Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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December 7, 2021

We’re not hearing a lot about Nancy Pelosi’s January “9/11-style” committee to examine events of January 6, but rest assured, it's still going on, and they are playing hardball. After all, they have domestic terrorism to combat! In fact, the chairman, Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, made a shocking statement about how he intended to deal with a subpoenaed Trump supporter who worked at the Justice Department, Jeffrey Clark –- someone who never entered the Capitol that day and has not been accused of any crime.

“Our charge is to get to the facts,” he said on MSNBBC. “Mr. Clark, through his attorney, has been deliberately avoiding us...Obviously, he is aware that something went on that’s illegal. And rather than be responsible and answer, he’s pleading the Fifth. But if he’s saying, ‘Okay, I’ll come, but I’ll plead the Fifth, then in some instances, that says you’re, part and parcel, guilty to what occurred.”


Sure enough, the committee voted unanimously to recommend that Clark be charged with contempt of Congress.

Jeffrey Clark is asserting his constitutional right not to testify. That doesn’t mean he’s guilty of anything. It might mean, however, that he’s concerned his testimony might be twisted and used by these partisan crazies to make him LOOK guilty. He gets to make that call. Rep. Thompson’s remark, if made in a court of law, might be enough to trigger a mistrial. A similar remark by a prosecutor almost did that during the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Tucker Carlson opened his Monday show with a segment on this, saying of Rep. Thompson’s comment, “What you just saw is far more imminently dangerous to our democracy than anything that happened on January 6.” And he is correct.

Carlson also noted that Democrats on the committee (plus Liz Cheney) have subpoenaed AT&T for the phone records of Caroline Wren, who used to work as a fundraiser for Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham and who helped organize donations for the January 6 rally. This includes all records, including text messages, from November 1, 2020, to January 31, 2021. They also want her bank records and even everything she’s written in her own handwriting, including personal diary entries. Talk about an overreach --- this is monstrous.


And apparently this is just one example. Others who have yet to be accused of any crime are being treated the same way. Republican attorney Cleta Mitchell is another; she’s been informed by AT&T that the committee wants several months of her phone records. This is because she was on a phone call with President Trump and the Georgia secretary of state about problems with the vote in Georgia. (Oh, goodness, don’t tell me there might have been problems with the vote in Georgia!)

AT&T is complying with the committee’s requests.

Another Trump supporter targeted with a subpoena is attorney John Eastman, who worked with Trump in the election aftermath and spoke at the January 6 rally. On Friday, Verizon notified him that unless he gets a court order to stop it, they’ll turn over his personal text messages to the committee. The Washington Examiner has a report.


Eastman also plans to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights, as his lawyer, Charles Burnham, has informed Rep. Thompson. His letter states, “Members of this very committee have spoken of making criminal referrals to the Department of Justice and described the Committee’s work in terms of determining ‘guilt or innocence.’ ...Dr. Eastman has a more than reasonable fear that any statements he makes pursuant to this subpoena will be used in an attempt to mount a criminal investigation against him.”

Burnham also objected to the “legal propriety” of the subpoena, saying that the “lack of a ranking minority member makes it impossible for the Committee to comply with clearly applicable House rules.”

So, why would there be no ranking member? Recall that Pelosi rejected some of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks for the committee –- which he was supposed to be allowed to make under the resolution that created it –- and herself selected anti-Trump “Republicans” Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to serve. McCarthy had wanted the too-effective Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan and Indiana Rep. Jim Banks.

Thompson later named Cheney as co-chair of the committee for this show trial! Talk about a kangaroo court.

Eastman reportedly pressured Vice President Mike Pence not to certify the election results. Pence went ahead and did it, saying he lacked constitutional authority to refuse. It was also reported that Eastman spoke with legislators in swing states about sending alternate electors to the Electoral College.

Eastman appeared on Tucker’s Monday show, saying that not only has he not been charged with a crime, but there’s absolutely no evidence that he had “any connections or communications with anybody who is charged with a crime.” “This is the modern high-tech version of a general warrant [from English days of yore],” he said, the kind of thing that allowed fishing expeditions “to look for evidence of crime.” He said that in this case, “there’s no probable cause, there’s no linkage to any criminal activity that has occurred.” It’s the same for “hundreds of people on these subpoena lists that were sent to Verizon and AT&T, and probably every other phone company in the country. There’s no evidence at all, but they want to track Americans’ thinking, they want to know who your contacts are...about election integrity, and going back from before even the election occurred.”

The First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments are all being trashed here. Eastman accused Rep. Thompson of presuming people guilty instead of innocent as the Constitution requires. Even the Sixth Amendment, the right to counsel, is being violated, he said, when attorneys such as Cleta Mitchell have to give up phone records that surely include privileged communications. “They’re just shredding the entire Constitution,” he said, “and then claiming that it’s us that don’t support the Constitution. It really is rather extraordinary.”

Eastman says the committee has the weight of the “Justice” Department behind it now when it issues criminal contempt citations. “Normally those don’t go anywhere,” he said, and we’ve seen that is true when it comes to particular officials who’ve gotten away with lying. He also speculated that even the phone companies would prefer not to comply with what this committee is demanding they do, but that they know “they’re gonna be held in criminal contempt if they don’t.”

He said it will now take a court order to try and block “these unbelievably expansive and unconstitutional subpoenas of our private records and communications.”

“We have got to push back against this stuff,” he concluded, “or we’re gonna lose our country before our eyes.”

In related news, you’ll recall we’ve expressed strong suspicions that the FBI had agents mixed in with the crowd during Trump’s rally, spurring on the “insurrection.” Attorney Joseph McBride appeared briefly on Tucker’s Monday show, calling for the release of videos that he says will unmask these agents to reveal “the truth of that day.” He’s joined by a number of news outlets, including, believe it or not, The New York Times. The Washington Examiner has a report.


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Comments 11-20 of 70

  • LaDonna

    12/12/2021 11:16 AM

    Go to Fire Pelosi and sign it please she needs to go!

  • Diana Herrin

    12/12/2021 09:52 AM

    Hi Governor, I was really disgusted when I read about SA stance and I started not to put money in the kettle this year. I started thinking they don’t know what the people they help believe in only God knows what are in the hearts of people, and there are people out there that need help so I pushed aside the disgust I felt for SA and put money in kettle once more! Merry Christmas everyone! Diana

  • Kenneth Agee

    12/12/2021 09:52 AM

    It's about time someone in congress start a real investigation. This "insurrection" smells like an inside job from the beginning. Get all of the emails and phone records of Pelosi and capital police and the FBI and get all the video. Did the FBI and the Democrats plan this whole thing? They want to ban Trump so he can't run again.

  • Gretchen Grant

    12/09/2021 11:09 AM

    The real criminals are the ones running this farce. I have a friend who attended the January 6 rally. It was peaceful until "outsiders" began infiltrating the rally as was evident by what he saw, white vans pulling up with people from those vans mixing with the crowd. WHEN IS THIS NIGHTMARE GOING TO END especially for those jailed illegally by these demonic swamp dwellers? 2022 AND 2024 I PRAY.

  • Dusty

    12/08/2021 10:00 PM

    Nunes so deserves this job for Pres Trump for how hard he worked to show the scam to the President per Hillary and a few FBI. She just cannot believe she would never be President why she stuck by Bill thinking she would be President someday . That this has not happened even with her scam she cannot accept this how is it possible. She helped Bill win and helped him run the WH . Monica thing was no big deal more of the same she put up with for years. Sad for her but maybe she might have won without him. I might have even as a woman looked more to vote if she had left him. after seeing the show on TV of the incident per Monica how horrible in what he did. This was a young woman in love not realizing being used.
    WHY is the media not talking now of the situation per Pelosi and her confusion and possible even worse Dementia then President who also is at a loss a few times. In between the worst possible to run this country Harris. We are in such a horrible situation that this liberal press ignores until the evidence is so strong they have to admit to what is wrong like the whole Cuomo mess. GOVERNOR keep it open and tell the truth and hope we can get past these liberal Big Tech and Hollyweird group . As they see now the crime reaches into their big million dollar estates and not safe wonder why? We have buried this past month in Atlanta area two police killed one a man and one a woman. WHY? This is wrong. WAKE UP VOTErS? Love Trump but not for him to face the attacks he did before so move forward to a DeSantis or Pompeo and a few good republican women out here too.

  • Sally Jones

    12/08/2021 07:22 PM

    Quickly come Lord Jesus! Our country is desperate for the truth.

  • Vernon Hinz

    12/08/2021 05:07 PM

    Half of the Democrat Party should be brought up on criminal charges against the country.

  • Jeanne Weller

    12/08/2021 02:40 PM

    Thanks, Mike! First i would like to say, i look forward to watching your show every Saturday and enjoy hearing your views on what is taking place. We sure need to PRAY.. and ask the Lord to forgive the church for not standing against the things of this world, i feel that is why we are now where we are at. I wonder why no one has considered demanding Pelosi's texts/ records of her calls and communications during Jan. leading up to the 'riot' on the 6th. I fully believe she is behind it, she made it very obvious that she hated Pres. Trump and would do ANYTHING to get rid of him and keep him from ever running for any office again. I heard once that she was in communication with the police prior to the 6th. i want to see the TRUTH come out on what really happened that day and justice served to the guilty parties. Keep up the good work, Mike and thanks again for keeping us informed!

  • Don Oswald

    12/08/2021 02:16 PM

    I appreciate all you do and say, and I listen. My question ism why is it that the DEM Socialists are seemingly getting away with the bad political decisions of the President, Vice President, and Pelosi? As retired workers trying to live on fixed incomes we are feeling all the problems they have created.

  • Cindy Speakman Harter

    12/08/2021 12:44 PM

    Hi Mike! Love your newsletter! I have been sharing your links to FB to my friends until last weekend where now FB won’t let me share your articles! It says web page not found when posted. Was working fine before. Now I can’t share. Blocking conservatives again. They don’t want facts posted! So frustrating!

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