Merry Christmas!

Twelve Christmas Stories

1. Never forget what it is like to be a kid at Christmas.

2. A Christmas Miracle.

3. Christmas memories that last forever.

4. The best gift this Christmas is giving to others.

5. Treasured Memories of Christmas.

6. A Simple Christmas.

7. This Christmas Story Will Touch Your Digestive System.

8. Coming home this Christmas.

9. Setting the Pattern For Christmas Traditions.

10. We have survived hard times.

11. The best Christmas gifts of all.

12. Christmas is about what we give, not what we get.

November 17, 2021


Fox News has obtained an internal draft memo from the Department of Health and Human Services showing that HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra is planning to roll back Trump-era protections of religious liberty rights. That includes revoking the authority of the Office of Civil Rights to prevent violations of religious liberty.

The memo, supposedly from OCR to Becerra, expresses concerns that Trump might have expanded OCR’s authority too much. And I truly believe that a government agency would complain about being given too much power.

During his confirmation hearings, Becerra swore to Congress that he would protect religious liberty. But his predecessor as HHS Secretary, Roger Severino, said, "HHS centralized authority over religious freedom claims because the laws weren’t being enforced and because that’s how we enforce every other civil right. Without dedicated staff responsible for investigating religious freedom complaints, HHS will return to trampling people’s rights as before — just ask the Little Sisters of the Poor…Because Becerra was twice found to have violated conscience protection laws by OCR, he has no business deciding its religious freedom authorities given his massive conflict of interest. Becerra told Congress that he values religious freedom and that nothing will change with OCR concerning enforcement. His actions since then prove that he lied, and this move would put an exclamation point on his anti-religious hostility."

The big question remains: why would anyone who voted to confirm Becerra believe that a man who, as California Attorney General, tried to railroad undercover journalists into prison on 15 felony charges just for exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood, give a flip about protecting anyone’s civil rights?


The House Judiciary Committee released an email Tuesday provided by an FBI whistleblower, showing that the agency’s Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions are pressing forward with keeping tabs on parents who speak up against school boards and other officials. They’ve even created the threat tag EDUOFFICIALS to track instances of such “threats.”

The email acknowledges that this tracking of angry parents as domestic terrorist threats is in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s outrageous letter calling for such a thing – a letter written in response to a letter from the National School Boards Association that we now know was created in coordination with Biden Administration officials. Megan Fox at PJ Media examined the alleged threats cited in it and found that none were legitimate, and the NSBA apologized for the letter.

So far, 11 states have withdrawn from the NSBA and 26 have distanced themselves from it. Yet despite all that, plus Garland's denial to Congress that concerned parents will be monitored as domestic terrorists, this email confirms that that’s precisely what the FBI is doing.

Inescapable conclusions: Merrick Garland is a politicized hack and a bald-faced liar (possibly perjurer); and Americans need to elect politicians who will not only remove him from office, but clean out the FBI and DOJ like the snake pits we’ve discovered them to be.


DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was in the Senate Tuesday, where Republican Sen. Mike Lee grilled him like a cheap steak over why the Biden Administration is forcing a vaccine mandate on law-abiding citizens that threatens to sideline an untold number of Border Patrol agents while not enforcing any vaccine mandate on the thousands of illegal immigrants who are streaming across the border.

Related: Speaking of all the things this Administration is doing to Build Back Illegal Immigration Better, someone just noticed that hidden away on page 1,647 (!) of Biden’s $1.75 trillion “Build Back Better” spending plan is a line to eliminate the need for a Social Security number to apply for child tax credits. A researcher for the Center for Immigration Studies told Fox News that that could result in the government giving an extra $2.3 billion in payouts to illegal immigrants.

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Comments 11-20 of 21

  • Donna Bolanos

    11/21/2021 08:52 PM

    I want to know what our Senators and representatives are doing DC allowing things like this happen - passing. bills that allow special interests/lobbyists to reap the benefits while millions of people are living on the streets! Illegals passing over the borders by the thousands and NO ONE is doing a thing. I cannot believe this is America!

  • George Whitaker

    11/21/2021 07:49 PM

    Why does the American public seem satisfied with a Congress that simply rubber-stamps bills when they cross their desks instead of actually doing what we pay them to do - read them before voting? Businesses are not ran in such a slip-shod manner and there is no excuse to run the country that way either.

  • Thomas Saneford

    11/21/2021 07:27 PM

    Geez Governor, It’s time for some good news, all this bad news is depressing. One bright light in all this weeks darkness is Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial. Can’t believe how clueless Maria Schriver actually is, she is related to Ted Kennedy, need I say more. Keep up the excellent work sir. TWS

  • Sally Duncan

    11/21/2021 05:07 PM

    NOTHING this administration does surprises me. Evil is about! Governor DeSantis gives me hope, as he stands up for the people of this country and Florida. That is the way governors, senator, representatives are supposed to be. God, country, family, in that order. Too many of them put money to their state(pork barrel) absolutely first. Shameful!!

  • Rachel Krupp

    11/21/2021 04:52 PM

    Biden and Kamala are doing their level best to destroy this country. The DEMONRATS only care about illegal immigrants while veterans are poor and homeless. ILLEGAL means NOT LEGAL and they should get nothing. They should be hunted down and every single one deported. The American taxpayers have had enough! We are seniors. What will happen to our social security? Will that go to illegals too? We need Trump back ASAP !

  • Charles H King Jr

    11/21/2021 04:39 PM

    Governor this Build Back Better travesty is so far fetched even an uninformed DemoRAT should realize it is not good for any of us. And then add this bit about Build Back Illegal Immigration Better pertaining to no SSN to obtain child tax credit is just absolutely unbelievable. What can reasonable men and of course women, do about it? Sooooo many illegal actions on the part of the bureaucrats on both sides of the isle it would take an honest Justice Department a century to prosecute all of them. It doesn't appear to me that ANYONE is even thinking about holding ANYONE accountable. So pathetic!! I'm so happy we know who wins in the end.... our Lord and Savior!!! Praise the Lord for your good work Governor Mike. God bless you!!

  • John Beerley

    11/21/2021 04:12 PM

    It appears to me that the Biden administration is set in the destruction of the United States as we have known it (I am 92), or to take us into the one world government over which the Antichrist will rule. Either way, we are in big trouble!

  • Roger Parisee

    11/21/2021 04:10 PM

    U know Mike Biden Admin and his Progressive left policies HARM America MORE than any ENEMY can!

  • Linda mchugh

    11/21/2021 03:39 PM

    Why aren’t the media, the politicians , etc. being cancelled for the blatant misinformation they are spreading about the KR trial? Their lies and misinformation are responsible for most of the civil unrest our country is experiencing. It’s maddening!


    11/21/2021 02:02 PM

    Once Kyle Rittenhouse owns CNN, he should hire you to run it!!

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