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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

February 8, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Tonight's stories include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Romans 6:11
  • “The Politics”
  • Outrage Works, Sometimes For the Good
  • And much more.


Mike Huckabee

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Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:11

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

2. “The Politics”:

Instapundit has a good (and growing) round-up of stories about how Democrat leaders are insisting that mask mandates must remain, maybe forever, because of “The Science”…except in states where they’re in political danger, and then they’re dropping mask mandates faster than a CNN producer can drop his pants. This suggests that “The Science” isn’t really as important as “The Politics.”

Even CNN can read the writing on the wall…

But voters in blue states shouldn’t be fooled: just because a Democrat Governor rescinds a state-level mask mandate before the election doesn’t mean all the local officials from school boards on up will end theirs, if the Governor doesn’t order them to.

Incidentally, I love the quote from that piece in which Jen Psaki talks about how we must follow “The Guidance” like a preacher referring to the Ten Commandments. "The Guidance" is just their own CDC that’s changed its story on masks repeatedly, and we know that the first time, they were outright lying to us because they wanted to reserve all the masks for front line health workers. God didn’t say, “Thou shalt not kill…No, wait, killing’s okay now…Okay, go back to not killing, but only indoors, and prominent Democrats can ignore this rule.”

3. Outrage Works, Sometimes For the Good:

Facing furious bipartisan backlash, the IRS announced that it will “transition away” from its plans to use third-party facial recognition technology to allow people to access their online tax accounts. Nobody wants to show their face when they have to deal with the IRS.

4. Must-Read Article:

Former Time magazine foreign correspondent Michael Walsh was on the scene of history-changing people’s uprisings before, such as the overthrow of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceau?escu.

Walsh sees strong similarities between the way those autocratic governments crushed people’s rights in the name of the collective good and the way governments have used COVID restrictions to take away people’s rights and crack down on any resistance. He also see similarities between the way those tyrants were eventually overthrown and the Truckers Freedom Convey protests that started in Canada and are now spreading worldwide. He even quotes a line that I’ve quoted so many times over the years, I can't even remember how many: “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” See, I just repeated that quote again.

Sidenote: Before the Google cops ban me for sharing an essay that refers to the “great pandemic hoax,” let me be clear that neither Walsh nor I are suggesting that COVID isn’t a real disease that can have deadly consequences for vulnerable people. The hoax to which he refers is the way that governments misrepresented that disease and turned it into a “weapon of mass economic and emotional destruction” rather than dealing with it rationally based on its real level of threat to public health.

5. Here’s $30 million of your tax money at work:

In May, the Biden Administration will begin distributing grants to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use “safer” for addicts.

This includes funds to provide “smoking kits” which will include new, sanitary pipes for smoking crack, meth and other “illicit substances.” After all, we want to make sure that when someone is smoking crack, they’re doing it the safe, healthy way. Other government-provided supplies will include clean syringes. This funding is part of the Democrats’ “American Rescue Plan,” which passed the Senate on party lines with Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. It’s being sold as part of the Democrats’ “equity” push, with preference going to drug paraphernalia suppliers who serve the African-American and LGBTQ communities of hard drug addicts.

Some might have a different word for this other than “rescue,” “equity” or “compassion.” A word like “enabler.” That’s the term used in 12-step programs for people who think they’re “helping” addicts but who are actually just helping them to kill themselves. Some might even say that deliberately enabling black and gay addicts to continue smoking crack or meth instead of helping them get off of it is shockingly racist and homophobic. I guess they just don’t understand “equity.”

Similar programs have been tried in blue cities, and some have given up after seeing how they just increased open drug addiction. It’s certainly worked like gangbusters in San Francisco and Seattle. If you’re old enough to remember when “SNL” was funny, they once did a sketch about Democrats mourning Michael Dukakis’ presidential loss in which a Joan Baez impersonator sang sadly about the Democrats’ lost dream: “Free needles for the addicts, free condoms for the kids…” Back then, it was meant to satirize the crazy things Republicans believed Democrats would do if they got into power. Today, Democrats are in power, and that's the official government policy. Moral: Never underestimate how crazy Democrats become when they get a little power.

PS – As I tweeted when I first heard about this story, Presidential relatives have often had an impact on policy. Lady Bird Johnson beautified the highways, Laura Bush promoted literacy, and now Hunter Biden has inspired free government crack pipes.

6. Read this:

For all those who claim that parents who oppose children to wear masks are just being selfish, read what you’re doing to these children and then try selling that.

And for those who claim that unmasked children are a deadly danger to teachers and other children, I’ll once again link to this article by John Tierney at City Journal about the actual death risk of COVID.

In a nutshell: even using admittedly inflated CDC numbers, the risk of death from COVID to a child age 5-18 is one in 200,000 -- far less than the risk of a child dying in a traffic accident or by murder, suicide, poisoning, drowning, cancer or heart disease. And a year-long NIH study that included the Delta variant wave found not a single COVID death among healthy, vaccinated adults under 65, which I assume covers all teachers.

So why are we still torturing our children with this? If we were consistent about avoiding risk, we’d be banning them from going swimming or riding to school in cars.

7. “Follow the Science! Off A Cliff!”

President Biden’s top science adviser, Eric Lander, resigned Monday night after “credible evidence” surfaced that he had created a toxic work environment at the Office of Science and Technology.

A two-month White House investigation revealed multiple accusations that he frequently bullied, cut off and dismissed subordinates, and was particularly belittling and demeaning to women staffers. This wasn’t surprising, since Lander is regarded as a science genius, but he had a reputation for being nasty and not giving proper credit to women in his field.

When Biden took office, he vowed that anyone who bullied lower-level staffers would be fired “on the spot. No ifs, ands or buts.” But he stuck by Lander until the report was revealed by Politico, possibly after some angry staffer leaked it.

Or maybe Dr. Fauci leaked it because, after all, only he IS “Science.”

8. Excellent Article:

This is an excellent article by Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes (full disclosure, I’m the National Honorary Chairman) about politicians who cherry pick and misrepresent the Bible to score political points.

It also helps your case if you not only quote the Bible correctly and in context, but you don’t confuse it with various song lyrics or pull phrases out at random to toss into a Biblical word salad.

9.  Woke fail:

Wait, so you’re telling me that comic book fans did NOT snatch up DC Comics’ new “woke” version of Superman about Superman and Lois’s son who’s a bisexual social justice warrior and climate change activist who’s shown kissing his boyfriend? That after an initial surge of interest ginned up by all the fawning media coverage, readers decided they didn’t LIKE having “The Agenda” slammed into them like a speeding locomotive? In short: nobody bought it?

I haven’t been this shocked and surprised since I saw Clark Kent take off his glasses and realized he was Superman!

10. I Just Wanted to Say:  

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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  • James Drury Jr

    02/08/2022 07:43 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Floyd A Unger

    02/08/2022 07:31 PM

    Thank you

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