Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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November 19, 2021


Good morning! Here are some stories from me that I think you will want to read. Topics include:

  • FBI Tactics
  • Washington Post "Corrections"
  • Afghanistan
  • 2022 Elections
  • And Much More


The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.

Proverbs 16:33

 Today's verse is recommended by Jimmy G.

If you have a Bible verse you want to see in our newsletter, please email [email protected]



On the heels of a new report from DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz saying the “Justice” Department has a problem with public trust and the perception that they are partisan –- surprise! –- the FBI has just taken actions in Mesa County, Colorado, that reinforce that view.

In what is likely the most outrageous and underreported story of the week, the FBI conducted simultaneous early-morning raids Tuesday on at least four people, including Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters –- an outspoken critic of the 2020 election –- and three of her associates. These heavy-handed raids against nonviolent people involved armed agents in combat militia-style gear, the use of handcuffs, and, in at least one case, a battering ram.

One reason for the media’s hesitance to cover this might be that it emerged via the TV channel of “My Pillow Guy” Mike Lindell, who is generally seen in the media as having cooties and absolutely will not be taken seriously no matter how valid a story he breaks. He did interviews with two of the women, Peters and “America’s Mom” Sheronna Bishop. Lindell already knew both of them, as they had participated in his on-air election integrity symposium in August and had reportedly even flown in on his private plane.

The first write-up we saw in print media was at conservative WVW Broadcast Network, which told the story of a raid conducted early Tuesday morning at the home of Bishop, a concerned Christian mom who has become an activist on issues such as Critical Race Theory and forced masking in schools. (She’s homeschooling her kids.) When we first read about this, we suspected the raid on her house probably had something to do with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s dictate that parents who get angry at school board meetings should be dealt with like domestic terrorists. (Garland denied this policy before Congress, but we now know he was not being truthful.)


But the target on her back seems to have more to do with her association with Peters, who is on extremely bad terms with Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. Peters has apparently been under investigation over allegations of leaking election data, and the search warrant authorized confiscation of her phones and cyber devices.

Brannon Howse conducted the TV interview with Peters on Tuesday, with additional guest cybersecurity expert Sean Smith. In the interview, she explains about the four raids carried out that morning on her and “some of her friends,” saying that one of them indeed had involved a battering ram. Apparently that was the raid at Bishop’s house; Bishop has said her front door was broken down.

Peters said at the time of this interview that the affidavit for her search was still sealed and that she didn’t know what the “probable cause” was. Here’s the interview in full.

Exclusive: FBI Raids Home of County Clerk Tina Peters in Attempt to Cover Up Voter Crimes? | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech

(SIDE NOTE: At about 38:30 in this video, there’s a phenomenal 6-minute clip of several former FBI agents who are appalled at this new abuse-of-force approach by the FBI against non-violent targets such as Roger Stone. One of them said that if he’d been on a S.W.A.T. team and ordered to do that raid at Stone’s house, he would have refused. That’s the kind of FBI agents we need; too bad so many of them are of the generation that's now retiring from the Bureau.)

Anyway, Peters says that since she started looking into the results of the 2020 election in Mesa County --- she claims that 29,000 election records were illegally deleted --- she's been attacked "on every front" and is facing civil litigation and huge legal bills. She says this raid is obviously an intimidation tactic aimed at the larger community.

In Bishop’s interview with Howse, which debuted Thursday on Lindell TV, she says the agents were likewise armed and in combat gear, that they treated her and her daughters roughly and that she was handcuffed for about 30 minutes. (Peters was not handcuffed.) The agents were in Bishop’s house for about three hours.

Bishop is a former campaign manager for conservative Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert. She describes herself as a “very strong supporter” of Peters.

In the interview, she reads from the search warrant, which authorized them to confiscate her phones and other cyber equipment, alleging that she caused "intentional damage of a protected computer" --- "I have no contact with a computer," she says --- "wire fraud" --- "they couldn't explain to me what that even meant" -- and "conspiracy to cause intentional damage to a protected computer and/or commit wire fraud." It also listed the names of the others who were being searched, including Peters. She says all she has done is exercise her First Amendment freedom to be an advocate for Peters, whom she claims has "hard evidence" about Colorado officials and Dominion Voting Systems, and that they’re trying to make her go away and be quiet. She says officials who are "running Colorado" are criminalizing free speech.

She says she has made herself completely available to officials and that there was no reason other than intimidation for them to treat her and her family this way.

Here’s the link to her TV interview.


We’ve seen a few reports of the raids in mainstream media, but they focus not on the violation of civil liberties –- since when do Trump supporters have civil liberties? –- but on allegations that Mesa County election results were allegedly leaked to some “QAnon conspiracy theorists.”


It’s impossible to sort out all the accusations and counter-accusations going on in Mesa County. We just find it interesting that this angle from THE DAILY BEAST doesn’t address the FBI’s intimidating use of force against non-violent targets. The DB also reflexively calls the hypothesis that the 2020 election was stolen “a baseless idea.” That is wrong; it’s not proven, but it’s certainly not baseless.

Another outlet, TALKING POINTS MEMO, describes Peters as “a Trumpy Colorado county clerk already under investigation” and identifies the QAnon personality as Ron Watkins, “a right-wing influencer that many believe to be behind the posts that spurred the QAnon conspiracy theory,” according to reporter Matt Shuham. The armed raids are characterized by a Mesa County spokesperson as “four federally court-authorized operations into potential criminal activity.” All documents related to these “operations” are apparently still sealed.

We can’t say this investigation is being carried out to take focus off what Peters might have FOUND regarding the voting machine data. But we can’t say it isn’t, either.


That’s the story so far. We’ll leave you with an outstanding companion piece by Victor Davis Hanson called “Can the FBI Be Salvaged?” that lists many familiar examples of the FBI overstepping, lying, leaking, colluding, hushing-up, setting-up, intimidating, witch-hunting, infiltrating, improperly surveilling, abusing, withholding evidence and more.

He should add these armed raids in Mesa County to his list.



The Washington Post has added editors' notes to 14 stories dating back over several years to correct its false reporting on the Trump/Russiagate “scandal” that has now been revealed to be a politically-motivated hoax (FYI: we don’t have to do that because we smelled a politically-motivated hoax from day one.)


I would call that “a good start,” but it’s not even that. It’s just a start. A good start would be issuing an abject apology for misleading readers and undermining Trump’s Presidency, then firing all the reporters who fell for that garbage, and returning the bogus (and no doubt also politically-motivated) Pulitzer Prize the paper won for it.

Speaking of that, I’ll link again to this article by Julie Kelly at American Greatness, demanding the same thing.?


And in addition to the corrections, apologies and firings over Russiagate and every other hoax they’ve pushed in recent years, if media outlets ever want to start stitching their shredded reputations back together, they should all immediately cease acting like Biden PR agents and DNC groupies and start behaving like actual reporters again. I know they didn’t learn how in “journalism” school or on the job, but maybe they could watch a few old movies on TCM and learn how.



Because our people left behind in Afghanistan must never be forgotten, and the Biden White House must have its feet held to the fire every day until they are safe, here’s yet another disgusting story of our “leaders’” incompetence, arrogance and callousness. It’s the story of how a former US Army staff sergeant and American citizen was ignored by the US Embassy in Pakistan when he repeatedly begged them for help for him and his family to flee the Taliban. Warning: if you have high blood pressure and a sense of moral outrage, reading this could be fatal.


How horrific and unconscionable was Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal? I’d call it a stain on our national honor, but I don’t have to because Barack Obama’s former Ambassador to Afghanistan beat me to it.



A University of Michigan survey found that in early November, US consumer sentiment (the measure of people’s optimism about their economic circumstances) fell to its lowest level in a decade.


Researchers blamed the rising pessimism on the escalating inflation rate, the growing concern that it’s not “transitory” as the White House claimed, and a “growing belief among consumers that no effective policies have yet been developed to reduce the damage from surging inflation.” Well, there are such policies, but the people in charge won’t impose them. They’re too busy forcing through policies that actively cause inflation.

One-in-four consumers reported reductions in their living standards due to rising prices, and those who got higher pay saw it eaten up. The greatest impact was on older consumers and those with lower incomes. You know, the very people the Democrats claim their policies are designed to help.

Why am I reminded of Oliver Hardy telling Stan Laurel, “Stop trying to HELP me!” as Stan blows up their Model T??


And another one bites the dust…



An excellent proposal from Julie Kelly at American Greatness, if the media ever want to start rebuilding their shattered credibility: “Retract every Russian collusion story and fire everyone who wrote them.”


Say, you know who doesn’t have to retract anything they ever wrote about this story that smelled fishier than month-old cat food from day one?? Us!


So much of my newsletter is devoted to correcting false “news” that only later is acknowledged as such that I should change its name to the “I Told You So Daily.” Here’s yet another example:

While the liberal media went into a self-righteous frenzy over horse patrol border agents allegedly cracking whips at Haitian illegal immigrants, we told you that there was literally nothing to that story. The agents don’t carry whips. Those were reins, and photos taken from a different angle showed that they were nowhere near the migrants. It was a giant nothingburger, hold the meat.

Of course, those inconvenient facts didn’t stop the media frenzy (they even gave it a scandal name: “Whipgate”), or activists declaring the border agents to be racist monsters and demanding they be fired and jailed, or the Biden DHS calling on the Inspector General’s Office to conduct a “thorough, independent and objective investigation.” We were told this would take about a week.

Well, that was two months ago. So…what happened? Turns out the IG’s office, which apparently cares more about facts than hissy fits by CNN anchors, declined to investigate. We’re now being told that Customs and Borders Protection’s Office of Professional Responsibility will conduct an investigation with no deadline announced for its conclusions.


Let me put this in plain English: a lot of liberals are trying to get down off their high horses and back away, slowly and quietly enough that nobody notices and everyone eventually forgets they ever brought this up.


This feature returns with images of America's cities, landscapes and people.


Listen: https://youtu.be/zE_YfQPOUpI

Today's hymn was recommended by Jeff A.

1 Lead on, O King eternal,

the day of march has come;

henceforth in fields of conquest

your tents will be our home.

Through days of preparation

your grace has made us strong;

and now, O King eternal,

we lift our battle song.

2 Lead on, O King eternal,

till sin's fierce war shall cease,

and holiness shall whisper

the sweet amen of peace.

For not with swords' loud clashing

or roll of stirring drums

with deeds of love and mercy

the heavenly kingdom comes.

3 Lead on, O King eternal;

we follow, not with fears,

for gladness breaks like morning

where'er your face appears.

Your cross is lifted o'er us,

we journey in its light;

the crown awaits the conquest;

lead on, O God of might.

Author: Ernest W. Shurtleff

If you have a favorite hymn you want to see in our newsletter, please email [email protected].


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Comments 11-20 of 28

  • Jerr

    11/19/2021 02:31 PM

    Jill and Hunter and Family members of Joe biden should advise their defense team to settle with Kyle R. and the MSM may want to get an offer ready to avoid another Covington case although I would like to see a major take down for the torment they have caused this Teenager and all the problems they have caused also For all the burning of property and destruction the MSM and Biden should have to Pay for incitement of public disorder.

  • Jerry

    11/19/2021 02:05 PM

    The msm the governor of Wisconsin the mayor of Kenosha indicated how dishonest how unfit how evil these people are to be in the position they hold, the governor of Minnesota and Wisconsin are a portrait of incompetence, dislodged from American values the two governors are a pair of coward’s truly unworthy of holding an office of anything truly Biden like children corrupt dishonest and anti American

  • Anne Turner

    11/19/2021 01:48 PM

    Now that the Rittenhouse case has resulted in acquittal, maybe it is time to look at this from another angle. There is a difference between guilty under the law and guilt. While, he was apparently responding to a real threat to his life, one wonders about a 17 year old crossing state lines to go to a destructive riot, carrying a loaded, very lethal rifle. Looking at this boy and watching his expressions, one gets the impression that he sees himself in the vigilante role. It would be enlightening to look behind the scenes to find out his motivation for even being at the riot, much less armed. He might as well have put a target on his back. I hear a rumor that his mother had taken him across state lines to this event. If true , why would a mother put her son in such a precarious position? I fear for this boy’s future and his actions. The whole thing does reek of ignorance and arrogance.

    However, how does a prosecutor get away with doctoring evidence and remain a prosecutor?

  • mark poyhonen

    11/19/2021 01:47 PM

    The DB also reflexively calls the hypothesis that the 2020 election was stolen “a baseless idea.” That is wrong; it’s not proven, but it’s certainly not baseless.
    Sir, the proof is substantial and available. You could get away with using a word like 'accepted' or perhaps a phrase 'reported by the main stream media and FBI.' But saying it's not proven is woefully inaccurate.
    Thank you for at least reporting some of the information. I do understand your home door might meet a battering ram if you told the whole truth and your trepidation should be a warning to everyone.

  • Jack and Cathy Harris

    11/19/2021 01:15 PM


  • Lawrence Foster

    11/19/2021 01:09 PM

    For those who support disbanding the FBI when reason returns to DC, let's include the CIA, State Department, and the leadership at "homeland Security" (I put that in quotes, because homeland security seems to be the least of their concerns.)

    The politicization of the federal government began under Slick Willy, Bush failed to root it out, and then under Obama it became thoroughly entrenched. Hate to say this, as a retired Federal employee, but it may be necessary to start over at all the agencies.

  • Stephen E. Shenk

    11/19/2021 12:48 PM

    On the FBI raid: So what is going to happen in one of these so called sanctioned raids when either a homeowner of and FBI agent, or both is killed or seriously injured in the course of one of these phony, politically motivated raids? I am quite sure the FBI does not call the homeowner ahead of time to give them a heads up and please leave a light on and the door open for us when we come to abuse our power. Psalm 91 and all the protection therein to each an every homeowner whose home is targeted and the protection of angels surrounding them. I can see the agents report now. "We were just getting ready to breach when this huge, bright, angelic creature slapped the spit out of the breach mans mouth and we all dropped our weapons which the homeowner still has and will not return!"

  • jack macdonald

    11/19/2021 12:34 PM

    As I read about these FBI raids I am reminded that these are eerily similar to how the Gestapo and KGB operated. How sad and dangerous this is to our citizens. German and Russian citizens were compelled to comply or face prison or worse. It looks like we are heading down this same path. Since the Socialists/Communists now in charge of our govt are no longer governed by the Constitution we are in deep trouble. They are now appointing Marxist/Communists to run the banking system. The DOJ is absolutely partisan and/or incompetent. We now know why Obama wanted him on the Supreme court. How foolish are the voters who voted for the Dems? Stupidity has consequences and not just for the Stupids. My son votes for these clowns and now he and my grandchildren will suffer the consequences. Sad

  • Marty Jones

    11/19/2021 12:03 PM

    As much as I hate to say it, it might be time to get rid of the FBI. At least all upper levels of it. It is sickening and frighting what they are doing.

  • ken moore

    11/19/2021 11:39 AM

    AFGHANISTAN UPDATE Biden killed Americans Como killed Americans Hillary killed Americans
    it would please me to have all 3 hung in the rose garden

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