Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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June 29, 2021

Good evening! My Evening Edition for today contains the following:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Politicized Lawfare In NYC
  • Well, This Isn’t What They Tell You On TV!
  • Democrat Policies Are To Blame For Defunding Police, Not Mean Republicans
  • "Football Is Gay"
  • "Justice"
  • Bonus Podcast


Mike Huckabee


One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

Acts 18:9


Politicized Lawfare In NYC

By Mike Huckabee

Vice President Kamala Harris denied that pressure from Republicans or former President Trump’s visit to the border were the reasons why she finally went to El Paso after 90 long days. So maybe this is the reason why Democrats are finally trying to look as if they’re interested in doing something about the crisis created by Biden’s reversal of Trump’s border security policies. It’s the only thing that motivates some politicians: terrifying poll numbers.


A new Harvard/Harris poll (note: hardly a rightwing polling outfit) found that a staggering 80% of registered voters believe that illegal immigration is a serious issue that needs more attention than Biden and Harris are giving it. Further, 68% said the Biden White House is putting out signals encouraging more illegal immigration, and 55% believe that Trump’s border policies should have been left in place.

It’s no wonder they’re concerned: the latest disaster news is that so far this fiscal year, Border Patrol agents have arrested 353 illegal aliens with sex-related criminal convictions, many involving children. That’s an increase of 542% from fiscal 2019. And authorities have detected more than 250,000 illegal aliens who have evaded capture.

Incidentally, the poll also found that other issues are boiling up as concerns to voters, and those issues – inflation, taxes and teaching Critical Race Theory in schools – are all straight off the Democratic Party’s rancid buffet table.

It’s encouraging news for those who want to wrest power away from the Democrats who are abusing it in Congress in 2022, but remember what I always tell you: ignore polls, especially polls this far out. Don’t let them make you complacent. We need every Republican voter turning out in 2022. Remember that if Republicans in Georgia had shown up for the Senate runoff in the same numbers they did in the general election, Republicans would still be in charge of the Senate. So pray for the best, but work like dogs to help get out the vote and make it happen.

Well, This Isn’t What They Tell You On TV!

By Mike Huckabee

A new Rasmussen survey of likely voters found that 67% believe freedom of religion is very important to healthy American society with another 15 percent saying it’s “somewhat important.” Only 4% said it wasn’t at all important, with another 5% saying it’s not very important.


Bottom line: Americans (or at least, likely voters) support freedom of religion by 82-9%. Yet that hasn’t deterred the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress and on the state level from waging war on religious freedom through such measures as the “Equality Act,” which would force churches and religious charities to hire people who oppose their religious beliefs. The poll found that only 20% of Americans support that, by the way.

Yet if you listen to the news and entertainment media, you’d think that people who care about religious freedom are a tiny and ever-shrinking minority. Ironically, any politicians who believe that, continue attacking religious freedom rights, and think it will get them reelected, are going on blind faith and expecting a miracle.

Democrat Policies Are To Blame For Defunding Police, Not Mean Republicans

By Mike Huckabee

I told you about the laughable claim by the White House that Republicans are to blame for defunding police. It’s more like an I.Q. test than a legitimate political statement. Nobody in his right mind could believe that Republicans slashed the police budgets in cities that, in some cases, haven’t been run by Republicans since Jean Harlow was America’s #1 sex symbol.

But more of them are picking up that hilarious claim, so just for the record, let me explain what it’s based on.


Since no Congressional Republican backed Biden’s “American Rescue Plan,” they claim that means Republicans voted against cities getting needed funds during the pandemic to keep their police departments running.

The facts: Republicans opposed that bill because it was a giant, deficit-fueled slush fund that forced taxpayers to bail out blue states and cities for the costs of decades of corrupt policies, like unsustainable pension benefits in exchange for unions helping reelect Democrats. There was nothing in that bill that said any portion of the money would specifically go to keep police departments funded. In fact, before it was even proposed, blue city leaders were already slashing police budgets, whether they needed to for budgetary reasons or not, and they’ve continued doing it ever since.

Breitbart News correspondent Charlie Spierling did a text search and found that in the entire 242-page bill, the words “police” and “law enforcement” never appeared once.

If that’s not enough to shatter the narrative, on the very day the Biden White House staff tried to blame Republicans for defunding police, the city council of Oakland, California, voted to slash the police budget by millions despite a surging crime wave.

News flash: Republicans do NOT run Oakland, California.

"Football Is Gay"

By Mike Huckabee

Someone at the NFL must have thought, “All this racial grievance political grandstanding and disrespect for the flag and the National Anthem isn’t driving away enough fans. What can we do to alienate more of them? I know: let’s launch a Pride Month publicity campaign on the theme of ‘Football is gay!’”


In case you didn’t get it the first time, the video goes on to insist that not only is football gay, it's also bisexual, transgender, queer and lesbian. I have to assume they mean among fans, because as “inclusive” as the NFL is trying to be, I don’t think there are any lesbian players yet. That’s because females usually don’t try to compete against men in sports -- for utterly baffling reasons, since of course, males and females are exactly the same biologically.

Anyway, by the time NFL management is done, the only fans left may be America-hating lesbians. I’m beginning to suspect that they’re double agents secretly on the payroll of the NHL.


By Mike Huckabee

A group of radical political activists, following a plan organized on social media, shut down streets around the White House, trespassed on the property, blocked all the entrances and took over the guard station. They were fired up to do this by a politician who urges on the radical actions of followers.

So, did the Biden DOJ track them all down, throw them into solitary, and hit them with a dozen charges including insurrection? Was the politician who whipped up their passions banned permanently from social media and declared a menace who must be banished from the public square? Was the social media platform that they used deplatformed and forced out of business?

Well, since they were radical leftwing climate change activists, of course not. They were immediately released, and the politician who inspired their actions, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is still tweeting away.


That’s what’s known as a dual or “two-tiered” justice system. And it’s why I continue to use quotation marks whenever I type Biden Department of “Justice.”

Bonus Podcast

On the latest bonus episode of "The People's Podcast," Abigail Shrier joins Governor Huckabee to discuss her new book, "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters." Among other topics, they scrutinize the blowback (and Big Tech censorship) her new book has received, and they examine the meteoric rise in gender surgeries among young women, putting recent numbers into historical context.



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Comments 11-18 of 18

  • Ann Atwell

    06/30/2021 09:36 AM

    I think if Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota ran on the same ticket as President Trump, they would be unbeatable. Then when President Trumps four years are up, Governor Noem could run for President. I believe they could do a lot of good for our country.

  • PAUL Schaber

    06/30/2021 08:06 AM

    Those same people that are calling for defunding the police better learn how to respond to fire calls. Just recently in my town , while the fire department was fighting a fire people where stripping down the fire truck and stealing equipment. Those same people, your rich friends and contributors all have private security personnel. So if this summer the streets start getting violent and you and your friends have been campaigning to defund the police and you make a urgent call for help and the dispatcher or the recording tells you that due to the cutbacks in police protection, the fire fire and emergency personnel will not be arriving until adequate police protection can be mustered to ensure their safety. Then what do you do. you WOKE AND CANCEL CULTURE going to do.

  • Emmy Crabdree

    06/30/2021 07:10 AM

    Is it ok to quote you on Facebook? You have so much good stuff to share.

  • Nancy Medina

    06/30/2021 03:06 AM

    The NFL might be going for Half Time entertainment with acts like those on Gay Pride Parades

  • Barbara Ocone

    06/30/2021 01:03 AM

    Mike, when you made the comment "And it’s why I continue to use quotation marks whenever I type Biden Department of “Justice.”" in the 6/29/21 evening edition of your newsletter, I think you misspelled "Justice", I think in the context of Biden's Department of "Justice" is really should be Biden's Department of "Just-us". Keep fighting Mike, all conservatives and all moderates should be grateful for the messages you share, the education you provide, the leadership you and your family provide, your support for religious freedom, and freedom of speech. Keep fighting the fight Mike, we love you and Sarah too!

  • Anne Turner

    06/29/2021 11:26 PM

    There are children, especially tweeners, coming out of the wall as trans. Yes, there have always been a very few people who have gender dysphoria. My understanding is that they sometimes have some genital abnormalities . But this sudden influx of kids wanting to change is, .I believe, purely a product of having this thrust on them in the schools as being a perfectly normal alternative. Unless a person has some missing hormones or other medical condition, any condition that
    that requires huge doses of sex hormones and radical destructive surgery. Is way out of bounds for people who have not reached adulthood. Men and woman are not alike for good reason. They are complimentary. Yes, it was wrong to keep woman from pursuing many careers and to make them subject to a male guardian, but in the Western world that has changed dramatically. We have yet to see the long term affects of these powerful drugs on medical conditions or life expectancy. Our children are being sold down the river and we are letting it happen. What a great way for rebellious teens to get attention. Shocking adults is so much fun.

    CRT. It was not perfect but children where playing together, people where working and socializing together, without regard to racial differences. It is terrible to go through life being overly sensitive to micro thoughtless remarks not intended to be divisive. This makes people uncomfortable with each other. We had not reached perfection but there had been dramatic improvements. This was all for not. Politicians and the elite left are destroying that progress. They are recreating resentment and hurt feelings. I personally am feeling angry and hurt about being called a racist because I am white. I know I am not, but how does one defend against such fabrication? I am know slightly uncomfortable among my minority friends.

  • Paul Kern

    06/29/2021 10:56 PM

    Now that the left is on steroids to destroy the USA we need to rise up with God to restore what He blessed us with.
    It grieves me to see how many religious leaders have left their first love and keeping the people confused. So few hear the call God is sending out at this time. Using His enemies to wake America up. Many of us see thru the smoke screen the left and religious are putting out. Others are furious and still lost in their hatred and worship of evil. How many more influential Christians will "repent" to keep their worshippers sending their money to them?

  • Dave Newbry

    06/29/2021 10:43 PM

    You have a couple of very talented singer/songwriters on your staff. If I give them the first line of a rewritten Marty Robbins tune, do you think they could appropriately finish it? Here ya go:
    "Down in the West Texas town of El Paso, I said 'Hey Donald, I finally came down.'"

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