Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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February 12, 2021

The case brought yesterday by the House impeachment managers was a master class, not in how to present a factual case but how NOT to –- how to avoid the facts and skillfully create a piece of propaganda.

"What I think is really glaring as the House managers wrapped up their case was what was not in that case,” said legal analyst Jonathan Turley to Sean Hannity on Thursday night. “You know, after doing that snap impeachment, there were four weeks where the House did nothing in terms of locking in testimony. There were a dozen people who were around the President who spoke publicly about things he did or said during those critical hours. The House never called any of them as witnesses, never locked in their testimony, never created the record that they failed to create when they did this snap impeachment. And the question is why?”

Instead, Turley pointed out, they quoted NEWS ARTICLES about potential witnesses that they never called, either in the impeachment or the "trial." Very curiously, they chose not to use direct evidence from these witnesses.

He said it was particularly glaring on Wednesday, when the managers repeatedly claimed they had information on Trump’s “state of mind.” That’s not the charge; in the one article of impeachment, Trump is charged with insurrection to violence.

Trump isn’t being charged for being “a lousy person,” Turley said. He was impeached on the charge of trying to incite an actual rebellion. They’ve “dug a very deep hole” that they “didn’t really try” to fill, so why didn’t they bring in their evidence? Even if they wanted to stress Trump’s state of mind, they brought in very little evidence of that.

But we do have a LOT of evidence that the breach of the Capitol Building was planned well in advance. Trump could not have “incited” an “insurrection” unless he got in a time machine and went back to November/December and told them to do it, or unless he was actively plotting with them at the time. There is no evidence of that, or of the time machine, either.

Turley wrote at length about the House managers’ problem with the lack of direct witness testimony and what it says about the credibility of their case. Highly recommended reading.

So, with Trump’s attorneys presenting their defense on Friday, how should they proceed? Turley said the House managers have “opened the door” to examining “reckless rhetoric,” which they should not want, considering all the horrific examples that can be cited from the Democrats. “It may be difficult to distinguish from the accused, the prosecutors and the jury,” Turley said. “We’re living in an age of rage, and people say irresponsible things.” Oddly, the managers have moved away from the impeachment article they drafted to focus on Trump’s language generally, showing a lot of clips of past speeches. And, according to Turley, “they really didn’t prove that case.”

The way to counter that is, of course, to show a long montage of clips of Democrat senators and representatives using violent and threatening language, of which there are many. Some of them are so dark and chilling, so hateful, they go way beyond anything Trump has said. Try to imagine President Trump saying those things --- he wouldn’t.

Turley has said previously that Trump shouldn’t put on a defense at all and just “rest on the constitutional challenge.” Personally, though, I would love to see him “fight” --- there’s that word --- with some fabulous pushback to devastate and humiliate those who put together this sham. They deserve a good slap-down, and, gosh, I apologize for my use of violent rhetoric. Trump’s attorneys should do this quickly, though, in just a few hours, and not allow the left to continue distracting the country with this show trial.

Much has been said about the 13-minute “movie” that the Democrats had produced and showed on the first day of the “trial,” specifically about the emotional effect it seemed to have on its audience. There were reports that the room went utterly silent at the end of it. This was the centerpiece of the propaganda presented at this “trial.” It would never have been permitted in a real trial, as it was deceptively edited to link Trump’s words to violent actions from different times and places; there was no actual link established. Most importantly, producers chose to leave out the key piece of exculpatory evidence –- Trump’s own words, revealing his assumption that the crowd would be going to the Capitol Building “peacefully and patriotically.”

THAT ONE FACT –- that in their manipulative little Hollywood production, they conveniently left out the words “peacefully and patriotically” –- is enough right there to discredit their entire case. At least to my mind it is.

I can sum it up in two words: “falsifying evidence.”

Alan Dershowitz commented that “the President made a statement, a speech, which was so within the parameters of our First Amendment and Brandenburg [Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1968], notwithstanding the fact that 144 scholars have said it would be unethical –- unethical –- to even raise a First Amendment issue...” He went on to rail that these people are trying to intimidate Trump’s attorneys from using the First Amendment to defend him. This, he said, would be “depriving all of America and the Senate of the opportunity to hear how the First Amendment precludes this impeachment.’

David Shoen is “a very good lawyer,” Dershowitz said, adding that he expects that Friday we’ll get a few hours of laser-like focus on the First Amendment. (I would add this that might be extremely instructive to the rest of the country, as everyone could use a good lecture on the First Amendment right now.) He said they should also spend some time on the jurisdictional issue –- the fact that Trump is now a private citizen –- as some senators might acquit more on free speech grounds, others more on jurisdictional grounds. Since only a third of the senators have to vote to acquit, he expects an acquittal.

"The Democrats overplayed their hand [Thursday],” he said. “They went on too long, [they were] too repetitious, they should have rested...” Trump’s lawyers “will do a good job by making it neat and clean and to the point and short.”

Shoen told reporters on Thursday that Democrats have failed to tie Trump to the breach of the Capitol Building. “I think they’re making a movie,” he said. “...And I think it’s offensive. Quite frankly, it’s antithetical [to] to the healing process to continue to show the tragedy that happened here that Donald Trump has condemned, and I think it tears at the American people, quite frankly.”

It sure does. And to the Democrats, tearing at us is an extra benefit of this sideshow. It’s just one more way to go after Trump supporters, one more way to make us feel crushed and defeated. But it will backfire, because we’re smarter than that, we can see through them, and we can spot all the fakery and the strings being pulled.


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Comments 26-50 of 101

  • Peggy Ann Simon

    02/12/2021 04:26 PM

    your e-mail bulletins are sooooo informative. You give us information and insight not found in most media sources.

    Thank you and God Bless you!!

  • Eleanor Early

    02/12/2021 04:21 PM

    I’m a Christian & I’m trying to put a harness on my feelings of hatred toward these evil creatures who for the sole sake of rule & power are trying to destroy a great man who gave up riches in order to guide this great Nation toward a more positive state than what the previous administration gave us, now only to be put down as something dirty!
    I was instructed by my Bible to pray for my enemies & I am trying but choking on my prayers!
    Hoping our God will swoop down & save our “David” as he did back in the Old Testament days.
    Praying that these evil doers will be found out & prosecuted to the inth degree!!!
    God help us all!!????????

  • Belinda Quarles

    02/12/2021 04:15 PM

    It was planned ahead of the date and bares a strong resemblance to the numerous riots in several cities this past year. It was the ONLY way to squash the effort by the last vestiges of calling the election into count. They knew what they needed to do once and for all and they succeeded.

  • Corbin L Douthitt

    02/12/2021 04:06 PM

    understatement off the year. Democrats create 'evidence' from nothing. IMHO, they come up with a vile statement- associate it with Trump- then go word parsing to put together his 'statement' ... Media? they do the research.


    02/12/2021 04:02 PM

    It is sad that the democrats are so pathetic to falsify such accusation just to belittle another person. The fear they have against President Trump is shameful they are a true embarrassment to the entire country.

  • Cindy Zapotocky

    02/12/2021 03:45 PM

    Don't know if you and your family and team can see "it" where you are, but this Senate trial of Trump is whipping liberals in our families here into a frenzy....many are big time in our faces, screaming we need to change our ways and stop being hateful, stupid trouble makers. Additionally, they are screaming we need a "vaccination against Covid" or we are willfully and irresponsibly spreading disease and death! A friend of mine is reading the book on the life of Eric Bonhoeffer, and she said is earily similar to how HItler propagandized Germans into turning on Jews in the early 30's. One thing I did not know, that another friend told me, is that her husband who was born in Germany, had his citizenship "cancelled' in about 1936 and became "an alien" in his own birth country, due to his mother being of Jewish heritage. He found himself "without rights"! What a concept!!

  • Sally Cunningham

    02/12/2021 03:40 PM

    What is wrong with the Majority of Republicans in Congress? They have zero backbone and spend most of their time complying with the Democrats, it’s distributing and wrong! How can the Republican Party reinvent themselves and go about saving our country before the left destroys everything this country stand for and our Constitution. It’s heart breaking and the feeling of hopelessness. Can our states consider succession?

  • Frances Roberts

    02/12/2021 03:37 PM

    Thank you Governor for your balanced commentaries! Please keep speaking out! We need you!

  • Bonnie White

    02/12/2021 03:37 PM

    Those Dem ratbags will stoop to anything to try and get a conviction and that includes lying and "bending" the facts.

  • Donna Schrader

    02/12/2021 03:33 PM


  • Bob DeLacy Jr

    02/12/2021 02:55 PM

    Of course they falsified evidence. Just as they did in the Russia probe. Democrats are
    afraid of Trump and will do anything to keep him out of office. Democrats and their media
    colleagues have proven to be the enemy of the people.

  • Mary Hines

    02/12/2021 02:52 PM

    Love your newsletter. And love the new addition, “America the Beautiful”.

  • Betty Mayes

    02/12/2021 02:52 PM

    You nailed it!
    Thank you for analysis of the crazy”impeachment” of our pro-American,pro-worker,pro freedoms president,I have been unable to watch total idiocy;
    watching replays rouses such bad feelings against the evil being perpetuated against our country!
    Mainstream media,in my opinion,has and is doing irreparable damage to all Americans;condoning and praising horrible damage *b is doing with 52 executive orders destroying livelihoods,safety,religious freedom,healthcare,
    and worldwide protection of unborn babies!!
    Not a single executive order is good for America!!
    Pray God will strengthen,protect,and give peace and prosperity to the best president of my 80++ years,Donald J Trump.

  • Judith smith

    02/12/2021 02:39 PM

    So does this mean we can impeach obama, even though he is no longer president? N. Might open a few eyes, if nothing else . . .

  • Anderson Donna

    02/12/2021 02:29 PM

    The Democrats and anti-Trumpers have shown us how hateful they are of someone who really was making America great again. Shows how some folks in our government demonstrate that money truly is the root of all evil??

  • Diane Friedrick

    02/12/2021 02:01 PM

    My heart is aching for what the Democrats have done to this country, and the hate and evil they have perpetrated against President Trump. I hope God will allow justice to prevail and Presidrnt Trump stands acquitted of this deception and propaganda. I believe that President Trump and VP Pence were anointed by God to bring this country back to God's heart, and God's hand us still upon him. joe biden is an affront to God' s laws, and he is taking this country (nation) down to a place that I am not sure will recover

  • Timothy Ward

    02/12/2021 01:46 PM

    I go back to three excellent quotes from the past, that are reflected in this article.

    "When someone tells a lie long enough, even the one telling the lie begins to believe it"...

    "Reality is always the perception of the beholder"...

    "I'm a politician, when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops "...

  • Norma Blatz

    02/12/2021 01:30 PM

    I do not understand why Maxine Waters is not being held accountable for actually inciting people to go after cabinet members in restaurants which we all know actually happened

  • Lori Culver

    02/12/2021 01:23 PM

    Thank you for your common sense, level headed and spot on interpretation of the mess in Washington DC! I appreciate your comments and your ability to calm the waters with your experience and viewpoint! Thank you and my God continue to bless you and your family!

  • Karen J. McCreath

    02/12/2021 01:23 PM

    Mike, I really appreciate and depend on your clear, concise newsletters to keep me up to date on all the accurate news. I appreciate your sense of humor as well. I am an older American, in my 70's, and am sometimes overwhelmed with all the rage and hate being thrown at Americans for their religious and political views. It can be quite disturbing to many of us who support Conservative opinions and causes to be attacked by all types of the media who don't mind using abusive and demeaning language, threatening all kinds of hateful things every day. Thankfully, I was raised in a loving Christian home. My father was a WWII veteran and I cherish the lessons of kindness and tolerance he gave me. Everyone has their own opinion, that is their right. Thanks for giving me truth and some light in this sad, confusing time.

  • Sanford Winnerman

    02/12/2021 01:21 PM

    No matter how goods Trump’s defense team is and humiliated the dems should be they won’t give in an inch. I also don’t expect any change in rhetoric from CNN, MSNBC or the rest of the MSM. I am curious to see how Nitt-Mitt and the other RINOs will vote.

  • James Evart

    02/12/2021 01:00 PM

    These Democrats have their collective heads up their butts so far that they cannot differentiate their own motives from those that they attribute to others.
    Somewhere is says that if one looks too deeply into the ABYSS, it looks back at you.
    The LEFT is in such deep darkness living in their own hate and bile that they do not even realize the shame that they have brought, and are still bringing on themselves and all who surround them, meaning, OUR COUNTRY!

  • Valery Yeramianchuk

    02/12/2021 12:59 PM

    I would like to hear your opinion - Do you think the Republicans and TRUMP understand that there will be no more elections in America ???

  • Verline Williams

    02/12/2021 12:53 PM

    I really enjoy reading your newsletter, especially since I no longer watch any of the mainstream news outlets. I trust your viewpoint about the state of the world and as dire as it is, your reports have a positive and calming effect.
    That aside, regarding your report on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I just had to tell you how impressed I am about your knowledge of Rock and Roll bands. It is impressive and surprising.

  • Regina Linder

    02/12/2021 12:52 PM

    Thank you Governor for all your insight. As I watched only a minimal amount of the Democrats movie production, all I could think about was the cost to the American taxpayers. We had to foot the bill for all their nonsense.

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