Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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June 16, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day
  • Happy Birthday President Trump
  • Hard questions remain about January 6 and the FBI
  • Jon Stewart Stuns Late Show Host With Brutal, Hilarious Rant
  • Mask-Wearing Kids
  • Meeting With The Pope Is Cancelled
  • New Israeli Government Rips The Iran Deal


Mike Huckabee


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

Gal 5:22 ESV


Happy Birthday President Trump

By Mike Huckabee

Monday was former President Donald Trump's 75th birthday. We all hope he had a happy birthday. This means that in 2024, he'll be 78, the same age Joe Biden is now. I can't help wondering if Biden's entire presidency is secretly an attempt to convince voters never to elect another 78-year-old President.

Hard questions remain about January 6 and the FBI

By Mike Huckabee

In the wake of the January 6, 2021, security breach at the Capitol Building during then-President Trump’s rally on Capitol Hill, I made it clear that any Trump supporter who participated was doing an extremely ill-advised thing that would bring on horrendous repercussions for conservatives. Sure enough, in the months that followed, we saw those repercussions, and they could continue for years.

“Domestic terrorism” by “white supremacists,” not China or Russia or the pandemic or even global warming (!), suddenly became the biggest threat to the Republic, at least to hear Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) tell it. Hundreds of Trump supporters were rounded up and held without bail, many to this day, while violent Antifa and BLM rioters around the country have been routinely let out of jail with no bail at all, free to go back and burn more buildings.

As if on cue after January 6, the Capitol Hill area was mobilized –- quickly surrounded with tall fencing and razor wire, as well as with hundreds of troops. Washington became an armed camp, with Speaker Pelosi ready to wage war. We got a taste of how quickly this can happen. Even the military was suddenly ready to identify and purge “extremist” Trump supporters from its ranks.

At the same time, the Huckabee Team always had a nagging suspicion that the breach of the Capitol fit the leftist narrative just a little too well, was just a little too convenient for their purposes, a little “too perfect.” If the breach hadn’t happened, we said soon afterwards, the left would have had to create it. They called January 6 the “deadly insurrection,” even though it wasn’t a real insurrection --- these people weren’t even carrying guns --- and the only person killed at the scene was an unarmed female Trump supporter shot by a still-unidentified Capitol Hill officer.

So, was the Capitol Hill breach really just a rally that got way out of hand? Or was it “helped along” by people who weren’t Trump supporters at all? WE DON’T KNOW, and we are not making accusations, only asking questions. Some news outlets are looking into the circumstantial evidence.

When REVOLVER NEWS did a study of of the unindicted co-conspirators listed in various charging documents relative to January 6, they noticed a surprising pattern: in many cases, these were much more aggressive participants than the people who actually had been indicted. It seems the very people who were most active in creating and escalating the breach were the ones who were protected from indictment afterwards, creating speculation that they were involved either as undercover operatives or confidential informants that day.


REVOLVER NEWS divides the participants in the Capitol siege into two categories, the first being “tourists,” mostly harmless people who just walked right past barricades and through open doors. At most, they’re guilty of trespassing and/or minor property offenses. These are the “MAGA moms” and other totally non-violent protesters who just wanted to show support for an honest election process. It’s absurd to think of them as undercover terrorists.

That leaves the second category for organized groups such as the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters. If undercover operatives or informants were involved in getting and keeping the “insurgency” going, it’s these groups they would have infiltrated. And these are the groups that our government claims to be investigating and prosecuting aggressively.

What we need to know is whether or not federal informants and/or undercover operatives were embedded in these groups and what their role might have been. If they helped instigate this, it would represent a new low even for the FBI, which after "Crossfire Hurricane" is saying something. It would be what REVOLVER NEWS suggests might be “a monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protesters at the Capitol --- and in a much larger sense used to frame the entire MAGA movement as domestic terrorists.”

I would add that this event was also used as a pretext to impeach a President.

So, REVOLVER NEWS wants to know: how many of the key unindicted co-conspirators in DOJ prosecutions remain unindicted because they happen to be undercover agents or confidential informants?

To try to figure this out, they take us back to that plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and storm the state capitol, three months before the big Washington, D.C., Capitol siege. The FBI arrested 14 people for the Michigan plot, and of those 14, at least 5 were undercover agents and federal informants. At the very least, 26 percent of the Michigan plotters were FBI infiltrators, and they apparently played the most important leadership roles, such as “head of transportation,” “head of security,” and “explosives expert.” And when the main van drove up to scope out Gov. Whitmer’s vacation home, three of the five people in it were federal agents and informants. I am not kidding.

It was the Detroit Field Office of the FBI that successfully infiltrated the Michigan operation, and the director of that office, Steven M. D’Antuono, was promoted several days later by (yes) Director Christopher Wray, to the D.C. office, where he is now the lead agent investigating all cases stemming from January 6. Again, not kidding.

The REVOLVER NEWS piece is highly detailed about the Michigan plot and its use of government agents, including the clever methods of concealing some identities in official reports.

It goes on to show the parallels between the Michigan plot and the siege on Capitol Hill, including the oddity of certain alleged co-conspirators avoiding indictment while others are prosecuted aggressively.

Director Wray surely could explain that, and the piece ends with a question he needs to be asked directly: “How many of the unindicted co-conspirators in January 6 cases are now, or have been, undercover agents or confidential informants?

Please take some time when you can and read the whole thing. (Oh, and it says there’s more to come!) If the FBI really did infiltrate these groups and serve as a driving force behind the siege of January 6, this could be one of the most significant stories we will ever see. That’s because if they did something this corrupt, it essentially means the FBI and likely the entire Justice Department will have to be scrapped and started over, from scratch. And that’s how you drain a swamp.

By the way, in related news, Ashli Babbitt’s husband is still asking questions about his wife’s killing. The Metropolitan Police Department has refused a Freedom Of Information Act request to hand over records of their investigation. About 10,000 hours of security footage is being withheld, too.


Finally, Tucker Carlson’s opening segment on Tuesday night was about the REVOLVER NEWS story. The DAILY BEAST called it “bizarre,” which should tell you it’s a must-watch. We tracked it down at THE RIGHT SCOOP, because FOX NEWS hadn’t posted it yet and might be hesitating. We thought you should see it.


Jon Stewart Stuns Late Show Host With Brutal, Hilarious Rant

By Mike Huckabee

Ever since Jon Stewart left “The Daily Show,” wannabes who came out of his orbit have infested late night “comedy” shows, turning them into one-sided, DNC talking points lectures. One reason I enjoyed sparring with Jon was that, like Bill Maher, while his politics are very different from mine, he managed to remain funny, fair and reasonably open-minded. When he thought his own side of the political aisle was being ridiculous, he would skewer them, too.

His pale imitators got a shock lesson in how far below Stewart’s standards they rank when Jon made a guest appearance on Stephen Colbert’s otherwise unwatchable CBS show and stunned the host with a brutal but hilarious rant about the implausibility of the “official” bat soup origin story of COVID-19. Colbert seemed shell-shocked, although I couldn’t tell whether that was from interacting with someone who didn’t parrot the Democrat Party line or just from having something on his show that was actually funny.


Almost as much fun as watching Stewart mocking the official Wuhan origin story was reading all the outraged Twitter tweets from leftists whose heads were exploding over hearing something on Colbert’s show that didn’t reinforce their own unfounded sense of always being right.


They completely missed the point of what Stewart was saying and why it was shocking that he was actually allowed to say it. They live in a world where something can be called a crazy “fringe” belief even though a majority of Americans suspect it’s true. Fortunately, Stephen Miller was happy to explain to them the important point that they were missing.


He also notes that if they’re melting down over hearing someone question the CCP’s story on the virus origins, imagine how they’ll freak out if anyone they pay attention to ever tells them that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, Dr. Fauci hasn't been honest, or any number of other things they’ve taken as unassailable truth instead of fake news.

Luckily, my readers won’t have that problem, since pointing out fake news and laughing at it is one of our favorite pastimes around here.

Mask-Wearing Kids

By Mike Huckabee

There’s been so much debate about whether facemasks prevent COVID-19, with their proponents claiming that even if they don’t help much, what’s the harm?

But what if they are doing harm? Not just the damage to childhood development, the restricted oxygen, or their symbolism of Americans’ willingness to give up freedom out of panic. I mean, isn’t putting an unsterilized piece of cloth over your mouth and nose and breathing through it for hours unsanitary? Particularly if we force them onto children, who are not famous for following strict hygiene rules.

Some concerned parents in Florida decided to do what the CDC or the media should have done a year ago. They took facemasks their kids had been forced to wear in school for 5 to 8 hours and sent them to a lab to find out what was on them that their kids had been inhaling. Brace yourself:


As many as one-third to a half of the masks were contaminated with bacteria related to pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, tuberculosis, Lyme disease, food poisoning, diphtheria, Legionnaires disease, Staphylococcus infections, encephalitis and more. The lab also identified less dangerous pathogens that could still cause fever, ulcers, acne, yeast infections, strep throat, periodontal disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (pardon my “racism” against Rocky Mountain natives), and more. One-third had antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Unworn masks and a T-shirt worn by a child were tested as controls and none contained these pathogens.

This likely happened because the kids touched the masks with their fingers, set them on surfaces, wore them into the bathrooms, etc. These are germs we all come close to, but up until now, we haven’t scooped them up on a cloth and put it over our faces.

This falls under the category of news that’s “shocking, but not surprising.” A long time ago, I passed along the CDC’s strict guidelines for wearing masks hygienically and said that I couldn’t imagine anyone actually following them to the letter. Certainly not children! But if you don’t, you are creating a bacteria-infected rag and holding it over your mouth and nose.

We need to stop dismissing these concerns with “Better safe than sorry” and start ensuring that our kids actually are safe before we’re all sorry.

Meeting With The Pope Is Cancelled

By Mike Huckabee

President Biden’s trip to Europe continues to go swimmingly. Tuesday, plans for him to attend a mass by Pope Francis were canceled after the Vatican considered the impact that Biden, a self-professed Catholic but also the most radically pro-abortion President ever, receiving Holy Communion from the Pope would have on a meeting being held today by the US Council of Catholic Bishops. They’re meeting to discuss forming a committee to establish rules on whether pro-abortion politicians may receive Holy Communion.


Nancy Pelosi is another radically pro-abortion politician who claims that that view doesn’t prevent her from being considered a good Catholic. She might want to explain that to the Pope, since she seems to think she understands Catholic doctrine better than he does.

New Israeli Government Rips The Iran Deal 

By Mike Huckabee

Israel may have a new Prime Minister and a new governing coalition, but that nation's very existence depends on being able to perceive and deal with reality. So no, they are not going to abandon Trump’s peace deals with other nations or endorse Biden’s delusional ambition to resurrect the Iran nuclear deal.


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Comments 11-20 of 22

  • Dan Kloppenborg

    06/16/2021 08:40 PM

    If Stacy Abrahms ran the election both Nov 3 & Jan for Fulton County Georgia is there a case for her helping the democrats to win in both elections there? Will that be checked?

  • Joyce Kanlan

    06/16/2021 08:35 PM

    Happy Belated Birthday President Trump! Biden & his age have relatively nothing to do with one another. There are many 70+ year olds smart, attentive, still very capable. WE ALL SAW&HEARD Biden’s inability to speak, hold a thought or finish a sentence BUT Soros, Clintons, Obama’s, MSM, left wing big money, lying, cheating USED Biden to get the Jamaican Indian Socialist female VP in, because there, literally was NO OTHER WAY. Biden is USED as the Trojan horse. This is strictly ??motivated, so democrats can finish with their agenda to kill,Steal&Destroy. They aren’t hiding it.

  • Stephen Russell

    06/16/2021 06:29 PM

    1-6 questions nagging:
    Who gave OK to open Capitol to rioters?
    where was Nancy & Schumer prior riot.
    Where was the NG commander & CH chief?
    Do they have a Command Post

  • Sharon Faulkner

    06/16/2021 04:56 PM

    One other thing : Remember that it was paid informants that were responsible for the misinformation that led to the tragedies at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
    The one at Waco was a member of the Branch Davidians who wanted the leadership position.
    Our government and our law enforcement should be dealing with people who break the law not with accusing the people they don't like a breaking the law as an excuse to persecute them.

  • Jerry

    06/16/2021 04:38 PM

    What has biden or Harris touched that hasn't turn into a toxic compost? These two and their 1st cousins DeBlasio Cuomo and the rest of that sorted Leftist/Communist group have so much venom in them that they should not be allowed out of the restraint garment they should be wearing.Mental Health is a huge disaster in this country and the Leftist are not going to fix it the Leftist group would be the prime patients.

  • Judy Radley

    06/16/2021 04:01 PM

    The story about the FBI and other undercover federal agents in Michigan and Washington DC, reads like a page right out of what Hitlers' Third Reich and SS Nazi soldiers did and were doing as shown in the movie, "The Sound of Music". Isn't it interesting that that movie is not shown hardly ever on cable TV now? Could be that the totalitarian communist socialist dictatorships in Washington DC now, and all around the country of the 'wokey idiots' don't want people to be reminded that they are doing exactly the same kind of thing by oppressing any one and every one who disagrees with them? And prosecuting the wrong people? as in themselves and their corrupted allies? WE must not lose faith, as look what eventually happened to Hitler? Same with Stalin and all the other corrupt communist government leaders.... as in the saying, 'pride goes before the fall'. I think the Biden 'pride' is already starting to fall and being seen as not the true elected official. I read in an email I received of clothing about the election fraud, one t-shirt says 'Trump WON, I know it You know it'. Will these items become like the Star of David on anyone who wears the items, as an open invitation by the dictators in America to arrest them just because we are expressing our Freedom of Speech against the government? I can see it happening, unfortunately. Here is a thought, maybe we should all wear these t-shirts and then the dictators in America will realize that just by the shear number of people wearing these shirts, that proves that President Trump did legally win and Biden did not. Seeing with their own eyes how the Democrats are foolish into thinking that they could fool the majority of American citizens who know President Trump won. Of course all the footage from all of the MAGA of President Trump rallies didn't change their thinking, so I guess it is a mute point. Since the Democrats and all the Liberal elites are 'in bed' with Big Tech and Mainstream Media, and Hollywood, Disney, et al, they can show anything anywhere, using false scenery, on any airwaves from old report films to social media hacks, and make the make-believe seem real life, but it isn't. And with all the high tech, HD, graphics that are made to look real, no wonder people who don't pay any close attention to how this administration is manipulating the public, are being fooled into believing fakeness as wokeness, but it is all manipulation by the government's negative propaganda against American tradition and constitutional values. Making the public think wrong is the right, like the ridiculous mantra of 'War is Peace', etc. and the CRT, it is all backward thinking, and Satan is the creator of all this, using man as his tool. ( We had a hint of things to come, but didn't pay close enough attention to it when the whole issue came out about the Birth Certificate of Barack Obama, and that it was fake, made up by a BIG TECH manipulation program.) That was the test for this election fraud to take place. And the media's and Democrats narrative was, 'you can't question Obama because if you do, you are a racist, which was the start of the whole BLM, CRT, Antifa, etc., to take down America by any means necessary!

  • Elaine Knudsen

    06/16/2021 03:10 PM

    Thank you for informing us that there were government infiltrators in the Michigan kiddnapping plot as well as the Jan 6th happenings. I was not aware of this until you shared it.
    I was very happy today, to see the a Fed judge is blocking the Biden admin's Executive order on Federal Land Leases for energy, as Biden overstepping his authority.
    It makes me happy to see all of the different levels of government, from holding accountable School Boards over CRT, to states putting more laws on their books that defy Federal overreach in so many areas. Elections, 1st & 2nd Amendments, even the sheriffs all coming together as a group to uphold the Constitution & be for the people. It's sad that these things have the need to be done, when our Commander in Chief swore an oath to do just that, but refuses, & actually is doing the opposite of these important documents that specify authority. I love it when the truth shines.

  • Pat J Green

    06/16/2021 03:01 PM

    I've said before and I still believe that the FBI has not fell to far from their roots of Hoover, he was right up there with eugene McCarthy both were scum. I would not be against the FBI being disbanded and there responsibilitys turned over to us Marshalls

  • Robert Simkavitz

    06/16/2021 02:41 PM

    God Bless you and your family Mike. The truth is stranger than fiction and you deliver it daily! Thank you!

  • William Fuhrer

    06/16/2021 02:24 PM

    Michael Moore had it right President Trump is a genius. But Steven Mosher is a genius. If comedians would have read Steven Mosher's Bully of Asia: Why China is the New Threat to the World they would not have been so absurd and pathetic and unfunny on their attacks on President Trump. How any of them lasted 4 years on lat night is a MYSTERY. Jon Stewart is LATE but

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