Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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September 15, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Matthew 5:9
  • "Several Thousand"
  • Study Looks Into COVID Hospitalizations
  • Senators Rip Into Blinken
  • Big Brain Idea
  • Norm MacDonald RIP


Mike Huckabee


9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9

"Several Thousand"

By Mike Huckabee

You might have easily missed this, but after weeks of claiming there were only about 100 Americans still left in Afghanistan (no matter how many the White House claimed to have evacuated), Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted to the Senate that “several thousand” American green card holders are still there.


Study Looks Into COVID Hospitalizations

By Mike Huckabee

One reason why it’s so hard to get Americans to “trust the experts” on COVID-19 is because the “experts” and “authorities” have given us so many conflicting stories. I’ve always cut them slack for getting things wrong: I get that it was a new disease, and new data can require changing our assumptions. However, we seem to have settled on some official assumptions that are almost impervious to new data. And public trust is eroded further when the “experts” keep dodging basic questions.

One question people have been asking for over a year is whether the hospitalization rates used to justify mass lockdowns, school closures and mask and vaccine mandates are accurate. Are they counting only people who are actually hospitalized or killed due to COVID, or inflating the numbers by including people who tested positive regardless of the actual reason they were in the hospital? The answer may finally be at hand.


David Zweig at the Atlantic magazine (hardly a rightwing or anti-vaxxer outlet) reports that the VA office of Research and Development backed a study of nearly 48,000 admissions to over 100 VA hospitals nationwide. It found that from March 2020 to early January 2021, before the Delta variant or widespread vaccination, 36% of recorded COVID patients had mild or asymptomatic cases, which makes it questionable whether they were or needed to be hospitalized due to COVID. From mid-January to June, that number rose to 48%. That suggests that nearly half the recorded COVID hospitalizations were mild or asymptomatic cases or else people who tested positive but were hospitalized for something unrelated.

None of this is to downplay the dangers of the disease (that’s still a lot of people hospitalized due to severe COVID.) But the good news is that this suggests vaccination has created more mild or asymptomatic cases. The bad news is that it suggests authorities are relying on misleading data to impose draconian measures on the entire population. And when people know “the experts” are being misleading about the reasons for their policies, it makes it all the more likely that they will reject those policies.

In short, once you lose the public’s trust, it’s hard to get it back. Particularly if you do nothing to earn it back except to say, “I order you to trust me!”

Senators Rip Into Blinken

By Mike Huckabee

Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified before the House on Monday and the Senate on Tuesday, and it’s safe to say that he didn’t find smooth sailing in either chamber. Members from both parties were skeptical and hostile to his attempts to deflect blame for the Afghan withdrawal disaster and his claims that they did everything possible and the results were inevitable.


Nick Arama at Redstate.com has a good round-up of the incredulous reactions to that, from Republicans as well as liberal Democrats and even Mitt Romney. You know nobody’s buying your excuses when they’re so feeble that they force Mitt Romney to defend Donald Trump.

Big Brain Idea

By Mike Huckabee

A salute to Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar, who introduced a resolution that would require House leaders to wear body cams that record everything they do when performing Congressional duties. It’s inspired by laws requiring cops to wear body cams. Gosar says this would make it harder for House leaders to lie, citing as examples all the unconfirmed tales of harrowing danger some claimed to be in during the January 6th Capitol incursion.


Here’s my question: would they have to turn the camera on when taking big campaign donations? That seems to be the top Congressional duty of some of them, and I’d really like to have a visual record of that.

Norm MacDonald RIP

By Pat Reeder, "Huckabee" Pop Culture Guru

As the person who covers the entertainment world, it falls to me to write show biz obituaries. While it’s always a sad duty, this one hits especially hard for me and my wife/co-writer, Laura Ainsworth. Comedian Norm MacDonald has died at 61 of cancer, which he had reportedly been fighting for nine years. His producing partner Lori Jo Hoekstra said he kept it a secret because comedy came first and he never wanted that to color how people saw him.


For a comic who never became a major star, Norm’s death was met with a massive outpouring of grief and accolades from fellow comedians and hardcore fans like us. Seth Meyers called him the “gold standard” of comedy and admitted the hardest part of doing “Saturday Night Live’s” Weekend Update was not reading jokes the way Norm would say them.

He had a distinctive voice and delivery, a unique and unpredictable perspective, and most importantly of all in this cancel culture age, he was utterly fearless. If he thought a joke was funny (and to those of us who “got” his sense of humor, he was gutbustingly funny), no matter how bizarre the premise, he would pursue and expand on it, even if the audience greeted it with silence (you could usually hear a few fellow comedians in the back, howling with laughter.) One of the funniest things you’ll ever see on TV is Norm on Conan O’Brien’s show, using up his entire segment to tell an ancient, rambling, deadpan shaggy dog story with a groaner of a punchline that somehow was hilarious all the way through.

When Laura and I used to write our syndicated topical radio service, the Comedy Wire, nothing made me prouder than to write a joke that I could describe as “a Norm MacDonald line.”

These days, what passes for a “joke” on “SNL” is a smug two-minute political lecture. Norm could pack more laughs into two short sentences (“College radio reports that the #1 band this summer was Better Than Ezra. At #2: Ezra!”) He defied orders to stop doing O.J. Simpson jokes even when it got him fired. He didn’t care if he bombed, got fired, the audience didn’t get it or Twitter mobs cried about being offended: if he thought it was funny, he went with it. And to me, he was always right. He ruthlessly mocked leftist icons like Bill and Hillary Clinton at a time when other comics were giving them a free ride. He even dared to joke about COVID (“None of us know how we’re going to die… Well, we know NOW.”)

He was also surprisingly intelligent, once taking home $500,000 on a charity celebrity edition of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” (he also knew the answer to the million dollar question, but Regis talked him out of trying for it.) I still remember him lecturing a comic on a talent show for performing a lazy Christian-bashing bit that the other judges loved.

Norm was a “comedian’s comedian,” but to his cult fan base like us, he was one of the funniest men of all time. You never knew what might come out of his mouth, but you knew it would be hilarious and like nothing that anyone else would think of. And if someone didn’t like it and took offense, he couldn’t care less. Let’s hope more comedians take inspiration from him and reclaim comedy from the humorless woke mobs.

Here are a few of Norm’s more mainstream funny moments, courtesy of Fox News. You’ll find many, many more on YouTube.


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Comments 11-20 of 20

  • Rachel Gatlin

    09/15/2021 11:57 PM

    I’ve commented a few times but I’ve never gotten a response. I wonder why? Anyway, I just wish you wouldn’t keep pushing the vaccine. There are many of us who object to the vaccine - number 1 being that we are opposed to vaccines that are grown in and/or tested on aborted baby tissue, which most are. Not only that (which is quite enough for me), but a lot of vaccine injuries take place which are never allowed to be reported.

  • PAUL Schaber

    09/15/2021 10:53 PM

    Comes Saturday, if I was part of the CAPITAL or WASHINGTON
    DC Police, i would be very leery of any people that are dressed
    in military attire. Like the National Guard or people entering
    the Capital area now surrounded by fencing due to the fact
    with the all the uniforms and weapons left at various military
    location from Afghanistan and the with all the refugees from
    those locations from bases within the capital area free to roam
    what would happen if they got into the CAPITAL AREA and
    completed the project that they missed on 9/11/2001 due to
    United Flight 93 crashing in Shanksville PA instead.
    Just something to consider.

  • Stephen E. Sehnk

    09/15/2021 08:54 PM

    Raphel Warnock has to go and there is a candidate for the Republican nomination to run against him that needs to be recognized. Latham Saddler is a former Navy seal with service in Afghanistan and the credentials to call out the stupidity behind our shameful withdraw. We NEED this young man to take the reins that Warnock has dropped. https://lathamsaddler.com Former White House fellow under POTUS Trump.
    "In his freshman dorm at the University of Georgia, Latham Saddler watched planes fly into the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001. He decided that day that he’d find a way to serve his country. Latham would go on to serve our nation as a Navy SEAL Officer and as Director of Intelligence in the Trump White House. Now, he is ready to serve our country and all Georgians in the United States Senate. " Thank you!

  • Sharon Faulkner

    09/15/2021 08:54 PM

    First Biden hands Russia a list of our most vulnerable sites,
    Then we leave behind billions of dollars of top class weapons and military equipment for the Taliban and now Miley promises to tip off our enemies before we attack..
    Ho ho ho!!
    The tyrants and terrorists must think Christmas has come early.

  • Carl T Smith

    09/15/2021 08:46 PM

    I have been called everything but a Child of God for my skepticism for my adamant belief that at the tender old age of 83 I have Witnessed more Death and destruction than 98% of the populace cannot imagine. From a Media that has become so Anti-American OR Socialist listening or watching makes me Ill. I REMEMBER Eisenhauer at the Concentration Camps telling the photojournalist to take pictures, thousands of pictures because in a hundred years people will Deny the Holocaust ever happened. The Food Shortage THAT was going to occur because of Over Population, that NEVER happened! Now it's the UNVACCINATED are going to cause all of us to Die? How can I Spread Something I Don't Have? Yes! I'm even old enough to remember when there were REAL journalists not talking heads spreading FEAR to bolster ratings. FDR told us " The Only Thing We Have to FEAR is FEAR Itself" we have become so self-centered that the only thing that creates Hate and Fear is McDonald's getting their Happy Meal Wrong! Yes, I'm a Veteran and Mr. Biden has kicked me and thousands of the 2% who have VOLUNTEERED to do the bidding of the Commander in Chief and his WOKE Military and State Dept. I have this sinking feeling my eight years were for nothing!

  • Paul Kern

    09/15/2021 08:45 PM

    I confess to being an over educated "deplorable" who early caught on to the scams the left has been using to "pull the wool over the sheeple" now that Blinken, as in "winken , blinken, and nof" has finally admitted that there are at least 5,000 green card holders sleepy Joe abandoned we need no more proof that the left is only after power and willing to destroy any in it's path.
    Up here in Washington state I see the RNC using the Newsom "tactics" to keep it's RINOs in control!
    It is really a battle between Communism and Christianity. Not Democrat vs. Republican. Both parties appear to have merged.

  • ken moore

    09/15/2021 08:21 PM

    hostage retrieving is very simple a win win for america trade biden blinken ans miley

  • Floyd A Unger

    09/15/2021 08:00 PM

    Thank you

  • James Drury Jr.

    09/15/2021 07:44 PM

    Thanks Mike Staff!

  • Jack macdonald

    09/15/2021 07:38 PM

    Can anyone name a more monumental waste of time than the Newsome recall? How do we spell farce? The odds against him be recalled had to be at least 10000 to 1.

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