Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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March 11, 2021

Sometimes, I get up, look at the news, and there are so many similar stories, it’s almost as if the news had a theme that day. Wednesday’s theme appears to be a predictable one: voters’ remorse.

Here’s a story by a woman who hated Donald Trump so much, she called him the “most dishonest person imaginable.” She even wrote a book to slam him, about how important the truth is, and she worked hard to elect Biden and celebrated his “victory.”

Now, she’s suddenly been slapped with a hard truth. The “PRO Act” bill he’s pushing that just passed the House, and that would take the disastrous California AB5 bill that killed small businesses and the gig economy nationwide, threatens to destroy her career as a freelance writer. She writes, “The bill could end my ability to be my own boss, set my own hours and otherwise live the American worker's dream.”

In short, it’s a shining example of a typical piece of “progressive” legislation. Sorry, but this is what you voted for, and that's the truth.

Next, the US Chamber of Commerce, which worked hard to elect Biden and Democrats instead of the most pro-business President in decades, is feeling stunned, shocked, betrayed that Biden is pushing that pro-union bill that would destroy contract workers and small businesses. Redstate.com editor Jennifer Van Laar, who’s led opposition to AB5 in California for years, tweeted, “Odd, they pulled the EXACT SAME (BLEEP) on us in CA. They chose not to fight AB5, then were up in arms when there were terrible consequences. S***w you, US Chamber of Commerce. You don’t care about small business or business at all.”

But probably the group with the least convincing tears of regret is a group called “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden.” They endorsed him despite his clear record as part of an Administration that persecuted nuns for refusing to pay for abortion drugs and contraceptives; his statement that if the SCOTUS overturned Roe V. Wade, he’d go to Congress and make it the law of the land; and the fact that his running mate is the most pro-abortion person ever in the White House.

Now that Biden is doing exactly what anyone with more than two brain cells knew he would do – rolling back religious freedom protections, funding Planned Parenthood, forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions in other nations, attempting to destroy the Hyde Amendment, etc. etc. etc. – they profess to be upset, shocked and disappointed that he’s instituting the most radical pro-abortion agenda in history. Would they feel the same way if they discovered that dogs bark?

I’m having a hard time feeling pity for any of these people because all they had to do was subscribe to this free newsletter and they would have been warned for most of the past year exactly what was going to happen if the Democrats won the White House and Congress. What I do feel sympathy for are the many millions of Americans who will suffer needlessly because of their willfully uninformed votes, and for the countless children who will never survive the womb because this Administration continues to promote a barbaric practice that denies obvious facts of biology, one of those “sciences” that they claim to believe in so fervently.

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Comments 26-50 of 58

  • Paul Trey

    03/12/2021 09:36 AM

    Thank you Mike. Maybe regret today will show up as (honest) votes in 2022

  • Patrick Mulloney

    03/12/2021 09:33 AM

    Even if they got your free letter or if you explained it to their face; you, I, and President Trump know common sense and wisdom are not with the only 63M that legally voted for him. They, unfortunately must live thru the truth to realize it because NOW it effects them!

  • John Bernard

    03/12/2021 09:29 AM

    “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden.”........The title is either an oxymoron or at the least formed by Morons. This is akin to claiming to be Christian and praying to the demon Bael! American society has clearly lost the ability to Reason!

  • James Mclane

    03/12/2021 09:23 AM


  • Laura Paris

    03/12/2021 09:15 AM

    Karma is a "bitch".

  • Ralph Johnston

    03/12/2021 08:55 AM

    Most of the Democrat bills and policies end up biting them in the butt. little did Harry Reid realize his quest for corruptive politics " the nuclear option" would be used to put Conservatives on the Supreme Court. Democrats proposed election reforms could possible work in favor of the Republicans. That is allowing states to set their own election laws. Red states could then require voter ID, outlaw harvesting and mail in ballots amongst other reform agendas by Republican held states.

  • Sandra Breeding

    03/12/2021 08:44 AM

    I’m so disgusted, frustrated and sad. We the People did everything we could to let everyone know what we were in for! Now, we can only say We told You so! However this statement won’t stop Ms Harris from becoming the POTUS. Then what?????

  • John R Kintner

    03/12/2021 08:39 AM

    That's why Biden hid in his basement he didn't want the American people to know the dirty low down crap he was about to pull on the American people. The left is sick, broken and twisted just look for yourself.

  • lois F raines

    03/12/2021 08:37 AM

    well he told what he was going to do. they cant say they didnt know. now we have to pay for it. he wont because he doesnt have to deal with it all. hes behind walls.

  • Donnie Meaders

    03/12/2021 08:32 AM

    Nailed it. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. And then it may be too late to send it back!

  • Amelia Little

    03/12/2021 08:31 AM

    I just smh at people who one would assume were up on what is going on, watch news, watch speeches, etc who somehow missed what I saw. biden IS pro-abortion, somewhat less than harris. He was promising to pretty much undo all that President Trump had accomplished. He SAID he would open the borders--what did people think that meant?

    The biggest thing is--now they are "woke" up to the fact that joe biden is not as mentally quick on his feet as he used to be (like when he had answered questions regarding segregation and such---and responded in an extremely racist manner) that he seems to have difficulty reading the teleprompter. And when there is no teleprompter, he stumbles over his answers, even speaking unintellibly. That didn't just start in the past month or so--it was noticable even during the democrat debates--not as much, but noticable. And while some could possibly be attributed to his childhood speech impediment (which, by the way never shows up in videos in the past when he speaks to reporters ir gave a speech in the senate) almost all of the speaking problems is that he can't remember words, or sometimes even what he had been talking about. Of course, I firmly believe those behind his election DID notice, but played it down because that would mess up their plans to get harris in the White House.

  • Shirley A Egner

    03/12/2021 08:21 AM

    Didn't they listen to them talk? I knew this was going to happen and more. Look at the illegal immigration situation and what they are planning for the 2nd Amendment.... I can't imagine a hatred so strong for one man that you would be blind to everything else that was out there on full display. There is NO WAY that you will ever convince me that 80 million voters did not see this coming.....NO WAY!!!

  • Rissa Collins

    03/12/2021 08:13 AM

    Our only hope in the fairly near future is if Trump can Run and be elected to the Florida house of representatives. Pelosi would be out and he would be speaker of the house. He could immediately institute impeachment against Biden and Harris. Guess who then would be president? And what’s even better is he could still run in 2024!

  • Vickie Fiorentino

    03/12/2021 08:09 AM

    Our biggest fear is a DEPRESSION like none ever seen! We are examining our options, speaking with banks regarding the safety of our monies, brokers regarding our stocks, etc...about to pull out the cash! This country is headed in the wrong direction and when CAMEL and the WICKED WITCH of the WEST gain total control...in the words of the infamous Charlie Brown " DISASTER TIME...WE'RE DOOMED".

  • Jeri layne

    03/12/2021 08:05 AM

    I wholeheartedly beleive in what you say.This nation is headed for a huge downfall is we don't wake up & in 2022 get these people out who are who are riding with any part of illegitimacy.

  • Paul Allen

    03/12/2021 08:00 AM

    The old adage of 'Be careful what you wish for' brings the reality of the 2020 election to your door.

  • BillieLynne Hunter

    03/12/2021 07:51 AM

    I read so much I have to change my "Reading Glasses" every 6mos. I Love to read...good thing road signs are short n sweet or I'd have a problem!

  • Gladys

    03/12/2021 07:49 AM

    you reap what you sow Brainless Democrats

  • Judith A Patton

    03/12/2021 03:07 AM

    Funny the people were warned about Barack Obama and we suffered through his administration for 8 years, Now the same old recycled swineherd are back and doing damage beyond repair. There is still to many people that do not know the truth about Biden and especially about his illness and past incompetence and lack of character and decency. I hate to say it but our Main Stream Media are no better than this sham of a man, they and big Tech pushed this mess on us.

  • Kelly Wilson

    03/11/2021 09:14 PM

    Thank you for telling the truth. I hope more Democrats are suffering buyers remorse even tho Biden cheated to get in the Whitehouse.

  • Sandra Olivier LeBlanc

    03/11/2021 08:58 PM

    Unreal that these people voted for Biden and didn't have a clue what he was going to do!!?? Were they sleeping?? The one group that really upsets me is the Pro Life Evangelical Group - Biden promoted abortion. How with a Christian conscience could they vote for this man.?? Really sickening!!!

  • Billy M Vera

    03/11/2021 06:48 PM

    The ignorance of the AMERICAN voters, to NOT discern what a politician stands for is amazing. IF they would use their brains and look into the background of these, ant-American socialist politicians, then our country would be a more stable society. As it is now, we can LOSE all of our RIGHTS of FREEDOM, because of the idiots, they have elected to RUIN our country, which is unacceptable for those who cherish FREEDOM, from the tyrannical socialism of the leftist DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

  • Jan Bowman

    03/11/2021 05:59 PM

    Were they shocked to learn that dogs bite too? (no pun intended! Oh hell, yes it is!)

  • Marilyn Kopecky

    03/11/2021 05:46 PM

    ,, God Bless the whole Trump Family & vp Pence & Familly, also ..

  • Peggy Scott

    03/11/2021 05:42 PM

    I don't feel bad at all for people that voted for Biden, he told them what is was going to do, did they think he was lying like he lies about everything else. I hope they lose everything, then maybe they will wake up and decide that Trump wasn't so bad after all,
    the only thing i hate is people like us that have a brain has to suffer also.

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