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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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1. TRANSFORMATION in Washington | Huckabee Today

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

November 16, 2021


Good evening! Here are some stories from me that I think you will want to read. 




I expect this may be the first raindrop in a very large storm, particularly if we count voters and not just politicians.


I don’t have a crystal ball, but my Magic 8-Ball suggests that something interesting may be brewing behind the scenes at the White House that could result in the opposite of what all the self-appointed political “experts” expected (not that that’s rare these days.)

Many people reasonably assumed Joe Biden wouldn’t finish out his first term, due to his age and questionable health. He would step down so that Kamala Harris could step in, bring new youthful energy to the task of destroying America as we know it, and as a black/Asian woman, sail to victory twice on identity politics, keeping the White House in Democrat hands for 12 straight years. But something happened that’s causing that pipedream to go up in smoke, and not just the fact that leftist policies fail miserably everywhere they’re tried.

Turns out Kamala Harris is as bad at being Vice President as she was at being a Presidential candidate (reminder: a CNN poll had her at less than 3% just before she dropped out of the race a full two months before the Iowa Caucuses.) Like Pete Buttigieg, she checked off the correct “Identity Group” boxes, but not the “Qualified for the Job” box. Her personality puts people off, it’s rumored her staff is in turmoil, and her signature “accomplishment” has been finding creative ways to dodge dealing with the border disaster she was put in charge of fixing. You know the tension inside the White House with Harris is bad when even CNN reports on it.

The bad publicity for Harris is forcing Biden’s people to deny that there’s any problem at all, which in Washington is the surest sign that there’s a problem.

A recent poll that showed Biden’s approval rating in the basement at 38% also showed Harris in the sub-basement at 28%. In short, the only way the Democrats could actually make their position worse would be to replace Biden with Harris. So as Derek Hunter at reports, the insider buzz is that it might be Harris stepping down instead of Biden.

Rumor is that skids are being greased for Harris to, as they say in DC, “spend more time with her family,” so that she could be replaced with someone who has a chance at electability in 2024.

That raises another question: after four years of this catastrophe, will any Democrat be electable in 2024? My Magic 8-Ball says, “Outlook not so good.”


Feel like taking a deep dive into the Kafkaesque nightmare of today’s college campuses, where even liberal tenured professors cower in fear of saying a word that might “trigger” their students, even when it’s in the context of discussing such words as part of a course on pop culture? Then try this:

He greatly compounded his literally painful thought crimes by adding that he thinks colleges are becoming too sensitive and sanitized, and their priority should be teaching the value of freedom of expression and not making students feel “comfortable.” That’s it, fetch the rack!!

I dare you to read all the way through this and try to make sense of the word salad explanation of when a teacher might or might not be allowed to say certain words. I’m old enough to remember when college students launched the “Free Speech Movement.” Today’s college students would demand you be fired just for using the offensive and hurtful phrase, “free speech.”

I hope that these students’ diplomas come with an unbreakable Plexiglass bubble for them to spend the rest of their lives in. Because once they leave campus, any contact with reality, even merely verbal, might cause them to shatter into a million pieces and blow away.


Darn those evil rich people who think they can spend their money more wisely than the government can! No sooner had New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio done away with the schools’ talented and gifted program than cosmetics billionaire Ronald Lauder announced that he’s giving a seven-figure gift to save it. Who does he think he is, giving his money directly to the kids instead of the government?

DeBlasio killed the program, claiming it was racist because there were too many whites and Asians in it and not enough minorities. But Lauder said, “You can call anything racist. It’s open to all, so how can it be racist?” He pointed out that minority students who received tutoring significantly outperformed the citywide average.

You know, that sounds to me as if the New York City public schools are failing minority students. By the left’s own standards, doesn’t that make them racist? So shouldn’t they be done away with and replaced with something else?

Sorry, I know the one thing we’re never allowed to do is hold leftists to the same standards they impose on the rest of us.


Monday, President Biden signed the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill that was passed with the votes of 13 House Republicans. And now, Americans get to find out what’s in it (hint: not that much “infrastructure,” hence the quotation marks.)

In signing it, Biden, our national unifier, couldn’t resist the urge to make a snarky crack about a Republican, and in typical form, managed to mangle his words. In a dig at Sarah Palin, he said that during the Obama Administration, he worked with nearly every Governor except for one “who can see Alaska from her porch.”

To untangle that linguistic spaghetti:

1. Sarah Palin was the Governor of Alaska, and lives in Alaska, so I assume she can see Alaska from her porch.

2. That was obviously a memory-addled version of the line, “I can see Russia from my porch”…

3. …which was not said by Sarah Palin but by Tina Fey doing her mocking impersonation of Palin on “Saturday Night Live.”

And this is the guy who just signed a bill to spend $1.2 trillion of your money. Feeling secure about that? If so, then you’ll also be happy to hear that he’s pushing to spend another $1.75 trillion on a bill that the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says is filled with budget “gimmicks” and will actually cost nearly $5 trillion.

That’s a pile of money so high that a Martian could see it from his porch.


Katie Pavlich at has more on a criminally underreported story that deserves far more attention.

At last week’s climate conference in Scotland, our national climate conscience John Kerry took a moment out from flying around in his private jet to announce a joint deal between the US and China for China to build more solar panels. He made it clear that this is so important that the US is willing to tolerate “differences” with China on human rights in manufacturing those panels, which are reportedly built by the forced labor of Uyghurs in concentration camps.

When asked point blank about China’s use of slave labor to build solar panels, Kerry chuckled and said, “Not my lane.”

That story also has details about Senate Republicans who are less nonchalant about slavery (the party was founded to end it, after all.) They're demanding to know more about a Chinese solar panel manufacturer that’s been linked to companies known to be using forced labor. Bonus: Kerry and his wife reportedly own a $1 million stake in an investment group that’s the top shareholder in that company.

I think I can guess where the lane he is in is ultimately headed.

For past editions of my evening newsletter, please visit my website here.

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Comments 11-20 of 25

  • Jerry

    11/17/2021 09:40 AM

    With life on earth being a challenge why does Garland want to have education about hate and divisions to our young people and they will become old people with a base of hate from indoctrination of our schools Garland has family members selling these indoctrination to schools what is he doing as a DOJ position a complete difference between a civil society and an evil society garland should spend time in a federal prison for 4 years with people that hate

  • Debi McClure

    11/17/2021 09:25 AM

    I have a question which is why does Biden think he has to sell the public on his “infrastructure” bill now that it has become law? He doesn’t have to have our ok he can jam it down our throats and say you will eat it and like it.

  • Jim hudson

    11/17/2021 08:38 AM

    Hello Mr. Mike. You might consider using a different "expletive". Some of us poorer Americans still Darn our socks.

  • Jerry Korba

    11/17/2021 08:10 AM

    Jesus watching over the trial in Wisconsin and a lot of other trials must be saying They don't know what they are doing, False Impeachments of Presidents , lawyers pointing rifles at the jury , angry mobs outside of the courtrooms. the Media bringing false witnesses against the defendant the President calling the Defendant a White suprematist and looking for a guilty verdict before the trial starts no one is checking the facts prior to the trial this must all sound familiar to Jesus before he was to be crucified the Pagans live on in the United States. Led by Joe Biden and his Collections!

  • Jerry Korba

    11/17/2021 07:54 AM

    Biden's collection of fools boneheaded lazy incompetent communist minded cabinet and secretaries members have to be the disgusting people in DC these swamp creatures are part of the
    DC Black Lagoon. Where can one find a collection of unfit office leaders outside government this ignorant. Biden had to find people with less intellect than himself to go along with his ignorant policies and biden went deep into the swamp to get these beauties everyone of biden's collection had a removal of most of their brain leaving enough brain to say I don't or I will circle back to you. Sabotage America this collection is for you.

  • Kelly Atwell

    11/17/2021 07:10 AM

    Governor -

    Why did the NRSC endorse Lisa Murkowski for re-election? It is actions like this that make me not consider myself a republican anymore. I will support the right conservative candidates, but not the “Republican” party in general. It is no longer in touch with its base.

    Love your newsletter.

  • Brenda Rodgers

    11/17/2021 12:12 AM

    Governor Huckabee: I enjoy your emails

    I also am a great fan of Fox News. I always enjoy Greg Gutfield. However, I was so shocked to hear him using God's name in vain on his program tonight. So unnecessary and a disgrace! Please pass the word to Fox News.

  • Judy Radley

    11/16/2021 11:47 PM

    I agree, something is in the toxic air of the Capitol that the Democrats control, they will get rid of Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, to use the next one in line, Nancy Pelosi, to be the President. Which was always Pelosi's dream job. But...there's also Chuck Schumer who is now telling Biden to stop inflation on gas, food, etc., so he himself, Schumer, is trying to take the part of the President out of hiding and shine the light on himself and NOT Pelosi, because after all, she is a woman, and the Democrat men still think of women as 'their property' to do whatever they want to them, like the Andrew Cuomo sexually harassment example. Who do you think are the ones to keep the 'escort system' in business? The male chauvinist men of the Democrat Party. Even JFK was that kind of male chauvinist with his numerous affairs, and the most infamous one with Marilyn Monroe. It has only gotten worse since then, remember Obama? He was pretty awful and who knows, maybe since the Democrats are the 'do as I say not as I do, and make up their own laws', will put Obama back in power as the President once they rid Biden and Harris and Pelosi of the title...... Who would be surprised at that? No one who knows the truth about the Democrats and how corrupt they are. And you can't even use the U.S. Constitution to deny that from happening because the Democrats don't care about, nor follow, the U.S. Constitutional Laws anyway. They never have, well, except when it only benefits their narrative...

  • Tommy Burns

    11/16/2021 11:30 PM

    How utterly foolish and senseless, how hypocritical can the democrats, liberals, what other titles they go by be. Do they not know that the Asian Americans are more of a minority group than the African Americans are? The Asian American populations is at about 5.7% of the nations population and the African American population is about 12-13% of the nations population? I recently read where they first minority mayor Boston has ever had was just elected <always been white guys> and the democrats, liberals MSM are upset because she wasn't an African American woman, but and Asian American woman, but in Virginia an African American woman was elected Lt. Governor, and they are going crazy about that because she has an "R" behind her name <they actually refereed to her as being a "white supremist". These people <democrats, liberals, the mainstream media> are so hypocritical and out of touch with what is going on they don't seem to be able to help themselves. They are like the heard of pigs who went over the cliff in The Bible When Jesus cast the legion of demons out of the demoniac and the demons went into the pigs.

  • John Houseman

    11/16/2021 11:07 PM

    Taxation idea: Tax all political contributions for campaigns !! They aren't charities, and it seems that many, like Swallwell, find a way to use those contributions like income to live way above their true means. I realize the Swamp won't go for this, they wrote the laws that allow it. It would take someone like Donald Trump to get this message pushed. We also need to put limitations on these campaign funds; total amounts, ways in which it can and cannot be spent, and tax it "say at 40-50%. From the local level, to State and Federal Politicians this would generate huge taxes and prevent big corporations and billionaires from buying leverage "tax free" with their donations.

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