Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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May 7, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Putting the Quotation Marks Around The Term “Fact-Checkers”
  • Americans are fed-up with Leftist tyranny
  • Biden's Justice Department Gets Involved With Arizona Audit
  • Encouraging Signs Of A Return To Sanity
  • A warning for Republicans
  • “Won’t Get Fooled Again”
  • A Reader Writes Back...


Mike Huckabee


This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24


Putting the Quotation Marks Around The Term “Fact-Checkers”

By Mike Huckabee

A study by the Media Research Center found that the “fact-checking” site Politifact did only 13 of its “Truth-O-Meter” fact checks on President Biden during his first 100 days, compared to 52 on Trump.


If you think that means everyone agrees that Biden doesn’t lie, consider that they also defended him against complaints about him not being honest 106 times.

All I can say is that since Biden is obviously the most honest President in history, then I congratulate everyone who makes less than $400,000 a year for having your taxes cut to zero!


Ironically, while this is being defended as a mere gaffe, and that he meant to say they’d pay no additional taxes, that is also a lie. He wants to raise all kinds of taxes that they’ll end up paying, such as capital gains and estate taxes; his proposed taxes and rising inflation will make everything they buy more expensive; and his team is already talking about that $400,000 being the combined income of two spouses, each earning only $200,000. But don’t count on many “fact-checkers” pointing any of that out.

Americans are fed-up with Leftist tyranny

By Mike Huckabee

More encouraging signs that Americans are fed up to the gills with the tyranny of “woke” Twitter mobs and are finally starting to fight back:

1. The Idaho police officer who made a hilarious viral video mocking the absurdity of LeBron James and other pompous liberal amateurs telling cops how to peacefully negotiate with knife-wielding maniacs was suspended. A supporter set up a GoFundMe to help him, just in case he lost any pay. After less than a week, it’s already raised over $440,000. Sounds like a lot of people agree with him.


2. At the Powerline blog, Steven Hayward takes a look at last weekend’s Texas elections in which “woke” politicians and their destructive racist “anti-racist” policies took a shellacking from voters, even in uber-liberal Austin. Is this an omen of elections to come? Let’s all work extra hard to make sure it is.


Bonus: check out how NBC News tried to spin the Southlake school board vote as a bunch of rich, white Texans opposing “diversity” instead of what it really was: fed-up parents rejecting, by a 70-30 landslide, leftist activists indoctrinating their kids with racially-divisive Marxist propaganda.

3. Here’s another of a growing number of parents who are daring to stand up against the brainwashing of their children. This man is from New York City, where the pressure to stay silent is greatest. He explains how the elite $54,000-a-year private school he removed his daughter from pressures kids to become BLM activists and tries to brand anyone who speaks up to object as a racist oppressor. He spoke up anyway, and he’s continuing to speak up. Salute!


Biden's Justice Department Gets Involved With Arizona Audit

By Mike Huckabee

While the audit of ballots and voting machines in Maricopa County, Arizona, continues, Democrats who insist there’s nothing to see here are moving Heaven and Earth to try to keep anyone from looking.

Biden’s Department of Justice is even horning in. Friendly advice: that doesn’t boost skeptics’ confidence in the vote.


But Randy DeSoto at the Western Journal makes an excellent point: if Democrats are so certain that Biden’s win was legitimate, they should look at the disputed Bush-Gore race of 2000 and welcome an audit or recount.


As DeSoto reminds us, after the Supreme Court ruled that the counting standards imposed by the Florida Supreme Court were unconstitutional, media outlets (probably hoping to prove that Bush really lost) paid for an unofficial recount using those standards. It found that if the count had been allowed to continue, Bush would have increased his margin of victory from 537 votes to 1,665. It confirmed the reported results. Except for a few diehard sore losers who are still sporting “Selected Not Elected” bumper stickers on their 1999 Volvos, everyone else put aside their resentments and moved on.

Think of all the problems that could have been avoided if Biden had just called for a transparent, bipartisan review of the vote to allay all these suspicions so people wouldn’t believe the “Bie Lie” that there was anything at all hinky about the 2020 election. If only someone had suggested that right after the election! Oh, right: I did...

Encouraging Signs Of A Return To Sanity

By Mike Huckabee

The International Olympic Committee has banned athletes at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo from wearing Black Lives Matter apparel or displaying any other specific political, religious or racial propaganda.


They are also not allowed to raise a fist or kneel during the National Anthem. They can wear clothing with generic words such as “peace, respect, solidarity, inclusion, and equality,” but nothing promoting a specific cause that would politicize the Olympics. The IOC says that a survey of the athletes found that over two-thirds of them agree with these rules and think it’s not appropriate to make political statements during competition or on the medal stands.

If only some pro sports league owners had taken that attitude, maybe their TV ratings wouldn’t look like those of the Oscar telecast.

Meanwhile, the AFA (Academic Freedom Alliance) announced that after they intervened, the University of San Diego and the University of Rhode Island backed down on threats to sanction professors for exercising their right to free speech. In both cases, administrators caved to “outcries” (emphasis on the word “cries”) from students, all a-tizzy because the USD professor criticized the Chinese government’s handling of COVID-19 (you know, that disease they allowed to spread all over the world) and the URI prof wrote that the left’s belief in the “trans fantasy” that people can change their sex is crushing women’s rights. Which it is.


So good news: at least two universities will now allow professors to speak obvious truths, as long as you threaten to sue them if they don’t. Let’s hope we can soon add a third:


A warning for Republicans

By Mike Huckabee

Blogger Don Surber warns Republicans that the 2022 election is by no means “in the bag,” and that Democrats have learned from previous losses. They will stop at NOTHING to keep their majority and increase it in the Senate so they can do away with the filibuster and really shove a far-left agenda down our throats that’s being impeded now by only one man, Sen. Joe Manchin.


Surber doesn’t want Republicans to despair, but he reminds us that taking back America is not going to be easy. The Trump economy will come back before Biden’s policies crush it, and the media will falsely credit Biden for it. Meanwhile, the Democrats will use every dirty trick and every advantage of a politicized Deep State, plus lawsuits to challenge redistricting and election integrity laws and more, so we all had better be prepared and start working now to defeat them. And don’t be afraid to use their own tactics against them.

“Won’t Get Fooled Again”

By Mike Huckabee

In a podcast interview, Roger Daltrey, singer for the classic rock band The Who, said he was lucky to live through a time when creativity and freedom of speech were encouraged, not silenced. He said of today’s “woke generation” that “It’s terrifying, the miserable world they’re going to create for themselves. I mean, anyone who’s lived a life and you see what they’re doing, you just know that it’s a route to nowhere.”


Too bad so many people are deaf, dumb and blind to that reality.

A Reader Writes Back... 

DEfund the FBI and REfund local law enforcement departments!!

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Comments 26-27 of 27

  • Darla Bohn

    05/07/2021 09:43 AM

    The voters of Minnesota are already being threatened with fear mongering comments by the dictator, I mean governor. In a live broadcast yesterday he said those who don’t like how he’s handling things have the opportunity to vote him out in 2022...if they are still alive. He also recommends the residents of Minnesota badger their friends and families into getting the vaccine. Apparently he’s unaware of the COVID death rate in Minnesota and a little thing called HIPAA.

  • Stephen Russell

    05/07/2021 09:35 AM

    Fed up with Leftists:
    See UT parents storm school board to protest masks & lockdowns
    On Video
    Must see
    apply nationwide
    & read Dr Fauci funding experiments to use hair from aborted babies onto monkeys
    Very Frakenstien

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