetes med costs for 60 days to make it appear HE did it... since President Trump did the work of ten Presidents, Biden's going to look feckless anyway. But that's ok, he IS!
    Is 75 million signatures on a petition enough to Recall Bejing Biden?

  • Rick Bashaw

    01/23/2021 01:28 PM

    If a person who is not in office can be impeached, what kind of precedent is set? Do they consider it that Trump holds the "office" of citizen? What is stopping them from impeaching me (or any one else) if we disagree with them? Would that mean we are no longer a part of "their" USA?

  • Pat J Green

    01/23/2021 01:25 PM

    There is a reason pelosi was studying on the 25th admendment it wasn't to get rid of Trump she new that they were doing everything possible for a Biden, Harris win, once things have settled down don't be surprised if they dispose of Biden and make Harris president.

  • Diane Rowlands

    01/23/2021 01:25 PM

    Amen to your beautiful message.

  • Aaron Woien

    01/23/2021 01:24 PM

    Biden is Obama's third term. Here we go again, appeasing the nation's enemies (China, Iran) and angering the nation's few allies (Canada, England, Israel), not to mention putting many Americans out of work. I hope the establishment Republicans in the various state legislatures are happy that Biden stole the election. They will have to answer to their constituents who are being adversely affected by Biden.

  • Rosalia Li Bassi

    01/23/2021 01:17 PM

    It is mind blowing the way Americans supposedly voted: Higher taxes, higher health care, higher cost of living all around. Did they lost their mind? The only explanation I can find is that they are all rich beyond limit or they pay for nothing. I am someone from abroad and worked way past my time. I would have loved the economy and wages in the past four years. I also think that had Congress done their job we would not be here today. If you only care about Party, let country be damned. Thanks for letting me say my piece. God Bless.

    let me say my piece, if ok’d

  • Lynda Morgan

    01/23/2021 01:11 PM

    Be watching tonight ??????

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