Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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February 1, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • The Gov. answers reader on our strategy going forward
  • History Lesson Needed
  • Clueless Gov. plays blame game in New York
  • Why Nobody Trusts “Fact-Checkers”
  • Great Comments
  • Correction


Mike Huckabee



The Gov. answers reader on our strategy going forward

By Mike Huckabee

From Loren:

Governor, I believe that the left want to push us over the edge by restricting speech, increase restrictions on our freedoms, and insisting we are stupid and need to be “reprogrammed”. They are trying to force us into violence so that they invoke martial law. With martial law they would have license to do what ever they wanted including restricting the First and Second Amendments. Our solution should be to hold our cool and work hard starting with the 2022 elections to gain back our control.

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Loren. This is something we all have to keep in mind. And because the left have repeatedly accused Trump of wanting to declare martial law, they’ve likely given away their hand and told us that’s what THEY plan to do. As we’ve said for a long time, if you want to know what those on the left are doing, look at what they’re accusing the right of doing or wanting to do

By the way, did Trump ever declare martial law, even with cities burning? No, he did not. If Trump had wanted to be a dictator, he would have worked a lot harder at it, don’t you think?

Anyway, the left’s strategy is diabolical, because in their minds, it works for them either way. If we don’t take the bait, they think, we still will have lost our freedom, just more gradually. If we do take the bait, they’ll use our rage as an excuse to impose martial law. it’s only a matter of time before someone does take the bait, they think, and they’re ready with their response.

It doesn’t even have to be over anything much. They’d do it in a New York minute. The media will blow it up into whatever they need for an excuse to clamp down.

So you're right --- the thing to do now is to stay calm and let the rest of the country experience “voter’s remorse.” We know that many who were poorly informed and “just didn’t like Trump” were not voting for the policies that Biden is already imposing, such as shutting down the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, and they are shocked to find this out now. Give the voters a chance to miss Trump; many will see he was the one --- practically the only one at times --- standing between us and the power-hungry swamp.

Stand firm (think “Rand Paul”) if someone tells you the election was perfectly accurate and transparent, or that Trump was a dictator, or that his supporters are ignorant white supremacists. Tell them reasonably and confidently that they are misinformed and wrong, ask them where they get their information and why they would think such a thing without evidence, and then go on your merry way. Use yourself as an example of what a typical Trump supporter really is. Keep as many channels of communication open as you can –- develop solid email lists for contacts you might have had through Facebook, for example –- and work hard towards 2022.

We have to be a lot more organized and involved in the election process going forward. Traditionally, the left have always been much more focused on this, as they’re in it for the power and enjoy that quest much more than we do. We have to be in it just as much, though, knowing that power is important, not as an end in itself, as the left see it, but as a means of preserving our freedom and maintaining a constitutional republic.

History Lesson Needed

By Mike Huckabee

I already reported on the San Francisco Board of “Education” voting to rename 44 schools because the people they were named after don't meet today’s ultra-sensitive PC standards. People like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and even Abraham Lincoln. But here are a few more details that should bring home just how stupid this is:

First of all, while the school district is struggling with funding and deficits, renaming all those schools is expected to cost at least $100,000 to change all the signs, stationary, websites, sports fields and stadiums, band and team uniforms, etc.

And while I told you a little about how clueless these board members were (they voted to rename Roosevelt Middle School without even knowing whether it was named after Franklin, Theodore or Roosevelt "Rosey" Grier), even more has now been revealed about their “thought processes.” It turns out they didn’t even do the research to verify whether the accusations of racism against these American icons were true or not. They relied instead on sources like Wikipedia, Internet rumors and their own uninformed assumptions.

For instance, Paul Revere was erased because he was a commander in the Penobscot Expedition, which they mistakenly thought was an attack on the Penobscot Indians (it was actually a naval assault against the British in Penobscot Bay, Maine.)

Even worse, Lowell High School was renamed because they thought abolitionist poet James Russell Lowell didn’t want blacks to vote – except he did advocate for blacks to be allowed to vote. But even that’s beside the point because the school was actually named after Lowell, Massachusetts, which is named after early American businessman, Francis Cabot Lowell.

I have a suggestion that would save the school district a lot of money: keep the names the way they are and send your school board over to Roosevelt Middle School to retake history class.

Clueless Gov. plays blame game in New York

By Mike Huckabee

Last Thursday, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a bombshell report, accusing Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration of severely undercounting the number of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50 percent. They did this by counting only those who actually died at the nursing homes, not those transferred to hospitals, where they then died.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who reads this newsletter, since we’ve been writing for months about how Cuomo lethally bungled the COVID response, forcing nursing homes to take in COVID patients and exposing the most vulnerable people in the population to the virus. While Democrats spent the campaign season blaming every virus death on President Trump, they never mentioned that the New York death total was higher than many nations on its own. Cuomo’s response to this so far has been to blame Trump and write a book about what a great job he did.

(Here’s how the New York Post responded to the report, by reimaging Cuomo’s self-congratulatory book cover on their front page: https://nypost.com/cover/january-29-2021/)

Even CNN, where Cuomo’s brother Chris normally gives him hero worship coverage, had to admit that maybe they oversold his brilliant COVID response just a tad – although they still tried to ascribe partisan motives to AG James, who is a Democrat herself. I guess CNN can’t imagine why anyone would tell the truth other than for political advantage, a great attitude for a news network to have.

Gov. Cuomo has now finally responded, and as expected, it was to shift blame and claim the report started with the Trump Administration (nope, it came from his own state’s Democrat Attorney General and was issued eight days after Trump left office.) Deanna Fisher at the Victory Girls blog has a good account of Cuomo’s spin job and all the eye-rolling in response to it.

A couple of points worth adding: Cuomo attempted to explain the deadly mistakes by claiming the state was following federal guidelines because nobody was yet sure what to do with a totally new disease: “Everybody did the best they could. If you think there was a mistake, then go talk to the federal government. It’s not about pointing fingers or blame, this became a political football.”

Exactly. But who made it a political football? Who blamed the President for every new case and every death, every mistake made by even the best medical experts who were still learning about the disease, and who mocked him as a liar for saying a vaccine would be available before the end of 2020?

I cut slack during that time for a lot of Democrats and health experts who made honest mistakes, but they never returned the favor. Now, Cuomo says, hey, “Everybody did the best they could.” Where was that attitude when it could have prevented panic, distrust, division and politicization? And how much do you really need to know about a disease to comprehend that if it’s especially deadly to the elderly, you don’t put patients who have it into nursing homes?

The other particularly tonedeaf point was Cuomo’s comment, "My father died — I wish I had someone to blame." His father, former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, was hospitalized for long standing heart issues in late 2014, treated and released. He died two months later at home with his family. He didn’t die needlessly because the state’s wrongheaded policies exposed him to a deadly disease. He wasn’t denied hospital treatment because he had a non-COVID condition, nor was he forced to be separated from his family for months on end and not even allowed to see them on his deathbed.

I can only imagine how New Yorkers who suffered that frustrating and heartbreaking experience in losing their parents and not even being allowed to visit them feel about Cuomo comparing their situation to his and brushing off their justifiable anger and grief as just mindless blame-shifting.

Why Nobody Trusts “Fact-Checkers”

By Mike Huckabee

MSN.com reposted a Austin-American Statesman  “fact-check” of a claim by Texas Rep. Kevin Brady that President Biden’s ban on new oil and gas leases on federal land would destroy 120,000 jobs in Texas and ruled it only “half-true.”

I would urge you to read their hair-splitting reasoning because it (perhaps inadvertently) tells you that it’s actually worse than what Brady said, even if their ruling makes it sound as if Brady overstated the damage. Their quibble is that Biden’s order only bans new leases, and that that many jobs could only be lost by banning all drilling on federal land…but the article admits that Biden has said that’s exactly what he intends to do. I assume we will charge our millions of new electric vehicles with wind power generated by the flapping wings of flying pigs.

Also, the Statesman points out that there isn’t that much federal land in Texas to drill on (the state will mostly lose jobs from banning off-shore drilling, which supports about 300,000 jobs.) While the Statesman is quibbling over whether Biden has banned all oil and gas leases YET, states that are heavily dependent on income from drilling on federal land, like New Mexico and Wyoming, had better start making emergency plans, filing lawsuits and electing a lot more Republicans. And that’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As long as we’re on this subject, not even the “fact-checkers” at the Washington Post and the Associated Press could think up a way to finesse Biden’s claim that all the jobs he plans to destroy in the auto industry will be replaced by jobs making electric cars.

Great Comments

By Mike Huckabee

Former NFL great Benjamin Watson made some great comments to the Daily Caller about how we can overcome these divisive times by realizing that we are all united by life, and that we should encourage everyone to come together to protect the gift and dignity of all human life.

After you read this article, go to YouTube and watch my recent interview with Benjamin Watson from “Huckabee” on TBN about his documentary on abortion, “Divided Hearts of America.”

CORRECTION:  We used a bad link for our "Vote Fraud Update."  We have corrected our mistake and you can read the original story with the correct link here.

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Comments 26-27 of 27

  • Elwin P Valberg

    02/01/2021 09:07 PM

    The demrats are just totally disgusting. If they don't agree they start telling lies or they try to slide it off on President Trump. He is no longer President. They need to take a dose of truth serum. They are going to have to learn what truth is. They are going to have to learn who God is. They do not have the solution to our problems. Until we come together and all follow the rules and always tell the truth we will be fighting. Liberals may say they don't care but when they start losing left and right they will care.

  • John R Clalrk

    02/01/2021 08:49 PM

    do have the address for Trump so I can write to him and thank him for all he did for last 4 years to try to save America?

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